Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Through the Gates of Hell (Republic Invasion of Empress Teta - Republic vs. One Sith)

Marcello grinned his jaw briefly as he dropped the protective barrier around him and his allies. His breathing had deepened slightly due to the effort of withstanding the sheer magnitude of force put out by the detonator. "You slaughter endlessly for what purpose? To merely see the galaxy burn?"

Advancing towards [member="Darth Shara"] but not close enough to have his leg crushed...again, Marcello gave the beast the response he was looking for. This was Marcello's role in life, to be a pillar for the weak and defenseless. His reason for existing was merely to put all of himself into the task of shaping a better galaxy. To give every sentient hope for freedom and peace. "We do what we must, Sith. It takes more strength to defend and rebuild than it does to plunder and destroy with no purpose."
The Sith saw the Force push coming, but had no means of defending himself against that. A quick sidestep to the left saved him from being tossed into the wall behind him, or at least most of him wouldn't. Flying at high speed, the amphibian hit the corner of the building with his right leg and immediately felt sharp pain growing in the place that connected with the ruined house. Normally, he would have used it to empower himself and restore the lost energy, but the lack of the ability to control the Force made it impossible, turning the welcomed ally into an annoying enemy. Veles did not have much time to ponder about it; his flight came to a sudden stop as he hit another building, though not before positioning himself to touch the house with his strong legs and absorb the most of the impact. It hurt and he ultimately crashed against the wall with his back and head as well due to the momentum, but the reinforced skeleton survived it fairly well. He just had to fight against losing consciousness.

Veles fell down on the street, landing on his stomach, something weird poking him. His rib, maybe? The cybernetic eye swiveled around and saw no pool of blood forming around the body, which ruled out one of the ribs sticking out. Moaning, the Sith moved his left hand under his body and touched the mysterious object. Soft laughter escaped his lips when he realized it was one of his lightsabers. He's been lucky not to activate it and impale himself on his own weapon. The weapon's twin remained in the firm grasp of the cybernetic hand. With the lightsabers in his posession, he could return and fight. The brave men and women of this planet also raised arms against the invader without controlling the Force.

Easier said than done. As he tried to push himself up, his head suddenly spinned and he kissed the ground again. Before falling unconscious, Veles wondered if his apprentice [member="Maya Whitelight"] was safe.

Skosk Fett

[member="Aedan Miles"]

Objective: Reinforce Aedan miles position
Auxiliary objective: Get drugged up so Skosk could continue fighting
Location: Library
Enemies: Darth banshee
No, the mandalorian could not let him fight alone, " Light Me up with whatever pain killer you got! Patch me up with a temporary solution, we cannot let one of our own go down alone! Oya Vods!" . Skosk may have been severely hurt, but he would not let a women out beat him! He had survived worse, he had fought on, once, against a pirate when he was bleeding out, for two hours! This was the same situation, but worse, if the zabrak let his friend fight alone, what did that make him? A coward, and the mercenary was no coward at all, he would not only follow his obligation of protecting his family, but he would fight on. He had too, these were moments where men would be remembered, for an entire lifetime, where he would do his part like so many of his brethren before him, fight for what one believes in. The men's loyalty to Aedan was unquestionable, they would most likely fight with him, disobeying the orders given, no brother would be left behind. It was time for the medical team to make its magic work, what would they put him on?


“Plunder? Destroy?” Shara growled a low growl, it sounded like a mountain falling in upon itself. The Sith Lords words were filled with confusion, not rage or anger. “Who is here to attack these museums? Who is here to take and steal what does not belong to them?”

His face turned downward into a scowl. The One Sith had not come here to steal artifacts, they had not come here to plunder this world. They had come here to aid in setting up new museums, in rebuilding and restructuring everything for public view. That was why they were here, not to steal, not to take, but to conserve. “You.”

