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To Malif Cove (One Sith/Sith Assassins)


Active Member
Vual does as ordered and continues to search the areas, killing the vermin that he finds. Upon his search, he decides to follow one of the technicians to the lab that [member="Darth Arcanix"] had setting up, after approaching the lab the pureblood would stand by the entrance and simply observe the room with his blood red eyes. It was evident that he was taking in the surroundings, the equipment and more importantly, the people inside the room and his eyes seem to flicker to Darth Arcanix more than once.
Vi'kas continued moving piles of rubble, clearing the hallways of debris. At this point, he had navigated deep into the underground tunnels, almost getting himself lost in the labyrinth. After moving a particularly large pile, he discovered an entryway. He continued to move rocks and such out of the way until the opening was large enough for him to fit through. He then squeezed his way through the small entrance, looking to see what was beyond the doorway.

He looked around the room, eyes wide. It used to be someone's personal quarters. He walked around the room, observing its beauty. An entire wall was a window overlooking some sort of clearing, which he would explore later. The room had a weapons closet, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a few other pleasant features. He walked through a door the far side of the room, and walked into a large cleared out area. He whisked, someone could fit a small ship in there.

He immediately decided he wanted this to be his own personal quarters. He mapped out his way to the room, sketching it his datapad. He then exited the room, but ingraving his name above the door, marking it as his own. He then set off to investigate the outdoors clearing he had seen through the window.
As [member="Darth Ferus"] spoke to the apprentices [member="Vual"] and [member="Kilrys Serccci"], Kentarch made his way to the small crowd of onlookers. The black cloaked figure finally after a few moments time had passed through a small fence and down a walkway that led to the monastery. As the Sith lord passed into one of the outlying courtyards, he stood before the men who had taken up the cloth on this world. In their presence Kentarch said nothing, he merely stopped and studied them. Reaching out with the force he could sense their emotions, confusion, insecurity, and caution.

"Why have you come here?" One of the elder monks finally asked.
Darth Kentarch did not turn to face, holding his gaze solid towards the main hall of their monastery ahead, looking at none of them in particular. "We have come for whats below." He said after a long pause. "And we plan to stay."
"Who are you?" The monk almost demanded. "Are you with the One Sith?"
"I am not a member of the One Sith." Darth Kentarch corrected, the monks exchanged looks to his reply. "However Coruscant is aware of the situation here, and they have decided to overlook your religion. In turn for your cooperation."
"And what condition may that be?" The elder asked.
"That you will not interfere with the fortress below, its inhabitants, or speak of anything you see or hear under any circumstances." Darth Kentarch answered. The Monks turned to each and began discussing on his conditions as this was a debate. He would give them the time to decide.
Blackmoore was late to the work, which was of no consequence to him. As a monarch others did the work as he supervised. He was not such anymore, his rule taken by the dark side itself. 800 years he had been in stasis, the dark side only releasing him upon the touch of an innocent young woman. Rumor had reached him of an assassins guild, all of them Sith. Xander needed them, which was why he was here.

His hooded cloak was cast over his head, his khaki pants, black boots, red sash and matching ascot made up his attire. Two twin sabers dangled from his waist. Xander's bow and quiver were left aboard his infiltrator. He had learned to pilot it, and would do so for now. His estate on Ec Pand was better than what he saw here, but he was certain with work it would be as exquisite. Not knowing where to begin, Xander followed the majority of the work party. It seemed he could be useful there.
"I'll start talking to the locals, I believe there's a town not far from here. I need to start expanding my contact base." Valtryx nodded at Ferus, as the others seemed to have split off to do their own work. "Stay safe." She winked at him, an unneeded warning for a man of his skill. The Red Jewel then turned and went off her own way, along the coastline and towards a small spec in the distance, which upon closer inspection was a collection of rather extravagant buildings. Within them, she knew, were people from all over the galaxy who had retired and wished to live the rest of their life at in pure luxury. Her homework would come in handy, having already found out the dirty secrets of each ex-senator, businessman and crime lord who now resided in the resort. With enough twisting and persuasion, Valtryx was confident she could create some reliable contacts.

After all, she couldn't have any important information going under the assassin's noses, especially on their own planet. This would only be the start of her network, eventually she would know every dirty secret there was to know, and hear of every possible target as soon as it came.

But that would come with plenty of work, of course...

