Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Dine on Mountains High

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

"Oh Garith my son your father is complicated. He says one thing and means something else." She smiled at him, "Knowing him as I do I would say he will be angry but he will be just as happy to see you alive as I am, as the family will be."

It was a sign that Garith fretted over his father's reaction, he loved his father. "Oh and Bella is on Vena we will have to call her to Alderaan. We will have a family" she almost said reunion but it wouldn't be a reunion without the others. "meeting. I'll call a meeting."

She began walking her son towards the Great Hall where the guests were milling about trying to get the attention of one another to make their deals. She looked around for Faith, Draco, Theo and Laira. Surely they were all here right now.
Rashae had snagged another glass of champagne with a nodded thank you to the server once her empty glass was deposited. That painted on polite smile remained as those light blue eyes turned glacial with Marcus's comment.

“Well, I suppose so. Better than an investor praying on little old ladies with pensions. “ The Doctor said that as she looked in her clutch. “Oh look, its the dead and dieing calling. Excuse me”

Without waiting for a word she turned from Marcus. With grace, she turned towards Myles and the Royal couple. Myles had the eyes of experience and calculation. These traits alone had were very useful. Considering Mister Yash had not given a response to her greeting she decided to listen to the conversation around them.

She went quiet as she observed the throng of people and various discussion groups or paired off individuals. There seemed to be a subtle buzz of something else. She sipped her champagne delicately.

[member="Vengeance"] [member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Dexen Yash"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Arianna Organa"]

It was true, his father was very complicated. A family meeting, her mother mentioned. There was something else going on. Something crucial information his mother was not telling him. Was it because they were essentially sounded by strangers and it was too private to blurt out here?

Garith walked with his mother. He would find out what he mothers was not telling him soon enough. For now though he must play the part of the prince for Alderaan.
The woman was only a few feet away from her friend when she noticed something that caught her eye. Golden hues fell upon the strange droid, and for a moment she merely watched, not wanting to interrupt a conversation already going on between it and other individuals that had attended that night. Looking back to Braxis, a soft smirk crossed her lips as he noticed him keeping an eye on her, all the while trying to attempt to make it look like he was mingling with the other guests.

Stepping forward she carefully slipped around the other guests, not wanting to be in their way. For the most part she only wanted to speak with one individual, and thus thought it easier to just make herself unnoticed. That though would be a difficult feat, the dress she worn hugged her figure, making her stand out even more. A few glances at a couple of the guests ensured that they would leave her alone, for she had not the time to listen to some aristocrat prattle on about themselves.

Finally approached her intended target, a soft smile crossed her lips, her fangs showing for a moment as she approached the three faced droid.

"I've always heard of individuals being two faced, though it appears you decided to up the ante..."

Yes it was a horrible joke, and even more so it was one that she was mentally kicking herself for. She wouldn't even blame the droid if it took action against her for such a horrible line as she set the glass of wine down. Her golden hues slowly traveling along the droids frame, admiring the craftsmanship of the chassis.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Makai Dashiell"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="draco vereen"]

Taryc turned her head and smiled at Elpsis as she spoke, the urge to kiss her cheek was almost overwhelming, but Taryc resisted. She turned back to Faith as she began to address them.

"I am sure Draco's recounting of my deeds were overly generous, but it was my pleasure to fight with him and help ensure he made it home to you." She smiled genuinely at the Queen. "I wouldn't want to be an imposition, but I think Elpsis and I could use some comfort before getting back on a ship and return to active duty. Thank you, Your Majesty." She continued, turning to Elpsis to see if she agreed. Taryc had some thoughts about it, but she kept them to herself for the time being. There would always be time later for such things.

Ever busy, the Queen was holding multiple conversations at once, and Taryc did not envy her. She did admire Faith, though. So many threads of conversation, and she handled them with a poise and elegance that Taryc would have attributed to some form of magic, had she not known better. She truly looked every inch the Queen, and purported herself the same. Taryc couldn't help but compare her to other rulers she had known, and as she looked around she saw none of the fear in the eyes of subjects that was present in most courts she had been to in her Primeval days. None of the madness either, thinking of the mad Hutt Warlord that had been a major player back then.

