Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Clone Or Not To Clone {CIS}

There was no reason Tmoxin shouldn’t have been a part of this discussion. With a large stake in Kaminoan Klones she stood everything to gain, especially lucrative interplanetary deals from fat Confederacy pockets.

But she’d avoided it for various reasons. One, the redhead was in a funk after her dealings with the Hapan Queen. Yes, she’d re-instated the Heritage Council, but under her sister’s tepid leadership she doubted it would become of anything. Okay, so there wasn’t a two. There was just that one thing that, that failure of opportunity that nagged at her and caused her to push everyone away. Including the Viceroyal of Siskeen, [member="Derek Dib"] who had become more than her best friend over the last year. And she had isolated him to her own chagrin and longing.

So with some nervousness - muted by downing a glass of Smuggler's Red on the Sovereign Stingray beforehand - the redhead Jedi entered the boardroom where all of the other Viceroyals gathered. There were booths this time, which seemed to her to be a tad impersonal, but Tmoxin made her way into one and placed a set of white headphones to her delicate Hapan ears.


Pressing a button, she replayed [member="Adron Malvern"]’s speech first. His eloquence moved her - which was somewhat difficult to do in her jaded and troubled state - but there it was. Tmoxin agreed. And then she heard Derek’s voice, and as persuasive as it was and as much as she wanted to concede, she could not. But it still gave her a jagged shiver to hear him right there, his baritone as if he were whispering right into her ear. Yes, he did have a stubborn streak. She remembered that both physically and philosophically.

Finally she found a moment to speak and it came after [member="Antoine Rhys"] made his bid for perfect men and women.

“Viceroyal of Lok taking the floor,” she intoned into the microphone with just a trace of her clipped Hapan accent. “Surely there are limits which can be enforced. While I agree with Mr. Malvern and Mr. Rhys on a whole, I think Viceroy Dib has some important points which must be taken into account. How far can we go with cloning? What is the end goal?"

No wavering, Tmoxin. This affects your livelihood, your company and your future.

“I support clone armies with limits. I concede the floor to our other esteemed Viceroyals."
The first to call out and take Adron's attention was [member="Caid Centurion"]. The indicator on Adron's podium lit up, revealing the viceroy of Druckenwell wished to speak his piece. Adron knew this topic would be widely debated, yet he was interested to see the man's opinion on the matter. In the end it was The Viceroyalty as a whole who made decisions. No one person, not even Darth Metus' had claim over the Confederacy's future.

"These chambers will now recognize Viceroy Centurion, the Viceroy of Druckenwell." Adron called out while gesturing over to Caid, falling silent as the man spoke. For cost to be the first thing to be discussed was....good? Well the thought was a relative one, there were far too many members within The Viceroyalty to allow a single man's thoughts to monopolize the swing of his expectation. While he spoke, the raven haired man tapped his datapad, awaiting Caid's silence before he offered a bit of his estimations. "When my office approached the Kaminoan scientists for such information they were rather vague on the pricing per individual clone. There are a number of factors that effect how much a force of clones will cost, the largest of these factors being the number of clones we wish to procure. However, for their standard clone with advanced growth, geared towards wide scale combat and advanced tactical comprehension. We are looking at around one hundred million credits, for one-hundred thousand clones. This does include their individual schooling and their first few years of standard training."

Adron tapped the datapad softly, his eyes looking over the information once again before he looked up to Caid. "The soldiers will need to be housed, fed, clothed, and armed. They will also need to be transported. However over the last few years our expansion has notably increased. Worlds such as Felacat, Kamino, and Enos have the facilities that could be cheaply turned into permanent housing for these soldiers. It will be expensive, but we can afford it and still not strain our funds."

Finally bringing his words to a close and presenting his information, Adron nodded at Caid, speaking once again before moving on. "Now, are there any other questions?" Almost immediately, Viceroy Dib activated his own indicator, causing the Exarch to look over to the man. As [member="Derek Dib"] spoke Adron stood silently, as he had for Caid. Interrupting the man only assured that these proceedings would take far longer than necessary, and as it was that sounded unappealing. A small part of the Exarch wished to arch a brow at the man and his unnecessary need to rapid fire questions off at Adron. Yet, in the end when he fell to silence Adron stood for a moment before activating his microphone once again.