[member="Darth Ferus"]

Not noticing the new arrival at first, Taeli and her team continued setting up the lab. Pristine white surfaces were being removed from crates and assembled into desks and workbenches, high-tech monitoring and data storage systems were being plugged into temporary generators. Two of her team members were actually off and setting up a full power generator deeper in the lower levels and would be running wiring and such up to the systems soon. Taeli herself was carefully unpacking a new alchemy kit when she looked up into the eyes staring at her.

"Can I help you?" Taeli asked, finally paying attention to the young acolyte standing in a doorway watching her people set up the lab. She was curious what he was doing here as he didn't seem like the scientist type, but then neither did she.


Active Member
Vual's eyes dragged their way up and down [member="Darth Arcanix"] 's body, the pureblood was curious of the person but smart enough to know when it wasn't wise to do something, though he has been ignoring his mind lately. After being acknowledged, he would take a couple steps forward and give a bow, one wouldn't be able to tell whether it was mocking, in jest or serious but it was what it was and after he raised, Vual would give a devilish smile.

"I thought I would introduce myself, Vual at your service."

As he spoke, the tendrils lining the back of his neck would contort and twist.
Tain stood on an outcrop of rock that overlooked the water just a few dozen meters from the buildings he had just left. As an Acolyte, his had been the menial tasks of helping to move several crates, boxes and containers that [member="Darth Arcanix"] had brought in. His task in that regard had ended, others were tasked with setting up the various computer systems. That was not within his purview, he could use computer systems to find information like most people in his generation, but that was as far as it went. His upbringing hadn't been the kind that allowed for recreational use of computers. Nor recreation itself.

Tain turned from the water and looked at the buildings that disguised the fortress beneath. He didn't know a great deal about the ancient sect of sith assassins that they were here to resurrect, but the prospect of learning that history and getting down to the training excited him greatly. Off to the side of the buildings was a path that lead down toward where ships were to land and beyond that a local town. Coming up that path was a man in a hooded cloak, with a sash and ascot that matched some of the spikes in his hair. Tain, dressed in a black wrap-around tunic on top of a high necked undershirt and matching black pants and boots with a dull gray mask covering his face and gloves covering his hands, stepped forward to meet him. He noticed a pair of sabers dangling from the mans belt, and more importantly, he felt the presence of the Dark side about him. That didn't mean he was meant to be here, but made it more likely.

"Greetings, dark one." Tain said as he came to within earshot of the man coming up the path. Tain purposely stood in the mans path, his thumbs hooking into his combat belt that held his matching lightsabers. "Is there something I could help you with?"

[member="Xander Blackmoore"]

"Pleasure to meet you, Vual," she said, nodding her head a bit. She had caught him looking her over, and whether it was because she was rather good looking or because she didn't look like a normal Sith, she didn't really care. But, politeness was called for, even as her people continued to assemble their lab.

"Did you seek me out for anything in particular?" she asked, pulling out a few more pieces of the Sith alchemy set and gently setting them on a small hover trolley. "Or did you just come here to watch me?"

There was an ever so slight warning in her voice with her last comment, a warning that she wondered if he would heed. It wouldn't do to annoy a Sith Lady after all. Still, getting up and moving the trolley in front of her, she made her way to small chamber that would house the alchemy forge and kit. It wouldn't be as extensive as her secret lab on Coruscant or her private lab on Sposia, but it would still serve a purpose for her.

Her workers were starting to bring some equipment online, and the hum from the new power generator would start to fill the passages, even as her workers began installing sound-proofing around that section of the lower levels. Stacks of materials for weapons and armor were starting to be unloaded and moved into adjacent storage chambers from the main lab.
With a sigh Ferus would go about his own goal. Leaving the rest of the group to themselves, he would enter deep within the tomb itself. His goal, to find the secrets within. The darkness he soon found himself as he went deeper into the fortress was soon illuminated by a purple flame engulfing his hand. Rather grimly he walked, unsure on if there would be traps. But to his joy he would find none, and he would find many, many rooms. A training hall by how one looked, a cafeteria, even a spa of some kind, though part of the Lord knew that it was quite the opposite.

Yet what he was looking for he didn't find until the end of his walk. Moving to the very last room he found a locked door. Piratically crumbling however, he was able to force it open with a light amount of energy, and with a kick he sent the massive steel door down onto itself. Within, a book rested on a pedestal. A large grin formed over the Zabraks face as he moved to it. While it was only a book, he flipped it open without any hesitation.

The book on how these assassins fought. Exactly what he needed.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Tain Organa"]
[member="Vi'kas Mirtis"]
[member="Darth Valtryx"]
[member="Xander Blackmoore"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]


Active Member
Vual would promptly turn away from the room that held [member="Darth Arcanix"] and says aloud before leaving.