Taryc moved a little to the side. The person who Elpsis had been going to introduce her to was currently speaking with the Queen as well, and she neither wanted to interupt, nor leave before meeting him. So, she squeezed Elpsis's hand, her emotional distress of a few moments before quelled by the sage eloquence of the Queen.
Myles nodded toward Marcus--the comparison did make sense.
"Aye, s'pose you are right"

Myles would have a hard time doing a job for someone who couldn't pay the usual fee. He actually wouldn't even take the job. No credits means no way of life for Myles---in some sense at least.

He observed the young doctor once more turning away from Marcus and facing the Royal couple and himself. He wasn't sure if this was a gesture of sorts or perhaps wanted to divert attention elsewhere. Either way, he would try to add bits to any conversation, even if he wasn't addressed.

He offered a short smile to [member="Rashae"] and added
"I don't even think i could prey on old women in that mother may be old but she still scares the daylights outta me" he chuckled offering a small bit of solace in the conversation.

[member="Rashae"] [member="Vengeance"] (anyone in hearing distance)
[member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Makai Dashiell"]

"You're too modest, hun. You were real heroic on Mustafar," Elpsis could not help gushing in response to Taryc brushing off the Queen's compliments about her swashbuckling heroics alongside Draco.

Anyhow, she nodded along. "Thank you, your Majesty. I'll pass on your regards to Auntie. She always spoke highly of you and Draco. Some comfort for Taryc and me would be nice, if we're not imposing," she shared a look with the Paladin.

Conversation moved on, as the Queen mastered the art of multitasking by giving various people their due attention, without losing sight of what they were conversing about. That was an impressive skill, especially considering the amount of people who wanted a moment of her time.

This gave Elpsis the opportunity to stop neglecting a certain tadpole. So she returned Taryc's squeeze and led her over, after poluting excusing herself. "Hey, little bro. Nice to see you," she greeted him eagerly, giving him a hug.

"Taryc, this is Makai Dashiell. Kind of like my little brother. His dad's a family friend. Makai, this awesome chick here is Taryc Ap'Irae, my partner. She's with Firemane, too." Because the adoring 'like, totally into her' look and tone were obviously not enough, she planted a kiss on the other woman's cheek.
The redhead and the ravenhaired women made for a cute couple, polite too despite Taryc and his familiarity with one another.

"I feel like I did you fair justice in my recountings, Taryc." Draco grinned, he could sense the slight commotions going on, the subtle shift in how the people in the backrooms were behaving and the emotions they were feeling in overall tone. He could also tell his wife kind of wanted to pull away from the crowd and see what was up. "It would be no imposition on our part. Plenty of rooms and plenty of food for two extras." Plus Laira would probably like to meet his old cohorts. Theo too if he was like his father.

He leaned close to Faith to whisper in her ear, "If you wanted to leave, escorting Taryc and Elpsis to the guest rooms would be a good excuse." The retired warlord wasn't entirely sure how much Faith wanted to leave or excuse herself from the meet and greet or if she would wait, all he could do was provide her with options and support her no matter what she decided.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"]
Wow, that actually worked. Certainly Theo would hold it over her head for a while, even if her relationship with Joza was a bit more platonic than was suggested by their conversation in front of the boys. "Oh, you know me Joza. I'm quite the lady, Prince Theo is just dredging up ancient history because he wants you all for himself." Laira winked at Theo before he parted ways, hoping to add just some level of embarrassment to her younger brother's life in payment for his part of teasing her. Oh, she'd owe him one alright.

As the boys stepped away, Laira grinned at Joza, "Quite the follower you've got there. I though you were the one that suggested not getting attached?" She raised her eyebrows at the Zeltron, not that she was necessarily in a place to judge too harshly given that she was supposedly a spacer in the company of Prince Theodosius.