"Viceroy Dib, in the future if you could keep your questioning minimal that would allow these proceedings to go by with a bit more fluidity. You may ask as many questions as you feel necessary, that is your right, however we need to enter these debates with some sense of precedents. That being said, I will answer the main points of your argument."

"The selection of a template and specific designs of the Clone Army will be left to the office of the Minister of War. As it is his duties to oversee all auxiliary forces to our military, that would leave him with the authority to do such. I believe we could all find such a thing acceptable."

"Now, the number of Clones created is ultimately up to the Viceroyalty as a whole. I do believe we should limit the number of clones we produce and utilize them as a reinforcement to our main forces, not a primary fighting force. I propose we begin with one-hundred thousand Clone Soldiers to augment our mainline forces, an experimental force to test the Clones compatibility with our droid legions."

"The stationing of the forces can be voluntary. I would not require any world to station these soldiers outside of a time of war or threat of invasion. Yet there are many ways we can go about their upkeep and transportation."

The Viceroy's point had been overshadowed by an argument that nearly made Adron scoff. "A Clone is no more than an organic droid, Viceroy Dib. Like a Droid they will be programmed not to defect, not to quit, they will be designed and utilized for war. These are soldiers grown and bred for war, not some pet that we will keep for our enjoyment. Their programming will be essential, they will not defect and they will be given proper rights and repayment for their faithful service. After they are no longer capable of battle they can serve in reserve and support forces, after that we can offer reasonable retirements and employment on our worlds." Perhaps it was his time around Clones that numbed him of any sense of "remorse" for using them. However, Adron had never seen the soldiers for anything more than they were. A cloned soldier was no different from an expensive blaster, and that was not going to change regardless of a person's inhibitions.

"Now. This being said, I do not disagree that we should utilize the cloning facilities towards economy as well. Perhaps for the first few months we could come up with a number of clones bred for economy and others bred for military purposes. If we find the Clones do not operate to standard or do not benefit The confederacy, we will be able to take steps to decommission and end the cloning process. Thank you, Viceroy Dib." Adron nodded at the man, before moving on to the next indication light on his podium.

The next Viceroy, was the Viceroy of Siskeen, a young woman whose voice filled the halls with something it had been pleasantly missing until she spoke. Adron's eyes fell on her as he spoke once again. "We will now recognize Viceroy Liona of Siskeen."

Her words were a brief mirror of Dib's and caused Adron to place a hand at his chin before shaking his head a bit. "As I've already addressed this we will move on, however your stance is taken into account Viceroy. That being said, with the ever aggressive expansion of The Sith Empire and with the fall of both the Commenor Systems Alliance and the Galactic Alliance, let us never assume we are safe from the inevitability of war."

Several more viceroy's spoke up. [member="Kyber"] of Kalinda, [member="Antoine Rhys"] , and [member="Tmoxin Temi"] of Lok. The three Viceroys spoke their points back to back, until Adron finally spoke his own piece.

"It is apparent these debates will be considerable. We all have separate thoughts and feelings on the formation of a Clone Army, or even utilizing Cloning technology. Therefore before we continue, I suggest we place our first topic to be put to vote."

Adron tapped into the podium, and only moments later the voting screen would appear upon every datapad in the room.

Should The Confederacy of Independent Utilize the Kaminoan Cloning Facilities for economical purposes?


NO {O}


Once the voting topic was in, Adron spoke once again.

"From what I have heard, the inhibition is using the cloning facilities for military purposes. Yet, as Viceroy Dib said, would it be beneficial for the Confederacy to utilize the cloning technology to augment our workforce or even populate our worlds? Now, the chambers will have some time to discuss this topic before we put it to any official vote. Also, if the Viceroyalty so choose, the vote can be postponed."

