Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time is Beskar (Primeval Dominion of Echoy'la)

Arceneau Trade Company
Merchant Fleet Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Echoyla Space

"And what do you call the keen interest in the Beskar mines, Administrator?" came her soft purr, pouring herself a drink. A glance went at the Chiss over her shoulder.

"My interest is in maintaining Trade Administrator Chen. That includes keeping the peace. " gold whiskey would swirl in her glass as she gave herself three fingers worth.

"You see... this is how it works. Folks ever since the Gulag plague had some trouble getting to various other worlds... for a long while, couldn't even get in contact with a planet within their own system.

But infrastructure... " she would shake her finger, "Infrastructure is what makes this galaxy go round... makes it so that one can get that special StarCaf blend from the Protectorate.... aquire Corseca Gems from Yavin. Krayt Pearls from Tatooine...

The freshest mineral water from Hapes... the best quality Kolto and Bacta from Manaan and Thyferra.... Infrastructure brings money... stimulates the economy..."

Her bright green eyes would turn to Chen.

"Arceneau Trade has connected the verse from the Lords of the Fringe to Sanctum Space Administrator Chen... your actions here reflect consequences upon my Mandalorian Trade routes...

You can see why it is my concern..."
"Ah, yes. Of course. Protecting ones interests always comes first.", she was quick to respond. "We're not affecting trade... At least not negatively, we're not a trade company, we're a governmental administration that aims to serve the corporate sector of this side of the galaxy.", even quicker to get to her own point.

Chen wasn't necessarily trying to defend her claims... She honestly was beginning to believe them, and that was a scary thought. "How about this. We get the authorities involved, pay lots of credits for legal experts to argue over laws and loopholes, finally take it to a hearing that's probably more arbitrary than just and eventually come to a conclusion that neither of us want.", the Chiss went on. Was she making a joke? The look on her face was quite serious from the outside, but maybe she always looked that way.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Arceneau Trade Company
Merchant Fleet Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Echoyla Space

A smirk would draw over her lips, the woman turning to face the Chiss. She kept that expression of cordiality, a pleasant air as if having a normal everyday conversation.

Her head would cant to the right.

"Let's be frank, and call spade a spade. What conclusion is it that you are after Administrator Chen?" that was the root question. "Just what are you truly looking to do on Echoyla?"

"After all, I reckon that the exiled mandalorian clans here ain't too thrilled at --" a gesture was made beyond the observation deck, "Battle cruisers being brought down upon them."

The corner of her mouth drew wider.
"Ah, yes! That's the relief mission!", Chen said. Okay, now that was just being snarky. The Chiss wasn't crazy -- it was clear now that a hint of slyness, sarcasm, and quite possible boredom had overcame her. Well, being dragged off of your homeworld during a Crisis only to get tossed into a negotiation was beyond her pay-grade. Being the administrator of a whole planet might've sounded fancy to any farmer back on Anison but she was no more than the quiet drone for a board of suits and the personal slave of rampaging zealots. Who wouldn't be a bit pissy in her position?

In fact it was almost becoming beneficial to just spit it out right then and there, Yes! You caught me... We're actually here to enslave minors, kill resistors, and indoctrinate the remaining Mandalorians and ship them offworld where they'll be used as soldiers for a self-proclaimed Mandalore as per a devious plot to schism the enemy of a massive fleet hurtling through space to find their lost and likely nonexistent Gods!

What a mouthful that would be...

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Arceneau Trade Company
Merchant Fleet Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Echoyla Space

"And how long will this relief mission last?" came her subsequent question.

Danger would peer at Administrator Chen carefully. Oh she was getting under the woman's skin. Emotion was starting to sift through. The corner of her mouth would perk wider, but she kept her Sabaac face.

"I am surprised none the less....That a woman of your stature from the Ascendancy would come so far... for a relief mission." her smile would linger.

"I would imagine your House is well impressed and admiring of your work?"
Ah... The Ascendancy, right.... That's a bummer, unfortunately Chen was born on Roviane but by her very pride she wouldn't let this woman know that! Even though she mentioned the world's name a few times. The Chiss was like that, never make the ones you conduct business with feel superior. Surely they should be content, welcome, but never should they feel like they have an upper hand when conversing.

"Ah.. Yes! The mission will last however long the locals see fit, and for the Ascendancy of course -- Of course, my house is impressed and in admiration.", she spoke and maintained her smile.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Arceneau Trade Company
Merchant Fleet Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries

Echoyla Space

"And what if the locals don't see fit to have you round any more Administrator [member="Chen"]?" Danger would counter, watching her, waiting for another subtle tell.

"What will you do then?" the glass went back to her lips and she took another sip of her whiskey.

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