“It is your Order that has come here to steal what is not theirs. It is your Order that comes here to slaughter and kill to take what isn't yours.” He nearly yelled the words into the face of the man, his booming voice carrying through the courtyard with unabated ease. “We took Coruscant, but we did not slaughter its people. We rebuilt, we improved. We tossed aside the hypocrisies and bureaucracies of the Jedi and the Republic to forge something new. The Senate Building Stands whole once again, upon the ashes of your temple stand monuments to the fallen, and the lakes of Coruscant are graced with orphanages and homes for the poor.”

All rang true.

The One Sith may have killed hundreds of Jedi, but so far they had not slaughtered civilians, they had not killed innocents. They had been surprisingly...restrained. At this point it sounded almost like Shara was trying to convince [member="Marcello Matteo"] of something, and with his final words, that was proven true. “You fight for the wrong side, Jedi.

The last word was said with a sneer.
LOCATION: Where the actions and over whelming emotions are flowing from.
ENEMIES: Hasjo Hallu @Skosk Fett, Cree Oyaya, Zaren Bouqi | Silver Order - Rasu Gan, Saki, Hasjo Hallu Lok Jorunn
ALLIES Darth Veles Darth Vornskr Lady Exedō

It took herself a second get her barrings right. Finding herself up high in the sky. Feeling the hand Master [member="Saki"] from former Silver Order. As it was now her eye upon what laid in his hands. Feeling the rage of the battle all around but for her it was different. Not to feed off of these emotion, to give her more power no it was her empathy. "If this is so, wouldn't there be a great battle at less the marks of sign of a battle before. I don't see anything, its Republic has came to invade causing deaths." Shaking her head once again. "Your no better then the sith coming you should be out helping the innocents to get to safety then here battling other force users." , After much thought all her words which need to be address. "Your so wrong about one thing. I haven't been offered raw power I don't want more power. What I do want is there to be peace and thought for lives." , knowing that she hadn't betrayed her own cause yet.

"You really want to know my cause that is to not have anyone wanting to cause mass destruction, I want to bring balance how am I to so this. I need to understand both sides of the force. What gives one the right to say the other side is wrong? I understand as I have done the label all the sith under one banner. That you are wrong, maybe just maybe all in the force that uses it. mmmm What makes you the judge and jury? What makes any of us. Yes some sith want power this one don't. Want to understand how to use the light side of the force as much as I want to know how the darkside of the force works. I want this madness to all stop. Need to not fuel the fire any more then it is already. Let the Republic have there war, don't let them use you or the Silver Order like their puppet.

Pausing so much as to the last part struck hard upon her very core. Looking at her with eyes of sorrow, there was pain and hurt behind what she did. Knowing the reason why she did. Shaking her own head again. Being selfish hasn't put any the other order in danger. If she could go back that day on board the SD she would. Not knowing who had her in their web, to see off the beacon of help. This was after all her problem wasn't it. They wouldn't know anything about what its like to have a child to have them taken from them. That love bond between a mother and child. Not matter how anyone sees this.

"You wouldn't understand, what it like to be keep from ...", making herself looking at her eyes. "I hope Xander is okay...", couldn't say any more then that.
ALLIES: Republic - [member="Cree Oyaya"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | Silver Order - [member="Rasu Gan"], [member="Saki"], [member="Hasjo Hallu"]
ENEMIES: One Sith - [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Hion the Herglic"]

The rumbling had grown so intense that Lok couldn't even think. He could feel his very innards trembling and shaking with the incoming torrent that happened to be a metaphorical hurricane. The wind currents picked up and snapped down as the wings of that hellspawn bird closed in. Lok coughed once. Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth, and he coughed again, splattering a small portion of it across the wall in front of him. His crazed and panicked eyes shot to the side, locking on to his soldiers out in the open. The Jedi Knight couldn't even begin to imagine what they were experiencing. A few of them had their helmets torn off and were hunched over, heaving out their insides in a mix of puke and blood. The other parts of his squad that were even closer within the range of that bellow...he shivered.

