Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Top Poster list should be about RP

Some people only have the Posting Games as their way of interacting with the community. They do not, for various reasons, have time or energy to RP. That is cool. Not to be disparaged. If there is a way to discount it there should be, but then you have questions about other parts of the board.

Welcome, New Members < doesn’t count because not RP, but people that regularly post there are doing good work for th community.
Looking for Group < arranging RP
Staff Announcements < interacting with board admins, not RP, remove from count?
Roleplay Discussion < seems like it should stay because you are discussing Roleplaying.
Factions < should stay because it is RP related?
Ask Questions and Submit Feeback < not RP, so must go?

he do be making sense
I don't mind either way but if we start restricting what counts for top poster, we could get demands for top poster being about posts of a certain length, or the variety of writers you are posting with to "avoid spam rps".

Rarely do posting games impact top poster rankings past the first week from what I have seen. So I don't feel this is super needed personally.
I'm sure the line can be drawn somewhere if you want to include stuff like factory help and welcoming new players. I personally just like seeing the RP stuff, but I can see the points made here too.

We used to also have member of the month to highlight the good beans, so maybe there are other ways to show appreciation for the more ooc side of things as well.
Some people only have the Posting Games as their way of interacting with the community. They do not, for various reasons, have time or energy to RP. That is cool. Not to be disparaged. If there is a way to not count it there should be, but then you have questions about other parts of the board.

Welcome, New Members < doesn’t count because not RP, but people that regularly post there are doing good work for the community.
Looking for Group < arranging RP
Staff Announcements < interacting with board admins, not RP, remove from count?
Roleplay Discussion < seems like it should stay because you are discussing Roleplaying.
Factions < should stay because it is RP related?
Ask Questions and Submit Feeback < not RP, so must go?

Even posting games can (to an extent) facilitate RP. I get the impression from posting games that folks use it as a way to “sell” their character(s) by getting them exposure and presenting their character(s)‘s unique traits in a way that is fun and engaging. I feel like the games help people find other characters who might be interesting or who their character(s) might have chemistry with.

That said, if it’s somehow possible, I would still support the removal of posting games from the top posts count. I guess my point is that we shouldn’t consider posting games to be a waste or anything.

Brandyn Sal-Soren

If feeling appreciated is the goal, I do not think it should be sought in an imperfect metric like ‘Top Poster of the Month’. It is too easily gamed, even if you do remove everything but RP posts.

The Member the Month feature is really the only way to accomplish that, but it is still imperfect because there will always be accusations of it being a popularity contest. Happy to run this if a volunteer was needed.

Brandyn Sal-Soren

Even posting games can (to an extent) facilitate RP. I get the impression from posting games that folks use it as a way to “sell” their character(s) by getting them exposure and presenting their character(s)‘s unique traits in a way that is fun and engaging. I feel like the games help people find other characters who might be interesting or who their character(s) might have chemistry with.

That said, if it’s somehow possible, I would still support the removal of posting games from the top posts count. I guess my point is that we shouldn’t consider posting games to be a waste or anything.
100% this.

I have so many fun threads that have come from interactions in the Posting Games thread. And yes, I totally would try to pick up hot aliens in the Posting Games thread, but Ko Vuto Ko Vuto rarely posts there.
I think having member of the month was always preferred over top posters. I think having both is not terrible idea but some really great writers in the community will never be a top poster and be overlooked for that reason right now and that feels like a shame.

But there is no perfect solution since there will be people unhappy about not making top posters and not being chosen as member of the month. Both will always feel like a popularity contest or having to be part of a writing clique.
Me plagiarize. Me also like big number, but only when actual posts. Me agree.

Be me. Ultimate power, can give people what want. But some things not care about. Salt wars. Bad people. Get rid of these bc they give good PR. People laugh and smile and praise. Me laugh and smile and praise.

Me now listen to small problems. Me listen to GA people gatekeep what real posts are. Me do nothing but listen.

Me laugh and smile and praise.

Me go to sleep and forget this thread.
I also have no idea how they’d code that.

Tefka Tefka probably thought about this three years ago and then forgot about it.

Be me. Get called out hard by this guy. Be mad. Old testament style angry.

But ultimately chilled out. Bc he right. And me know history will repeat. Mainly because me like watching high posters start gate keeping and getting mad about arbitrary numbers.

