Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Malif Cove (One Sith/Sith Assassins)

With the book in hand, Ferus would once more return to the realm of the living. So far reports of different discoveries found their way to his ears, and it could only make him smile. [member="Lord Ajihad"] , [member="Vual"] , [member="Darth Arcanix"] , [member="Darth Kentarch"] , [member="Xander Blackmoore"] , [member="Tain Organa"] , [member="Iziz Vei"] , [member="Kilrys Serccci"] , even his beloved [member="Darth Valtryx"] have pulled out all they could to assist. The Assassins now had a home. Dusty, yes. But now they could finally and truly build.

A single call went out to all in the group, a com to gain all of their attention.

"I have something I'd like you all to see. Meet once more outside."

Kilrys Serccci

Kilrys heard the call from his Master and nodded his head slowly as he lifted the large pillar from the staircase and looked up the stairs, he tilted his head curious to explore up there but he shook his head. He was ordered back to the outside and no reason would be good enough if he did not return to his Mentor fast enough. He moved from the staircase and wandered through the hallways, his cloak slowly drifting behind him with the breeze as he moved quickly.

He took in the fresh air as he flared his nostrils somewhat as he looked around to see where everyone else might be. He looked at the academy and nodded his head in approval, he was sure that this place would be hidden from others. Kilrys scratched the side of his cheek as he felt the stubble growing on his cheek slowly and growled to himself, he needed to shave. He probably needed to shower and clean himself.

[member="Darth Ferus"]


Active Member
An angry, and somewhat downtrodden, Vual would make his way towards his master. The pureblood's eyes seemed to give off an air of not wishing others to mess with him, his body language reflecting the same as he made his way towards [member="Darth Ferus"].

Niaana Ren

Mission, the 1st Sister. (Dead, Pm Writers Account
Niaana was there but as ever not there, naturally walking in her absent of light, footsteps you could hear, soft and muffled by her insoles. One day she might disappear completely into those same shadows, and perhaps the galaxy would breathe easier knowing one killer less was clawing on its back. For now though, many more would need to die before she learned to curb her urges for immediate satisfaction.

Usual one piece black body suit, soft black shoes, littered with black vibroknives and a dark lightwhip by her side. Her hands curled inward and outward, writhing and snaking her way to the gathering, darkness around her only leaving her side when she found a place to rest, out of sight and out of mind, not a word save one.

“Master.” She hissed softly and leaned against the nearest wall, silver hair draping down her lithe figure, and curling to rest across her chest. Excitement was here, she could feel from others but not herself, and her urge to feel that anticipation fed her curiosity.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
Darth Ferus said:
"I have something I'd like you all to see. Meet once more outside."

Tain would twitch at the communication coming over her com unit, then bow silently to [member="xander blackmoore"], turn and move swiftly towards the Red Assassin. Within a few moments the masked and robed assassin would lightly pass into the room where [member="Darth Ferus"] stood and move away from the doorway. She would stand with her back to a wall, watching the entrances while she waited.


Active Member
The pureblood had already lost his patience, it would seem that way and his attitude would represent the same. Pacing back and forth, flexing his fingers and cracking his knuckles, the tendrils on the back of his head contorting and twisting. Vual was usually a calm person, though lately he seemed to be swirling around his emotions and was easily angered, though he seemed to know when to bite his tongue but not with those he perceived as below him.
It seemed Xander's capture of his old vacation home would have to wait. The communication came over a comm unit. Xander smirked at some retort he could make. They were Sith Assassins using comm units when projective telepathy could work just as well. It seemed the group needed some training in the proper use of the technique. Comm units were a sure fire way to blow their cover.

Following the one who had agreed to help him, he pressed a mental message into her mind.

~"We will recapture the home later. This time from the passage ways up."~

He retreated from her mind once the message had been delivered, and stopped along the back wall himself. Xander was curious as to what had been found and what was still required to do. At the same time, however, the monarch was also interested in the make up of this group. Would they be able to help him in reclaiming his kingdom. Yes, being part of the group was selfish on his part, but he was truly Sith. It was always about what he got out of it.