"Was curious of the room and you."

Once he left the doorway, he would make his way around and simply search out more vermin, once finding them he would first cut of their legs and put them in a satchel that he had found in a room earlier from here. Continuing this until his satchel was full, he would find a room that he will claim as his own and once entering it, the pureblood would shut the door and begin boring events.
The first luxury house was something special; a grand circular structure made of aqua-tinted glass and pure white walls. Sunlight reflected brightly off it's walls, giving it an almost heavenly appearance. Such a display did not make Valtryx feel anything like an angel though, her intentions for the owner being purely devilish. Pressing her finger lightly on the door's buzzer, she awaited the man within to answer. She knew he was a retired Republic Senator, who after the fall of Coruscant had fled to get away from the politics that had nearly got him killed. He lived with his two children, twins, bringing them up on his own after his wife had gone missing. Of course, he had blamed the Sith for that.

The door opened to reveal a rather fat Rodian with trademark bulbous eyes, which fixed on Valtryx curiously. "May I help you?" He chimed in his native language, which luckily Valtryx knew enough of to understand.
"I'm here for some fake documents, I heard you're the man to see for them." Blunt, to the point. Exactly what she intended to invoke a reaction from the man, which eventually came.
"Who told you this? I've never..." A short pause came from him. "You'd better come in, Miss..." He left the sentence open as a question, asking her name as he stepped aside for her to enter.
"Minna." Valtryx replied, giving a cruel smile as she moved inside...

[member="Darth Ferus"]

Kilrys Serccci

Kilrys looked to his Mentor, even though he had stuck to the shadows and only killed the rats, he nodded his head in understanding that his approach had to be silent. He walked around the building slowly, his hand stroking the old walls as he searched for rats or rubble to move. He noticed a rat and with a sudden movement he snapped its neck before looking for more debri.

He later found some blocking a stairway upstairs, sliding underneath the fallen pillar he lifted it up straight, grunting as he used his muscles hard attempting to push the pillar back into place.
Darth Kentarch had waited for much longer than he had liked. Yet the monks continued to deliberate on the Sith Lord's terms. Finally the elder turned to face him. "Do we have your word and the word of the One Sith that you will leave us to our own affairs?" The elder asked. Kentarch looked down, his tone reflection hinting at annoyance. "Yes. But you must accept the deal unconditionally." The elder seemed to hesitate as if everything was catching up to him. "You have a deal." The elder monk replied. Kentarch turned away on that note, he could feel their fear in the force as he did. That was good, they would remember their end of the deal better that way. And without giving his name and revealing who they were, The Sith Lord had managed to maintain the anonymity of himself and his fellow assassins, all without drawing his blade.

He made his way back to the abandoned fortress to report back to [member="Darth Ferus"]. The group at the entrance seemed to have scattered to do their respective assignments and duties. Good, Kentarch thought, everyone had a job to do or was busy doing something. Stragglers and loiters only drew unwanted attention. He came to the entrance of the fortress and then moved inside to Lord Ferus.
Strange acolyte that one, Taeli thought as she got back to work after Vual had left. The lab was coming together rather well, sterile surfaces were being bolted into the stone walls. She actually rather liked the whole rough stone look for what they were going with here,she felt it right in that it was a secret lab. Of course, her people were drilling through the stone small grooves to place wires and power cords to the main generator.

"My Lady, storage areas are all arranged," Jaxson said, coming up with a datapad for her. "With current supplies, we should easily be able to build anything the Assassin's need for quite some time. I'll arrange random drop zones if the team here is ever running low."

"Good, good," Taeli said with a smile, scrolling down the list of things completed and still needed done. "What about the other project?"

"First prototype has been finished," he reported, grinning. "I moved them into limited production with the same team that built the Sicarius, they know better than to say anything."

"Just what I wanted to hear," she said, smiling wider.
Vi'kas walked into the training field. It was covered in a layer of thick grass, due to the fact that nobody had probably been down there in ages. There were old training dummies scattered about, most knocked over on their sides. There were weapon racks fixed into the walls, a few old Vibroblades still in their places. Most of them, however, were overgrown with vines.

Looking up towards the sky, Vi'kas realized that the training grounds were situated in a huge valley. Along the valley's extremely steep slopes, there were many windows. He realized that the training grounds could double as a central courtyard and meeting area. He searched the vertical slopes for a moment, finally spotting his room. It was situated in the North-East corner of the valley, its windows bending along with the corner. He looked towards the center of Northern slope, and saw a balcony. He whistled at the size of it, realizing it and room connected to it were meant for for the Master of the order, in this case, [member="Darth Ferus"] . He grabbed his grapple gun, and fired a cable around the balcony rail. He tugged it a few times, ensuring its stability. He then began to climb the rope.

