Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Through the Gates of Hell (Republic Invasion of Empress Teta - Republic vs. One Sith)

Physically exhausted. That perfectly described Marcello. There was a reason his motions were mostly lethargic. The fact that he saw things happening before they occurred merely provided the illusion of speed at this particular moment. However, his mind and therefore his connection and awareness within the Force was very much...capable. Everything the Jedi Master had done since his conversion had been...simple, practically second nature. He survived because he maintained one continuous thought in his mind. He did what he did to effect the change he struggled to effect for so long. The Jedi were the path to maintaining the status more of the same. He'd even attempted to usher in change repeatedly, but it never happened. Just more of the same pitiful was.

As Rhia gave an invisible yank to Marcello's leg, his steps did indeed falter. Followed almost immediately by a series of quick-action blasts of the Force from [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]'s increased focus, the obvious result was the Jedi Master being thrown to the ground. Pain surged through his already weakened body, but he quickly ignored the sensation, focusing instead on the subtle current of the Force flowing through and around him. His body traveled several meters backwards before he managed to grasp a piece of jagged earth. Gripping the soil-caked mineral with one hand, Marcello's arm immediately felt as if it might rip right out of the socket.

Gritting his teeth, Marcello's glacier-blue eyes fell not to Aaralyn but the Padawan standing beside her. Rage was quickly becoming the only emotion and thought coursing through Marcello's mind. Yet he did not attack the girl. Marcello had done more for the galaxy and the Jedi than the little pissant could imagine. Her actions were unprovoked and foolish. The measure of the Jedi Order and what they taught their people. Guilty until proven innocent.


The rage bubbling inside of Marcello literally erupted as he seized [member="Rhia Thalasa"] abruptly and intensely via the Force. Tightening his free hand into a fist, Veritas immediately clamped down the full might of his power in the Force on the girl's neck. She represented everything he hated, and he had every intention of proving...precisely that.

[member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Darth Odium"] | [member="Shaw McKeller"]
Location: Western Wall, Open Square
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"],

I had gotten the man away from me. The blast sent him farther away than the first one because he was on a more even plain, than being sent up straight into the air. I rubbed my eyes with my off hand to try and get rid of the floating blobs in my vision. I stopped when I heard a snap hiss of a second blade. Turning to look at the Jedi, I saw his Cyan blade. Bright and defiant, while I saw a second saber in his hand. A sapphire blade that lit up next to him. I smiled as the last of the blobs were moving away and how he felt that a second blade would help him.

He looked battered, but not beaten. Defiant against my attacks. He waited for me. Waiting for my next attack. I shrugged my shoulders. This fight was going to be sided for the Sephi, and with how much I was using energy, this was not going well. I guess I would have to hold out for a little bit longer.

Putting the blade up in the sheath on my back, I drew the other two swords. Vibroblades that I carried with me. They were situated upside down on my back with the grips near the small of my back. They were lighter than the Dauntless blade that I had carried, and smaller to allow me to get within the reach of most swords or other melee weapons. Including Lightsabers.

I held them down at my side and out in the open. I then began to walk towards the Jedi. Not saying a word. Only smiling as a child on Christmas day.
Why the fetch would he not stay do-Vindica's stream of thought was interrupted oh so rudely as a knee smashed into his ribcage. Crunch. Armor and bone of like broke as the beskar slammed this Sith. He would've stumbled back, but [member="Tracyn Ordo"] had him close, but he made a mistake holding onto Vindica's hands. He hadn't used them in quite at time, but underneath each forearm was mounted a shoto blade, part of a lightsaber gauntlet, and by holding onto Marcus' hand, upon activation the blade would go into Traycn's forearm. So for the love of the fething force that was what the Sith did. Cybernetics and the force worked in unison as he worked his and over just enough to ignite the blade. If that all went well, Traycn's hand and portion of his forearm would be gone. That'd be nice.
ALLIES: [member="Saki"]
ENEMIES: [member="Darth Veles"] and [member="Albrecht Tagge"]