The Winter Palace had a lot to offer, a whole wing of guest rooms that were empty and reserved for members of the Royal Family and their guests rather than just the open invite folks. "The Prince had a room made up for me when I told him I wanted to attend. Our relationship is a bit closer to siblings than it is romantic. I hear his sister is quite the looker these days, though." Laira grinned, pleased with herself at the remark. If no one else would comment on the Crown Princess, she could.

[member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] | [member="Faith Organa"]

Makai hugged his 'big sister', although a recent growth spurt made him feel like the 'big-little brother'. Giving her a final squeeze he stepped back to look over her. Iced-azure eyes took in his 'sister' and her partner, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the sight. Did he look like that when he was around [member="Myra Elspeth"] ?Not very flattering, Elpy looked like a dopey love struck kid.

Which is probably what he looked like around his favorite girl.

"Nice to see you too, I figured she was from Firemane. I mean, unless you two are into the entire dressing alike phase of your relationship. Let me tell you now, stop. Its for your own good."

Boyish grin was plastered on his face as he extended a hand to Taryc in greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Ap'Irae. I trust you're going to take good care of Elpsis? If you hurt her...."
Theo stood listening and then he had a devlish idea. oh it was too good. Stepping away from his family even though there were a ton of whispers about someone his Grandmother was escorting towards the Great Hall.

He casually walked over to the Royal Guard. "Linus my friend" Theo smiled, "I need a favor" Theo put his hands behind his back and slowly rocked on his heels. "Princess Laira is home and she is currently escorting a lovely Zeltron around the Winter Palace." He sighed just a bit too full of himself.

"I would like for you to....take a few of your best soldiers and disturb the Princess. I want one to follow her at all times, and the others should just..well barge in and say something like they got word she was in danger"

Theo knew that Laira would be upset, but hey it would get her back for the time of the coming out party. He was ready to kiss that pretty girl from House Antilles when Laira turned on the water sprinklers. So. payback was here."

Linus smiled, "Theo sir, we could just turn on the sprinklers."

Theo nodded, "We could but..there's more to this."

Linus tried not to move as he smiled, "My sister still talks about that night."

Theo nodded, "I remember it well, and your sister was the prettiest girl there Linus. I hear she is engaged to someone off world."

Linus nodded, "yes..once you've dated a Prince there is only off world to go. I'll see what I can do about Laira" Linus nodded and left motioning for a few to follow him.

Theo bounced in place, alright and then he headed back to his parents.

[member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Laira Vereen"]
Faith smiled at [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] and then to [member="Elpsis Elaris"] , "there are plenty of rooms all made up. We will arrange for an escort to the rooms when you are ready." Faith couldn't help but look towards the Great Hall where her mother was walking.

Faith focused on the man with her, he had jet black hair likes hers, like her son he walked tall showing his confidence. She tried to listen to those around her as she stood staring off. The soft tickle of Draco's breath on her neck drew her attention that he was talking, "No. Not right now Drahr" [member="Draco Vereen"] Faith was clearly distracted by the arrival of her mother and guest.

There were others to meet yet, Ana came over her shoulder and pointed to [member="Makai Dashiell"] whispering what company he registered as representing. Faith nodded, "when time be sure I am able to speak with him" Faith looked over to where Mr. Dashiell stood and smiled.

Faith turned toward [member="Rashae"] Lovuous who was speaking with [member="Myles Davorak"] she had an idea regarding Mr. Davorak once it had been made known to her what it was he did for credits. She saw Marcus ([member="Vengeance"] ) and wondered if Ana had passed the message that she wanted to talk about an investment on Delaya.

Faith heard [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] announced. House Syrush, Member of the Order of the Wolf Cat, and friend to the Royal House. Just a few more people, where had [member="HK-36"] gone off too? And where was [member="Jack Sparrow"] he had said he and his date would be here. She missed old friends and Jack and she went way back.

Faith's for a moment turned back to once again focus on the man with Arianna. It was then her heart seemed to grow still...was that...[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] ?
Captain Jack Sparrow, former Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, strode into the kitchen, arms outstretched, eyes narrowed.