Me watch Valiens get close to banning people for acting up, remembering I used to be same way. Now me just relish in people raging against me machine, but posts only go up.
I'll step up and accept responsibility. I did it to have fun and poke fun at a friendly rival. Never meant to offend or piss anyone off.

I agree. Such games shouldn't count towards posts and stories should. I didn't do my part for a number to be "top poster", as I really don't care if I am. I'm not here for that reason.

But at the end of the day, it's a game and I was having fun. I will be more aware and cautious of what and where I post going forward.
I'd usually be the moderate in discussions like this, but I am actually of the opinion that only RP posts should count for something labelled as "Top Poster of the Month", because even though Posting Games, and Factory/Codex Judgements are all "posts", I think at least to me it was clear the point of the "Top Poster of the Month" leaderboard was at least primarily for RP.

I am not getting into a discussion of effort in an RP, or all that, that can be a discussion all on its own for another day.

However, I think if people fear factory and codex judges going unnoticed, a solution would just be having a seperate leaderboard for them.


Welcome, New Members < doesn’t count because not RP, but people that regularly post there are doing good work for the community.

I generally don't believe the leaderboard was made to recognise who was doing good work for the community, it was by my estimate made to recognise who posts the most, with the implication that it would be whoever RPed the most. So I do not think doing good work for the community necessarily is a prerequisite for it counting on the board.

Looking for Group < arranging RP

Still is not RP in itself, for the reasons laid out earlier, exclude it.

Staff Announcements < interacting with board admins, not RP, remove from count?

Same as above.

Roleplay Discussion < seems like it should stay because you are discussing Roleplaying.

I'd disagree, for well... just the fact it is not roleplay, just the discussion of roleplay.

Factions < should stay because it is RP related?

I would actually agree, but this is due to a wider thing regarding Articles, I believe that Articles should count for the scoreboard, but that may be part of entirely another debate.

Ask Questions and Submit Feeback < not RP, so must go?



Anyway, I notice as I finish this up that Tefka has seemingly made a decision, so this may not matter, but I think generally the easiest and fairest thing to do would be to only count posts that are part of the "Star Wars: Private Role-Playing" and "Star Wars: Open Role-Playing" sections.

If not that, I think the other solution would be to not count posts that are under 100 words in length. Should mostly cut out the posts that are in the games, discussions or judgement criteria, not a perfect fix by any means, may catch legitimate roleplay in that criteria, and some discussion and judgements can get above it, but I think it would be a "eh close enough" solution.

Either way we are gatekeeping I agree, but I think I am abiding by the assumed purpose of the leaderboard in my suggestions.

If we are not gatekeeping in any manner though, which I imagine the decisions above reflect, I do not mean to detract from the current discussion, but it seems as good place as any, can we open the idea of articles counting as posts on the leaderboard?
Me think GA/Valery have huge balls for stepping into the light without a care in the world for PR.

Me think we should give Valery and her 4 goons that started this thread some sort of a superhero team name, or something easily identifiable. Like, Mean Girls, but for posts.

Or like Breakfast Club. Me wonder if me seperating my thoughts into multiple posts is pissing people off rn.


OOC Writer Account
While we're here can we bring back Member of the Month? It was one of my favourite things about the site and made me want to post the best things possible just to try and be there.
Me think GA/Valery have huge balls for stepping into the light without a care in the world for PR.

Me think we should give Valery and her 4 goons that started this thread some sort of a superhero team name, or something easily identifiable. Like, Mean Girls, but for posts.

Or like Breakfast Club. Me wonder if me seperating my thoughts into multiple posts is pissing people off rn.
Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris You might want to warn this fella again on what you said earlier :p

Anyhow, I honestly don’t think it’s that to much of a big deal. Both parties have made good points, ones which I’d stand by if things were put in place. No matter the result, the same people will be in that top posters list xD

Member of the month is something which I’ve missed since its removal. There is the obvious problem of a popularity contest, but I feel like it can help if a trusted member of the community chooses instead of it just being the admins. Take Brandyn Sal-Soren for example who has already offered to do so.

At the end of the day post counts and member highlights are a fun feature that shouldn’t be taken seriously. Just because you’re not on them doesn’t mean your contributions will go unnoticed :)

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