Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Through the Gates of Hell (Republic Invasion of Empress Teta - Republic vs. One Sith)

Darth Naomi

Error 404: title-not-found
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Vulpesen"]

...A Sith of a lower rank. "Do not pride yourself as better than me, Jedi, for all are equal in the eyes of the Dark Lord." It appears she was true to suspect something when the Jedi called for his ship. Unfortunately, this sounded like the best option right now. Her injuries while nothing serious would take away her mobility, her main strength and who knows how this dagger in her shoulder might develop, the sight of her own blood alone was enough to freeze her. It seems her way out of this fight was in a Republic ship, the Miraluka only hoped they had better plans for her than execution. "Well, this won't be the first time I am taken into custody." Naomi looked at her fellow Sith with a faint smile, there were some things she needed to do before she was ready to be taken. "There are a few units of infantry around the corner that have landed with me from a Torment-class in orbit, use them to win this." She would stand up, then limb closer to the two, handing her gun over to Darth Praelior "I'll leave this with you to keep it safe. I trust to get it back the same way I left it." She was ready now... they probably won't even need a stun after they pull the blade out.


Came in like a wrecking maul
ALLIES: JEDI/REPUBLIC @[member="Ki'an Karr"]
ENEMIES: ONE SITH [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Veles"]

Saki listened to the one sith as he spoke and raised an eyebrow. Quickly focusing inward again while he did do one thing.... He made her laugh, his own madness must have been contagious while she bristled the hairs raising on the back of her neck. Vaapad was about control and she had spent all that time with Darron and Josiah learning it, fighting the emperor and Shorn on Ossus, the sith on Korriban, the graug on Gratos. All for control and clarity when surrounded by the darkside and letting the ferocity of the form send it off her.

Then he was wanting to arrest her and her internal laugh became external. A loud and gut clenching one that broke her sneer for a moment while she spoke. "Right anyways I'm going to punch you now in the face and hope that knocks a brain back into your head okay." Her smile remained while deep down she focused. Feeling that thrill and letting her muscles bulk, the force flowing while around her things slowed down... Just her and the sith with her fists. He was part of her and what she needed to create the loop and answer her own weakness. Just like the creators turning inner darkness into a weapon of the light and Saki moved. Her muscles flexing and ready as she clenched her fists.

It was more then juyo that focused the aggression it was more then just raging and brutally striking the enemy with large amounts of force. It was this, that moment and relishing the fight, wanting victory so bad you could taste it as Saki lunged letting her fists fly forward with distorted ripples coming off. She didn't need her saber yet or usually ever but it was there for use later, instead she just let the blades eject from the knuckle plates, let her body move using the small burst of force energy to strike faster then most could see. Just like the juyo of of Sarapin her and Darron Wraith the true master of this form could strike over a dozen blows in the fraction of a second... still slower then the creature who averaged over a hundred but not bad for a human.

"You talk to much"

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Approaching the outskirts of the main combat zone
Objective: Kill something
Allies: [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Veles"]
Opponents: [member="Saki"] [member="Ki'an Karr"]

Albrecht continued to sneak his way along the outskirts of the combat zone as he sought out a new target, occasionally stopping to pull out shards of metal and transparisteel that had been imbedded in various parts of his body during his last duel. He had decided not to reengage Sai after having escaped pursuit, due in part to the Jedi's use of cortosis and the other because of some prototype Mando blaster that she had found lying on the ground somehow. He personally didn't like the use of body armor himself, but he had to admit that it was more than a little annoying to go up against opponents that had it; he had to wonder how the Jedi managed to get their hands on such massive amounts of Cortosis to the point that it seemed that every other Jedi had it.

After some time, he spotted a familiar pair of Sith up ahead engaged in a duel with a pair of Jedi, an infiltrator known as Banshee, and one of his instructors, a Mon Calamari known as Veles. The opponents seemed to consist of a Master and a Padawan, with both of them relying on very aggressive lightsaber forms, the Master in particular seeming to be Vaapad. True, he had fought a foe who made use of the form before while on Coruscant, one with cortosis armor and a double lightsaber, no less, but he was reckless and inexperienced (which had allowed Albrecht to defeat said opponent simply by shooting him in the knees with his blaster pistol), unlike the Master in front of him. The Apprentice, probably a Kel Dor by the looks of it, made use of one of the Form V variants, and would be somewhat easier to deal with.