Aedan's eyes snapped to the left as he used the force to pull is shoto from his belt and ignite the short bladed lightsaber in his left hand snapping it up to send the two shots flashing away from him as he smirked at the Sith darkly. Reaching down to his belt he patted the Force Breaker grenade that rested there before he felt Saki take her weapon freeing his other hand. Using the force he called his other lightsaber to his hand as he reached out with the force towards the foolish Acolyte nearby using a power he had practically mastered Aedan prepared for a standard Niman form attack. The Pulling slash which utilized a force pull followed by a strike from a lightsaber with a smirk Aedan gestured towards himself exerting a pull around the young man that would hopefully catch him off guard and guide him towards Aedan swiftly. As he neared Aedan started to move towards him meeting him halfway Aedan slashed his lightsaber at the mans side swiftly before he pulled the pin of the force breaker grenade and dropped it where he had struck at the padawan.

With another step he spun around to face the two people he had just chosen to be his opponents. The Sith Acolyte and the Sith Lord one with the force for now the other still feeling the effects from the first Force Breaker grenade. Smirking Aedan took a ready position and mockingly lifted his lightsabers in a salute calling out. "Come and face me Sith." He wasn't worried about the force breaker as his new helmets air scrubber still worked and by the time someone decided to destroy it the gas would have done its job and dissipated.
Location: Ledge of Library
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Lady Exedō"], All Sith
Foe: [member="Kiskla Grayson"], All Jedi/Republic
Objective: Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

The Sith King almost chuckled at the events occurring because of his unexpected arrival. Everybody was so serious nowadays, ground combat and doing things personally was almost the stupidest thing he'd ever heard of. But yet, he was here. Had it been Darth Arcis' choice, he would've let the Republic and their feeble Force guardians land, then take to orbit and bombard them until their bodies couldn't even be identified as human beings. Empress Teta wasn't worth the effort. If anything, the One Sith would've spent more time and resources trying to combat guerrilla warfare efforts here in the long run. Why not just end the Republic, Jedi, and a large portion of a hostile populace in one sweep?

The humanity of it all.

Cunning was above honor in Arcis' view. Apparently this era of galactic politics has it all backwards.

As Darth Vornskr whipped his head around and shot a painful glare at the former Admiral. It almost hurt. Almost. "At least we don't have to look at her anymore." The King confessed, shrugging and cocking his head to the side. A light, predatory smile cast across his features. "The hunt is always more fun than th-" The words were caught in his throat as an invisible hand clamped around his waist. He frowned slightly, casting his eyes downwards and deactivating his lightsaber.

"How fun."

And with that, those fingers from afar lifted his form from the ground and was sent skywards. The Sith Lord gave a groan of annoyance, then one of actual concern. It was hard to right himself in midair, but he did it anyways, using his own telekinesis abilities to anchor himself to the floor, making him practically levitate for a moment before the grip was released and he dropped to the ledge once again with a thud.

"She's pretty rude. She could've at least bought me a drink before grabbing me."

King Arcis sighed, listening to Vornskr's orders as an old friend arrived. It'd been quite a while since he'd seen Shinju, even longer than the last time he saw Mr. Zambrano over here. The Lord inclined his head at her appearance, a new idea sparking into his head as Kaine ran off to complete his part of the plan. "You heard that, right?" Arcis asked Lady Shinju. "Carry out that order for me. Let me do what I do best."

He didn't wait for a response, merely setting his saber back into place upon his belt and crossing the ledge to sit at the very center of it. His strong, red-fleshed legs crossed and his hands extended to sit upon the top of his knees, palms facing upwards. A deep, sinister exhaled from his core. Yellow eyes closed slowly. He was in his element. The explosions, screaming, and gunfire in the distance brought him to a scene and feeling that he'd experienced more than dozens of time in his past. Warfare and combat was the very reason he existed. He was born in the flames of war and he prayed that he would die in such a manner as well. The very inside of his being stretched out to touch each and every stormtrooper, civilian, Sith, Jedi, or any living being in the Force. He could feel their hopes, dreams, fears, physical and mental energies. All of them laid out perfectly for him to play with.

Battle Meditation wasn't something done very easily, but Arcis was more than capable of having his fun with it. He saw Stormtroopers gunning down entire squads of Republic soldiers, even taking down civilians who resisted. The Republic and their allies would soon begin to lose sight of that hope of victory. Victory should've never been in their minds in the first place.

