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To Tantorus We Go [One Sith Dominon of Tantorus ]

Darth Banshee listened to [member="Darth Veles"], then some thing weird and creepy happened. Then again what would you expect from a defeated heretic emperor of the new order, also know as [member="Darth Vulcanus"]. She then answer darth veles, Yes but those things are meant to guide us The code tell us we have to adapt, and that is part of our tradition. So yes it is important.


Mierin looked down at the floor as she waited for [member="Darth Arcis"] to move. There wasn't much for her to do until he was ready to move, so instead she studied how her feet contrasted with her sandals and how her sandals in turn contrasted with the yellow limestone of the temple. She wiggled her toes slightly and watched with bright yellow eyes as they tapped up and down.

It was a silly thing really.

Meanwhile, the Countess of Bathory would be dealing with the financial matters of investing in the One Sith Empire.

Contracts made with businesses were constructed, more cogs of war turning for the Empire. The majority of the noble Houses of Serenno would back the Empire, a trade in ensuring that one day their world will be delivered in independance from the threat of the Mandalorians.

If there was anything the noble Houses of Serenno had in spades were credits, and in this the united Houses of Serenno would invest in defensive security within their estates and world.

One small step at a time.
Nephthys would observe the Vong’s reaction to the other One Sith. Curiousity would spark within her crimson eyes, but she would not deter from her task. Sitting in wait, she continued to watch the diplomatic discussions continue.

A frown would lightly draw across her porcelain features. Why is it that many believed the Dark Lord was one of their own? The Dark Lord was a completely separate entity, and all the Darths bowed their heads to his glory. Of course, none could compare to the Goddess, the One, but the Goddess has seen fit to grant the Dark Lord his power.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
After a fairly extensive tour of the garrison base, Armyss bode farewell to the General, but had requested one thing from the older Massassi: for the time being, the General's son, Varl-Tae, was to remain with the Sith Knight, something that the Massassi consented to after a small amount of...convincing. This particular Massassi youth possessed an uncanny level of atunement to the Force, even by Sith standards; in fact, Varl-Tae's strength in the Force could possibly rival Armyss' own power, which was not something to be overlooked given that the human Knight was one of the most powerful warriors available to the One Sith...even if his track record didn't quite reflect this at times. Oh well, everybody makes mistakes.

The two of them had hitched a ride from the base to the capital city, during which Armyss carefully watched Varl-Tae. The Sith pureblood youth for the most part remained intensely focused and barely moved at all for most of the trip, as if meditating for some reason. However, Armyss could sense the turmoil in the youth's mind, caused primarily by a sense of uncertainty about the future...and restlessness. He wanted to see new places, experience new things, something that was all too common amongst the youth of most sentient species, and it was an aspiration that the Knight had every intent on helping Varl-Tae to fulfill. For now though, Armyss remained just as silent as his would-be protege, in order to test Varl-Tae's patience and more importantly, his temper, by practically ignoring his presence.
Veles felt the Force hitting him into the head. He had not expected that and thus immediately ignited his lightsabers and telekinetically tossed them into the bushes, cutting through the green vegetation while still shocked someone was actually able to surprise him like that. If his attacker fired at his head with a slugthrower instead, it would have been his death.

When his lightsabers returned to his hands, he continued staring into the bushes with one eye while glancing at [member="Darth Banshee"] with the other. "Oh, I am not talking about the Sith Code. Although I believe everyone should have their own personal interpretation instead of following the official one blindly... What was that anyway? Did you see what hit me?"
Oh that I would not worry about it. I think it was some failed heretic called [member="Darth Vulcanus"]. He was in charge of the failed new order, he did that stupid thing of biting off more than he can chew. The mandalorians in this case, you think he would built his power base first. Then attacked the republic, as lets face it that would kept them divide and both of us would have had an easier time. Though I guess not all can have the fore sight of our dark master.

[member="Darth Veles"]
[member="Darth Odium"]

Isolda’s eyes would lower to half mast in approval at [member="Artemisia Vy Kar"]. Her hands would lower, until those black tipped fingers would cup Artemisia’s helm.

She would lean closer, until her lips would come to touch against the Sword’s cool right cheek against the helm. “Beloved, She pleasures in your presence.” she would whisper against Artemisia’s ear. She could feel the confusion within Artemisia’s mind, and could tell that it would feed her rage. The more she delved into it, the harder and more difficult it would be to find her way out.

“Relish the anger. The Rage. You shall need it for what is to come,” she told her. “The depths of this crypt are tests to prove your loyalty.” indeed, lost Sith Spirits would likely attempt to gain control of Artemisia’s very body to be free themselves.

