Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Dine on Mountains High

Blue eyes lifted towards the center of the room as [member="Arianna Organa"] proceeded to make a spectacle of showing off her son. A single eyebrow arched out of curiosity. His own involvement with his family's respective noble arrangements had only recently initiated, and he'd rather avoided doing much of anything with respect to his Kiffar and Naboo heritage. The blood that coursed through his veins was not his family in his eyes, not really. His sister was the one that could most directly relate to him, but it was still complicated at times.

The life he'd known was that of a Zeison Sha Adept. The warriors and initiates of Yanibar were his true family. Still, his mentor and surrogate father had told him it was important to reconnect with his past - now that he knew what it truly was. He wondered if his parents...his biological parents enjoyed functions such as this.

No. Of course not. That was why they had sent him...

Once the introduction had completed, Isar exhaled heavily and slowly tracked his gaze in the direction of the exit.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Faith nodded, "sometimes so busy I forget to eat." She plucked something from a passing tray, "So you see my standing here and talking with you gives me time to find out about you, rest, and eat all at once." She smiled hoping that what she said would push some of his hesitancy from his mind and make him comfortable. "Born on Ceto. Let me think for a moment' Faith at that time put the morsel in her mouth chewing slowly as she thought about Ceto.

"I try to keep up on these things. Seafood. Medicine. Tech. and...oh minerals. Your family has a company that deals with mining equipment, is that right?" Alderaan could use some new mining equipment. Phrik was tough on equipment and on workers.

"What can your company offer Mr. Dashiell?" She smiled now folding her hands before her, patient to hear what the young man would say.
The Viscount of House Lovous was right. That was Prince Darkhold, Faith’s brother. Her memory was usually pretty good but even the scientist was questioning its validity. There he was with the Dowager queen as she presented her son before everyone. It was a homecoming after all, it seemed.

The queen commanded those to greet the Prince, she shall endeavor to do so. She looked at Myles who was being rather engaging and nice.

“I am fine. Just these little events always have landmines. “ Rashae had said in a low voice for Myles to hear as she had moved closer to him. The glass in her hand was placed on a tray that was collecting empty glasses with practiced ease.

A smile and polite nod towards Dashiell as he was speaking with Queen Faith before the Minister gracefully stepped forward and curtsied with infinite grace as she partialy melted to the floor and equally melted flawlessly up to the Dowager Queen and Prince Darkhold.

“It is a pleasure to see his Royal Highness back on Alderaan. I am Doctor Rashae Lovous, Minister of Medicine, Viscount of the House Lovous. May your steps here bless this system with your wisdom. “ her lovely head turned precisely 30 degrees. “Your Majesty is looking lovely this evening. May your countenance bring hope upon the people of Ald…” It was at that point someone with Prince Garith’s face approached. This was certainly an eventful dinner party.

“Lord Darkhold. “ Another incredibly graceful curtsy. “Welcome home to Alderaan. “ The young Minister said diplomatically as her mind recalculated and analyzed the situation. She did move a bit more over as father addressed son.

Rashae would look over her shoulder towards Faith as things were developing rather quickly. The polite smile was plastered on her lovely face as her hand came up to her side again to seemingly smooth it over. It was to ease the ache there from a recently healed wound.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Arianna Organa"] [member="Makai Dashiell"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Draco Vereen"] (and many more flying monkeys for everyone)
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Rashae"] | @Anyone

"You're better than me, sometimes these planets blur together."

Makai supposed that was her job, knowing about various planets and their quirks. Being Royalty he suspected she got visitors and calls day-in-day-out from odd star systems, various Governors looking for them to grace one function or another or sit on a diplomatic council. Seeing the Queen take on a more casual slant, eating as she spoke, Makai could pick up his glass once again.

"Yes Ma'am, just got back into the mining business once again. Green energy and salvage has been another focus, my own company handles our small technology orders. Small time manufacturing."

"Salacia can offer a range of what you need, expand on ideas you haven't thought of before. Good at finding new uses for the old or finding a way to minimize the impact to the environment. You paused on mining, is that something you want to see expanded? Either for your own people or for profit for the planet?"