Caid Centurion

[member="Derek Dib"] | [member="Antoine Rhys"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Chikako Liona"] | [member="Cersei Moirae"] | [member="Kyber"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Silver-green eyes glanced in the direction of Cersei even as the Exarch came to his feet, preparing to deliver a response to the relatively basic question that Caid had asked. His communication to her, however, was silent as he redirected his attention to the figure of Adron Malvern at the head of the chamber.

Nothing about the so-called civilized galaxy is very civilized, Princess. That was, ultimately, my point. It also lacks a certain elegance. Things out here are very cold and largely lacking in character. One would think that Caid had actually been raised on Endelaan the way he spoke. The larger truth, however, was that he was still very much a young man trying to play a role he thought would win him a particular prize. He had no idea such a concept was not necessarily in the cards immediately.

In the middle of Adron's very well-articulated reply, the young Centurion felt something pull aggressively at his core. It was as if a metaphysical presence was literally attempting to rip his spine out through his stomach. Bracing himself slightly on the desk in front of him, attempting to keep his bright gaze focused on Adron Malvern, Caid managed to hear and absorb the last few words of the Exarch's reply. Another Viceroy signaled their intent to speak just as Caid was forced to divert his gaze perhaps ten to twenty feet away from where the Exarch was located. In that moment, Caid's silver-green eyes met orbs of an almost identical composition. The figure to whom they belonged was simultaneously an enigma to Caid and the most recognizable being he'd ever seen in the galaxy.

There were no mental words exchanged. Once Caid was able to wrest full control of his body from the unknown force, he leaned back into his seat. To Cersei, he quietly intoned. "Tell me he..." Caid nodded his head in the direction of the large figure at the head of the room with silver-green eyes, " somehow from your world." It was a pointless exercise, every fiber of Caid's being screamed at him that the slightly larger man was, in fact, his family. The scent of Cameron Centurion was upon the man's presence...even if just barely. There was...someone or multiple others commanding a much greater influence on the unidentified man. It was...disconcerting at best.

Had Caid actually been present to participate in the recent vote to appoint a new Minister of War, he would like have known who Aiden was. At least, he would have known who Aiden was to the Confederacy.

There were several more speakers and an array of answers for Exarch Malvern before the man clearly became resolved to keep the session from dragging on into eternity. For this purposeful interruption, Caid was thankful. The vote populated on his own datapad, and the Sith Lord selected 'yes' with very little delay. At the very least, this would get the ball rolling.
Chikako had to give a slight mental facepalm at [member="Adron Malvern"] mistake of calling her the Vicory of Siskeen. Ture for a short time she had been associated with the planet as an attended under the Dib family but had long moved onto ruling Tythe. Ture there was not really much on the planet even with all the urban development under her new government but it shoulnd't have been something unknown. For some reason this bugged her more then it should, perhaps Adron just made a mistake with everyone jumping into add their own little tid bits, something one could easily understand.

Shaking her head the young Echani turned back to the argument at hand, giving ear to the latter comments made by [member="Tmoxin Temi"] even if it was short and similar to her own, agreeing with others and adding a personal opinion to it all. Now it was time, to vote, simple yes and no.... hopefully they would take into consideration the more humanitarian choices played out before them. She would hate to have the guild of putting several thousands of people into military slaver due to simply saying yes, guess this was one of those tough decision that people in her position had to make.

Steeling herself Chikako did not hesitate to click down on the 'YES' button presented to her, if it benefited the CIS as a whole then there was no real way she could abstain or say no, not with so many other lives that could be made better. Feeling as if a massive weight was lifted from her shoulders the young princess relaxed back into her seat, waiting patiently to see the results. In her mind it seemed most present would either vote yes of abstain, only a few in mind seemed to be all out against such a bill.

[member="Caid Centurion"] [member="Kyber"]

Caesar Kenway

As soon as the voting options appeared on his datapad, he wasted no time in tapping yes, then pressing the button to show that he'd like to speak.

