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Thoughts on Invasions

[member="Solan Charr"]

Why would they need to do those changes in a system at all? It is impossible to surveil all of space, a major invasion force should be able to approach an enemy position fairly easily from any direction.
[member="Samuel Quentin"]

The easiest explanation is the same reason that you get pulled out because of interdiction fields. Gravitational pull causes ships to leave Hyperspace. Granted yes you could go from point A --> B as it is possible but the reason it is done in the way i described earlier. The problem comes in that you go from planet to planet because that way you can ensure due to past travels you wont hit gravational forces like a deep space planetoid or a random star. Its not so much impossible as its down right stupid to not go planet to planet.
[member="Samuel Quentin"]


That is the whole reason there are the unknown regions.

Charting out hyperspace lanes people could safely travel through was dangerous work. THat was why the first contact with the Sith was called The Great Hyperspace War since it occurred during the golden age of exploration. That is why there are some famous trade routes like the Hydian or Perlemian and why there are worlds so much richer than others. Because they're on easily accessible hyperspace routes. Its why you can't go from Mandalore to Bakura for example without taking several jumps.

Jumping in a straight line means you might run into another planet. Or a star or asteroid or planet that isn't charted.

Its why the Unknown Regions are the Unknown Regions. No one's gone out there yet to discover planets, species, or hyperspace routes. ITs dangerous to do so.

Actually its why a certain Merill is so famous. Because he's been charting new spacelanes for everyone IC. He made routes for both the mandos and Fringe that would allow deep travel for example.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

What I am getting from this is less that it is impossible and more that it is not done.

This makes me want to go chart hyperspace lanes in secret to provide an advantage for whatever faction...but that might not have the IC effect I want.
[member="Graad Hokan"]
The problem with saying Wayland is deep behind Mandalorian lines is that this isn't Earth, and this isn't WWII. This is space, where the borders of space are infinitely wide and tall. You don't set up a trench on the end of space, because any fleet could go under it, over it, around it, or even right through it. The rules of space warfare are not at all similar to our own.
[member="Sabik Dhami"]

Please step back and go read the reasons stated above also given to [member="Samuel Quentin"] since they are quite canon.

And how is that so? When Ryloth fell, they couldn't get supplies to it from just anywhere. They couldn't just go around the CIS. You have to go through specific routes. They stated there were other options besides Toydaria, however, Toydaria was the closest and most forward the Republic could move from. Hence why Yoda in the very first episode had to convince Toydaria to join the Republic, so they could launch their liberation efforts on Ryloth.

Now is it reasonable to say that everyone should know every hyperspace route? No, of course not. I am not arguing for or against the Wayland issue, I just am attempting to educate and explain how come its impossible to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other in a straight line.

Case in point, most of the existing spacelanes in the known galaxy are the only routes because they're also the fastest. Some did become obsolete as new hyperspace routes were discovered. Its come to such a time that even if the beacons were knocked out, the maps showing the Hydian Way are good enough.

New hyperspace routes could be possible, its just incredibly unlikely. Or, they are still possible, but they'd have so many twists and turns, and thus stops a ship would have to exit hyperspace to jump down a new straight line, they'd be slower than taking already plotted routes.

The only known safe way to plot a hyperspace route was to travel at normal speed, in the straight line, as far as possible, until one hit an obstacle that would stop a hyperspace jump, then go as far it took until they were clear of the obstacle and then orient themselves back on the straight line. Once a route is mapped out then one could establish hyperspace beacons along the jump points and you have yourself a new spacelane.

This was actually how Outbound Flight worked. Though on a grander scale since its job was to establish colonies, find new worlds, and connect that new territory to the rest of the galaxy. The project was in for the long haul since they intended for families to pass their duties down the generations.

