Tass Arceneau
Out here realigned
The likelihood that Makai actually did know the Arceneaus started looking less surprising when Tass put the pieces together. Guy with money, within a few miles of an ATC facility - yeah, that could track. The facility alone killed the coincidence of it all.
"Oh, they're the cousins, or I'm the cousin. The woman herself is my aunt but I get the feeling there's some distance with my parents. It's a whole thing I don't pick at. Anyway, I've been bumming around ATC ports for a couple of years now, trying to..."
He trailed off as an entire police detachment trotted by, all scratching furiously at acne on their faces and necks. Tass felt the distinct urge to check every single seal on his suit.
They pulled up outside the rooming house. Tass paused at the door. "Shavvit. If it's airborne and we open the speeder, we can't be inside here again without our suits until we clean the hell out of it. Didn't think of that."
"Oh, they're the cousins, or I'm the cousin. The woman herself is my aunt but I get the feeling there's some distance with my parents. It's a whole thing I don't pick at. Anyway, I've been bumming around ATC ports for a couple of years now, trying to..."
He trailed off as an entire police detachment trotted by, all scratching furiously at acne on their faces and necks. Tass felt the distinct urge to check every single seal on his suit.
They pulled up outside the rooming house. Tass paused at the door. "Shavvit. If it's airborne and we open the speeder, we can't be inside here again without our suits until we clean the hell out of it. Didn't think of that."