If there was anything that the acolyte had learned during his training, it was that 'fair fights are for chumps', to borrow an expression he had once heard, and so he waited for an opening, carefully tracking the Jedi's movements until such a time as both of them had turned their backs on him. Once such an opening had appeared, he broke into a sprint, then leapt into the air to attack from above. True, Form IV wasn't exactly his preferred combat form, but Ataru did lend itself well to ambushes, so he had trained in at least a few of its offensive maneuvers. Unlike his last duel with Sai, however, he had both of his lightsabers activated from the start, his primary, red-bladed one in his right hand, and the other, a blue-bladed, variable-length weapon in a reverse grip in his left to be used for parrying. His target in this instance was the Jedi Master [member="Saki"] (whom he considered the greater threat), the red blade in his right hand aiming to impale his probably unaware target through the back, just below the shoulders. Assuming his opponent held still, this could be a very quick fight, but the main flaw with Ataru was that most species didn't exactly have a means of changing direction while in midair, leaving very little margin for error and thus a high probability of completely missing an attack if the target moved at all.

((EDIT: Changed targets to go after Saki upon OOC request))
Burst. Fething hell. Vindica smiled wickedly under the mask, leaping skyward with force enhanced agility, over the surge of force energy, and came back down with a vengeance. Landing with a thud Vindica drew in the force, anger, hate, all the good old dark side emotions. Then he let them out in a violent force repulse, letting loose an omnidirectional wave of energy. It was quick and it was rash, the repulse at best would've knocked [member="Tracyn Ordo"] onto his rear, at worst he'd be standing there with some grin on his face, but the ball of force lightning Vindica followed up with would wipe the hypothetical grin right off.
Allies: @drath veles, [member="Albrecht Tagge"]
Enemies: [member="Saki"] [member="ki'an karr"]
Location: she does not care anymore, literally

The Jedi blocked her attack with his lightsaber, and then he came back with strike of his own. If he survived today, one day he make great swordsman. Well if he survived. He aimed for weak part in her armour, which meant he new what he was doing. She had two advantages, she was infused with the force, and that was driven by her emotions. She stepped back in the way she had taught [member="Strask Ak'lya"], this gave her time. Then moved her blade to intercept and lock on his. Then with tears still running down face, she moved her left arm quickly towards his head. She then just shot him on auto fire.........
Location: Western Wall, Open Square
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"],

I rolled my eyes. The Jedi thought that he could stop all the people from being bad. An impossible task. Chaos was all that the Galaxy had to hold true. Death was natural. be it come by a weapon, or by natural occurrences. Hell, I could slip up and trip, hitting my head and it be the end of me. if I were to die, I would not deny it. it would be my time, but right now, it is not the case. Jedi believe they are in the right by fighting against what is natural. people will do anything to get what they want. people will fight, in this case eons, over an idea that one Jedi had to leave the group and start something new. With the lightsaber pointed at me accusing me of being his enemy. I smiled.

"No, I am not your Enemy." I slowly started to walk towards him. "I am your Mortal enemy." At those words I rushed him bringing a backhanded slash to his left side with a loop above my head to bring the sword down upon his head while my left hand focused once more to send a Force blast at him after the blade came down.
Allies: [member="Saki"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Albrecht Tagge"]
Location: Ditto

Ki'an hadn't anticipated this attack. Perhaps it was his inexperience, or perhaps just the audacity of it, but the wrist blaster wasn't something Ki'an had expected nor was it something he was prepared to face at that moment. Ki'an jerked to the side and spun, fighting to avoid the blaster fire. The first bolt grazed him across the forehead, barely missing his extra-sensory organ, which would have been a crippling and potentially killing blow. Another blast hit at his shoulder but was absorbed by the armor he wore beneath his robes. He had never really worn armor before but following his confrontation with [member="Racket"] at Carida, Ki'an had opted to wear some just in case. It wasn't anything fancy, it certainly wouldn't stop a lightsaber, but it absorbed enough of the blaster bolt that he would be bruised but not overly wounded.

