This set of adjustments revolved around a change of charge, so to speak. As the Mandalorian continued to stain the entirety of the Qixoni Crystal with the Dark Side of the Force, he began diligently seeking out the tell-tale "aura" that would be pivotal in this next step. This particular signature was magnetic in nature and governed how the gem would respond to assaults by blasters, lasers, and even Force-based electricity. At present, such offenses would result in the damaging or even decimation of the gem; hence the necessity of this particular adjustment. Here, Isley sought to reverse the magnetic polarity of the Qixoni Crystal, a fact that would immensely alter the gem's relationship with the aforementioned offenses. In particular, blaster bolts and lasers would be deflected, or even reflected, upon striking its surface.
While impressive, this trait pales in comparison to how exceptional the Qixoni Crystal's new relationship with Force-based Electricity would be. The most efficient way to describe this new reaction was to illustration of a lightning rod. Upon entering the vicinity of the gem, Force-based electricity would be immediately drawn to it; much akin to a moth being drawn to flame. Then, upon contact, said energies would be absorbed into the Crystal's depths and stored momentarily; for at the whim of the wielder, those energies could be released in the form of a potent, electrical blast. However, while this was the standard effect that came from reversing an item's magnetic polarity...Isley had something a touch different in mind; something befitting the momentous occasion of Alchemy meeting Dathomirian Magicks.
What Isley desired was something much more...potent. As opposed to simply attracting and absorbing one particular type of energy, that of Force-based electricity, the Mandalorian sought to expand this trait. In particular, the energy sources he sought to be attracted and absorbed were those that he hardened the gem against: the blades of lightsabers, blaster bolts, and lasers. And as opposed to a burst of electric energy being fired forth, Isley had in mind something much, much greater. This would be a terrifyingly deadly blast of Dark Side power, strong enough to punch through durasteel if need be...yes, this would be the perfect keystone to the ambitions of the Mandalorian. But first, he had to finish this one, crucial step.