[member="Spencer Jacobs"] and [member="Tefka"]
In light of the upcoming changes and the requirement for flagships at tier seven, I was curious if it would be possible to use a thread where Major Factions allow business to bid on offers to help them produce their flagships would count as a part of the dev thread requirement for flagships?
In this manner, we are promoting a competitive means for various businesses to try and bid their services for these productions: whether it be in supplying ore, transport services, shipyard manufacture, salvage material, rare energy powers, mining services for any restricted materials like stigium or metals that can be utilized for a Major Faction's flagship construction.
Currently, the rules state that it has to be a single thread for creating a flagship --- but in the method i'm proposing, it allows more roleplay interaction between the companies and the Major faction in it self, plus that competitive streak. Only that it wouldn't be strictly in one thread.