Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tournament of the Sith [Sign-Up Required]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Location: hanger bay
Allies: none

Atrace sat in the rafters, he heard footsteps, underneath him was an all too familiar face. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] the very same master that was teaching him jar'kai, he knew he had to do something to get the upper hand, she had to of known he was near. he gripped the two metal cylinders in his hands waiting to ignite them.

He used every ounce of skill he had to move around the rafters undetected being careful not to make a noise if he did the master would surely know he was coming. He walked along the rafters finding a spot to attack the master below him. he jumped from the rafters behind the woman, he ignited his sabers, he slashed at the woman's back keeping his second saber ready to block an impending attack.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Atrace"]

The sound was one all too familiar and instead of even glancing back or trying to grab her sabers, she shot forward and dived, smelling the air as the plasma blade cut through it and nearly cut her. Only after the blade cut through the air did she noticed the smell of burned material made her look at her cloak, lucky he missed the grenades she had in it. "Well, time for round two?" She smiled and looked at the man, sliding out of its sheath on her back and position both hands on the hilt and waited. "Your move."
"Kark!" Leaping to the side, Vulpesen rolled behind a set of boxes, just as the grenade exploded, sending bits of fruit everywhere. "Food fight..." In a quick movement, he leaped from his shelter, moving to another while firing shot after shot with his blaster pistol, each bolt aimed at his enemie's chest as he slid to the next set of boxes.

[member="Darth Ares"]
Darth Ares arched his blade and spun it around him smacking the blaster bolts to the neighboring walls and away from him and then catching a flying and slightly charred apple as the firing stopped. he began eating the apple as it was very good slightly good. "I don't believe this is what food was meant for, how about you come out here? I may be Sith, but if you have noticed only you have done the attacking, I will only fight a properly ready opponent when they are on my side so I will not harm you until you are ready." Darth Ares then walked away and into the bridge area which was rather big and looked like it would provide a lot of fun as long as they didn't break a window.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
He growled as his grenades were somewhat wasted, but as Are's walked away, he quickly set to work on rebuilding his mine trap. After a few moments, he want back to his place behind the boxes. For him, a fight was about the tactics and he knew better than to fight a larger man on even ground, even if he had the dangerous body of a full Zorren.

[member="Darth Ares"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Atrace stood still, "your reflexes fascinate me." he brought his sabers close to him. he got into a defensive stance, his cloak covered his face the only thing visible his sabers, and his cloak. "so what now"
Darth Ares began to tire of these games. He approached the door that was now closed even though the previous damage to it made it holie. He then took two frag grenades and tossed them in and used the flare gun to shoot it in which would at least cause a punch of smoke to smoke him out. If all else failed he would just bust in and kill the weakling. If he would not fight like a sith, he would die as a Jedi.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Location: Detention Center West
Level Cell Block C

Set apart not only by the viewpoints and nearly indecipherable musings of his species, Nazo was also far less interested in the egotistical viewpoints of some sentient being 'better' or victorious. Victories to him were wrought in the field of scientific discovery, and enlightenment in the areas of philosophy and unlocked secrets of knowledge. When in his infancy, the slug was surrounded by his own, those that thought in the same alien fashion that he did, allowing him a far more pleasant and adaptable mindset until he struck out on his own. Curiosity had overcome the space slug over two centuries ago - calling him into the depths of the cosmos to search out the hidden meanings behind the starlight that filtered through the heavens. A quest, that while it had first seemed innocent had turned to far darker intents than this philosophy bound creature had conjured in it's vivid imaginations. This contest was of little concern, and the only point of interest it had found within the confines of the contest and the ship itself was a further study of those that he had formed an allegiance with. Nazo was not so dedicated to the way of the Sith as practiced by the majority that'd he rush into battle in headstrong and brutish manner. Violence was rarely an avenue to release inhibitions for the creature. He was settled into a state seeking understanding, and observing methods he might adapt to and add to his would be arsenal.

Metallic digits splayed against the slightly ajar door providing a bit of pressure to the hinged entry, and thrusting it aside to bare the threshold. Muted footsteps wrapped in boots he wore for pure posterity breached the line stemming from the cage like structure to an empty corridor where the lighting system flickered in one direction. No noise escaped either the pathway to his right which lined several more empty holding cells, and the passage ahead that eclipsed into darkness the further down you gazed. This was not the first time though he'd been in a Star Destroyer, and it likely wouldn't be the last. A few feet from the doorway gave an observant pause punctuated by the light tapping of one metal finger to the chin region of his masked face. To the left, or straight ahead, the choice loomed, and his mind worked in ways nearly arcane to most until he settled on a decision in silence tilting his head upwards and spying the first route he'd take. Both hands lifted easily spanning the space from his unusual height and pushing the grate from the ventilation shaft inwards. Moments later his entire frame snaked into the air duct system. Nazo didn't just walk down halls looking for what he wanted (he had before), but he preferred a more unorthodox approach, especially in the mindset of this contest.