When he reached the top, he was astounded by the room's beauty. Unlike his, it was covered in rustic and lavish decorations ( [member="Darth Ferus"] , I'll let you dev the rest of the room). He was now utterly certain that this room was for the Master of the Order. He grabbed his datapad, and sent his coordinates to his master, explaining what he had just found.
Iziz entered late, having come from a much further away location, showing up in not an infiltrator, but in a fury class interceptor, though it was not his own, the pilot of the ship after he landed took the ship up and away, leaving the Jawa to his own devices. Looking around Iziz saw the monastery, the place looked old, ancient even in comparison to other buildings he had seen, but like every place in the universe it seemed, it had some more modern qualities to it. Approaching the building he would look too see and feel a plethora of presences here which made the Jawa feel like he was walking amongst giants in the force. The power some of these people wielded was palpable, but, he was sent here to help, there was something said about a fortress below which was used by an ancient sect of force sensitives was given to him, and with that information the Jawa had a couple of ideas on where to scrounge for some interesting things. Walking toward the station he waved to some of the Dark Lords he moved past, not bothering to speak to many of them, he was sure that any of the lords here would not be specifically versed in Jawa trade language, which was often a rather apt assumption, everyone he had tried to talk to in the Sith so far had looked at him quizzically as if there was something on his masked face, not being able to understand a word of the Jawa converted language. Iziz could only imagine how hard it would be for him to communicate to the others through scent like his people traditionally would, though, the clothing he wore was not entirely suitable for that kind of communication, it would block the scents, rather than hold them, and carry them to the point of being able to communicate.

So, rather than mince words and try to reason with the others, talk about understandings, with a couple of small taps on a datapad, Iziz wrote the words

Look for Things.

Waving it in the direction of those who would look in his direction...

Heading across the hills to the temple, he saw the monks, Iziz hid his light-saber on the underside of his coat as he walked through the venue, it seemed there were people here up to all sorts of things, people were digging through rubble, looking for artifacts and killing the infestations of rodents which seemed to plague this place, the monks which seemed to reside here gave Iziz a couple of interesting looks, however, as he held up the Datapad with his displayed message, it seemed that it did not quite satiate their curiosity at the small, confident, apathetic diminutive creature as he simple wondered through the temple, looking to and fro for a place that people didn't seem to be working on yet. Walking past a door he witnessed two people talking as one of them set up some form of scientific workshop and another stood answering the queries of the other, uninterested in what they were doing, the Jawa continued to move on, sniffing the air, and looking for a place which smelt... stale, and untouched... It took him some time, moving deeper and deeper into the facilities heart of the top floor before he found exactly what he was looking for. A place which had somewhere underground would have to have ventilation, otherwise all the air down there would not be recycled, and if it was a fortress, it was even more important. Finding one of the holes, iziz used the force to focus on the fan port, focusing harder, and harder, until the metal began to pull and bend. Getting nowhere due to his inexperience with the force, Iziz was forced to stop his attempts, having done little more than vandalize the fan... Getting mad, Iziz gave it one more yank with a force pull, the frustration welling up to a climax causing Iziz to over-focus, ripping the fan from its fixture and slamming it into the adjacent wall... Looking to either side as there was a resounding crash of metal on hard surface, Iziz saw no-one in this area of the facility... for now. Taking a running jump Iziz grappled onto the edge of the hole toward the ceiling, only just small enough for a child to squeeze into, making Iziz the perfect fit. as he moved to his quadrupedal stance, and began to run through the hole.

It was not long until there was a path down, crawling over it so that he was able to back down feet firs, Iziz slid, his hands and feet to the sides ensuring that his weight was distributed evenly. It was only as he got deeper and deeper into the area that he began to get access to areas which rubble may have sealed off entirely... Crawling through, and along the hidden pathways, he could see old rooms, caked with dust and some signs of battles long forgotten... the Hoary facility had been lost to dis-repair but there was still a faint feeling from deeper in this place, there were a couple of skeletons which lines the corridors from where it seemed the Jedi had never really cleaned the place up... but such was the ways of the light side of the force, they obviously had no need for the deeper levels, and by the times the monks got here some of the tunnels had been sealed off by debris. But such was the way of things. Picking a place to crawl down and out into, into one of the various paths which seemed to be blocked by walls of debris which could take days to clear unless people bought a mining laser... or force destruction.