@Lord Ajihad , @Vual , @Darth Arcanix , @Darth Kentarch , @Tain Organa , @Iziz Vei , @Kilrys Serccci, [member="Niaana Ren"]
[member="Vual"] [member="Darth Ferus"]

Iziz heard the message over his com as he continued to move the rubble out from the meditation chamber, Iziz had never seen a place like this, the sheen of the steel plating of the rood seemed to reflect the floor, giving the room a bizarre feeling for the Jawa, his use of telekinesis here seemed to be amplified, and he didn't know why, and he didn't trust if tor a second, becoming progressively more paranoid of the ephemeral force which flowed through his body, making him feel light, strong, giving him feelings of grandeur which he could not possibly uphold, the kind of power in this nexus was staggering to the acolyte which had no idea of its purpose, it was like standing in the center of a ion power-cell, only, rather than the power be electric, it was of a much more primal, inherent and overwhelming nature in the fact it came from the force itself. Iziz was being able to move objects casually which would have normally required concentrated meditation... The sensation was intense, and eventually, Iziz could feel it beginning to effect his mind, so, needing to take a break, which just so happened to coincide with his orders to meet up with Ferus, it was just as well...

Stepping out of the chamber, Iziz looked to the walls of rubble, remembering just how far he was in the complex, the diminutive Jawa like creature cursed loudly, venting off his steam and anger openly at the fact that he now had to go aaaaall the way back up the vents in order to reach Ferus just to hear what he had found, and afterwards, he would no doubt be expected to come back down here to the chamber and continue his work, meaning yet another long return trip. Kicking a rock, feeling strong enough in the force to shatter anything that he touched with but the smallest of taps, Iziz was woken to reality when the rock's solid surface crashed against the Jawa's foot, causing the tatooinian to cringe, lifting his knee and cradling his shin as his toe almost snapped like a twig, without actively making himself more powerful, although he felt stronger, the feeling was 99% mental without taking action, his spirit had been charged, but, without flowing that through hiss body, there was no physical aspect to it at all. Swearing and cursing as Iziz hopped around for a moment, until he could finally manage to calm himself. Shaking his head he continued to chatter violently as he jumped for the open vent from which he had come from. Running up the pipes on all fours he made his way through, passing the locations he had before, a low chattering would be able to be heard by those sith he passed on the way, coming from the vents as he moved forward... It wasn't until he came out of the pipes that something unfortunate would come to pass, not too far away from the entrance to the area at all, Iziz jumped out of an open hole at the end of the pipe, his angle and trajectory would have caused him to directly collide with the knee of a Sith who seemed to be answering the call of Ferus also...

Though no damage would be dealt, the knock would be somewhat forceful, enough to cause a stagger and no doubt annoy the person, Iziz looked up for a moment after he recovered, having crumpled to the ground after the impact whether he hit or not, bailing out on the ground and hitting his head, he would clutch his forehead with both of his hands before standing up again, his brilliant amber-gold eyes looking up to see the man who would be in his way, seeing another Sith, and not one who looked particularly happy about everything that was going on, Iziz gave a little 'utini!' as if to command him to watch where he was going before scampering off toward Ferus,

The Jawa would arrive outside, looking irritated while he rubbed his forehead, both of his eyes narrowed angrily as he looked around at the other sith, before folding his arms and shifting his weight to one of his legs, he awaited the Darth and his important message. And any reaction, if any, from the sith of which he may have collided with.
Saiah was one of the newest Acolytes and as such given the more mundane of tasks. She carried boxes and equipment, cleared paths and rooms of debris. While her tasks were mundane, the sensation of the location was profound. Her skin crawled in the chilled cavern air, not in fright but a morbid delight. This would be their home, their base and their fortress. The dust whirled up in the air as she set down her own box in a small room that she would call hers. A small smile grew on her lips as she traced her fingers across the stone wall "This room is my temple and my fortress." She had never had her own room before. What would she do with it? Drawing her vibroblade she carved in the wall the words that had brought her here "Peace is a lie - There is only passion". She was about to carve the next sentence when Darth Ferus' summon went out.

"I have something I'd like you all to see. Meet once more outside."

She sheathed her blade and made a brisk walk through the hallways and back out into the sandy beach. She had left her smile behind, readopting her frosty demeanour and sharp lookout.

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