"Well this isn't right," he proclaimed, before pointing a finger at a tray of hors d'oeuvres. "Are these...?" he reached out, delicately plucking one meat-filled puff pasty from the tray. He sniffed it curiously, then popped it into his mouth.

"Hot," he spouted, spitting it onto the floor immediately. "These are very hot." He spat several times onto the floor, then looked for a glass of water. Finding nothing but staring servants, he pushed his way through to the sink, opened the tap, and drank from the running water. Sufficiently cooled, he turned the water off again and wiped his mouth on the cuff of his perfectly-tailored greatcoat.

"I'm fine, thanks," he said in a heavily-accented, slightly slurred voice. "How are you?"

Even the normally bustling noises of the kitchen ceased to a quiet clinking as the cooks and servants regarded the pirate.

"Excellent. Lovely. Fine. Kudos. Look, I seem to have wandered away from the party, which is odd, as I hadn't even arrived yet. Would one of you be good enough to escort me to the main ballroom, or grand ballroom, or side ballroom, or wherever it is that [member="Faith Organa"] is holding court? I'm expected, I am."

He spotted a lovely young woman with short red hair, freckles, and a smock that was two sizes too large for her, which left one shoulder bare. "You, love! You look like you're too attractive to be busy at the moment."

"She's in charge of replacing table linens!" barked someone wearing a chef's hat.

"As it turns out," spoke Jack sagely, taking the young woman's arm, "all of Princess Organa's guests are very upper class. They never spill or need to wipe their mouths or poop. Odd, really. Now then," he continued, escorting the young woman towards the door, "what's your name and would you like to hear the story about the time I blew up a city block?"
Alderaan she had stayed here for a short time when [member="Simeon Alde"] was here back when they were still rebuilding Alderaan. That began to feel like a lifetime ago. She looked at the giant blue ball as they approached using the codes given to her by her sister Faith she approached recognized as a member of the Royal family. Bella wasn't sure of a lot of things right now she felt twisted up inside again.

She looked over at her father that look on his face when he woke up. They had not said much since then each were lost in their own thoughts. Bella tried not to drum her fingers on the arm of her chair, nerves. But her father said where's the family and so she was headed to where she knew there was family. The confirmation came through that Garith had indeed used his accounts was a shock maybe she better tell her father now.

"Dad, the family has changed some since Coruscant. I don't know where to start on it all but perhaps Mother would have more information"

Alderaan flight control came back directing them to the Winter Palace. Interesting..

[member="Garith Darkhold"] sr
Things had changed, indeed they had but what did [member="Arabella Darkhold"] mean? Garith was not sure how he felt about that.

“Did you forget how to speak for yourself, during that time”, Garith asked with his typical gruff way.

Being directed to the palace was a wise choice Garith thought. He just wanted to get there and get it done. He had some things to say. He knew [member="Arianna Organa"] would have some things to say. Would things work?

Things had changed. Garith had changed. He knew his children would need stability. Not conducting himself with his distinctive demeanor could cause uncertainty. He did not believe he could live with losing everything again.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Faith Organa"], [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"],

HK was still there! Presumably still pushing around one of the appetizers and studying its consistency before Amelia approached him with her horrible pickup line,

"Well are you not the clever one?"

The droid replied as his head spun about until one of the faces focused on the space vampire,

"I elected to undergo this upgrade after one of the Dominion war droids managed to sneak up on me and attempt to deactivate me from behind. He failed and I ripped out his power unit, of course, but it was still an inconvenience."

HK explained, not sparring the detail about how the other unit was deactivated. The droid noticed Amelia looking over his chassis, which caused the machine to motion upwards with his six fingers,

"Eyes up here."

He quipped before finally leaving the appetizers be and turning to face more towards Amelia,

"What do they call you?"
[member="Garith Darkhold"]

Bella looked at her father, "I can speak for myself. fine. All the males of the family disappeared. I have confirmation that JR resurfaced two days ago after 18 years. Theo is still missing, as well as Dar'yaim and Bud. With Dar'yaim gone after 8 years it was assumed he was dead for we all know if he could he would have returned to Faith no matter what. Faith remarried and has a new husband named [member="Draco Vereen"] and they have children the two that most see are Theo and Laira. Mother never married."