Darth Vornskr and Shinju were in for a pleasant little surprise. As the meditating Sith Lord weaved his way through the battlefields below and up to the peak of the library where his own allies pursued a target. He sent a constant stream of dark energy and strength into their very souls. They'd move faster and stronger, react quicker and their foes would be reduced to nothing more than frightful little Jedi and their pals. He couldn't quite find Kiskla's form, so he planned on Kaine and Shinju finding it for him.

All according to plan.

Things had not exactly gone as planned. When the assault began, Book had been on one of the last shuttles to make it groundside. This had proven fatal for most occupants, and the shuttle had been hit, and gone down a few blocks away. Book had long since been thrown from the vessel and thought dead. The vitals in his armor simply weren't transmitting; likely damaged from the crash. His armor was covered in dust and shattered granite from the fall, and his head was slumped back over the abyss of open space.

It was difficult for Book not to let out a yelp as his vision slowly centered. His head felt like a massive weight was pulling it downwards, and the T slit of his visor was barren of its usual icons. His amber eyes flickered over each corner of the helmet. A sharp sigh of relief escaped his lips as the realization that nothing was really out of place came to him. This momentary relief lapsed when he realized that he was facing right side up. Below was a good fifteen feet to the concrete below, and series of cracks in the granite structure he sat upon indicated just how hard he had fallen.

The specialist forced himself up onto his haunches and grimaced as bones popped in place. He had been out of it for sometime. The familiar sound of weapons discharging and energy weapons clashing was a dull throb in his ears, and his drowsy state was failing to register it. He had fallen unto--or rather into-- a large building still under construction. The walls were not put in yet, and the levels were held in place by large columns on each corner. He brought his hands up to his face instinctively, and blinked in surprise when the armor laden fingers trailed across the dented surface of his helm.

"Where is everyone?"

He mumbled to himself. He pushed himself up to his feet and webbed his hand over the closest column. After a moment of standing and looking about, he trusted himself to walk correctly. It felt a bit odd, but his limbs were still responding to his commands, and nothing particular was broken. The soldier brought a hand up to his helmet, and twisted the activation nob. The HUD instantly came to life and flooded his eyes with a myriad of information. His vitals were fine, and all of the armor systems were still intact.


He continued to speak to himself. His armor creaked and groaned as he began to brush the gray rubble from its plates. His sidearm was still in the holster, and he managed to find his rifle a few feet away from where he had fallen. The Specialist pumped a fresh power pack into the weapon, and pulled back on the bolt with a satisfying click. His gaze drifted out toward the courtyard, where a number of Jedi, Sith, and others made battle. He wouldn't be of much use close up, but his comms were jammed and his former MO could not be done on his own. The best option was to sit tight and wait. That, or assist the Jedi fighting the courtyard.

The soldier went prone on the edge of the building, set his rifle on the bipod, and stared down the sights. If he was left undisturbed, the courtyard would come under heavy suppressive fire very soon.
Location: Teta planetside
Objective: Unknown
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Jedi
Music: Ave Maria

Over time there was one thing Darth Kentarch had learned, A Sith bore no true loyalties. As he moved to the citadel there was a beeping noise, and the Kentarch stopped and pulled out a data-pad. Information scrolled across the screen, orders, contacts, objectives. As he finished reading them he typed in two words, he reflected in that philosophy. And in the next moment he typed in two words: MISSION ACCEPTED. After the message was sent Kentarch smashed the data-pad with the force, letting the little remaining pieces trickle down bit by bit onto the ground. For a moment he stood there, as if try to full grasp and understand what had just been sent to him. "Immortal Gods of the Sith..." He spoke, his voice stoic and toneless. "...Typhojem... Forgive me." He looked down at his black leather gloved hands. With a tug of the force his red and icy blue lightsaber came to his hands. Together they came to life, then Kentarch changed course while cloaking himself, heading to the library.