Rifling through some of the belongings of the long dead, he found a couple of datapads, some ancient credits, blades which had been dulled through time and various others. Anything which was salvageable with time and work, Iziz made piles of, leaving the waste to continue to wither... The air here was hard to breathe, like the atmosphere had changed, making it thin, or so dusty that if you breathed in too deeply you would choke... It was like another world. But, at least here, there weren't the monks to worry about. The infestation of the vermin here however was even worse, this place was only accessible through the nooks and crannies in the walls and the vents which adults would not be able to get to, so the rodents had taken up permanent residence... It was only then that Iziz passed a room which caught his eye. A feeling pulling him to a side, and a door which seemed to be locked... Taking out his light-saber, he flicked on one of the two blades, and slowly, but surely, and carefully cut a hole through the door before stepping through... Stepping into the room careful to not touch the hot sides of the door... What he found was something which Iziz thought to be a training room, of some kind but the pressure change walking into here was extra-ordinary, like walking into a tomb... The large room was semi spherical, with a platform in the middle like an arena, while the room itself was not too large, and some of the ceiling had fallen in, there was something... off about it... walking in, there were mummified banners hanging from the assassins who used to be here, as well as a sentient beings remains also in the middle of the room, perfectly preserved and mummified cross legged.

The force was strong in this room, strong enough that Even Iziz could feel his connection to the force becoming stronger, leaning down, he took the blade at the side of the long dead assassin, the blade was silver, something special, but Iziz didn't know what the vibro-dagger was made of, perhaps he would give it to one of the lords as a gift, it seemed almost platinum in colour, sleek and deadly, and still razor sharp thanks to the moisture-less room.

Picking up his datapad he broadcast-ed openly to those around which would pick up the message and read it.

Found Something... round room... Force Strong here... Hard To get to...

Picking up some of the collapsed debris, he began to clean the room, this room seemed special, so Iziz would make it his project to make this room good. Not knowing that he had stumbled upon a meditation chamber. and a particularly large one at that. Clearing the room with telekinesis here was easier, even though he was but a novice in its use. It came easily, standing in the middle of the room and moving the rubble into one area, before moving over to them all and using his light-saber to cut the boulders into more manageable pieces so that others would be able to re-locate them at a later date.
"Not readily," Xander stated to the man who approached him. "Not unless you are familiar with 800 year old history."

Naturally that had nothing to do why either of them were here, but Xander knew a bit about this place others may not. 800 year old history was his expertise, and Xander had known a vacation home he occupied with his parents as a child. It may not belong to the Blackmoore's any longer, but of soon would again. Why? Xander needed the passageways it contained. Every house his family ever owned, large or small, was built with hidden passage ways. This particular home ought to connect to a series of underground tunnels which would lead to the base being established. Xander could not have the current owners stumble upon the activity happening underground.

"My family owned a vacation property here that long ago. I ran the halls as a boy. Certain passageways of the house connect to a certain project of interest which is a matter of utmost discretion for the time being. I am certain Ferus would not appreciate his project being discovered by residents who live somewhat above his activities."

Xander bowed in greeting.

"Darth Vizios, Sith Knight. Now, may I count on you to assist me in reclaiming my property?"

[member="Tain Organa"]
Tain maintained his position as Xander spoke. He detected no falsehood in anything the man said, and he wouldn't readily be able to verify any of it. However, he knew that helping someone ranked above him was one way to attain his goals, so he nodded and stepped from in front of the Sith Knight.

"I am Tain Organa, an initiate here." He bowed in a somewhat formal manner, "I am at your service, Lord Vizios."

He motioned for Xander to lead the way, and silently fell into step with him.

[member="Xander Blackmoore"]
After he had sent the room's coords to [member="Darth Ferus"] , he again began exploring rooms. He mapped the place as he went, sparing no details. He inspected every room he found, and recorded his findings for the order.

He eventually came across what looked to him like an old laboratory. Cobwebs covered everything, as well as a thick layer of dust. He blew off dust, and discovered a medium amount of alchemical components. He knew of a Sith Lord who would treasure them very much, so he loaded all he could find into a massive sack. There bags and bins of all sorts of odd things, their uses were beyond him. Regardless, he jogged through the tunnels, sack over his back.

Eventually, he made it to [member="Darth Arcanix"] 's lab. It wasn't hard to find, all you had to do was follow the trail of workers moving stuff across the beach. He eventually arrived in the soon-to-be lab, and gave the Sith Lord a courteous bow. "Lady Arcanix, I believe I found some objects you may be interested in."

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