Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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| [member="Joon"] |


The blood curdling roar that Darth Ayra had ushered on board the Home paid nothing in comparison to the scream that she now ushered deep within the catacombs of Freedon Nadd's tomb, as she was assaulted by the Orbalisk creatures left behind to protect their Master's greatest creation.


The Dark Lord of the Sith spun and arched her Lightsaber so violently, that her weapon appeared to be a flash of red lightning in the darkness. The searing heat given off by the Lightsaber hummed ominously close to Justiciara several times, as Darth Ayra moved her weapon to intercept the Orbalisks as they dived forward in their nefarious intent to devour her and her power.


There were so many of the creatures that Darth Ayra had to compensate by moving her body in sequence with her Lightsaber, heading backwards along the hall and back towards where the stairway had been before it was retracted back up into the room above, where the Orbalisk had been found. As she moved backwards, she passed Justiciara, with the swarm of creatures following.


Despite the crippling sensation that she had experienced the moment that she had been bitten by the Orbalisk on her left leg, the Dark Lord felt herself driven by the pain that had taken over her body and mind. As the creature on her leg fed on her the dark side, she felt herself responding to the pain and subsequently used it to fuel her powers in the Force. Her movements were faster, more accurate and devastating than normal, as she fought against being overwhelmed.


"APPRENTICE! MOVE ON! FIND THE HOLOCRON, WHILST THEY ARE DISTRACTED!" roared Darth Ayra. The further she retreated, the more distant she grew to Justiciara and soon enough the red light of her Lightsaber seemed small on the back drop of darkness, leaving Justiciara alone.

Connor Harrison

Not daring to move or watch her Master fight and cry in pain, knowing she was utterly useless to her, Joon pushed back on the wall, fighting tears and sheer helplessness.

When Ayra cried back her affirming order, she carried the same power in her voice that the last surviving Stormtrooper had on Duro in the crashed shuttle, as the Republic forces closed in and Joon was stood, looking helpless.

”Run! Run!! RUN!!!”

She nodded, panting and gathering herself, and started to sidle down the passageway, kicking out to move anything crawling around her, checking back to see the dancing crimson blade. The lightsaber! Joon patted down her jacket, and reached for the hilt in her inner pocket, the rod well and truly discarded.

Activating it after a brief fumble, the blade cracked to life with a sharp spit and she could see just enough around her. The disgusting creatures were all but gone, bar a couple that were not moving along the way.

Glancing back to her Master, Joon focussed and held the blade out to move forward as quickly as she could, one foot stumbling over the other. As she made progress, the light seemed to be swallowed up again by a parted wall, a good 5 feet wide. Joon held the saber out and crouched down to look carefully, taking note of the chamber around her and any more creatures waiting to strike.

Peering through parted wall, there was more scripture on the new chamber from what she could see, a couple more creatures, and a peculiar shaped pedestal, with nothing on it, in the middle of the room. The anti-chamber held nothing else and she looked a full 360.

There was nowhere else to go, from what she could see. The holocron Ayra was after should have been here, on the pedestal. It wasn’t.

”It’s not here,” she gasped.

Quickly, she turned and ran out to the passageway, back where she came.

”Master, it’s not here!!” she cried out with power.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Joon"] |

Behind the pedestal, where the Holocron of Freedon Nadd once laid, was the remnants of the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith. His casket opened, revealing his skeleton figure to the fledgling Sith Apprentice of Darth Ayra, Justiciara would notice something. Perhaps not everything had been taken from the Dark Lord, for rest beside his remnants, laid his weapon. But it remained to be seen if she would claim the Lightsaber for herself?


In all her years, Darth Ayra had never felt this way before. Never had she been tested like this. As the Orbalisks continued their assault, the searing heat of her Lightsaber, combined with her techniques and maneuvers that she performed resulted in beads of sweat rolling down the Dark Lord's body and onto the creatures that were feasting on her skin.

Since the attack, the Dark Lord had suffered more pain, and subsequently, extra exhileration brought on it by them and the dark side, as more of the creatures found their way past her defence, joining the first Orbalisk that feasted on her left leg. Two more were burrowing away- one of her left shoulder blade- and the other on lower back. Seething, the Dark Lord felt herself beginning to falter. Giving into her hatred, Darth Ayra decided that with one final attack, she would refuse to die in the catacombs without a fight.

Roaring, releasing her control and allowing her hatred to manifest itself, Darth Ayra ripped the very fabric and nature of the Force, unleashing a torrent of Force Lightning from her finger tips into her tiny aggressors. Fueling her powers with the pain caused by the Orbalisks that had managed to find their way onto her, the Dark Lord of the Sith continued to release her last gasp attack, in an effort to destroy the Orbalisks before they destroyed her...

Connor Harrison

Hearing nothing from her Master, Joon’s face was a picture of panic and fear, focusing on the crimson blur of the lightsaber in the passageway up ahead. Turning back quickly, she ran through the parted wall into the smaller chamber and held her crimson blade to illuminate the room to seek each corner.

Only this time the pedestal was hidden by a newly opened section in the ground, and Jon immediately crouched and scrambled to it, scanning the shallow compartment with her eyes and seeing a decayed skeleton, which clearly were remains.

Scanning around, not fazed by the bones, there was torn material visible through the skeleton that the deceased had probably been buried with or wrapped in, and to the side by the hip was a lightsabre hilt, a little like the one she held in size.

It was something over nothing; she plunged her hand into the opening and grabbed the hilt, pulling it out and taking a couple of bones and material with her that rattled to the ground. She turned, and ran, not caring for the crypt but only for her Master.

As she ran out, she stopped and winced; up ahead a blinding arc of Force Lighting was erupting from Ayra, and Joon turned her head at the violent crackle and flash of light that shot through the passageway.

She watched and gingerly started walking forward, the activated saber held out before her, the newly acquired hilt in her hand that she used to shield her eyes.

[member="Darth Ayra"]

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