He appeared in front of group of stormtroopers attacking the republic soldiers, moving in a full force assisted sprint. His Icy blue lightsaber in his dominant hand, his red Sith Lighsaber in the other as he moved with powerful strides. And then, in one powerful leap he was airborne, his feet slamming into the chest of the nearest sith soldier with enough force to send the man staggering to the ground. With a booming shout he turned, his blue lightsaber leaving his hand in a spinning arc that pin wheeled the deadly blade right into the next startled stormtrooper's face. The blade itself ripping right through the visor of his helmet as though it were butter. Bone slivers and brain matter puddle as the man staggered, then a red lightsaber impaled through his body. Kentarch didn't care, in that single split second he had wrenched red's blade up and reversed the grip, slamming it down in a stab that passed right through the junction between chest and throat, where the armor was the weakest. Another man fell as the two lightsabers pierced through his chest cavity, collapsing his lunges and causing to fall backwards. Then Kentarch surged forward spinning, with his red blade horizontal, only to clothesline a stormtrooper in the waist, his severed lower legs still taking a few steps forward before tumbling into pile on the ground.

The Lightsaber blades sheared through flesh and bone of the One Sith forces with ease, sending the head of another man toppling to the side with is blood that splashed across the Sith's upper body. So clean was his cut that the body remained standing for a few seconds, before finally toppling over. However by the time it had finally fallen, the fight was almost over. Quickly he turned to face the next wave of the stormtroopers, who already had their blaster rifles ready for fire. His steps were quick and graceful. Both lightsabers working in synch, as blaster fire rained onto Kentarch, he blocked or evaded each bolt, utilizing Form III to the fullest. the blades moved in looping movement as he stalked forward, moving so fast they left a perpetual whirring hum in their wake. With an explosion of movement he hurled himself forward blades moving almost too fast to be seen. In the wake he cast a devastating force wave that sent the remainder of the stormtroopers flying about in every which direction. Their frail bodies breaking under the trauma of the telekinetic attack.


"Holy shit." A republic soldier said, as the rest of the One Sith routed in his wake. Kentarch spun to see the Republic troopers he just saved. Many cowered in his presence, terrified and confused. "Link up with your fellow soldiers and prepare for a counter attack. Go." He said ominously then turned and reach out with the force, sensing several powerful forces users ahead. Again with the assistance of the force he sprinted off, only to come upon several Sith Lords fighting a lone Jedi master.

He glanced at [member="Darth Arcis"], [member="Lady Exedō"], and [member="Darth Arcis"], then to the Jedi Grandmaster [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. His two lightsabers still lit, there was an awkward pause. "There are greater forces at work here. But given our nature, I think you all understand." The Lord of Guile said to his fellow Sith. He raised up his hand a pointed to Darth Arcis, and then was sudden boom, as the Sith Lord unleashed a devastating force push was sent to the Sith in battle meditation. The telekinetic attack was strong it created a white-blue trail formed by condensed air as a result from an increase in air pressure. Now the fun began.
Location: Teta planetside
Objective: Unknown
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Jedi
Music: Ave Maria

Over time there was one thing Darth Kentarch had learned, A Sith bore no true loyalties. As he moved to the citadel there was a beeping noise, and Kentarch stopped and pulled out a data-pad. Information scrolled across the screen, orders, contacts, objectives. As he finished reading them, he reflected in that philosophy. And in the next moment he typed in two words: MISSION ACCEPTED. After the message was sent Kentarch smashed the data-pad with the force, letting the little remaining pieces trickle down bit by bit onto the ground. For a moment he stood there, as if trying to fully grasp and understand what had just been sent to him. "Immortal Gods of the Sith..." He spoke, his voice stoic and toneless. "...Typhojem... Forgive me." He looked down at his black leather gloved hands. With a tug of the force his red and icy blue lightsaber came to his hands. Together they came to life, then Kentarch changed course while cloaking himself, heading to the library.

