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Among the supplies that Darth Ayra had discovered whilst she searched the camp, she came across several rucksacks that she recognised as the kind you would associate with a hitchhiker. However, with the food, water and clothes that both she and Justiciara had found, she summarized that carrying something as large and heavy like those rucksacks would be a burden that they didn't necessarily need to add. Instead, she decided that the small satchels in the tent they had slept in the night before would be sufficient to their needs, given the fact that they hadn't found much in their search.
"You will regret wasting that water," Darth Ayra said. Pulling on her Sith robe, she dragged the satchel's strap around her neck and shoulder, allowing it to hang beside her hip. "If you run out below, do not expect me to share mine. Let's go." Moving away from the tent, Darth Ayra paused to survey the rest of the camp. Without access to fire or the tools she required to do away with the bodies, the Dark Lord had taken the advice of her Apprentice and done the next best thing. She would deceive those who would eventually discover the camp into believing that the camp was attacked, but not by the Sith.
Instead, the insignia of Clan Skirata, one of the ruling Mandalorian Clans that had a seat on the Alor'e Council, had been carved into the chest of each body by the Dark Lord, using a knife that she found in one of the nearby tents. Darth Ayra was aware that Gilamar Skirata, the Mandalorian veteran that represented the Skirata on the council was in opposition of Mand'alor the Reclaimer and his Mandalorian Crusaders at Echo'lya. The Black Tie Syndicate had dealings with Mand'alor and his Crusaders, so to Darth Ayra's eye, it would appear that their excavation of Freedon Nadd's tomb had been caught up in the middle of a Mandalorian feud, paving the way to future hostilities between both rival Mandalorian factions.
A few seconds passed as Darth Ayra thought over her lie. Turning away from the camp, the Dark Lord made her way out along a path. She made an assumption that the path she and Justiciara was now taking had been made from the many trips that the campers had taken in the intervening months since they had set up camp on Dxun. With the Force, Darth Ayra was aware that Freedon Nadd's tomb was in close proximity to the camp. She could feel the ancient power of the Dark Lord of the Sith. From this, she gathered that the path must lead down to where the excavation had been taken place; and that the camp they had just left behind had been there place to rest, eat and recover for the next days work.
"As I told you the night before, the tomb that we are heading into is extremely dangerous," Darth Ayra explained, turning her gaze to Justiciara as they made their way down the path, surrounded by the harsh jungle trees native to Dxun. Ducking under a hanging vine, she said: "I do not know what to expect, for I did not know who Freedon Nadd was. During my studies under Darth Pandeima, I remember reading about Sithspawn- creatures that were created from the very power of the dark side- were often used as a means of protecting places such as this. You will remember the one we met on Korriban."
Darth Ayra briefly recalled the gigantic Tuk'ata she had summoned with her powers and the brief battle they had shared near Dreshdae. It was a testimony to the creatures strength and power in the dark side that it had escaped the Dark Lord with it's life, despite Ayra's injuries due to the Initium's crash landing. Ahead, the trees begun to thin out and the path began to widen, suggesting that they were edging closer. "Such monsters may be in this tomb. There may be other traps, such as hidden mechanisms designed to be set off and cause injury, perhaps even fatal. If I were to build a tomb such as this, to protect the Holocrons and weapons that I recovered before death, I would definitely leave behind these traps, laced with poisons, explosives and so on."
"The dark side of the Force is a weapon. The Sith who learned to use the dark side learn abilities to shape and mold the dark side into something destructive. We may also come across these abilities, left behind by Sith magic, sorcery or alchemy, that will be designed to definitely kill us or worse. Even now, I can feel the power of the dark side that Freedon Nadd left behind in this tomb, so potent and destructive that it may even drive us to madness."
Darth Ayra paused her explanation, as she came to a stop at the end of the path. Ahead, the area was laced with several cranes, vehicles and tools that she gathered were used for the late excavation. The tomb itself laid beyond the different trenches that had been dug up. Inside most were ancient relics, mostly broken bits of technology, but in others laid the remnants of people of varying species. Their skeletons added to the spooky effect that played over the area, which Darth Ayra recognised as an effect of the dark side. If she was put off by it all, then she couldn't fathom what the woman beside her was feeling.
"When I was learning the ways of the Force under Pandeima, she had the ability to bring up memories that had been buried deep within my psyche. Things that I had forgotten as a defence mechanism. Using the Force, Pandeima made me relive times where I was accosted because of my Force-sensitivity by other children or when my older brother had abandoned me in the middle of no where in the middle of Hanna City, in the hope that I would be forgotten by the rest of my family and taken by strangers. I'm guessing that something similar will happen to you, Apprentice."
"Only through strength, do we gain power. You will need to be strong when we enter or we will be die and the Rule of Two will die with us. This is our greatest test as Master and Apprentice so far. If we fail here, we were never worthy of reviving Darth Bane's legacy and wearing the moniker as the Dark Lords of the Sith. Through power, we gain victory. Through victory, our chains will be broken. The Force shall set us free."