Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This site is PG-13.

Selena Drayven said:
I'm not debating that I broke a rule cause I did. cool whatever. I accept that but come on y'all we've got drug dealers, assassins, exotic dancers and everything else here too. PG-13? I believe the sale, transportation, development and such of drugs like spice and what not is covered there too. And yet that hasn't been brought up or covered either. I just wanna make sure that everyone is treated equally. I know i broke a rule i got pegged on it and I was warned. I accept that but what up with drug dealers and people on the board asking about drugs IC not getting pegged?

...that isn't what you were saying at all.


Disney's Princess
Selena Drayven said:
I accept that but what up with drug dealers and people on the board asking about drugs IC not getting pegged?
We kinda fudge the violence part because of the inate conflict inherit in the genre itself. And, to be honest, drugs is more spice and Hutt props than "Let's all do cocaine" around here. That said. If you see anybody going WAY overboard with the whole, "Heroin is good little kiddies. Now climb into my van." ...Yeah. You can totally report that.

Sidenote. Selena, ask Val why we don't allow Ewoks into hot tubs anymore. *snicker* :D :p

...wait. What is this thread for again? Who hijacked? [member="William Kerkov"] you dirty ghost you! Did you hijack Staffs thread again!? :(
It's not a matter of *topics*. It's about *content* and how explicit it is.

Want to say your character wakes up after a great night with their partner? Go for it! Nothing is being shown, but there is *implication* about what happened. Nothing wrong with that. But keep the details *OFF SCREEN*.

Want to say your character uses spice? Go ahead. But don't write about the nitty gritty details of how/where the needle (or whatever is being used) goes in and nonsense. Keep those details *OFF SCREEN*.

Fighting an enemy and cut off a limb? HAVE AT (Hey, they do that in star wars a ridiculous amount). But what they don't show in GRAPHIC DETAIL is stuff like spraying blood and twitching muscles. So we don't generally write out those details in graphic content level either.

There are a lot of PG-13 movies where serious stuff happens, but you don't see the gritty, gory details in the flesh.
I get I portrayed that explicitly. I accept that. but I'd been pegged on my main only having mentioned that she'd dealt with sexual assault. It was NEVER portrayed but was meant to show her as "damaged" and I had a master say kark this I'm out. then I spent 3 months looking for another and doing my own thing. So it was within site rules I guess I just feel like no matter what I'm gonna get pegged on something even if I am within the rules. And Ewoks in hot tubs? [member="Jay Scott Clark"] is that a thing?
[member="Selena Drayven"]

Selena, I'm going to be really blunt with you right now: given what some of us saw in those threads with 'sexual activity', I'm amazed you're even still here. For the most part, this site works wonderfully well for the vast majority of us who write on it. We know and abide by the rules, and if we step out of line or do something inappropriate, the Admins and the RPJs are quick to, politely and firmly, pull us up on it. We understand that, by being members of this site, we follow the rules, and do as we're asked by the board staff. That leaves the environment a relatively pleasant one, where we can explore our stories together with other capable writers.

You've been told off, and fair enough, you've held your hands up and admitted to it, but that's where you stop. You don't argue with the rules, complain that others get it wrong, tell the world how unfair it is. If you see someone doing something you think is against the rules, report it, and the Admins will investigate it, and make a ruling accordingly. That's it.

Seriously, if you're not content with the way the site works, I'm sorry, but then perhaps this isn't the right place for you. Our rules are here to ensure balanced, enjoyable, family-friendly writing. The admins do a great job of keeping it that way, as do the writers who shower this place with posts. If that's too much for you, I believe you know the solution.
Irajah Ven said:
Fighting an enemy and cut off a limb? HAVE AT (Hey, they do that in star wars a ridiculous amount). But what they don't show in GRAPHIC DETAIL is stuff like spraying blood and twitching muscles.
Selena Drayven said:
I had a master say kark this I'm out.
That issue, right there? Is someone choosing to not RP with you because something bugged them. Everyone on this board has the right to choose to not rp with other people on the board. That's not the same as being warned by an admin about flagrant rule breaking.