He appeared in front of group of stormtroopers attacking the republic soldiers, moving in a full force assisted sprint. His Icy blue lightsaber in his dominant hand, his red Sith Lighsaber in the other as he moved with powerful strides. And then, in one powerful leap he was airborne, his feet slamming into the chest of the nearest sith soldier with enough force to send the man staggering to the ground. With a booming shout he turned, his blue lightsaber leaving his hand in a spinning arc that pin wheeled the deadly blade right into the next startled stormtrooper's face. The blade itself ripping right through the visor of his helmet as though it were butter. Bone slivers and brain matter puddle as the man staggered, then a red lightsaber impaled through his body. Kentarch didn't care, in that single split second he had wrenched red's blade up and reversed the grip, slamming it down in a stab that passed right through the junction between chest and throat, where the armor was the weakest. Another man fell as the two lightsabers pierced through his chest cavity, collapsing his lunges and causing him to fall backwards. Then Kentarch surged forward spinning, with his red blade horizontal, only to clothesline a stormtrooper in the waist, his severed lower legs still taking a few steps forward before tumbling into pile on the ground.

The Lightsaber blades sheared through flesh and bone of the One Sith forces with ease, sending the head of another man toppling to the side with is blood that splashed across the Sith's upper body. So clean was his cut that the body remained standing for a few seconds, before finally toppling over. However by the time it had finally fallen, the fight was almost over. Quickly he turned to face the next wave of the stormtroopers, who already had their blaster rifles ready for fire. His steps were quick and graceful. Both lightsabers working in synch, as blaster fire rained onto Kentarch, he blocked or evaded each bolt, utilizing Form III to the fullest. the blades moved in looping movement as he stalked forward, moving so fast they left a perpetual whirring hum in their wake. With an explosion of movement he hurled himself forward blades moving almost too fast to be seen. In the wake he cast a devastating force wave that sent the remainder of the stormtroopers flying about in every which direction. Their frail bodies breaking under the trauma of the telekinetic attack.


"Unholy Sithspawn." A spooked republic soldier said, as the rest of the One Sith routed in Kentarch's wake. Kentarch spun to see the Republic troopers he just saved. Many cowered in his presence, terrified and confused. "Link up with your fellow soldiers and prepare for a counter attack. Go." He said ominously then turned and reached out with the force, sensing several powerful forces users ahead. Again with the assistance of the force he sprinted off, only to come upon several Sith Lords fighting a lone Jedi master deep with the ground of the library.

He glanced at [member="Darth Arcis"], [member="Lady Exedō"], and [member="Darth Arcis"], then to the Jedi Grandmaster [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. His two lightsabers were still lit, there was an awkward pause. "There are greater forces at work here. But given our nature, I think you all understand." The Lord of Guile said to his fellow Sith. He raised up his hand and pointed it to Darth Arcis, and then there was sudden boom, as the Sith Lord unleashed a devastating force push that was sent to the Sith in battle meditation. The telekinetic attack was so strong it created a transparent white-blue trail formed by condensed air as a result from an increase in air pressure. Now the fun began.
Enemies: [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Saki"]
Allies: [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]

Veles cursed as all of his shots were deflected. Noting Lady Banshee had also disappeared from the battle, the Mon Cal jumped back on his feet, turned on his heels and retreated deeper into the city where the Sith forces still held their positions, away from the fight as he realized all of his efforts were entirely useless. Sprinting as fast as he could, letting his powerful legs with augmented muscles carry him away at great speed, the amphibian soon rounded several corners and disappeared in the city.
[member="Aedan Miles"] @Vaudin Mir
ALLIES: Sith. Darth Veles Darth Banshee Albrecht Tagge
ENEMIES: Republic. Saki Ki'an Karr

Daichi flinched at the turbo laser fire, but that was about it for the Sith Lord. He kept a distance away from the actual fighting, and his presence would be too small for a flying Jedi to sense. Not without some serious looking at least.

But the true issue came when he felt his allies signatures fade. No, they weren't dead, but something was interfering. It didn't take long for the Sith to figure it out. The Mandalorian who came to assist the Master. A frown crossed his mind when he thought of the master. So many people carrying all sorts of items to counter others. It grew quite tiresome.

But there was a new plaything. The Mando. With a grin the Sith Lord went to work. A powerful probe would go right for the mando's mind, to strike fear right into the heart of the Knight. Doubt. This wasn't some sort of minor poke, but a full on searing spear from a Sith Lord who mastered the ability.
A numbing precognitive tingle raced down her spine, and the hand nearest the oncoming attack from the third Sith snapped to attention. Her body instantly reacted with its usual agility-- there was a reason she needed desh-trenthium; she needed to be light.