“Rise,” she would tell her, encouraging her to get to her feet. The glowing orbs of fire would float around them as Isolda went guiding them into the crypt.
Finally turning off the twin lightsabers, Veles clipped the hilts to his belt before turning to face the Sith Knight. He did not understand what just happened, how the one who attacked him could have just spawned behind their backs. The Mon Cal frowned upon the mention of the leader of the other large Sith faction, now destroyed. [member="Darth Banshee"] was right, fighting on several fronts was foolish, especially when one battled against the Mandalorians and the Republic at the same time. Unfortunately, this might happen to the One Sith as well, considering the Mandalorians decided to attack them. Naturally, those 'honorable' fighter always picked the weakened foes, then boasted about being great warriors with honor. Veles almost chuckled, the two words Mandalorian and honor simply did not go together. After getting beaten despite being unconscious just so proud Mandalorian could say he beat a Sith with his bare hands, Veles held no illusions about their supposed honor. Treacherous bastards, all of them!

"I believe that was something else, not a lack of foresight. Every soldier knows fighting multiple wars at the same time is foolish."

That was pretty much all he had to say, still a bit shaken after being surprised like that.
With a flourish and a nod to the young acolyte who'd requested permission to join the little One Sith Edition™ tour of the Tantorian Kingdom, King Arcis threw one step in front of the other in an effort to quicken his pace. If only he could just get this all over with and get back to actually running his little backwater empire, all of this galactic nonsense was stressful, but it always found its way back to the Forgotten King.

Without a mere pause or anything to address the Heart Palace, the king spoke of it just briefly before moving along. "The Heart Palace, constructed of red brick, titanium, and golden minerals found around Tantorus. It is the heart because it is the very center." Of course it was at the center, one didn't really have to be a genius to realize that the whole capital of Tantor was built around a single building.

As the King himself and his guests strolled down the massive steps that led down to the city floor, multitudes of Massassi, Kissai, and Zuguruk Sith stepped out of their homes to watch the spectacle of their king, more so observing the newcomers and the outsiders. Their golden eyes were full of suspicion and intrigue, but quickly altered their mindset as they knew that these people were to be allies.

"This is my kingdom. We educate ourselves, train ourselves, and prepare ourselves for the future." Arcis had used the word "ourselves" three times in that sentence. It was all too accurate. For centuries the Tantorian people were left isolated, fending for themselves as is the old Sith doctrines. He hoped this new One Sith Empire had enough of the old traditions to please the elder population.

[member="Malphas"], [member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Tsavong Kraal"]


Mierin followed along silently. She listened to every word he said and watched everything he pointed out for a time, her eyes never straying too far.

A few times she met the gazes of some of the Massassi or Kissai. Each time her bright yellow eyes would flare slightly, and the bone protrusions on her face would twitch a minute amount. Her entire figure would stiffen as a subtle display of dominance. It was not something meant to offend them, but instead something to show that she was one of them, or rather one of their nobility. The message was received each time, though of course she received none of the same reverence as their King.

She did not rule here after all.

“Your world will remain yours. Your sovereignty is assured.” Mierin said softly. “But you will no longer be on your own. If your promises are kept, you will have our aid in training, education, and the building of infrastructure. Your kingdom will expand.”

It was almost as though she was still trying to sell him, though her voice was more reassuring than anything.
[member="Darth Arcis"]

She could feel the heat from the breath of Isolda caress her cheek, a feeling of warmth that sent a sensation through her body to which she had never felt. She made no movement, her head bowed low and her eyes closed shut.

Loyalty? She was loyal was she not? What further tests did Artemisia need to conduct in order to prove herself to the Goddess and to [member="Darth Isolda"]?

Darth Ira would rise to her feet, following the likes of [member="Darth Isolda"] into the depths of the crypt. She kept her hands down at her side, as she looked around the dimly lit space they walked through. She could feel the presence of [member="Darth Odium"] not too far behind her, and the presence of other things touching her very core. A shiver would run down her spine as she followed the Eye of the Dark Lord.

The confused child within her would question everything, every crack, knook and craney they passed. She wondered if she would be slaughtered down here as she was confused and therefore weak. Maybe this was a trick to be played upon her by the Sith much like the Jedi played her and left her for dead in that black hole of a cell.

Maybe Isolda only wanted her around as a toy and now was tired of her. What if it all was for nothing but a sick and twisted game!? Her mind began to race, crimson orbs rapidly looking back and forth.

Darth Odium

[member="Artemisia Vy Kar"] [member="Darth Isolda"]

Odium's head tresses reached toward the woman called Artemisia and could smell her anger and confusion. He didn't know if he hated her yet but he did know his master considered her useful and that meant Odium should as well. She was the Jedi he had wanted to kill and he felt the hunger pangs that told him to drain something of life begin.

<<She is Confused.>> Odium said through the force, <<These spirits are strong they are drawn to her doubt, should I begin Mistress?>>

Odium reached toward the woman and touched her arm with a green finger.

<Are you Alex?> he thought for a moment before he moved farther from the female human thing.


