The Widow
Arceneau Trade Company
Merchant Fleet Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Echoyla Space
"And what do you call the keen interest in the Beskar mines, Administrator?" came her soft purr, pouring herself a drink. A glance went at the Chiss over her shoulder.
"My interest is in maintaining Trade Administrator Chen. That includes keeping the peace. " gold whiskey would swirl in her glass as she gave herself three fingers worth.
"You see... this is how it works. Folks ever since the Gulag plague had some trouble getting to various other worlds... for a long while, couldn't even get in contact with a planet within their own system.
But infrastructure... " she would shake her finger, "Infrastructure is what makes this galaxy go round... makes it so that one can get that special StarCaf blend from the Protectorate.... aquire Corseca Gems from Yavin. Krayt Pearls from Tatooine...
The freshest mineral water from Hapes... the best quality Kolto and Bacta from Manaan and Thyferra.... Infrastructure brings money... stimulates the economy..."
Her bright green eyes would turn to Chen.
"Arceneau Trade has connected the verse from the Lords of the Fringe to Sanctum Space Administrator Chen... your actions here reflect consequences upon my Mandalorian Trade routes...
You can see why it is my concern..."
Arceneau Trade Company
Merchant Fleet Arceneau Trade and Browncoat Industries
Echoyla Space
"And what do you call the keen interest in the Beskar mines, Administrator?" came her soft purr, pouring herself a drink. A glance went at the Chiss over her shoulder.
"My interest is in maintaining Trade Administrator Chen. That includes keeping the peace. " gold whiskey would swirl in her glass as she gave herself three fingers worth.
"You see... this is how it works. Folks ever since the Gulag plague had some trouble getting to various other worlds... for a long while, couldn't even get in contact with a planet within their own system.
But infrastructure... " she would shake her finger, "Infrastructure is what makes this galaxy go round... makes it so that one can get that special StarCaf blend from the Protectorate.... aquire Corseca Gems from Yavin. Krayt Pearls from Tatooine...
The freshest mineral water from Hapes... the best quality Kolto and Bacta from Manaan and Thyferra.... Infrastructure brings money... stimulates the economy..."
Her bright green eyes would turn to Chen.
"Arceneau Trade has connected the verse from the Lords of the Fringe to Sanctum Space Administrator Chen... your actions here reflect consequences upon my Mandalorian Trade routes...
You can see why it is my concern..."