The blade was coming precisely at her upper body. A foot lashed out against the pillar's baseline, followed by the next as she used the Force to aid her propulsion and swiftness. Her knees bent to ease her weight appropriately and allocate it to the correct joints as she twisted 180 degrees; kicking off the pillar with her right leg. The blade was now at her stomach height, instead of her shoulders. The speed to which she reacted was remarkable, but given this was basic for her, it didn't come even close to aiding to her exhaustion. Her palm slapped against the hilt of the sword and she wrenched it from it's path, snapping her arm outward and back toward the new attacker.

The blade spun with a new, reinforced momentum. Whirling horizontally, it cut through the air in the direction of the woman's chest. That awkward area between her elbows and clavicle that was scrutinizingly difficult to defend.

Kiskla was standing with her back toward the steps now, her arm still outstretched toward the flesh-eater. The Force bellow hit her like a ton of bricks and she stumbled to the side with an awkward shuffle.

Again, she saw a bellow of shadows and an ocean of blood--- though she didn't let it get any farther. Once again, a mental shield clamped down through the pulsation a of the pink coils of her brain. The edges of her eyes watered slightly as she righted herself, stepping beyond the row of columns that lined the entrance of the library. She was invisible to The Force's eye, but Shinju had somehow seen her from a different vantage point. She'd had to react.

This was a far cry from the diplomatic mission she'd meant to execute.

Now, there were three and Kiskla wished she had opted for the suit with the jetpack. While she calculated the encroaching Sith, a few words filtered through her mind. The reassurance of a former general, and the appreciation of a budding Padawan. Neither received a response from her, as she needed to conserve herself, but it was nice to be appreciated.

She shifted her weight-- but was coming up dry for an innovative way to attack. After all, the variables were in a flux right now and she still hadn't seen the newcomers in action.

Speaking of action! The squatting Sith soon became the apple of another's eye, and Kiskla's attentions were diverted in that direction. There was a dark feeling from this one too-- but with Sith there was often infighting. Still, at this time, she wouldn't complain. Instead, she offered a curt nod of appreciation while a mass of energy drew up within her palms. Her skin was tingling by the time she snapped her body toward the right and extended her arms, grinding in her heels as she pushed out a blast of directed energy in [member="Darth Vornskr"]'s direction. The telekinetic tunnel twisted through the air, churning and growing until it would meet with him and hopefully send him sailing beyond a few monuments ahead. Bonus points if there's a wall he goes through.

[member="Darth Kentarch"] | [member="Lady Exedō"] | [member="Darth Arcis"]

(I'll format later. On phone. Sorry chaps!)


Came in like a wrecking maul
ALLIES: JEDI/REPUBLIC @Ki'an Karr [member="Aedan Miles"]
ENEMIES: ONE SITH [member="Albrecht Tagge"] [member="Daichi"]
OBJECTIVE: Handle remaining apprentice

Saki wasn't there, not really she could feel everything and holding the blade up pointed it at the apprentice. The sith master was still around but he was not the problem currently as her energies surged creating the golden glow of energy. SHe wasn't acting on her own desires right now... or maybe she was, she was just standing there as an extension of the forces will and deep down she knew she'd never be able to reach this again. When it had looked like she would be facing several sith at once it seemed so promising and needed now she was facing a boy.

A boy to brought her eyes upon himself and she spoke into the force as soon as she opened her mouth and nothing came out. I don't think you realize what has happened child... allow me to educate you. Her body reacted in a split second surging forward with the blade coming back and crackling. Purple arcs of electric judgement dancing while the other hand met the hilt of the blade and was turned outwards. Her first slash letting several arcs release with a heavy handed force push to try and show what had happened. Oneness with the force took effort, took focus and time but reports of it had jedi and sith able to singlehandedly slay entire armies. Now with his allies fleeing Saki was left to do and show what sith remained the will of the force.
LOCATION: Fight jedi
ALLIES: One Sith [member="Darth Arcis"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]
ENEMIES: Jedi/Republic [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Darth Kentarch"]

Shinju watched the blade deflected and returned, her body surging forward as she found it. It wasn't sight she needed it wasn't some fancy force power it was that small stream. That ebbing and flow of energy that fed into her from all around as her body contorted, jumping and twisting while her derriphan in her hand let out a metallic thunderclap from striking as she flexed her own power and focused. Consuming the essences around her and into her own strength as Kentarch appeared and brought her attention around. The energy of his presence like a lovely high accompanied with the taste of Dranok feeding her battle meditation.