"I, Viceroy Caesar Kenway, Governor of Ord Pardron would like to state that my planet has near endless space for the clone force, and I'd like to humbly volunteer my planet to house a majority, if not all, of the forces. My planet already has empty cities with good houses, clean water, good food and jobs, I would gladly also take money out of my own pocket to support these clones, and give them lives, make them more than just organic droids. I would gladly take money out of my own pocket to expand and build housing areas for these clones, aswell as military and training camps. As it stands, my planet already has a large militia and defense fleet, and the ships and vehicles to show for it, most unused. My point is that my planet has the resources and space to house this Army, aswell as sufficient equipment for them. I would also be able to handle transportation of the forces from the cloning and training facilities to my own planet. Thank you for your time."

He pressed a button, cutting the microphone and light, signifying he had nothing more to say, and simply took a bar of chocolate out of his jacket and took a bite, then put it back in, and pulled out a bottle of a liquid, and drank from it, then put it back aswell, and took his trench coat off, the white sleeves of his shirt showing, the maroon vest covering his chest and back, a red neck tie inbetween the white shirt collar and the shirt itself.
As the CIS had expanded its borders beyond the Southern Systems, Tmoxin realized that not all of the Viceroyals would be familiar with her biotech company, and furthermore might think it was a direct conflict of interest for the Lok ruler to be involved in the operational aspect of producing clones.

A company portfolio would appear upon the screen before them until they dismissed the message. “I have just sent you all a dossier about Morpho Pharmaceuticals and Kamonian Klones, one of which I founded and the other in which I have a large stake. In order to keep the government interests out of the private sector I’m willing to move the company and holdings under a blind trust in order to dissuade corruption.”

Pausing for a moment, Tmoxin continued, “Land and real estate on Kamino is at a premium, so I like your suggestions Viceroyal Malvern of building housing and training centers on Felcat and Enos. Likewise a generous offer from Mr. Kenway for facilities on Ord Pardron.”

Like [member="Caid Centurion"], the Hapan politician also pressed the YES button. While there would likely be more debate, her mind was not going to change anytime soon, regardless of [member="Derek Dib"]’s influence on her should they choose to rekindle their relationship. Her brown eyes watched with interest as the scale tipped in the affirmative. For now.

"No more questions at this time. I concede the floor to my fellow Viceroyals."
Senator of Vaklin, 1st Siskeeni Advisor
He watched and listened. You had to concede some battles to win the war. And as he considered the motion open for the vote he found that he could accept it. Economic purposes ... He could see the value and accept the use. His eyes glanced to the Viceroys who were still speaking of the clone soldiers. All it did was give him an idea of where the next vote would go. So he watched and listened.

The Minister of War stood silent. Derek felt a sense of satisfaction that the economic vote would not put power in the man's hands. There was something unsettling about the green eyed man. Giving him power to control a clone army left him quite wary. Almost as wary as previous votes. His eyes flickered to the oddly silent ViceLord.

Reaching forward he locked in his vote. Yes for Economical Uses by the representative of Siskeen.
Somewhere in the middle of Adron's new proposal was when the Areta's computers established a reasonably stable channel. Though, despite the technical difficulties, Kip was able to watch the scene and read the floor with a silent, studious gaze and an irritatingly elongated slurp of his soup.

"Economical..." he muttered to himself as a survey populated his datapad. For a moment, and not particularly a rare one, Kip thought about himself. Particularly, he thought about the cybernetic implants that his nervous system stubbornly refused and the visible effects in the form of a well-shaken cup of soup. Were he in a place where cloning was allowed, perhaps the nerves of his hands could have been regrown and restored to their natural form rather than the painful hack-job he dealt with on a daily basis.

But even beyond himself, Kip thought of the publicity perks that followed with offering veteran soldiers the ability to have their missing limbs replaced from regrown cells from their own body. If anything boosted faith and morale in a nation or a confederacy, it was support for its wounded soldiers. The effect, also, would be a morale boost for the military itself.

Economical was an interesting choice of words, however. Broad, yet all-encompassing at the same time. Thinking back on the cybernetic implants in his hands, were it not already too late for Kip, he would pay a fortune to restore his hands to what they once were. Certainly, many soldiers would, as well. The industry of cloning would certainly be a profitable one and the ethical issues of cloning could simply be curbed by the efficacy and decency of showing loved ones and families restored.