He caught the small nod from another woman, acknowledging her back with his own. Makai wasn't quite sure who she was, probably someone else waiting in line to talk to her Highness.
He was observant as well, very good she smiled her approval. "Yes some of the equipment is old outdated even. The phrase worker smarter not harder often comes to mind. I would like for mining the precious ore of Alderaan to not be as daunting as it is."

He seemed now to be a bit more in his element she would take that as a success then, "I paused because there are several mines here on Alderaan that need updating. Perhaps you would care to tour them with me so that it can be decided what to replace what is there with." Faith could hear her mother's voice and the commotion her mother was creating. Oh how she loved to put her children on display like the giant stuffed toy that everyone saw at the Life Day events. It drew attention for certain. Her poor brother center stage whether he wanted it or not.

Faith wanted to go to her brother she really did and after 18 years, yes she had questions but this dinner was about off world business and contacts getting to know the Coalition and House Organa. Right now all everyone would see was a mother who liked attention. Faith tried not to laugh she knew that nervous giggle of hers was going to slip out. But she had [member="Makai Dashiell"] attention and he was smoothly explaining what the company could do. She was interested.

"I'm interested in technology that is eco friendly and as you said something I've not thought of. This too interests me. When can you tour the mines with me?"
[member="Faith Organa"]

Makai was facing a big task for a teenage boy : tour the mines to decide what was in need of replacing. He had been around equipment his entire life, knew when things didn't seem to be moving at one hundred percent. Most of his experience moving into his fathers company was in salvaging. It didn't mean he couldn't tour the mines, talk the workers. Listening to their concerns and half his battle would already be fought.

"Right, I'm sure productivity is a big concern as well. "

There was a pause, waiting for her to continue. Makai wasn't overly concerned with what was going on 'center stage' so to speak. Most things regarding royalty and politics he was hazy on, and preferred to keep it that way.

"I can tour the mines with you at any time Your Highness. I've got nothing in the way of plans. My only request would be to see the mines in action, so the workers can be spoken to. So we can see the machinery you currently own in action."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"Excellent, can you spend the night here at the Winter Palace and go with me tomorrow" Faith was not one to wait long periods of time to do something. She felt that as long as Mr. Dashiell was here and tomorrow was free. Even if it wasn't she'd have Ana make room for her to tour the mines of Alderaan with the young man before her.

It would seem he had lost his shyness, and hesitancy all good. Faith did not look behind her she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She also now knew her father, and sister Arabella were present. While everyone would rejoice at these reunions Faith missed her brother Theo, and she could not help but wonder about D and Bud. Each time she tried to turn to look she felt her heart hurt, so instead she would converse with her guests and take care of Alderaan and the Coalition.

"It's easy enough to assign you a room there are plenty" plenty was an understatement. The Winter Palace was a place meant for refuge it was lots of bedroom, two dining halls and many things that she did not even have a moment to look at.

Faith smiled, she could do that well.
[member="Faith Organa"]

Iced-azure eyes went wide, stay the night in the palace? There was a nervous prospect, he was going to have to be on his best behavior the entire not. Perhaps he was going to have to snore properly this evening? There was a small smile at his own internal joke. Shoulders squared up a little and he nodded.

"Of course, I would be honored to stay. Thank you for your hospitality."

Makai took another sip of his drink, nearly gone now.

"I think I've held you up long enough. I better be careful, the crowds waiting to see you may become murderous and overtake those who hold your attention for too long."
Rashae said:
I am fine.Just these little events always have landmines
"Heh heh heh, sometimes i would rather deal with landmines in certain situations, at least those are predictable" he said in an encouraging mood. If he could accomplish anything else tonight it would be to make someone laugh, that was something else Myles enjoyed doing.....when not on the job.

"I second Doctor Lovous' remark. It is a pleasure to see you back on Alderaan. Myles Davorak at your service, founder of Triad Security." Myles observed Rashae's actions, she knew some of the people in here but not all. He would be wise to listen to who these people were, he had lost all track with politics after he left the military.