Well-Known Member
She looked at [member="Darth Veles"] and nodded in agreement, ​Yes even the most simplest creatures know this. So the emperor of new order, was just an imbecile. Who did not even have sense of a jawa. I wonder how such a man, had the ability to lead so many to their deaths. It was a valid question, and one that need answering. As the force likes the strong, but it prepares their more intelligent and wise users more.
The Mon Cal let out a joyful laugh, causing some of the Acolytes to look at each other in surprise upon seeing a Sith Master in such a good mood. They simply did not understand, the sound was unusual among the Sith, unfortunately. Not hearing the shovels hitting the ground, the amphibious Master realized some of the Acolytes paid more attention to the conversation between the two superiors than their assigned work. Veles' stern glare let the Acolytes know to get back continue digging before his amber orbs turned to [member="Darth Banshee"], his expression serious but his eyes still showing a spark of amusement. "Between you and me, we have quite a lot of imbeciles in our order. Don't tell anyone I said that though." He muttered, speaking only loud enough so the workers would not hear his words over the digging and commands of the scientists.

Turning his head again, Darth Veles watched the scene in silence for a while before speaking up. "You know, Knight...," he started, thoughtful look in his eyes, "I consider you my friend, yet I don't know much about you. From a personal perspective, I mean. Tell me something about yourself, please."

Revy Khai

Deep within the pits of one of the slave holds, a grimy figure sat still within the bowels of its pen. Bright orange eyes would bore with a seething hatred that would pulse with the Darkside of the Force. But it was not akin to one of the Sith, no. In its stead was the essence of something more primal. Raw.


Dank air would threaten to suffocate as the questionable pools of liquid and fetid excrement would pile the floor. The scent of rotten flesh and putrid fluids of decomposition would be the bane to anyone with a sensitive nose.

Here, the Nightsister would sit. Waiting. Planning. Seething her hatred for what was to come.

Soon. Yes. Soon.
She looked at her mentor and friend [member="Darth Veles"], their was so much happened recently she did not want to tell him. So she thought about some thing she could tell him, she was unsure what though. Se figured it was best to tell him, where she came from and where she end up.

Well I was born a slave, and use to have to clean injectors for hyper drive engines. Well till some thing happened, to be honest I am not sure what happened. Though it was big enough incident to make the slave plan a revolt. Not the stupid type ether, where they all rise up with some weapons, and get shot by their masters ether.
I was made to put charges into ship, when cleaning. These charge went off when ships where in hyperspace. Leaving only a minimal amount of pirates to over through.

So where do you come from, and I don`t mean mon cal?
Veles studied the woman's expression as she talked, giving him some insight into her childhood. So this powerful Sith Knight, [member="Darth Banshee"], used to be a slave as a child! The Mon Calamari personally hated slavery, so uncivilized and barbaric. The Jedi were to blame, naturally; they dealt with problems only when the Republic forced them to do so, otherwise they completely ignored slavery of all kinds, sometimes even supported it when convenient. Lady Banshee's childhood had been ruined because of them. Shaking his head, the amphibian sighed, thinking of all slaves in the Republic space. In the Sith space... he really needed to persuade their leaders to outlaw slavery. At least the kind that restricted the innocents, Veles did not really care if the enemies of the Sith had gotten what they deserved in this form of punishment. "I am sorry if I brought up painful memories," he said in an apology before answering.

He hoped his background would not make her jealous; he had experienced normal and happy childhood. "I am from Raxus," Veles said, remembering his home and family very clearly, "My parents came to the Sith Empire for work and stayed there. Both of them became proud Imperials and therefore I was raised into one as well. I went to school and lived normal life until I turned, hmm," he thought for a bit, not recalling it clearly. "I think ten or eleven? I joined the Sith and made it to the Academy on Korriban. The first years were very hard, the desert in particular. I thought the heat was going to kill me, but it only made me stronger," a gentle smile crossed his face, "That is where I met Master Volitu, now known as Darth Zarrah. She is the wisest woman I have ever met. Powerful and strict, but just. She is a true Sith, no doubt. I want to be like her."
She looked at him and said ​Their not painful memories, their happy ones. My dad used his skills to wipe out a pirate fleet. The Jedi made the unhappy ones, them and interfering ways. They tried to take me to their order, but doing so they made the local gang aware who we where. Their bounty on our head, they manged to move before anyone had time to collect. I have leave them other wise the Jedi would come again. I know have no idea where they are, and want the Jedi pay for that.

[member="Darth Veles"]
"Ah see that didn't hurt now did it?" Seras stood over the child while she had him in a more advanced scanner. She wanted to get all the information and without killing him which she could and wanted to still do. Perhaps getting some of those vong biots or an embrace of pain would be useful for extracting secrets to how these purebloods had survived and not become deformed from generations of keeping their bloodlines intermixed. Eventually they would have to cross and families marry or mate depending she wasn't sure. Seeing the king and the hand talking only drew her interest to it all and while scanning more she pulled out her medical kit. "Good, now lets see what's inside of you."

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