"Urrrrrkk!" The Guardian heaved once again, dropping to his knees. More blood, more pain. It felt as if his stomach had done a 360 and then did a belly flop on a slab of durasteel. "Co-...Command-er..." A groaning man crawled towards him. Crimson fluids trickled from his ears and it dribbled from his mouth. However, most of the fighting had stopped over in this sector of the battle. Blackblade troopers and their Republic counterparts alike had been caught within the bellow's range. At least it'd stopped. Right! As he painfully took another hunched over step forward, he cast his eyes down the street to eye a pile of rubble. Whether his foe was underneath or not, he didn't care. "M-Medic!" Lok groaned once again, dropping to his knees with a teary-eyed heave.

Right now, he just had to get himself and his men out of here.
Location: Western Wall, Open Square
Enemies: [member="Darth Shara"], [member="Erin Darkstar"]
Ally: [member="Marcello Matteo"]

Incredibly, the explosion seemed to have done little to faze the Sith colossus. Ryan lowered his hand and took his lightsaber in a two handed grip, grey eyes casting about around the area to maintain awareness of the environment, while the colossus and his master reenacted the age old ritual of philosophical retorts. No doubt Shara thought his Dun Moch technique would avail him here, but Korr drowned out the words. Lies. All, lies.

Another figure jumped into the middle of the square, short with dark hair. Ryan raised his blade, a frown creasing his forehead as the new arrival moved to join the Sith, making his allegiance clear.

"Surrender your weapon," Ryan rasped.
Location: The Iron Citadel Cellar - Moving to West Courtyard.
Allies: The One Sith, [member="Darth Shara"],
Enemies: The Republic, [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Marcello Matteo"],

Looks like I would have been thrust into the battle anyways. Looking over to my side to see a man. Taller than me by a good head and shoulders. Redish long hair, and a demeanor that would not be swayed. His command to drop the weapon was met with a smile on my face. my mask covered my face. All he could see was the possible color of my black eyes, and black hair. The mask however was white. A devilish red painted smile with a purple lightning bolt on the right side. I twisted my neck for it to pop twice.

Swinging my sword around my self, as the Jedi took his lightsaber in a two handed grip. "I believe that I will not." Lifting the Dauntless Combat blade to be pointing at him. I shook my head, "What is it with people and arguing over ideals that are neither true." I held no religion of the magic in the Galaxy. I believed in no god. If there was a God, then why would he let these people selflessly kill each other?

"Let's not keep waiting shall we?" Dashing forward I sent my blade to come for his left. then followed quickly by his right. Might as well start the fight that might bring my death.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Location: Iron Citadel Courtyard

The heavy boots of Tracyn Ordo stepped into the courtyard, focused on two individuals. Dead Sith and Jedi lay around them. [member="Darth Shara"] made a few good points, but Tracyn had only to make a few to make sure that [member="Marcello Matteo"] wasn't going to fall ill to the musings of the large Sith. Tracyn had not activated a blade, had not put on any gauntlets, all he stood was in his old Beskar armor, worn from the battle. His hair flapped gently, as he stood silent, before speaking to the Sith and to Marcello.

"The Sith, are not some benevolent force for good and order in the galaxy. The dark side is a cancer. It feeds, it consumes, it destroys the individuals that it touches. That it plagues. You are no exception."A tattooed finger slowly drifted upwards, pointing to the imposing, Dragon-like Sith. Tracyn stared at him again, his icy gray eyes peering into the depths of hatred and everything that made this particular Sith...Sith. "I have not come to steal, to take, to create anything. I have come to destroy. To remove the cancers of which you all have placed upon the galaxy. And I would suggest, that you stand down."Tracyn blinked at the creature, but did not take any combative stances. Did not conjure up the force, did not release anything. He didn't need it at the moment. Tracyn turned and saw the apprentice go to strike, and then turned to face Shara once more. He inclined his head to emphasize his point.

"I do not give second chances, Sith. No one has to die or get hurt."


Iron Citadel West Courtyard
“To destroy.” Shara echoed the young Knights words. He looked from the fool to the Master, and then shook his head slightly.

