Cora sighed, entirely feeling more and more unsure about what Tarissa was saying by the moment. "I see." Her voice getting softer and a little more distant.
"I can get the perspective you are presenting. It, well, it doesn't feel like any of that." She managed to shrug a little, and let Tarissa keep stroking her. "I, just ... It's complicated." Did she dare try to explain what started her down this path? The true origins and where her allegiance would very likely still lay had things not happened as they had. "I don't even know where to begin. If only you knew where I was coming from...."
"And sure, I've carried my faith, in a different deity for a long time. The religion of my parents. I, am still adjusting to where I am now. And feth if I even know where that is." Lost probably was a good term. She was halfway between a new life, and her old. Crossing that final distance wasn't the easiest of things. For she would have to let go of everything that had been familiar and comfortable for her for so long.
One more sigh, "I don't deserve this kind of faith, from anyone. I've only ever done a fabulous job of letting people down. By choosing the wrong side, by fighting the wrong battles. By never ever managing to be in the right place at the right time. Stabbed enough folks in the back, both intentionally and unintentionally. Good people are dead and gone because of me. No one else deserves the same fate. And I've been nothing but foolish, arrogant and well, stupid in some cases. Only good thing I ever really did was help save Coryth's ass when she and I were teens. I suppose you may think the bomb thing was saving you." Leaning forward she buried her head in her hands, not wanting to have to even think about this at all. "That was just as much about saving my own skin as anything else. Selfish. And in some part habit. But I'd rather not getting into the how and why of that."
One last sigh, "I don't understand. Truly I don't. You seem to have more faith in me than I've ever dreamed to have for myself. And you don't even know me, not really anyway. To be honest, the faith I ever had was never in me, other people, other things, but never in me. At least my own personal faith, wasn't. I don't understand, why you think the way you do."
She was getting a little frustrated and in part, flustered. "I've been... I've only ever been what I had to be to survive. Who that is, who that is, well, I'm not for a minute proud of that person. I may even hate that part of me. Stars only know, I'd give everything to undo so much of what has happened. And now, these damn powers ... There isn't for a second a part of me that believes I didn't deserve what happened." Cora hadn't figured those out in the least. Much less the memories she shared of the Sith that inhabited her mind for so long. "These powers are nothing but a reminder of a past. A past in which I'd give anything to change even one of the thousands of events, small and large that brought me to where I am, who I am now."
She didn't really care at this point, so many emotions and thoughts that had been held in place by careful practice, by avoiding words she didn't wish to face. Now that dam had been breached. There wasn't any going back now. Tears had formed but for her pride Cora did all she could to keep them from escaping. "These powers, the knowledge and memories they are tied to ... Try having good thousand year plus, Sith Lord in your mind. For years on end, trapped and imprisoned in your own body, only able to watch as he used me for whatever he wanted. Everything I know of the force, of Sciia .... I want it all to go away. To forget it. To not remember his thoughts, his joys, his memories of horrors he committed. Never mind growing up among the Sith in the old Sith Empire." The blonde did stop, taking in a few deep breaths. Trying to self-soothe herself.
"I'm rambling. Sorry." She said sadly. "I just, this has all been so full on. Learning I'm the very thing that I've held such contempt for over the years... I don't know who I am any more. Not in the least." None of it had exactly be easy, and well Cora always had been hardest of herself. "I'm caught somewhere in the middle. Lost. Lost between who I was, and what life was, to whatever this is. Which, I don't have a fething clue. I only know, I no longer recognize the person I see in the mirror. I don't know what is ahead, now that life isn't solely about survival. It was simple to find a cause to die for. That's been in front of me and within reach for almost a decade. It's the other side, to have something worth living for, that is much more difficult. Lost. Confused, lost. That's all I've managed to be these past few months. I don't know up from down. I'm not trying to be rude or in any way offensive. I've only just started to feel like this might be the right path for me. I've nothing worked out. I still have basic concepts of the faith to grasp." Cora ran her own fingers through her hair for a moment. With some luck she might not have offended too deeply. One never knew with different cultures and vastly different belief systems.
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