Ki'an had few options now, he couldn't focus on the lightsaber lock and ignore the blaster on her wrist, that would spell death. Nor could Ki'an ignore the lightsaber and pull out of the lock to try and take off her arm. Instead, Ki'an released his two handed hold on the hilt and brought his free hand up, grabbing for the female Sith's arm to keep the barrells away from his body. Ki'an twisted, using the force to amplify his strength and tried to throw the Sith off her balance.
Allies: [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]
Opponents: [member="Saki"] @Ki'an Karr

Veles was not amused by her unexpected laugh. Maniacal laughter was one of the signs of being corrupted by the Dark Side. Shaking his head, the Mon Calamari knew the insane woman had to be stopped one way or another. Preparing for the inevitable attack, Veles had mere seconds to come up with a plan, something effective that might help him. Considering the Dark Jedi intended to beat him with her fists, it was expected her hands were covered in cortosis, phrik, beskar, as otherwise he would be able to simply cut off both of her arms. Truly, his eyes noticed some sort of gauntlets covering her hands, armed with blades. Maybe the punches could be blocked? Veles' augmented muscles combined with the cybernetic hand might be enough to stop one of the Dark Jedi's hands. And what could not be stopped... could be parried. His hands remained down for now.

Both of his large amber eyes focused on the woman as she charged him, her fists filled with power. It was all about timing... As she approached at rapid speed, Veles simply reached for the blaster pistol on his belt and fell backwards, rapidly pressing the trigger and releasing blaster bolts towards the woman's legs around her knees before rolling to his right.
ALLIES: ONE SITH [member="Darth Naomi"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Balaya took the gun and looked at Naomi with a grin on her face. While it might be true she was going there was no doubt in her mind what might come from it and Balaya held it in her hand. She slid it into her armor at the hip and looked at the wound. "I will return it to you when you return and we shall win this battle." She turned to look at Vulpesen and lead him to the ship with the other troopers. "You will stay on the ship and leave with us, I won't have your head getting ideas of helping your friends and when you are taken before the dark lord he shall judge you and see. Now move." Balaya let Naomi depart and joined the troopers while they worked to disarm and welcome the newest one among the ranks but this was not over. Balaya turned and looked while sitting down to be checked out and got some of those kolcta geltabs to help recover. She was going to go back into the fight and feeling Arcis had her excited.
Blessed are the peacemakers
The repulse did indeed, knock Tracyn Ordo onto his collective ass. What came next, was less than pleasant - again. It was a torrent of pain, starting with his chest, where it impacted. The body glove underneath his Beskar'gam did little to stop the torrent of pain, and he writhed on the ground. That is, until, he stood up, while still being electrocuted. His body became fluid, as he dissipated the usage of the force on him, making the lightning shoot outwards, and eventual subside by arcing into the ground. Tracyn reached up to the magnetic locks at the top of his armor, dropping the heavy beskar plates to the ground. He wouldn't need it. He undid the upper shoulder guards, and slowly undid the body glove under his armor. All that was left, was his forearm and crushgaunt guards. He breathed in deeply, feeling the bare air on his chest. He stared at Marcus, rolling his naked shoulders back. He had a brutal mass of muscle, vicious from years of fighting and training had shaped it into a bulky, war-driven purpose. He had lightened his body weight substantially, and stared at [member="Darth Vindica"] with new, unyielding resolve. He traced with his hand across his chest, the burn marks from the lightning. It hurt, it hurt so terribly. But Tracyn did not use the negative emotions to transform his prowess beyond it's normal limits, no, he was going to use what his wife, what he had learned from his comrades. One Jedi fell to the darkness today, and that was already far too many.

Tracyn narrowed his eyes, and Marcus could feel it as soon as he did it. His muscles became entwined with the force, increasing every physical aspect about Tracyn. His speed had increased, and with a majority of his weight gone, he was now very, very, fast. And very, very well trained. He carried his body weight forward, breaking into a sprint. He came in front of Vindica, and brought his hands up. With his left hand, he went to catch and hold the red lightsaber that the Sith held with his crushgaunt. Then, in the blink of eye, Tracyn brought his right leg up, and went to knee Vindica right in the chest.
Location: Western Wall, Open Square
Enemy: [member="Erin Darkstar"]

Another derisive snort escaped Ryan. Mortal enemy? Ryan had been correct earlier, he was a blind fool. Blind and daft.