“Those are the words of those in your Order. The Jedi come to destroy, to defile, to raze.” The Sith lord spoke solemnly, almost regretfully, as if he spoke with a wisdom born of a thousand years of fighting both Jedi and Sith. He ignored the other Jedi for a large part, and focused on [member="Marcello Matteo"]. “Do you know what my Order stands for, Jedi?”

Shara did not regard [member="Tracyn Ordo"], he did not need to. The little whelp would undoubtedly attack him eventually, there was little chance of the Maelibus surrendering to anyone, much less some young upstart. For once however Shara was not intent on killing, not intent on ending the life of a Jedi. No, this one time, just this once, he was intent on talking. “Peace.”

The word hung in the air for a moment, and then Shara continued.

“We stand for one thing and one thing alone, peace in the galaxy. Whereas this Jedi and many others want to kill, destroy, and murder us, we simply want peace. We stand for peace and peace alone. We will stop the killing, the destruction. We will stop it all by restoring order to a galaxy of chaos.” To some this may have sounded naïve, and perhaps it was, but it was truly why Shara followed the One Sith.

It was the Dark Lords vision, a united galaxy under one banner. A united galaxy without the threat of constant war, without the threat of killing and murder at every corner. That was why they had taken Coruscant, it was the beginning of a new age.

“The Galaxy will be united beneath our banner, and we will have peace.” His voice rumbled like thunder his right fist clenching with a loud resounding clap, and he spat the words at the Jedi that had so wantonly threatened to kill him.
Blessed are the peacemakers
[member="Darth Shara"]

"There can be no peace when people are subjugated. You cannot keep the entire galaxy in chains and under an iron fist and expect them to be grateful. Dictatorships never work, they always fail. You can not have peace, you have no peace within you."Tracyn glared at the Sith, unafraid and uncaring of the loud thunderous clap that exploded from his hands. He looked upwards at him, focusing on the Sith's eyes.

"Do not offer peace when your mantra dictates that it is a lie."Tracyn, still, made no move for a combative action. He was a Teras Kasi user, his speed alone would make getting into a stance rather silly and predictable. No, the Sith would make the first move - if the Sith made a move at all.


Came in like a wrecking maul
ENEMIES: ONE SITH [member="Maya Whitelight"]
for equipment

Saki looked at Maya and moved, letting the chain drop from her hand and she moved. Popping her neck and cracking the knuckles as she spoke. "Alright then time for time tough love kid." Saki moved closer and she spoke letting the force lash out enough to press her presence like an invisible grip so she didn't move to the sides. The pressure and distortion around while she stood there and looked down. "You want to know why I am not down there helping people? BEcause I am a warrior your a healer, I protect the healers so they can do their job and help others. Sith don't help anyone but themselves whatever honey coated words he whispered in your ear were more then likely just lies to get you to this point. Where you standing against reason and sanity in favor of your own stupidity."

Saki kept standing there while she listened to Maya more, the silver jedi were many things but puppets for the Republic who were coming to the defense of their oldest allies.... That was a joke and she crouched down keeping herself close to Maya while she brougth her hand out to touch her hair with a gloved hand. "Your an idiot, your clearly outmatched, out skilled and in over your head and yet you rally to whatever there is in the storm. If you want to be a sith Maya say the word and I will treat you like one. Say the word and I will bring the light of the force to wipe away your darkness and end a threat to the people of the galaxy because there is no understanding the darkside. A few have tried to do that and know what happened to them they became sith because once you start down the darkside forever will it dominate you."

Her face remained passive and Saki locked her glare on the zeltron... she was younger then most but she was also the padawan who got taught vaapad and juyo. Something dangerous and that no one really came out of untouched. She used with every action her own darkside and released it in strikes in blows to purge herself but like a gnarled root it was stuck in there. She would never be a pure jedi and had accepted that she was quick to anger and rash, acting on instinct and impulse. So why was this zeltron so different? Because she wasn't fallen yet, she hadn't sold her soul and gone to the deep end she could still be saved. She still had a chance if she could get over her own self and pull her head out of her arse.