Still, the coincidence of a vote for economical purposes coming at the heels of objections involving the cost of raising a clone army was not lost on Kip. It garnered a grin and another slurp of his soup as his shaky hand indicated "YES" on his datapad. The vote transmitted to the Areta terminal, which promptly encrypted the message and relayed it via proxy to the meeting.

"Nicely done," he said and slurped the last of his soup.
Several minutes passed as the voting was opened and subsequently closed. The terminal before Adron was now computing outside of his control. The information for the vote had to be backed up and stored in the complex memory banks the Viceroyalty used for their archives. Once a small yellow light chimed, he would stand to the side to allow the elder Twi'lek to validate the results of the Economical clone vote. He nodded faintly to the Exarch before gesturing to the podium as he moved back to his own position behind the man. Stepping back up to the terminal, Adron spoke with a matter of fact tone.

"The vote has concluded. Cloned units will be used to improve The Confederacy's economical situation." He said, his eyes floating about the room before he looked back down to the terminal. "As this is an economical augmentation I recommend that each Viceroy access their own world's economy to find out exactly what each world needs. After that we can begin the order for the clones."

It was decided that they would be utilizing the clones, which in Adron's mind was enough for now. Yet his time as Minister of War had his focus on the topic he was most knowledgeable. Looking up at the Viceroyalty who were assembled, he began to tap a few things into the terminal. Once again a message would flash over the datapad of each member of the Viceroyalty, showing the voting options clearly.

Should The Confederacy of Independent Systems begin trials on utilizing clone soldiers to augment the standing military forces?


NO {O}


Before the voting would begin the Exarch would look to those within the room, his eyes landing on the Minister of War. "I propose we order one thousand cloned soldiers, created from a template chosen by the office of the Minister of War. These soldiers will work as an experiment to decide if The Confederacy can or should utilize biological soldiers in conjunction with our droid forces. The programming and training will be fully under the control of The Minister of War as this falls under his department. After the soldiers have been grown, trained, and tested in battle we will reconvene to decide if we should go forward with a larger augmentation or end the experiment as a failure."

"If this vote results in a Yes, we will immediately begin the commissioning for the Clone unit. If it ends in a No, then we will requisition cloned units strictly for civilian purposes. However, if the vote ends in an Abstain we will continue debates today and end the session to reconvene in two weeks." Adron explained, once again instigating the vote with his own, a yes.

[member="Kip Ridel"] [member="Derek Dib"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Caesar Kenway"] [member="Chikako Liona"] [member="Caid Centurion"]


Caesar Kenway

His finger hesitated above the yes button, he then took a drink from his coat, and drank from it, putting it back, then pressing the yes button, and the button to talk. When it was his turn, he spoke.

"I would like to repeat my previous statement of housing the clone training facilities, and standard housing on Ord Pardron. As we speak, buildings and housing are being created in the main city, leaving large spaces for the clones, and at the press of a button, I could create an entire facility."

He sat back down, and ended his speaking term, and started making orders on his datapad.
There was little doubt for Kip in this matter. Influence was a key part of of his position and explaining the use of a clone army for nations and worlds opposed to such practices was a tough sell. Even trials had potential damaging effects. The utility of using clone soldiers with no families, in Kip's mind, did not outweigh the potential impact to the Confederacy's apparent virtue.

When the display came across his datapad, he gave the issue a moment's pause, just to weigh the facts one last time. But despite his best efforts, he couldn't see the long-term practicality. His finger pressed "NO" and the datapad promptly submitted his response.
Chikako was rather glad that [member="Adron Malvern"] had split the vote up into different sections, it may make the whole voting process a little longer, but if it meant they could attain a more favorable outcome she was willing to sacrifice the time.[member="Caesar Kenway"] seemed very persistent on the training facilities to be built on his world along with accommodation for said clones. Yes Ord Pardron was a military structured planet it just seemed out of the way due to closer planets that could house military clones.