"No," he rasped, lifting his cyan blade with his left hand to parry.

He snapped up his right hand and erected another of the half-dome barriers in the Force. The blast of energy washed over the coruscating barrier, while the physical sword met Ryan's raised lightsaber. The padawan's lean muscles proved as unyielding as iron. He let go of his hate, prying the fingers of vengeance and sorrow from his heart. He focused on the words that the brief and otherwise useless conversation called to the forefront of his memory. The duty that called him here was not that of a servant of revenge, but of justice. He did not fight for himself, but for the lives of those who would be enslaved to the Sith sense of "justice," if he failed. How many more innocents would these genocidal tyrants slaughter in their crusade to galactic peace? What species would they eradicate out of a necessity for maintaining order? Ryan could not, would not, allow it while he still drew breath.

And so he breathed in and held fast.

The Light Side of the Force poured into Ryan, revitalizing his body, bringing strength to fading limbs. He stood outnumbered and bereaved and yet he stood strong.

"You are nothing."
Allies [member="Dath Veles"], @abrecht tagge
Enemies: [member="Saki"] [member="ki'an karr"]
Location: Time for padawan to fly

He manged to gran her arm, she glared at him through her helmet. If he could see her face it was streaming with tears, and her eyes had turned yellow since her fight with [member="Aedan Miles"]. It had hurt her deaply, what these Jedi offered him to make him fight against them. It was their fault, it was all their fault. She was going to tell him, and then making pay. She was going tell him, MEG DINUR KAYSH AT ARUETYC NI? which meant roughly what did you give him to betray me?
She then leaped up using his grip on her arm as leverage, and kicked him in the chest with both feet. She then while he was still staggering back used force push. She concentrated all hate she had for the Jedi, who turned her mandalorian friend against her. Into single blow energy on him. She saw fly away, he crashed into some rubble. She saw the rubble collapse on him.
What she did not see, was their whole on the other side rubble from he could escape from. She presumed he was dead or dying. She did not care which it was, she only cared about her next victim the other Jedi.
ALLIES: Sith. [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]
ENEMIES: Republic. Saki [member="Ki'an Karr"]

A light humming sounded in the distance. A calm, pleasant tone. The Sith Lord known as Daichi walked among the ruins, seeming to ignore the fights around him. His goal was not to fight after all, but to study. Explore. Experiment. But, there was something nagging at him. He stepped towards a fight he did not expect. Separate from the others he could feel their fight. Three what he considered Sith, two he would consider Jedi. But the laughing coming from there didn't come from one he thought of Sith.

Interested he walked towards it, still humming. His presense would be well known. No sneaking up for him.
Allies: The Republic, [member="Saki"]
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Darth Veles"]
Location: Buried underneath rubble

Ki'an had been holding his own in the fight with the Sith women, and then something happened that turned the tide in her favor. Her rage boiled over into an onslaught that Ki'an wasn't prepared for. His inexperience and the weariness from battle made him unable to handle the onslaught of blows that suddenly came at him. Her kick to his chest staggered him, but his armor absorbed most of the hit. It was the force push that took him. The blast of energy was more then he could bare and it sent him flying back through the air. When he struck the wall all Ki'an knew was pain and then darkness as the rubble collapsed down around him.

Time seemed to slow and Ki'an felt darkness eating in from around his vision. For a while, he knew nothing, felt nothing. Then, slowly and groggily, his consciousness came back to him. He didn't know how long he was out for, but he knew he was alive. He had to be to be hurting as much as he was. Pulling himself out of the rubble, Ki'an found that he was on the other side of the wall. He could hear the others still fight on the other side, the hiss of lightsabers and the crackle of blaster bolts. Leaning back through the opening he couldn't see the others fighting but he saw his lightsaber. It was laying on the ground several meters away, approximately where he was standing when she had kicked him. Reaching out his hand, Ki'an used the force to call it to him. He was weak though. So weak that the saber skidded along the ground as if being moved by a light breeze. When it finally reached him, Ki'an fell forward, exhausted from the effort it had taken to collect his blade.