It's like the misunderstandings with the First Amendment here in America. Your free speech cannot be impeded upon by the government (though hateful speech, yelling fire in a theater, things that put other people are risk are a different story). But that does not protect you from the consequences of your words on the people around you. You can say what you like, but no one else has to listen to it or hang around.

That master, choosing to not RP with you? Has nothing to do with the board rules, and everything to do with their right to nope out.
yeah except that after I mentioned it IC they noped out then called it as breaking rules which I did not. Then I had admins involved and the thing is she could've asked me to edit it and I would've even though no rules were broken. Faction leader of the silver Jedi also messaged me about it and was with me. so yeah they can nope out that's fine. noping out then involving the admins is a problem though anyways I'm over it. Long as I can actually rp with people and not be ostracized for getting a warning point I'm fine with whatever y'all do. Cause that's happened too
I think this is necessary at this point to define PG-13:

A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence."

[member="Selena Drayven"] Your thread was so far beyond PG-13 it was entirely incapable of being salvaged. I read the entire thing.
[member="Selena Drayven"]

The only reason anyone's likely to ostracise you at this point is because, rather than taking a warning on the chin and moving forward, you've spent an entire thread ranting about it. Just stop already, and move on, okay? The issue is over and done with. And, let's be honest, most of the board wouldn't have been aware of the details had you not raised hell over it. You've made this bigger than it needed to be - and 99% of the things that happen on the board that shouldn't never become public. Nobody really sees them, because it's dealt with quickly and quietly, with minimal fuss. You've not given yourself that option, so now everyone knows about it.


Disney's Princess
[member="Selena Drayven"]

So. Ugh.

You wouldn't happen to have a copy of that naughty thread would you? I mean. If it's too nasty for [member="HK-36"] , then I definitely HAVE to read it. :D :p

Erm. I mean, yes. We should all be quiet and let Selena think about, things. >.>''
This thread wasn't about you until you made it about you.

A large part of it was because a number of us have been getting cavalier about cursing in the Discord chat (myself included). Rather than any of us, even though we knew the original post was addressing this specifically (since it said so), trying to defend ourselves or making it about us, it was a "Yeah, we can do better" kind of moment.

Do that, and your actions moving forward will speak, instead of your actions previously.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Jay Scott Clark"],

No, Jay, don't, I need you,

Don't go where I can't follow.

Either way, to not derail the thread anymore, if a scene is something that would be too much to be shown on American tv around noon-ish time, then it's- it's probably a good idea to either just fade to black, write it off site if you really feel you need to do it, or not write it at all. Or just be a droid and never worry about the sexual stuff.
Personally, when it comes to violence or sexual activity I just don't exceed what they're willing to put in the actual films that we've seen. I think the most graphic depiction of violence in Star Wars was in Episode III where Anakin gets roasted on Mustafar, and that level of mutilation only happens once where it is used for character development to explain his internment in that walking prison of his and not just for shock factor. Beyond kissing, hugging and some horseplay we don't see anything that is graphically intimate, and I'm happy to keep details of that nature offscreen.
Irajah Ven said:
This thread wasn't about you until you made it about you.

A large part of it was because a number of us have been getting cavalier about cursing in the Discord chat (myself included). Rather than any of us, even though we knew the original post was addressing this specifically (since it said so), trying to defend ourselves or making it about us, it was a "Yeah, we can do better" kind of moment.

Do that, and your actions moving forward will speak, instead of your actions previously.

The majority of this thread was because Discord turned into the wild west of Chaos or was about to, and we needed to take a step back[I'm no exception I've cussed in discord before] and remember the sites rules. To echo the other views when in doubt fade it out. Gore isn't typically as much of an issue on Chaos that I've noticed most especially the particularly descriptive writers of gore like [member="Matsu Xiangu"] myself [member="Darth Carnifex"] and others are pretty good at not reaching the level of unsettling and reigning it in. But typically we know our RP partners well enough to know what they're okay with.

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