"Ah yes, Lord Darkhold, Alderaan is glad to have you back once again sir." He offered a respectful bow to each that he spoke to. He remembered eating at the Palace on Naboo....back in the old days and this reminded him of that, now if he could retain the same table manners, he would do just fine.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Arianna Organa"] [member="Makai Dashiell"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Draco Vereen"] (anyone else)
Faith nodded, "thank you Mr. [member="Makai Dashiell"] we will spend time together tomorrow. I'm sure there will be a contract by the end of the day tomorrow for your company. Enjoy the dinner if you need anything let Ana know."

Ana nodded and made preparations for another room for the night. It would feel good to have so many rooms filled tonight she thought. Not since the party with Rebekah. Ana looked down she had not thought of Rebekah in a long time years a life cut short too soon by someone thirsty for power. WEll..well..

Faith started walking towards [member="Isar Kislo"] she remembered that Ana said he was representing Naboo but she did not know the name. She smiled though pushing her hair behind her ears the few strands that had escaped and approached her guest. "Good Evening Mr. Kislo welcome to Alderaan." She extended her hand to shake hands with her guest. She noticed the color of his hair and the striking blue eyes. So whose son was he?
Arianna watched Garith with their son. She did not say anything snarky or sarcastic as she watched him embrace. Something was changing she looked away, Garith Sr was not one to be so open about his affections. Affections for someone meant that either they could be taken from you, used against you, or leave unexpectedly. They had talked about it some during the time they were stranded.

They did not think they would ever leave there but Garith with all his knowledge figured out a way.

Arianna would not realize that her son was uncomfortable she was only so proud to have him home that she wanted to share him with everyone. She clasped her hands together as others began to approach.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Makai Dashiell"] [member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] [member="Isar Kislo"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Laira Vereen"]
Isar's attention was redirected to the approach of a woman whom he recognized to be the Queen of Alderaan. The young Zeison Sha warrior bowed respectfully to the Queen. "Your Majesty. House Veruna of Naboo thanks you for the invitation." For a moment, blue eyes danced around the room once more before settling back on [member="Faith Organa"]. "Very impressive, this planet. It reminds me of Naboo in many ways. My...father sends his regards and apologizes for not being able to attend in person."
Faith smiled warmly, "House Veruna is most welcome here on Alderaan." Faith watched as her guests gaze slipped over and around her looking about till finally settling on her once again.

"Thank you it has taken a lot of work to get Alderaan back to its former state. I'm glad you are here and disappointed that your father could not come. He is as much a part House Organa as anyone. His influences will continue to be felt for generations to come. What he taught here is handed down to all who enter the service of House Organa, and now the Royal House of Alderaan." Faith could now see the blue of his eyes how it complimented his blonde hair. Yes there were things about [member="Isar Kislo"] that were definitely Marcello from everything she remembered of being on Naboo.

"Is your father well?" She did wonder why he did not come was there some affairs that required his attention or had the association with her family just become less important. She realized the the family relationship was through Tia Rianna so the desire to come perhaps waned in realization her aunt would not be in attendance.
[member="Garith Darkhold"]

Bella was going to fall on the floor, she had to be dreaming. She pinched the back of her hand just to make sure she was still awake. Did her father just call her brother son in front of all these people?


The Galaxy was going to end in every way she knew it. She was speechless.

But one thing was certain, though older in appearance, her brother was almost the same. She wouldn't hurt this moment in time with her family. She smiled at Garith.

I'll hug you later she thought to her brother she needed a drink for more than one reason. For maybe more reasons later...
There was much coursing through JR’s mind. With many faces coming up and bidding him welcome he did his best to be the prince.

[member="Rashae"] , a young woman with dark black hair and stunning blue eyes. Juggling the conversation JR found a moment to respond to her. “Thank you; your words are most kind M’ Lady”, Kind, yet inviting…JR’s aura was tranquil despite of the chaotic situation.

Next was an older gentleman. Reading body posture JR could tell the man was in the military or was. “Thank you kindly Sir”, polite and courteous JR spoke to [member="Myles Davorak"] .

