Objective: Halt
Darth Veles Imprisonment
Helios' head turned on a swivel as he ran throughout the area, searching for a presence that seemed to be fleeting. His brother, [member="Darth Veles"], was in trouble. The radiance of his allies were all strong, hearty, and lively - yet, Veles seemed to have...
dulled. "Not dead." Helios muttered to himself as his black booted feet stamped the pavement below, his speed aided by way of Force Speed. The nearby soldiers, whom belonged to Sith and Jedi alike, found it increasingly difficult to follow him with the naked eye as his speed continued to accelerate at an alarming and almost
unnatural rate. The dark side of the force truly did bestow a transparent ceiling of capabalities to it's followers.
How long would it take..? How many minutes, passing in the tumult of life, the cacophony of immortality that whirred with the rusted creak of the cogs of time? Time itself was always an annoying concept to the impatient Eldorai. He tried not to record his trek, allowing his arrival to be the only important objective at the moment.
Quickly turning a corner around a building, he could see his fallen ally lying face-down on the pavement. There was a man, apparently a Mandalorian, ordering soldiers to cuff the Sith Lord after he'd punched the unconscious warrior, splitting his forehead open, spilling Veles' blood on the ground.
"Mandalorians and their supposed honor, is laughable. The Mandalorians of old, truly are extinct."
The volume was stolen by the wind he'd generated as he continued running, although his facial expression displayed emotions akin to both disappointment and belittlement. What point was there in hitting someone who wasn't even awake?
Helios watched as the Mandalorian ran off after issuing his orders, giving the Eldorai the mind to only stop when he'd truly arrived. His encroaching position startled the enemy soldiers at first, then as they noticed his lack of deceleration became confused, deciding to fire upon the aggressor. Helios pulled his staff from his belt and activated the bottom blade, swatting the bolts aside as he reached their position and leapt at them. A wide, swinging arc, proved to behead the first soldier. As Helios landed, he allowed the momentum from his opening attack to segway him into a spinning leg sweep, effectively knocking the second, and last soldier off of his feet and onto his back. As the soldier descended, Helios rose, lifting his leg and violently stomping downward, smashing his foot into the soldiers head, cracking and flattening his skull into the concrete. A mist of blood followed as the Eldorai took a moment to eye his sleeping commrade. With a swift motion, Helios cut his bonds and rolled him over.
He knelt down and rolled Veles over, bringing forth a vial of sal volatile to place under his red nose.
"Awake, brother. We have much to do."
The liquid was comparable to ammonium nitrate. The substance smelled so bad and was so strong, it could wake up the dead. And Veles was very much alive, although bruised. Helios had Jedi to hunt, and Veles couldn't remain here.