Bella sat back there she told him now he would know what to expect. She hated to have to tell him all this today but feth couldn't have him looking for his boys when they weren't around. That she knew would hurt him after what she learned on Roon it would hurt him greatly. But maybe he knew something they didn't, or couldn't find.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]

See, not so hard”, the ancient Dark Kashi spoke.

“Your brothers, and your nephew are missing”, shaking his head Garith stood up.

“I have an accident and during that time your mom can’t keep the family together”, the tone of his voice got a little agitated.

You, land the damned ship”, he started to the back of the cockpit,” I’m going to go get a bottle of whiskey.”

Moving out into the corridor, “Feathing Chaos”, swearing his way down the he left to go find a bottle.
"I suspect it was not my best line, though it was either that or just blurting out the word orange. I do believe I chose the better of the two".

Amelia provided a soft smile, a hint of her fangs showing before her yellow hues fell upon the unsettling droids faces. Setting her own glass down, she looked pass the droid, watching as the armored individual that had escorted her in began to move towards her. A simple wave of the hand ensured that Braxis would remain where he was propping up the wall. A soft smirk crossing her lips as she returned the focus to the droid.

"You do have a lovely figure, though I'm afraid you're just not my type my friend. Too metal and too... male."

She permitted herself a small chuckle before taking a sip of the wine in her glass, setting it back down with a soft clinking noise. Her free hand came to rest on the table as she stood with the droid.

"I am Amelia Sorenn-Syrush, Countess of House Syrush. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to tonight?"

Jack opened yet another door.

"We're not supposed to be in here," said the young woman with the short red hair, speaking quietly in fear of being discovered. "This is m'lady's wardrobe!"

"Faith?" asked Jack. "Are you here?" Holding Sensa's hand (for that was her name), he made a show of looking behind the door. "She's not here," he said, pulling the redhead into the room and closing the door behind them.

"Jack, what are we doing here?"

"Well you can't be seen at a formal ball wearing this, now can you, love?" asked Jack. "So we're here to find you something more appropriate."

"We're going to steal a dress from [member="Faith Organa"]?"

Jack held up a finger. "Borrow, love." Releasing Sansa's hand, he wandered over to a large, ornate pair of doors. He interlaced his fingers, cracked his knuckles, then reached out to turn both doorknobs simultaneously and pull the doors open. A smile crept across his face. "What's that word people use when they've won that game? The one where you match everything in a row?"

"We should leave!" said Sansa, hurrying to stand alongside the pirate.

"No, that's not it," replied Jack, putting an arm around her waist and pushing her into the massive walk-in closet. "It's one word. Starts with a 'B.'"

"I'll be sacked!" said Sansa, though her eyes were scanning the racks and racks of women's wear. One dress probably cost more than she made in three months.

"That's three words," corrected Jack, "and only two of them started with a 'B.'" He moved into the center of the room, trailing his fingers along the dresses, until he stopped before a short, sheer blue nightgown. "Perhaps this?" He asked, pulling the hanger from the rack and holding it out in front of him.

"Perhaps, if I were a Twi'lek dancer!" she laughed. "Look, Jack, honestly, I appreciate this, I think, but if Faith Organa sees me come downstairs wearing one of her gowns, I'll be sacked, my father will be sacked, and I'll never find work on this planet again. We have to go."

"Sansa. Love. Darling. I'm Jack Sparrow. I was the bloody Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Faith Organa and I are not only former colleagues, we're also friends. If you're with me, she's not likely to fire you. At worst she'll send me the bill for the dress you borrow. At best, she won't even recognize it as something she owns." He looked up and down the racks of clothing. "It looks like she's got enough here to wear a different outfit three times a day for two years without repeating herself."

Sansa arched an eyebrow. "You're insane Jack, you know that?"

Jack leaned in snuck a kiss. "You're here with me, love," he said with a smile. "Sticks and stones."

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