Normally JR liked to shake peoples hand and actually make a conversation past basic curtsy. There was still time. Hopefully at some point he would actually be able to have a real conversation with Myles and Rashae.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"] , nothing was said between them at this moment. There was eye contact. Nothing at that moment needed to be said. They knew the other was pleased to see them.
Isar managed a warm, roguish smile in [member="Faith Organa"]'s direction. "I will convey your kind words to him as I'm sure he feels much the same about your family. As for my father, he is quite well, yes. I believe he made a promise to my mother about taking a personal trip before he received this invitation."

Isar paused for a but a moment, rolling his eyes. "If there is one thing that can be said about [member="Marcello Matteo"] and [member="Kiskla Grayson"], it's that they certainly do stay active." Raising his hands to indicate his own person, Isar continued, "So I'm afraid you'll just have to settle for me this time around."

Lowering his hands, Isar asked a question of his own. "How are you finding independence here on Alderaan? I know it has been some time since you all have been able to know this level of relative peace." It seemed most of the conflicts in the galaxy had been pushed to the Outer Rim with the abrupt dissolution of the Galactic Republic and the One Sith.
Rashae inclined her head towards Prince Darkhold with a polite smile. Her turn was as graceful as her curtsy. The Doctor kept strict formal protocol with the royal family as the same incline of her head was provided to the Dowager queen in due regard to her rank and status before her turn away. Myles was doing fine in this crowd. Probably in some ways better than she was doing.

Her attention and walk went towards Queen Faith Organa to ensure she was attended to. She was speaking with what appeared to be the athletic, physical type. Of which sort Rashae wasn’t sure. If she had a credit for every time a muscle bound bone head stepped in her way, she would have a college fund for a kid. There was a polite incline of her head and that practiced polite smile as her beautiful face looked at Isar directly in the eyes.

“Pardon me for intruding. ” She said politely with a velvet smooth voice. Her face turned towards the Queen.

“Your Majesty, If you will excuse me, I need some air.” The strain of the plastic smile was wearing on her. The young woman needed a few moments to recollect herself.

She inclined her head towards Isar politely before departing after a few exchanges of words. One does not lightly just leave a social function as this. It was considered social suicide. She then headed to one of the alcove terraces she hoped she remembered. She relaxed her face as her hand massaged her jaw. She could only hold that blasted smile for so long. “Rashae you are out of practice.” She said to herself. A sound edged to her hearing as her brow knitted.

The Minister made her way further out onto a terraced balcony as the sound of a violin being well played grew louder and louder as she then came in sight of the man performing the poignant piece. The glittering Rashae lovous stood there till he was finished with the lovely piece and offered a clap of admiration.

“Beautifully done.” She said in her velvet voice. The cool air catching dark tresses that was softly about her exquisite face.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Isar Kislo"] [member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Isar Kislo"]

How tactful he was being it sounded like they did not wish to come to Alderaan so they sent their son. And perhaps that was the way of things after all the relationship was with her Aunt not with her. Briefly she looked down as she gathered her words when she looked up again she was smiling brightly.

"It is good that they are active I am hoping my own mother becomes so active that she finds time to travel away from Alderaan and see some of the wonders of the galaxy." She needed her mother to leave home for a bit, not for any bad reason just they needed a break.

"How are we finding independence. We have always been independent what has changed is the presence of so many mandalorian brothers and sisters. So I find it quiet in an unnerving silence type of way. Peace has evaded this part of the galaxy for so long that celebrations seem to happen quite regularly and travel has increased. So I also find peace refreshing. How does Naboo feel about peace?" Faith looked at her guests, dinner would be served soon and it looked as if all business may be conducted before they sat down.

She knew for herself she had made a few connections that would benefit Alderaan and its economy.
So everyone was leaving to the dining room already? SR was mildly disappointed he had missed cocktails. Though he held out his arm and looked over to his daughter [member="Arabella Darkhold"].”Shall we go a dine this evening your grace”, he said in a playful jesting way to his daughter. Garith Darkhold being playful? Really? What was he like before the fall of the Kashi?

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