Business Heiress
"Hi. I'm Tass Arceneau. You must be Makai's texting buddie Myrelli. Nice to meet—"
To be honest, Myra was a bit too distracted by this point to get into introductions with Tass. She stared at him with wide, silver eyes, shocked and confusion painting her exhausted features. Myra felt a distant rumble, an uneasy sensation creeping in -- a subtle but perceptible shift in the air.
"I'm..." Before she could even continue, Ringo gave another massive screech of hunger. Clearly, after taking down a rival, she needs to be taken care of. Food filling her belly was one of them, and

Oh, for goodness' sakes, this cannot be happening! Myra thought to herself, watching the chaos ensue as Tass attempted to feed the wild-winged creature treats?!! Was he crazy?!
It was just too much. Her heart began to quicken its pace, each beat seemingly louder than the last.
"I'm sure insurance will cover it. We will get you a new shuttle."
Then came Makai with the commentary that insurance should cover the loss of the shuttle. That they could get a new one. A new one? Insurance? She stared up at him with the most incredulous expression. This was just absurd. Did he not realize what was really the issue? Flashbacks to the past on just how dense he could be came to Myra, and she just felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and unable to manage just processing anything anymore.
How could he not realize that the big issue was that they couldn't get off this blasted planet to a place where they could just be together and decompress? Did he not realize what it would take to get another shuttle to pick them up? She had canceled Salacia, believing that there wouldn't be any danger other than the stupid, bloody virus that had been confirmed by 37 not to have infected Makai.
Myra felt that gutwrenching, uneasy sensation grow in her stomach. Rationality felt elusive, drowned out by a cacophony of exhausted worries and fears that looped relentlessly, each thought feeding into the next in an unbroken chain.
She felt the sting in her eyes first. Then, the tell-tale red ring around her eyelids of oncoming tears surfaced.
"It's not about the insurance, Makai..." came her low, squeaky whisper. She was trembling now.
"Is Tass really your cousin? He seems... different."
Different? Different. Oh right. Cousin. Arceneau cousin. By this point, she couldn't even see straight, the tears in her eyes had welled up to the point that everything was distorted in silver waves.
Did she have an Arceneau cousin? Her mother had never mentioned it before. Blood related. Oh wait, not with me.
Her lower jaw began to tremble. Oh, that was the last straw.
'RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRKKK" Empress Ringo gave another screech, choosing to accept Tass's tribute of treats. However, she had one more panel to rip off with her beak before flinging it away. The nose echoed as it crashed and tumbled to the ground.
Just like the silent, fat, wet tears that now stained Myra's cheeks.