That was if the vote passed, though Chikako was not one willing to support the use of clones organics in war at this current time, her vote on this matter was 'No', all that remained was seeing how the other Vicory members voted and the final outcome for the summit.
Lord Archim Calixis had remained unnaturally still throughout the proceedings up to this point. As Viceroy of the Zhar Territories, there were some perhaps who may have expected the former Metal Lord to offer his opinion on the matter up for debate one way or another. Host to the Mechanicum and other refugees from fallen droid kingdoms, Zhar was now a system on the forefront of the galactic droid rights movement.

But Archim was satisfied with the safe haven accord he had reached with Exarch [member="Srina Talon"], and while the callous nature in which his fellow viceroys discussed the wholesale subjugation of Confederate battle droid legions made the Iskalloni cyborg uncomfortable, he did not feel that it was his place to interject. The subject of clones was an organic matter, one that the Zhar Viceroy felt should be debated by organic constituents. That being said, he could not help but find some of their moral objections arbitrary. There were already thousands of artificial lifeforms serving in effective bondage throughout the Confederacy, what difference would a few legions of lobotomized biologic soldiers make?

"The Zhar Territories waive our right to the floor," was all the crimson robed cyborg offered when he was prompted as matter of courtly routine.

And now he was left with a choice, for the time to cast their votes had come. To abstain, or cast a ballot? Viceroy Calixis reminded himself that he was not merely here as a representative of the Mechanicum, Zhar's terrestrial moon of Gall was home to nearly sixty million organics, most of them human or near-human. It was not merely his job to represent the people, as some of his organic advisors had explained to him. He also had to do his best to speak to the future.


Archim cast the same ballot for both initiatives that Minister [member="Adron Malvern"] had brought to a vote so far.

Caid Centurion

Fortunately for Caid, the newly minted Exarch identified the large, apparent kin of Caid. The man was, in fact, the new Minister of War. Hazarding a glance in Cersei's direction, the Viceroy silently wondered what about the man had her so...transfixed and silent. Allowing his own silver-green gaze to track back in the direction of the Minister of War, the cogs of Caid's memory gradually slid into place. The Minister bore an uncanny resemblance to the current King of Malagarr. A king for whom, Caid knew, Cersei had certainly very little respect and even less love despite their family connection.

Shifting his gaze back to the datapad in front of him, the Viceroy of Druckenwell at least returned to the business of why they had actually been assembled. Very simply, he recorded his vote of yes. Despite his current unease about the presence of yet another potential Child of Darkness, Caid could not, would not get in the way of sound tactical flexibility.

[member="Cersei Moirae"] | [member="Adron Malvern"]
Antoine was ready to leave. They had come to the point in which everyone would pretend they had bothered to listen to what was being said, and everyone would vote as they had intended to vote the moment they stepped into the building. A better person might have tried to claim to behave otherwise. Antoine was most definitely not a better person, and he knew it.

On the subject of using the clones for economical purposes, he voted yes.

On the subject of using the clones for military uses, he voted no.

Removing a cigar from his pocket, he lit it, waiting to see if there would be other questions before they were all free to go and do more interesting things.

[member="Kip Ridel"] [member="Derek Dib"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Caesar Kenway"] [member="Chikako Liona"] [member="Caid Centurion"] [member="Archim Calixis"] [member="Adron Malvern"]
Silver-green eyes shifted casually from the assembled Viceroys to the Exarch leading this particular assembly as the Minister was mentioned. To put shape to his thoughts, Aiden hadn’t a clue how he intended to go about selecting a template for this Clone Army should the measure pass. This is all theater.

Invariably, measures would be put into place for the betterment of the Confederacy. Just as any independent Viceroy could choose to fund their own clone forces as necessary for their specific systems, so too would the consideration be made for special entities as deemed necessary. While the Viceroyalty continued to vote, Aiden pushed gently off the wall and walked towards the dais.