His mentor had taught him in no uncertain terms that he was to be a predator, not a pawn, or prey. A predator was observant, the first rule of tracking a target was to be gain knowledge. Observation was one of Nazo's key points, and he held a long laundry list of decades in observation. Studying a mimicking sentient behavior of the bi-pedal nature. Adapting that to his exoskeletal frame to appear as one of them in only the sense that they could appreciate him as an interactive being, and not some lonely and ignored decoration stuck to a ceiling in some crime-lord's palace. Most of his species were destined to stay in one place for ages, always observing, never engaging. The Dark Side had changed that in the figure, compelling him to seek out rather than continually watch. Now the two devices were intermingled in the contest, and the hunt had begun. Nazo was on the move.
Location: Commons A-7, Level Twelve
Allies (Apprentices): Darth Sovereign, Darth Vidar
Equipment: Custom Saber, Morgoths Chainmail, Standard Infantry Blaster, 3 Flash grenades, One hand cannon with 5 rounds, and 3 smoke grenades. And a First aid kit, and standard leather armor.

Melkor left his room and looked around the corridor. It was empty but he heard the sounds of a fighting somewhere across the ship. Ignoring it he turned to the room next to his and walked up to the door. He smiled hitting the button on the wall next to the door. The grey door slid open with a wooshing sound. His gaze fell upon the empty room, his master must've left while he was preparing. Looking around he decided to follow the hall to the left of his room. Shaking his dread he grinned and took off running down the hall.

Arturious Engel

Location: Detention Level Cell Block A moving to Cell Block B
Allies: Apprentice [member="Hidia"]
Equipment: Armor Weapon single hilt red blade light saber and a standard short sword

Arturious stretched his legs out deciding to start moving rather than get caught in a confined space. Looking around Arturious decided to explore the other areas of the detention level. Having been on a ship this size before Arturious had a basic idea of where he was going but proceeded with caution anyway.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Atrace"]

"Well, we fight, i win, and you go and shoot your self out of an escape pod. That sound about good?" She smiled, moving slowly around him, her eyes scanning into him and finding any movements. Any ripples of movement.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"im afraid you have it all mixed up miss, ill be the one defeating you." Atrace kept a close eye on the girl infront of him, his sabers still raised in a defensive manner. He figured she was trying to find a weakpoint in his defenses, he watched every movement she made waiting for her to strike. "well come on now i don't have all day i've got places to be people to kill." He smirked
Location: Cantina

A puff of hot air left her lips as her fiery-green eyes opened. Plain-lips trembled as she realized she was freezing. Jolting to a stand, she pushed several packages of frozen, processed vegetables to the ground, eyes falling to a sign.

Freezer 36-C.

Grimacing, she hit the switch to open the door, met by a blast of more comfortable-air. Nagai-blades were attached to her waist, lightsaber at her hip, bow and metal-tipped arrows nestled in a quiver on her back along with a circular shield made of beskar.

She grabbed a kiwi-flavored popsicle before leaving the freezer.

[member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Location: Living Quarters, Level eleven, On the move.
Allies: [member="Quinn Vos"], [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"],
Close people: [member="Darth Vidar"],
Gear: Listed
Map & Destinations:

I moved with an aura of silence. Only the groaning of the ship sung it's tune, and the light steps of my boots. One hand on the Dark Angel, I used the other to push open a door slowly. Peeking in to check and see that no one was in the room. I had been doing this for about two minutes. Making sure that no one was behind me, or that I would not pass them, and give them the ability to hit me from behind. We had to not use any force powers. I think the only one that was reasonable was the precognition. It was a natural defense that we had. While others had to rely on the force to anticipate attacks, I had been studying Shi-Cho for years now. I had the ability to do the same, but naturally without the force. A plus for me.

However, I excelled in force combat in junction with my physical combat. That was a minus. Having thoughts of where I excelled and figuring out my own weaknesses before a real battle, so when the time came, I would be prepared, and use the environment around me as my tools and weapons. Walking out of the room in the same fashion I came in, I looked either way down the hall that I was in. Looking to see no one was behind me, or in front of me.

I let my shoulders slump as I was coming close to an elevator. I knew that if I was in the Crew cabins, then the elevator would most likely take me to the Combatant rooms. from there, I would have to move in either direction up or back the ship to get to the hangar. I hoped soon that I would find a map or even something to tell me where my destination was instead of the room numbers. Walking up to the elevator, I kept my pistol held up to my line of sight, ready to fire in a moment's notice. my back was pushed to the wall next to the button for the elevator. Using my off hand, I pushed on the button. Now glowing red to indicate that it was on the move from wherever it was a second ago, I place my left hand back on the pistol. moving the iron sights from a hall on my right, and the hall to my left, and the one in front of me. Fully expecting someone to just jump out of nowhere and attack me.