Clipping it to his belt, Ki'an inspected his wounds. The two ribs he had broken at Carida were broken again, plus another one. His head was swimming and it was almost certain he had a concussion. Add to that the numerous lacerations and bruises, he didn't look good....he didn't feel good for that matter. Ki'an climbed down from the wall. He was no longer in the city, he was on the outside of the exterior wall not far from where he had entered initially. Ki'an took a few steps and stumbled. It would take him a while to get back to the escape pod. As he limped his way there, he reached out to his Master [member="Talon Vosra"] in the force. He wanted him to know that he was alive and that he was hurt. He didn't know how Master Vosra was making out, but he hoped he had faired better then Ki'an had.
Elegant and depraved.
Talon Vosra
Objective: Defeat Jedi Master Talon Vosra

Helios' eyes narrowed in quick observation as he felt his blade pass through Talon's armor and injure him near his waist. Cortosis and other lightsaber resistant materials were currently in high demand due to the incredibly large fluctuation of force users in the galaxy, and with war being almost cultural among existing factions these days everyone sought the best protections during their battles. However, Helios looked down upon those whom would depend on their armor to act as their clutch in defense rather than having the necessary skills to survive confrontations without such a nuisance. To Helios' own taste, he could be biased in his opinion though, having always been more akin to acrobatics than grounded combat all of his life. He prided himself on mobility in most cases, so his attire was one that was specifically suited to him.

The Eldorai shared a small sentiment with Talon however, in that they didn't utilize lightsaber resistant materials. For a second, in a very small window of time, Helios' gaze carried with it a slightly less-intense hate for his opponent, seeing him as less of a mongrel than the rest of the Jedi. However, Helios still harbored thoughts and energies that wouldn't permit him to regard his enemies with any less malice than usual, disallowing the moment of mutuality to exchange verbally between the two.

Helios' weapon trailed a line of cauterized flesh from the Jedi Master's hip to his navel. Helios blade finished it's route upwards and it's apex, Talon struck the Sith Lord's lightsaber with his left-handed blade. Helios' eyebrows lifted in surprised first, as he shot his left hand higher on the hilt of his weapon to stop the weapon's premature elevation. His head whipped upward at the hilt, then back at Talon causing silver and gold hair to whip upwards, then spill over his shoulders, contrasting with his midnight garbs yet not the unnatural pallor of his skin. The time it took Helios to do this, however small of a time-gap it was, was in fact too long and Helios' glimpse to his saberstaff disabled him from seeing Talon's following strike as it happened, and in turn couldn't fully grasp the path of the weapon until it was nearly too late. The Eldorai quickly pivoted his left foot, and swung his body to the right and simultaneously rotated his bottom blade upwards into the path of Talon's lightsaber, causing the contrasting Red and Blue blades to collide, resulting in a burst of sparks to fly away from their blades as they grinded into a saberlock.

A snarl, influenced by rage and ferocity, mirthless and unsettling crossed Helios' pale features, displayed 2 rows of ivory teeth as his top lip quickly lifted and descended, allowing heavy breaths to escape the Eldorai's mouth.

Although Talon's attack wasn't lethal, it caused enough damage to make Helios grimace at it's thought as it blistered and swelled. Helios' defense was late, although effective in maintaining mortality. His blade swept under Talon's in that moment, and caused what was to Helios, an unacceptable form of defense to transpire, resulting in Helios' blade to bouncing off of his shoulder rather than keeping a still position of resistance. The biggest threat to the defense of those whom wielded double-bladed lightsabers was the problem of one side of the weapon being physically overwhelmed, causing the defending blade to be pushed backwards into the user. Usually this was unlike Helios, whom masterfully wielded his weapon, but he couldn't allow his mind to descend into agitation while his life may very well be on the line.

Helios rotated his staff, carrying both his blade and Talon's lightsaber downward, although the crimson blade was now on top. Immediately after he altered the position of Talon's left-handed weapon he lifted his blade off of Talon's and struck forward, attempting to quickly impale his aggressor in the stomach and afterwards, retract his weapon, and push his right hand forward, looking to behead him as the blade moved to cleanly slide from Talon's left shoulder to his right.
Vulpesen grew the smallest of smiles as his terms were accepted. "I suggest you prepare yourself for several stun bolts. My officers are very thorough in their. And I will leave as soon as my companion is with me." Even as he spoke, the black paladin descended from the skies. Before the ship could eve touch the ground, a ramp opened and small blue object dropped from the craft, falling to land on the jedi ex-jedi's shoulder. "Now, I am ready." With that, he turned, relinquished his weapons to the troopers, and started towards the direction [member="Darth Praelior"] had indicated.