"Ahahahaha" She kept laughing and was now focused letting her body crouch low and wearing the duster from rave keep her immune to different force powers.... a push not withstanding but it wouldn't be as effective nor would the need for lightning while she looked up. Feeling the tunnel of energy, letting her eyes track the distortion as the force slowed time around her and Shinju dug deep, feeling the hunger grow in her stomach. She wanted the jedi to feed from, to tear into her throat and drink deeply but first she would have to get them to stop wasting time. Her hand reeled back and red tendrils crackled coming out of her finger tips while she let loose a shriek.

That turned into a howl and laugh sending across the ground from her hands while running red tendrils of drain to consume, to feed on and make herself stronger. She ate, she consumed and right now she didn't plan to let up as feeding from the others would keep her going strong. "Come here jedi, I want to play with you."


[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Darth Odium"] | [member="Shaw McKeller"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | @Michael Sardun | [member="Daella Apparine"] |Whoever else is in the courtyard
Again the power of the force buffered him, and again Shara was sent sliding back.

Over and over again the force struck against his massive form, buffering him and striking him. His claws dug further into the earth, and his hide began to prickle slightly as the force pushes pressed him back. As the last wave of power struck him, his heels dug into the earth, a sign of just how close he was to toppling over. He unfocused slightly, but luckily managed to slam himself forward, digging his clawed hand into the concrete and holding himself fast.

Your ears brothers.” He whispered to Marcello, Odium, and all the other One Sith within the courtyard through the force.

Then he peeled open his jaws, and began to sing.

Maelibus had a unique ability that many people did not know about. They could sing in a tune that disrupted the brainwaves of their victims, stunning them and rendering them inert. Coupling this with the unique enhancing abilities of the force Shara was able to sing loud enough, and strong enough to lull even the most powerful opponents into a deep waking slumber.

Whereas his allies, used to his singing, and being forewarned to cover their ears, would be able to at least survive easier, though Marcello would have a tougher time given his only recent induction.
ALLIES: @Aarlyn Rekali and Company
ENEMIES: [member="Darth Shara"] and Company

The art of breathing and keeping himself calm under pressure was failing the soldier known as Book. The battle in the courtyard raged on, and while his armor laden finger teased at the trigger, he could not bring himself to pull. It was cold fear that flowed through his veins. If he gave himself away, one of the Sith would surely toss him aside like some unwanted pet. He had no way of countering the force, and his armor could only take one, maybe two lightsaber blows if his luck held.

Because of this, the decision to actually help other than sit there was proving itself far more difficult than expected. His skin felt clammy, and the familiar sensation of unwanted anxiety made his face flush red behind his visor. With a conscious mental effort, he forced the SR4 into position on its tripod. The rifle felt far heavier than it had on the trip planet side. The bright azure coloration of its scope glistened in the light; giving away his position to anyone paying attention prematurely.

"The big ugly one first."

The loud, yet familiar sound of a powerful weapons platform firing could be heard throughout the courtyard. A stream of green lights flew toward the Sith with the intent to suppress. Along with this; the source of this violent display was seen with ease on the second floor of its little construction building. The stream only lasted for a moment however. An unfamiliar noise shot through Book's helmet and into his eardrums. At first, the adrenaline coupled with the loud expelling of weapons fire drowned it out, and he continued to try and pour it on. Seconds later, it forcefully made itself known.

An unfamiliar tingling sensation shot down his spine. His arms locked first, then his legs, and finally the extremities. Horror clouded the Specialist's mind as he tried in vain to pull down on the trigger and try to defend himself. Had he been targeted? There was no way of knowing. While he had tried to provide some kind of distraction, or even wound one of the Sith, he had given himself away, and try as he might, he could not move.