Oh would they be in for a surprise.
Location: Engineering, Level 12
Allies: Darth Vidar, Darth_Morgoth
Equipment: Vibroblade, Standard Red Crystal Lightsaber
Inventory: Small sack of food and water

Breathe! The apprentice gasped as he awoke from his drug induced sleep, his breath producing mist along the cold glass in front of him. Opening with the sound of a slow hatch creak, the sleep pod opened revealing Sovereign's surroundings. As Sovereign slowly rose from the sleep pod he received a good look at the room around him. "Engineering." The Sith sneered as he lifted himself out of the pod and onto his feet. Sovereign checked his equipment thoroughly to insure he had everything he needed, looking back inside the pod he reached for the bag of supplies he brought in case of an everlasting continuation to the tournament. A vibroblade sheathed to his right side and his lightsaber strapped to his waist, he had ensured himself to travel lightweight with the necessary defense against hopefully a majority of situations he would face.

After realizing he had everything he needed the apprentice quickly moved to leave his position in the Engineering Department to avoid being found. Sovereign would hunt his prey carefully, upon finding his allies he would be able to regroup and strike in the open without worrying over stumbling upon a Sith Lord and his apprentice. Such worries was not the cowardice of a man... no it was the intelligence of a Sith, one who still was a mere apprentice despite his potential and prowess he was banned from using the Force much to his disadvantage. Making his way out of Engineering, the set of double doors slid open for the apprentice as he strolled down the corridor towards his opponents in waiting deeper in the depths of the Star Destroyer.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Atrace"]

"I guess if i have no choice in the matter..." She grinned and bolted forward, moving closer, closer... until at the last second she started to move right, but then rolled left and cut at his arm. She wanted to simply disable this man, not hurt him, and as she did that she would laugh at the fact that all these sith would be without the force. Something shes known how to fight without for nearly three months now, between fighting for, and against, the Mandalorians as well as her time without the force because of the memory rub... how arrogance is going to be her chance of winning.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Atrace watched her as she ran towards him studying every move, as she moved right he rolled backwards narrowly missing her blade. He cracked his neck, "this is going to be fun." He cackled,

Atrace ran at the master before him both sabers ignited.
Location: Corridors, Living Quarters, Level Twelve
Allies: [member="Darth Sovereign"], [member="Darth_Morgoth"]
Enemies: [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Darth Vidar emerged from his quarters, glancing down left and right. The corridors were empty, the only noise that could be heard was the distant fighting of other combatants, and the groan of the behemoth that was known as a Star Destroyer. Even in slumber, it was never quiet. He could hear the footsteps of another in the room beside it, such was the eerie silence of this vessel. The distant clash of plasma upon plasma, the rip of explosives as they tore through metal was a whisper down the halls.

The sound of the elevator shooting down past his floor was enough to warn him someone was nearby, and they weren't above him. Thick crimson fingers curled around the ornate hilt of a single-blade Lightsaber, a traditional Jedi hilt that still maintained a cerulean crystal. He activated the blade with a snap-hiss, breaking into a break-neck sprint down the corridor. He moved towards the elevator doors, cutting them clean open with the flick of his wrist. The elevator was below, and soon about to open for the ominous competitor.

Darth Vidar launched himself across the elevator shaft, gripping nearby piping that left him dangling. His lightsaber hung from his right hand, radiating illumination to his immediate area. He released himself, dropping the meagre height. His weight slammed against the ceiling of the elevator, releasing a thunderous echo. The Sith Pureblood gripped the lightsaber with two hands, plunging it downwards. He cut around his feet in a perfect cylindrical design, and the roof caved in. Darth Vidar with it.

The Sith Lord remained standing, now in the midst of the open elevator, looking straight at Nickolas. The former councilman of the Silver Order, bathed in the radiating glow of a blue blade, spoke only one word; "Surprise." A snarl sharply curled his thin lips, a guttural growl growing from his lungs as he propelled himself forward. He ducked himself in a forward roll, his blade slicing the ground behind him. As he came up, he provided a wide arc for his legs, in hopes he could cleave them and eliminate the threat.
Location corridor

Melkor sat down on the ground deciding to conserve his energy. He decided his bet bet would be to save his strength and wait for anyone to find him or for his opponents to be dwindled down to a handfull of tired warriors. He drew his blade and sat cross legged with his saber hilt across his lap.
A growl escaped Vulpesen's throat as he launched himself away from the grenades. Fruit rained down around him and he held his ears in pain. Right. The whole, full Zorren thing had a downside or two with all its perks. Still, a cornered wolf was often the most dangerus and despite his ringing ears, he still popped up from the boxes, blaster in hand. Using one hand to turn on the gas filter of his mask, he fired round after round at the doorway until his hearing could return.

[member="Darth Ares"]

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