As the new sith walked away, five of his a fore mentioned officers appeared at the mouth of the ship, firing stun bolts at [member="Darth Naomi"] until they could be sure that she would stop moving. In true by the book fashion, the men would then hit the ground, pick her up and drag the body to the ship where they would leave and head bac to republic space. Once again, Ace never left Vulpesen far off, leaving the action quick and close. The sith had been talking about bringing in men to stop this. Their problem was, Vulpesen's friends were rarely far enough for such back up to get to the area in time.
ALLIES: [member="Saki"]
ENEMIES: [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]

OBJECTIVE: Get back in the fight.
Aedan Miles came sprinting back into the library after a short break from the fight. He had gotten his helmet replaced and now he stood there his eyes gleaming darkly behind his helmet. He carried with him a rather heavy weapon that a Republic soldier had asked him to deliver to the Jedi Master known as Saki. He stopped just within the entrance and took a deep breath as he activated his helmets speaker. “JEDI MASTER SAKI WHERE YOU AT? CARE TO TAKE THIS DAMN THING OFF OF ME?!" He held up her weapon known as the Skullthumper with a little effort.

He looked around sending a dark look towards where Darth Banshee still fought knowing that soon they would fight again and this time he would show her why he was to be feared. He also took note that Darth Veles was back here smirking Aedan looked around waiting for one of the fighters to reveal that they were the one whom he was looking for. He owed that Jedi a weapon known as the Skull Thumper and he had been requested to bring it here to her.

He knew that people probably thought he had been gone for good but with his air scrubber ruined he needed a new one and that meant a new helmet. So he had retreated and taken Skosk Fett back to the transports to get evacuated to the Jai’galaar in space where he would be taken care of. Now he returned cause he had a score to settle. He still had a fall back option on his waist and he had picked up a pair of vibroblades to counteract any chance he had of losing the force.

The dust began to clear. Daella saw that [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] had disappeared from where she landed after giving her say. The Sith could hear her and [member="Darth Shara"] in the distance as well as for her close comrade asking for [member="Darth Odium"].

Go,” Daella commanded Odium in a whisper, “If you feel you would be of more use by his side.

Once Odium made his choice, the dust had further cleared. Daella could clearly see [member="Michael Sardun"] on the other side of a small crater. At first, she maintained a sharp glare. She noticed a little glint from Tyrfing. Her brows twitched upon recognizing it - possibly simply through its feeling in the Force.

Once Sardun made his taunt, Daella’s face began a blank stare. Only her hair swayed in the dissonant, gentle breeze.


Seconds passed without an answer.

The grip on her lightsaber slowly tightened.

Then, she stepped forward with her left foot. Daella brought her lightsaber up and gripped it with her left hand as well. Her eyes began to burn a fiery orange as the lightsaber hilt hummed just a few inches from her face. Her face sharpened back to a glare. She was quiet.

Without even a grunt, Daella pushed forward on her feet. She leaped into the air. She sped straight for Sardun. Holding no hesitation, she seemed to fly over the small crater that Aaralyn created. Daella appeared to try with as much effort as possible to reach Sardun - and if she got close enough, to swiftly slash across his chest with her left arm holding the lightsaber.


Came in like a wrecking maul
ALLIES: JEDI/REPUBLIC @Ki'an Karr [member="Aedan Miles"]
ENEMIES: ONE SITH [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"] [member="Daichi"]

A blaster.. typical.... Her thought echoing in her skull as she moved letting the force flow through the length of her muscles and perceptions slowed. Like a broken mirror the force as whispering to her and guiding the strikes. The most basic applications of the force alerting her to the attacks while one side of her vision showed what was coming and she moved. Letting instinct and force enhanced reflexes lift her feet to her knees and use the momentum of her strikes to send her forward into a flip. The saber coming instead into a turadium covered fist that she pushed back with for the strike. The impervium created for the sections of her clothing set in the armorweave and made to protect vital areas as a shot sizzled into the metal.