Apparently understanding the Minister’s desire without a word being spoken, he was provided with a single datpad to cast his own vote. Another yes for the inevitability of militant uses of clones. Why was this even a debate? The legality of their use should have been the prevailing question, yet he’d heard only useless ramblings about clone whores or barely-veiled concerns about the funding and feeding of such an entity.

There were immense costs whether droid or not. Everything required a level of...maintenance.
Kyber ended up quietly voting yes for the clones to be used for economical utilisation due to if done correctly the costs of it would be out weighed by the ammount credits it would bring to the Confederate treasury but now was the vote for if the clones should be used for military use and Kyber was originally planning to vote yes for that.

Kyber watched and listened as he heard the other beings speak such as Ceaser who was attempting to get the clones stationed on his planet which was a pretty obvious attempt at gaining more power for himself. One of the things that did surpise him was that the cyborg voted yes considering how his little cult finds anything with flesh to be incredibly useless but then maybe the Banished Lords little civil war cause the cyborg to change his views.

"Despite This Ones previous intentions on using organic droids but due to the Confederacy will be using the cloning facilities for economical use it has come to This Ones attention that if These Ones use the clones for military use that means less investment in the economical sector. This is why This One shall now be voting no"

Kyber proceeded to pick the no option on his datapad but doubted it would win.
Once again, Vyra selected the NO option without much hesitation.

The Relovian Queen had been unusually quiet, watching, listening, holding her tongue. Brilliant arguments were made on all sides, but though she’d attended the meeting with every intention of keeping an open mind, she’d known in her heart what her answer would be long before she’d taken her seat.

Vyra placed the datapad in her lap, hands resting atop the dark screen, and waited for conclusion. It would all come together as it was meant to. At least they were following a careful, logical course, and whatever the ultimate decision, whatever her and her world’s personal beliefs in the matter, Relovian would support the CIS to the best of its abilities.
Where did he come from? The thought echoed as if cast in a cavern, though [member="Caid Centurion"] undoubtedly asked the same question with different words. In this moment, Cersei would have loved nothing more to grasp the hand of the Prince and that thought too, caused her to pause. She was silent, but her mind might as well have been screaming. Or rather it was loud enough for the man just beside her to feel... hear. Perhaps not discern though. Cersei was having trouble enough with that.

Many years in the Malagarr Court kept her seated, poised, and with just enough motion to not appear staged.

The atmosphere was literally different, everything was. Save the character one must don to tolerate and be present for proverbial politics. "Who exactly are they cloning?" dropping her voice, near his ear. Should this go past the tongues and gavels of those gathered. Cersei didn't say that though and sunk a little into the booth.
Again the voting process would take some time. Almost fifteen minutes had passed when the terminal gave a soft beep to show it was done tallying the votes once again. Just as before Adron would step to the side and allow the speaker to view the results. After a nod from the elder Twi'lek Adron would resume his place at the podium and look over the lingering decision that the Viceroyalty had chosen. No. He arched a brow at the decision but thought no more of it. If they had so decided than it was not his place to argue it or continue this debate in such a fashion. The Exarch raised a hand to call the hall to silence as some had taken up a slight rumble of conversation. The Exarch's blue eyes scanned the room for a few moments before he would speak once again.

"The Viceroyalty have decided. The Confederacy will not utilize Cloned soldiers to augment our main forces." He voiced. There was another murmur that rose and subsequently fell. Some seemed surprised by the results while others were relieved, a small few were angered but the majority were indifferent or did not speak on it.

Adron had hoped The Confederacy would take a step towards using Clones but he was not surprised by the result of the vote. "Now that this has been settled we will dismiss for a day's recess and return tomorrow at approximately noon to reopen the forum on how best to utilize the clones economically and selection of a template. Is there any other business to be held?" He would wait in a silent anticipation, yet if no one would speak then the forum would be closed and the meeting adjourned.

[member="Cersei Moirae"] [member="Vyra Silara"] @Kyber @Aiden @Antoine Rhys [member="Caid Centurion"] [member="Archim Calixis"] [member="Chikako Liona"] [member="Kip Ridel"] [member="Caesar Kenway"]

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