So case in point for [member="Sabik Dhami"] there are not infinite routes. However, I do agree there are enough existing routes to complicate defending every one, especially since Interdictor Ships are a rarity in canon even due to costs and their attached weaknesses. But there are still few enough where chokepoints are indeed possible.
Sabik Dhami said:
[member="Graad Hokan"]
The problem with saying Wayland is deep behind Mandalorian lines is that this isn't Earth, and this isn't WWII. This is space, where the borders of space are infinitely wide and tall. You don't set up a trench on the end of space, because any fleet could go under it, over it, around it, or even right through it. The rules of space warfare are not at all similar to our own.
Well then the blockade on Naboo should have been easy to get around
Samuel Quentin said:
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Camellia Swift"]
What I am getting from this is less that it is impossible and more that it is not done.
This makes me want to go chart hyperspace lanes in secret to provide an advantage for whatever faction...but that might not have the IC effect I want.
Charting new hyperspace routes is the equivalent of clearing of mine field by hand. You have to go inch by inch, or it cannot by done.

One thing we could do is limit the number of planets you can invade from where your current forces are, meaning you could only invade planets within three other planets of where you currently are. We managed to track ownership of worlds fairly easily, so why not track the location of military forces at the same time.
Sabik Dhami said:
[member="Graad Hokan"]
The problem with saying Wayland is deep behind Mandalorian lines is that this isn't Earth, and this isn't WWII. This is space, where the borders of space are infinitely wide and tall. You don't set up a trench on the end of space, because any fleet could go under it, over it, around it, or even right through it. The rules of space warfare are not at all similar to our own.
Not necessarily.

You are within the realm of known space, for instance within planetary systems. But in terms of general travel throughout the galaxy, No. Infinite space does not equal implement path of travel, specifically because running into an asteroid in the middle of hyperspace will kill you faster than you can blink.
Graad Hokan said:
Well then the blockade on Naboo should have been easy to get around
The blockade on Naboo was around a single planet by the Separatists, and it was a proclaimed, expected, planned sort of thing. Unlike holding a planet hostage, you can't reasonably defend every single planet that isn't on the "border" of factions in the same manner.

That being said, the blockade was not assaulted and if it had been than yes, it would be relatively easy for the Galactic Republic pre-CW to have simply dismantled the blockade. But they voted against doing so.
Ali Hadrix said:
Not necessarily.

You are within the realm of known space, for instance within planetary systems. But in terms of general travel throughout the galaxy, No. Infinite space does not equal implement path of travel, specifically because running into an asteroid in the middle of hyperspace will kill you faster than you can blink.
Not all travel in space is done through hyperspace, that is the biggest problem with the way everyone is looking at this.
Ali Hadrix said:
One thing we could do is limit the number of planets you can invade from where your current forces are, meaning you could only invade planets within three other planets of where you currently are. We managed to track ownership of worlds fairly easily, so why not track the location of military forces at the same time.
The maximum distance you can invade from is 1 hex away, which is not all that far.
Darth Atrophia said:
Not all travel in space is done through hyperspace, that is the biggest problem with the way everyone is looking at this.
Entire fleets and armies do rely on hyperspace travel. Some conflicts may be restricted within systems or within relatively close systems, but those do not nearly represent the majority of our conflicts here.

I'm unsure if I actually understand what you even mean by this.

Darth Atrophia said:
The maximum distance you can invade from is 1 hex away, which is not all that far.

I was unaware we already had a system there. 1 hex away isn't far enough, I would suggest that be lifted, permitted the target planet is reasonably connected to the planet being traveled through.

It would be fairly easy to mark the major trade routes for open use/blockage, whilst identifying smaller routes here and there, such as for particularly obvious clusters of planets.


Morality Policeman :)
Actually, you can invade anywhere from anywhere. The rules give no restrictions on where you can invade. The only restriction is that you can't acquire territory from invasions that reach beyond two hexes, and you can't attack a capital planet from beyond one.

3. Planets invaded further than two grids away from a Major Faction's borders will not increase a Major Faction's Influence Cloud.

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