More time would be needed as the blood pumped in her ears and energies pooled. A small corkscrew in the air letting the sabers force provide the spin and she compacted more letting herself land upright her hands pointed out and the blades extended as she pushed outwards letting energy ripple down the length of her arms to disarm and give her some distance. She was focused an breathing lightly while the sigil burned brightly. Few in the order using the lightside artifacts they had created and its benefit.... namely enhanced connection to the force for her. The smirk remained though while she flicked her eyes back and forth between the two. "Sure you want to do this kid? I am not the warm and fuzzy type who will let you scamper away."

She had two options and focusing on the third sith might divide her attentions only a little but helping the padawan was a priority. She focused digging deep and clenched her fists again, no need for phrik or cortosis armor just good old fashioned speed and her wrist blades. "Last chance.... No." Then she was moving again focused on [member="Albrecht Tagge"] and his saber blades. The turadium was made for heavy blast doors, took time and she flowed pivoting into a quick flank to spin around with a sudden burst of speed as her heart beating in her ear drummed once. She punched letting energy ripple off in a force strike that shot off her hand.

Twice, the blood pumping now as a second punch was thrown sending a ball of compacted distorted force energy rippling off her fist as she arced it up a little folding her body a little lower. She knew the danger of staying rooted and kept at it letting her own force and momentum carry her through with a kick creating an arc of force energy to come off her leg. The spin letting her body rise into the air while she spun. Three, the blood drummed and the thrill, that need for battle and thirst for victory pushed her to keep moving and she felt her feet dig back into the ground before she began another assault or vaapad strikes letting them move at a fraction a second.

Her feet moving, her movements following the styles and seeming disjointed, unconnected in attacks. The long fisted style as she followed through to keep her movement up and focused feeling the padawan go down. That meant she had failed and that pissed her off as the white sigil burned brighter. Its energies coursing through her and making the muscles ripple with more energy. Her feet leaving the ground again to clear some distance and she landed in a round going lower when the voice came. The mandalorian had brought her toy and when Aedan Miles joined standing next to her she let her own energies crackle in the air. The fight was going to lead to something if she kept it up.

Then she was holding it, that familiar chain and wrapping it around her fist as she started to spin it. Phrik armor on the one woman might stand up against a lightsaber but pure kinetic force would smash her insides. It had to go somewhere after all and the sabers of the other would be useless against the near fifty pounds of phrik or turadium chain.... for awhile at least she would be able to smash past his defenses. The sith using a blaster she could let Aedan handle as she was sure the mandalorian had a weapon and spinning the weight faster on its chain Saki waited for a split second... pushing the force into her legs and feet and then launching in a run at [member="Darth Banshee"] and swinging the weight but not throwing it.

She swung it into a figure eight and used the speed to close the distance faster and faster focusing on the battle to let her mindset change to accept the battlemind mentality and it was another reason why she respected Darron and Josiah. Their training had taught her how to overcome age with more stamina and keep herself in the hardest of fights. All she needed now was someone giving battle meditation and she felt it might over. She was letting the force flow through her and it felt amazing. She could feel nearly everyone there and at all places on the field while she smashed with the weight to try and force can opener Banshee.
ALLIES: Sith. Darth Veles Darth Banshee Albrecht Tagge
ENEMIES: Republic. Saki Ki'an Karr

Oh no. His voice would ring through the minds of his allies. Of the Sith close by. He, too, felt the padawon fall, but it didn't seem to affect him. What did was the agile and powerful movements of the Jedi Master. No, that was something that would have to be dealt with, quickly. His signature in the Force would fade swiftly, as if he had simply been killed. But it was only Art of the Small, a talent he was proficient in. He did not like open fighting, so why allow yourself to be seen?

But it wasn't the only specialty he had. Forsaking the way of the saber he chose his skill set wisely. And this later ability surely would be effective. He probed for Saki's mind, reaching in with the full force of a Sith Lord trained years in the art. Summon Fear. To cause hesitation, perhaps even paralysis. The melee focused Jedi would certainly have a harder time resisting the spell oriented Sith, but even then he was prepared. Attacking her mind was a two way street. She, and only she, would truly be able to sense him. And possibly even go after him.

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