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Carliah walked towards where Yusan sat and tripped over a piece of furniture, presumably a couch. She whimpered in pain as she felt her forehead crack against the floor of his apartment. She pushed herself into a sitting position and rubbed her forehead. @[member="Yusan Fenn"]
Yusan looked over his shoulder and went over to her, helping her on her feet and into the couch. "You ok, you took a pretty nasty dive." He inspected her forhead which didnt seem to have been cut open, but she was no doubt going to have a head ache for a while. "You can see right, i dont normally see Miraluka that trip over stuff." @[member="Carliah Dakrone"]
"I uh... Can only see living beings and things connected to the force... I was never trained to use the force to avoid uh... tripping on things." Carliah cast her 'eyes' down at the floor. She was blushing faintly, obviously embarrassed.
"So you are blind, congrajulation." He raised his arms and grinned heavily. "Happy days happy days. A miraluka thats blind, someone put this in the record books." He stopped and looked back at her, still smiling. "Im joking in case you cant tell by the way, just making sure you know before you start yelling at me for sarcasm."
"The couch your sitting on, good job by the way." He was over at the kitchen now, pouring some tea into a glass and then a second before lifting the glasses and walking over. He held one out to her before pulling over a chair and sitting down across from her. "Its just tea, dont worry."
"Yusan Fenn, Senator for Eshan." He smiled at her as he said this, half expecting her to burst out laughing like everyone he told that too when he met them in the streets. After all, why would a eighteen year old boy in a lower class area be a Senator. It just sounded stupid to think about much less hear.
"Well, i use to live in a cave so this place is like heaven to me." His voice was completely serious, he then drank from his glass and smiled again. "So, if you wanted to get cleaned up, theres a bathroom in the room behind you, i hope you dont need help doing that too. I cant help you there."
Carliah blushed and nodded. She stood to walk to the bathroom, feeling her way around with her hands to avoid tripping again. She paused when she reached the door. "I don't have any clean clothes to change into..." @[member="Yusan Fenn"]
"I have some robes and stuff hanging around, as for pants and what not..." He shrugged and leaned back. "Take a pair if you need, dont know if they will fit but itll have to do for now." In truth the robes alone would work due to them being styled to be Jedi Robes, but it probably would make her feel better to have some kind of pants or something on.
"Uh.... Can you hand me the clothes? Kinda hard to find stuff like that on my own." Carliah placed her vibrosword against the wall outside the bathroom and leaned against the door.@[member="Yusan Fenn"]
Yusan nodded and went to go get them, grabbing an old set of clothes and one of the Jedi like robes he handed them to her and went to sit back down. "Call if you need anything, ill be right out here." He leaned back in the couch and stared out the window at the far off Jedi Temple. @[member="Carliah Dakrone"]
Carliah nodded and went into the bathroom. After she had finished showering and changing into the clothes Yusan gave her she came back out. She grabbed her vibrosword and felt her way back to the couch.
"Better?" He glanced at her as she sat down, his eyes still on the window moreso. He just wanted to make sure she was comfortable and that everything was ok. He knew this person needed guidance in some way he just wasnt sure how best to give it.
Carliah nodded and one again grabbed her tea. She was about to take another sip when she suddenly slumped to the side, completely unconscious. The glass fell from her hand and shattered against the floor.@[member="Yusan Fenn"]