My last thought:
Even still, there’s a lot of gatekeeping and attacking what “actual” posts are. I have yet to define what I think an “actual” post is, and probably never will.
But with that argument, you’re entering my realm, which is why I’m in this thread. My realm is “keeping Chaos active”. I’ll never define that, or show you my recipe, but I can tell you that posts are one of the many metrics by which activity is determined. So when you gatekeep, or judge what other people do with their time, or invalidate despite how much honey you dip your words in - I’m going to rebuttal. And probably win.
I’ve just got too much experience to lose the argument. We’re hella active in an age that “forums are dying” gets repeated by the uneducated on the daily. Other admins, outside Chaos, greet me with perplexities and confusion. It’s not all me, its the community we’ve built, but I know a LOT about how it works. So… step easy, you’re trying to gatekeep in my territory.