Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Those I Trust Most

Accepting the water with the thanks she had given, Ra smiled back to Madalena and Jason. The two of them got on really well and it was good to be accepted as well. She kept her hold on her glass as they went upstairs.

Listening to what Josh said after she gave him her thanks, she nodded.

"What sort of renovations are you considering?"

What she had seen, everything appeared to be just enough. Not too big or too small and the only thing she could see adding would be a library. In Bast, that was her favourite room there and where she spent most of her time.

What thoughts Madalena had about Shmi, Ra did not know about. Her own life growing up had been done by a single man. It wasn't a loving relationship though. He was her master and she was his apprentice. Nothing more than that. She did not share that with many people. Josh was one that did know of her past, however. Knowing almost nothing about his friend, Ra did not open her mouth to share her story with her.

Keeping quiet when she asked where a giant stuffed porg was, she kept her hand on Josh. Tilting her head slightly at the answer, she nodded as she remembered seeing that toy among the belongings of Jason.

"So what now? I mean we could always play some sort of game or not."

Small social situations like this were sometimes odd for Ra. Getting her to come out of her shell was difficult and she rather felt like crawling into it and keeping everybody distant at the moment.

[member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Madalena nodded at the sound of renovation. Truly though, the house was in pretty good shape. The only kind of renovation actually required was the cosmetic one to suit the tastes of those who inhabited it.

And then came the question of what to do.

"We can all play porgisus!" Madalena said in that excited child voice sound that she usually did when she wanted to hype Jason up for something, "we can use the Force and FLY LIKE PORGS! But only close to the ground so daddy won't be too worried!"

[member="Josh Dragonsflame"] [member="Riamah"]
"Something like on the ship. Proper training facilities and a better library. Better washroom... Maybe I'll upgrade the kitchen too. Sure it looks quite homey but it'd be a bit more practical to renovate it and give it room for cooking better dishes. Something to better suit a full family if it comes to that, you know?" He remarked, shooting Ra a grin. "And if I'm going to be serving guests, now that you two know about the house, obviously I'll need to be better equipped as well. So I'll go over plans on that and... See how that goes."

Jason seemed quite excited at the idea of acting like Porgs, and Josh smiled in turn. The game went on for some time, and Josh knew by the end of the day that things had changed for this household.

Hopefully for the better.


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