Upright stood among the masses. It was an alien feeling to be here, foreign to him in every aspect. He wondered how many people experienced what he experienced right now. The whole crowd was a whisper, but only a few even mourned. Most of them were too excited for a party, and perhaps that was the best way to remember someone who started one of the most extravagant and notorious casinos in the Outer Rim, then again, they were being disrespectful. Upright may be a killer, but he wasn't disrespectful. "Keep your lips pressed or I'll sow them so," he hoarsely whispered through gritted teeth to Dakita.
He took a step away from the main floor, and crept away. His identity was concealed by a relatively oval helmet, its pitch black faceplate was blemished by an upside down crimson triangle. A brown hood was drawn over his head, attached to a long coat that fell down to his knees. Otherwise, he was covered in armour. Not a single flesh of skin was visible. All that could be said about his species was that he was humanoid. By the time he stood outside the casino, he lit a deathstick and began to draw from the deadly concussion of chemicals. A chapter was ended, for now.