"Things will never be the same kid, you have a choice to make and I don't envy you but as someone who feels the darkside in every strike, every movement she makes I can tell you this. There is no understanding it, there is no bargaining with it, it will try to grasp your heart and if it does you will fall. You will kill your friends, betray your conscious and you will become nothing more then the whore of Coruscant. Is that what you want? Do you want to become something so lost in the woods and darkness you have no where else to go but deeper. Rise up Maya or be forever fallen, rise and do what you want to do, you have a chance to try and heal the galaxy and your pissing it away with delusions like a child."

"It is time to grow up and realize something light and dark, jedi and sith, healer and warrior cast down those who try and stand in the middle waiting to see which side wins." Saki kept her eyes locked and didn't need to reach out she had the sigil on her neck burning brightly and her energies in the force were focused on distorting the area they were in. SHe wasn't going to let Maya go easily and she didn't plan on letting her slip back into the shadows. They are plenty of chances for things that could be done to a sith defector and protecting the silver jedi's location was an important thing until Rasu or Iella chose to let the location be known. "The sith will never be good, and the jedi will always find a way to fight the darkness. Don't be part of the problem that is a cancer on the galaxy Maya. Don't let them control you."


Iron Citadel West Courtyard
[member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Tracyn Ordo"]

“Subjugated? Do you hear cries of agony from Coruscant? Do you hear of atrocities committed on Byss? The Genocides of Empress Teta? No, because they do not exist.” Shara said simply in response to the little Jedi, his eyes never leaving those of [member="Marcello Matteo"], [member="Tracyn Ordo"] was still very much unimportant. The young man would be dealt with later, and perhaps convinced of his folly's, but in a different manner than the Master that stood before him.

“You speak of things you have no understanding of.” The rumbling of his voice continued, slowly eeking through the courtyard. “Your mind is narrow and closed to the very things around you. Your thoughts bound by the lies told by your elders.”

The Maelibus shifted slightly, looking at Tracyn for only a second.

There was no hint of intimidation, no attempt at scaring either of the Jedi. That wasn't what Shara was doing, he spoke with passion, with true belief, not with Dun Moch, not with some flaccid attempt to stall the Jedi. “Open your eyes Jedi, and see the truth.”
LOCATION: under cover
ALLIES: @Skosk Fett

The medic of the team gestured and they set Skosk down undercover pulling out a medpack the man pulled out some bacta patches slapping them on the worst of Skosk's wounds and then pulls out a health stim jabbing it into the man's arm giving him a boost from both pain and healing a bit of injuries. Looking around the man taps his helmet and gestures towards where the Sith Darth Veles had gone flying. "The Rally Master said we should go and secure a prisoner."
Blessed are the peacemakers
Iron Citadael: West Courtyard
[member="Darth Shara"] [member="Marcello Matteo"]

Tracyn's eyes flickered. Shara, must have had no idea. Tracyn leaned forward. He was all-too familiar with the dark side, what it did and what it could do. He had to admit, the power that it provided was alluring in itself, but not enough now to lure him away from the other side of the spectrum."Ask my son. Ask my wife, ask the Mandalorians, ask the piles of dead on Togoria, the slaves that the Sith kept, the atrocities on Metalorn. The monsters Sith Alchemy creates. The Sith, whatever incarnation you choose to align yourself with - the One Sith, this New Order, whatever order - you all cannot escape what you have done."Tracyn let his words sink in, before speaking again.

"Do not tell someone who has been to so far into the dark side that he nearly lost himself, that they need to open their mind. I opened my mind, I opened my soul to the dark side - and it nearly destroyed me and everyone I loved. I nearly killed Kaine, and it took him stabbing me in the chest for me to get back to my old self. You are a misguided puppet, a tool. As nearly, was I."Tracyn flexed his tattooed hands, before looking up at Shara, meeting his sharp gaze, the man who came back from the dead, to the dragon of the One Sith.

