"Take care of— oh, I see what you mean," the Knight smiled into her mouthpiece, motioning to the captain to adjust their course.
"I assure you, madam, we are the absolute best when it comes to… pacification." The inflection in her voice was so transparent that Vrag wondered why she even bothered with the pretense. It wasn't like anybody would believe for a second that the Sith had arrived without some sort of murderous intent, or at least an ulterior motive; certainly not to provide selfless aid to the disaster-stricken world of Echoy'la.
Oh, well. Always the dark sheep of the family, the order. She was used to it by now.
Her blue eyes found the planet's likeness depicted by the holo-projector again, and she caressed the hilt of her lightsaber absently as the ship descended towards the surface. At a certain altitude, her captain roused her from her ruminations, and the woman moved to board one of the smaller vessels designed for ground transport. A standard complement of troops joined the Knight in the dropship, chattering amicably as they strapped in, and then suddenly, everyone fell quiet as they launched.
She disembarked last, armed to the teeth, yet no less intimidating than the rest of her soldiers. Even after all this time, Vrag found a certain sort of safety in the crowd, banking on her unassuming equipment to give her an edge when facing a presumptuous opponent.
Not that it was likely she would be in any real danger — we're talking trained killers against a group of disgruntled miners, after all — but the woman nonetheless preferred to err on the side of caution. Force knew that a pickaxe to the back would probably hurt like hell, and Vrag had absolutely zero interest in finding out just how much.
"Fan out!" she ordered in her commander voice, watching with no small amount of satisfaction as they readily complied. Having a leader who actually fought alongside their troops went a long way with any subordinate force, and it showed in their attitude towards her; or, as the case may be, lack thereof.