Book was helpless.
Location: Ledge of Library
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Lady Exedō"], All One Sith
Foe: [member="Kiskla Grayson"], [member="Darth Kentarch"], All Jedi/Republic
Objective: Through passion, I gain strength.

King Arcis was more than just a simple Sith Lord aligning himself with this new little Sith Empire. He was a former Lord Admiral, former Sith Emperor, and too many former titles than he could count. Even with that being the case, he was definitely not in favor of adding "formerly living" to his collection. And so, he made sure that this would never happen. He took precautions, used cunning rather than honor, and outmaneuvered many of his opponents. With his yellow eyes still clamped shut, he saw things that should not have happened. Heretical, blasphemous. A rogue Sith Lord began aiding the Republic on their pursuit to peace. Peace! How disgusting.

Peace was a hotbed for stagnation.

This rogue Sith sliced through at least an entire squad of stormtroopers before advancing into the temple, heading straight for Arcis and his allies. What a minor setback. This little man was gonna come to him and disrupt his toying with warfare. How rude. Oh well, at least he'd get a chance to stretch his muscles some and use that godforsaken lightsaber once again. The former Emperor knew he was coming, and decreased his meditation up until the point that his energy flow outwards had completely stopped. He was ready when the other Lord made his entrance. Nothing could stop him.


The words came out of Arcis' mouth with a snarl, practically dripping venom as a Force push was sent to him. The Sith King flung himself forward in a not-so agile roll, but it was just good enough to get him out of harm's way and into an upright position. He rose to his feet, the double-bladed saber gripped tightly in his hand.

Facial tendrils trembled with disgust. His lips pulled back into a predatory scowl.

Since this man had obviously yearned to be in his presence so badly, Arcis would afford him the first move. That little move he just tried would be regarded as a rude greeting. How shameful.
Location: Western Wall, Open Square
Enemies: [member="Darth Shara"] [member="Erin Darkstar"]

A high melody suddenly wrapped dancing fingers around Ryan. He frowned, listening to the otherworldly song. Suddenly his brow smoothed out. He felt... relaxed, peaceful. The soothing siren's croon set his eyelids to drooping. He stumbled and quickly found himself on his knees, lightsabers deactivated. All urges to fight disappeared, overwhelmed by the compelling sigh of weariness and longing that issued from his lips. Consciousness fading, he slumped onto the ground and all the world became dreamily dark.
Location - Teta Museum of Fine Art & Antiquities
Objective - Get out of there.
Team - Gamma
Allies - [member="Avalore Eden"], [member="Jannik Morlandt"], [member="Turin Val Kur"] [@All Republic Forces]
Enemies - [member="Hion the Herglic"]
, [@All One Sith Forces]

"Indeed, I heard that! They must be close or something," Maria spoke as an answer to Jannik's rather inappropriate question. Probably everybody in this museum would have heard that, so in her opinion, the question had been rather pointless. But not to sound rude, she hadn't answered sarcastically. She had to remember that the Light Side of the Force was not driven by anger like the other side was. Probably she was still unsure about her allegiance or place in the unifying power.

But then, as she aimlessly took small steps all around the place to understand where the voice had come from, she heard another one which was probably heard by her mate, too.

It belonged to a rather strange being, perhaps, because its ring wasn't of a near-humans, but of an animal's.

Then looking at her fellow Padawan, she noticed how he was nearly panicking. They had to calm down, there was nothing to fear. Maria had had to tell that to herself too often because of the fear of falling back to the Dark Side.

"Don't worry, we'll manage!" she said calmly, sounding as comforting as possible. Her build was a lot taller than the man's, so she actually looked a bit like she could be his mother. She wasn't, of course, but the size difference could have been easily used for many things, comforting him during a crisis being one of them.

But they were already running, looking for the others or whatever Jannik tried to do. She didn't guide, she only followed the man as they moved away from the voice of the probable Sith. This Sith knew nothing, it seemed to Natalja. The artefacts had belonged to the Republic and the ugly Dark Side government had no right to have them. They didn't need culture. Because they were sadistic killers, that's why.

Maria's views were obviously biased, even though she had been a Darksider only some time ago.

Well, sometimes things like this happen, she had to admit.

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