"I turned my back on the dark side, and so can you. All you have to do, is let it go. It is destroying you. It will destroy you. You can never have peace, you will never know peace in any sort of way. Chaos is not a place you want to be - an eternal damnation of which I narrowly avoided."
ALLIES: Republic - [member="Cree Oyaya"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"], [member="Aedan Miles"] | Silver Order - [member="Rasu Gan"], [member=Saki], [member="Lok Jorunn"]
ENEMIES: One Sith - [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Hion the Herglic"]
OBJECTIVE: Save Those Who Can Be Saved

He barrelled down the street, fuelled by a need to survive. A natural, animalistic instinct. He felt power surge towards him, his head twisted around in a sickish turn. Without vertebrae, his body was able to move unlike another other. He saw the force drain hurtling towards him, he spun his body. Both armoured hands out, he focused. The heat of the movement washed over him, calming him to focus on this one thing. He recalled his teachings as a youngling on Tutaminis, an umbrella ability so to speak. The force drain struck his hands, but didn't affect him. He was absorbing the force energies that had intended to weaken him, now only empowering him. The drain was cut short by the attack of Aedan. He nodded to the Jedi in appreciation, continuing his retreat as he dealt with Veles.

He broke into a break-neck sprint, kicking up dirt, dust and rubble in his wake as heavy durasteel boots thudded down the street. He saw Lok in trouble with Hion, and the troopers. There was no time to save the troopers. He could only save one of them lest he be brutally attacked by the Herglic. Each step took him that meter closer, massive strides shortened the distance with haste. He watched as Lok fell to his knees, seemingly defeated. Hasjo was nearing him, closer and closer. His arms opened wide, his sprint began to slow into a jog. He didn't stop. In a single fluid movement, he attempted lowering his arms under Lok's, raising him up off the ground with sheer physical strength and shovelling him onto his shoulder, continuing his run away from Hion, towards Saki and Rasu gan.


Iron Citadel West Courtyard
[member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Shara laughed at the young man, a simple calming laugh.
“That is your problem little one. You surrendered.” The Sith Lord said the words simply. Oh he had the darkside within him, that much was obvious. But it was controlled, held tightly within, as it was with all One Sith. The Dark Lord ensured it, no one lost control, no one fell to madness, no one stuck a toe out of line. That was at the very core of the Order, it was not about ones own power. It was not about your own strength in the darkside or lightside of the force.

It was about the ideal.

“You say the darkside took you. You say you lost yourself, but who is truly to blame for that?” Shara pointed towards the young man. “You are.”

A low chuckle escaped Shara's lips.

“For nearly a thousand years I have dwelt within the darkside of the force. And for nearly a thousand years I have never once found myself lost. And why do you think that is?” He kept silent for a moment, but obviously the question was rhetorical.

The difference between Jedi and Sith in Sharas mind was very simple. Jedi set limits on themselves. They denied themselves access to their most powerful tools, emotions. They hindered and stopped themselves from achieving their true potential and sought to impose those very limits on others. “It is because, unlike you, I am more than just myself. I am my brothers, my sisters, and they are me. We stand as more than individuals. We stand as an ideal. A single, uncorrupted thought. Order in a chaotic galaxy.”

Slowly he panned his eyes back to Marcello, clearly finishing speaking with the young Jedi and seeing what the older would finally say.

Skosk Fett

[member="Aedan Miles"] @ Darth Veles

Location: Under cover, main fight
Allies: Republic
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Capture Veles
A fellow mandalorian pointed at the darth knocked out, the brute was energized, ready to fight, for a long time. His brute strength, and mental toughness are what allowed him to fight on, "Alright, V formation ! I will be at the front, move!" . They jogged, the fastest pace the giant could run in, with his armor, and he was barely keeping this up. While he was a bodybuilder, and a wrestler by trait, the one thing he never had, was speed, this became worse, when he had grown massive amounts of muscular weight. His endurance, is what allowed him to keep jogging, and what allowed him to outlast his opponents in the various battles he had been in. They had arrived to Darth Veles, immediately the athlete, with pure, brute, and raw physical power, punched his adversary in the forehead. This made sure he stayed down, but he also wanted to test out his built in Beskar knuckles, with his success blood poured everywhere. His enemy would need to be stowed, and patched up immediately " Cuff him! I am going to reinforce my vod's position !" . They cuffed the darth with force cuffs, the two could see the athlete jogging into the heat of battle, he needed to get to Aedan's position.
he'd waited. Too long he had waited. Men outside were dying and after being the first one on the battlefield, he had done NOTHING! "Alright, kark you too mister Silence." He had better things to do than sit around while his friends fought for their lives and the republic. Unclipping a pair of EMP grenades from his belt, Vulpesen kicked the door of the escape pod open, using the force to slam it into [member="Darth Vindica"]. As he did this, he jumped back and tossed the EMP's off to either side of the door. Given that each explosive had a diameter of fifteen, feet, he had placed them so Faust would have about thirty two feet to run before he escaped the explosion in the hall, and three feet to escape the durasteel projectile aimed to crush him.

As for where Vulpesen had jumped. His earlier carving had oppened up the back of the pod, giving the jedi an easy way out to fall away from that place in the citadel. Below him, he sensed several dark presences fighting with the light. Whatever was down there, he was prepared to handle it. Using the force to slow his descent, he activated his saber and stabbed it into the wall of the citadel, using the friction of the blade to slow him down further and allow him to survive the long drop.
Elegant and depraved.
Objective: Halt Darth Veles Imprisonment

Helios' head turned on a swivel as he ran throughout the area, searching for a presence that seemed to be fleeting. His brother, [member="Darth Veles"], was in trouble. The radiance of his allies were all strong, hearty, and lively - yet, Veles seemed to have...dulled. "Not dead." Helios muttered to himself as his black booted feet stamped the pavement below, his speed aided by way of Force Speed. The nearby soldiers, whom belonged to Sith and Jedi alike, found it increasingly difficult to follow him with the naked eye as his speed continued to accelerate at an alarming and almost unnatural rate. The dark side of the force truly did bestow a transparent ceiling of capabalities to it's followers.

How long would it take..? How many minutes, passing in the tumult of life, the cacophony of immortality that whirred with the rusted creak of the cogs of time? Time itself was always an annoying concept to the impatient Eldorai. He tried not to record his trek, allowing his arrival to be the only important objective at the moment.

Quickly turning a corner around a building, he could see his fallen ally lying face-down on the pavement. There was a man, apparently a Mandalorian, ordering soldiers to cuff the Sith Lord after he'd punched the unconscious warrior, splitting his forehead open, spilling Veles' blood on the ground.

"Mandalorians and their supposed honor, is laughable. The Mandalorians of old, truly are extinct."

The volume was stolen by the wind he'd generated as he continued running, although his facial expression displayed emotions akin to both disappointment and belittlement. What point was there in hitting someone who wasn't even awake?

Helios watched as the Mandalorian ran off after issuing his orders, giving the Eldorai the mind to only stop when he'd truly arrived. His encroaching position startled the enemy soldiers at first, then as they noticed his lack of deceleration became confused, deciding to fire upon the aggressor. Helios pulled his staff from his belt and activated the bottom blade, swatting the bolts aside as he reached their position and leapt at them. A wide, swinging arc, proved to behead the first soldier. As Helios landed, he allowed the momentum from his opening attack to segway him into a spinning leg sweep, effectively knocking the second, and last soldier off of his feet and onto his back. As the soldier descended, Helios rose, lifting his leg and violently stomping downward, smashing his foot into the soldiers head, cracking and flattening his skull into the concrete. A mist of blood followed as the Eldorai took a moment to eye his sleeping commrade. With a swift motion, Helios cut his bonds and rolled him over.
He knelt down and rolled Veles over, bringing forth a vial of sal volatile to place under his red nose.

"Awake, brother. We have much to do."

The liquid was comparable to ammonium nitrate. The substance smelled so bad and was so strong, it could wake up the dead. And Veles was very much alive, although bruised. Helios had Jedi to hunt, and Veles couldn't remain here.

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