Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tournament of the Sith [Sign-Up Required]


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Location: C-3 Level 13
Allies: None
Enemies: Everyone
Objective: Find Someone

Urak started moving to the command center, hoping to find a scan of the ship to tell where all his enemies were. He hasn't seen anyone yet, nor could he hear anyone as he was far away from everyone else at the moment. He kept one hand on his saber hilt at all times just in case, and tried to be as stealthy as he could.

He made it to the Officers Row, and kept moving to the command section. "Wonder when im going to find someone.."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Atrace"]

"Too Slow." She activated her sabers and slammed hers down onto Atrace as he raced at her, both sabers coming in at different directions. She would prepare to dodge if she needed to though, ready to move out of the way of a counter and pullin him into a sense of being able to defeat her quickly. But she would not be so easy to take down, and he was about to find out just how dangerous she could be when faced with a actual reason to fight.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
((ooh tomorrow i will have a major surgery an won't be talking much sorry it may be a little while before i post again. :)))
Location: Living Quarters, Level eleven, On the move.
Allies: [member="Quinn Vos"], [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"],
Close people: [member="Darth Vidar"] (Your tagging system didn't get me. Sorry about the semi-late post)
Gear: Listed
Map & Destinations:

I looked around. Seeing no one was coming. Keeping an eye out for anything that may come my direction. The sounds of blaster fire and even grenades went off in the distance. Sound travels and it reached me here. Including the sound of an elevator coming closer to me. It was then that I heard some lightsaber sounds. Most notably a hum that was amplified to a degree. meaning that the wielder was using it in an enclosed space. Like for example, an elevator shaft. I took steps back away. Looks like this would go straight to a close quarters fight. Meaning if I used my gun, it would likely be cut in pieces. I replaced it in the holster and drew my lightsaber. The long hilt resembling a saberstaff. I activated one blade as the Sith pureblood fell down from the ceiling with a "Surprise"

I smiled brightly as he came at me. While he rushed forwards, I did as well. At the man's roll, I was guessing that from his actions, it would be an attack close to the ground. In return, I dove. Hopping over him to my hands and over my shoulders and back up to my feet. With my back facing him. I didn't stay there long. Moving as fast as my legs would allow. Using my own saber to cut a second hole. Only in the bottom of the elevator.I wanted to survive. His first use of the lightsaber was to come at me. Showing that he was lightsaber eccentric. if I had to face toe to toe with him, I would lose. What I needed, was even ground.

Only problem was, I didn't know where that was.

I fell down the long decent of a place. Reaching out with my hands to try and grab onto something. Instead, I used my lightsabers other end of the saberstaff. Activating it to punch holes into the sides of the shaft to slow my decent as the sabers would try to cut through the metal and materials that formed the walls of the long and vertical hallway.
Darth Ares eyes began to burn with the eyes of a sith as anger flled him, but did not cloud him. A Sith Lord, hiding, using tricks, this was a disgrace to a true sith and it did not matter if Ares won, this wolf would die. The sounds of shots rang as they clided with the door. Ares roared as he put all his power into one kick to send the broken, flying door right at the Darth Tsolan where we was quickly behind using the fullness of Vaapad and unleashing a Hell storm of lightning fast, but powerful attacks at the sith. He used his expertise of Makashi to keep his attacks to short movements to make them more effective in this small area, but his attacks were deadly and controlled with jabs sent at the wolf. If this was the fight of animals this would be two angered wolves fighting for alpha and only one could come out on top. A smile came over Darth Ares face as he realized the man before him was less than a sith and was a torn, broken man who valued something, had something to lose and thus this made him weak.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
LOCATION: On the Move
Level: A Officer's Row

Dust and cobwebs bathed the archaic ship's ventilation shafts that snaked through the mighty vessel like an obscure labyrinth, traversing through every known and unknown level and emptying out into almost every secure staple of the Star Destroyer's vast enterprise of real estate. Dull thuds echoed with the fast paced movement, leaving the cell block and heading towards the bow of the ship, raising two levels to the primary upper levels. Arachnid like movements skittered through the metallic passageway transformed from the bipedal arrangement of hands and feet to offer a deeper freedom of movement and design. Benefiting from the principal of non-sentient insects he'd watched his friend devour on endless nights on planets like Raxus Prime. It was certainly an efficient way of travel when in enclosed spaces. On occasion the magnetic pull of his limbs clutched to the durasteel panels to draw him up a slope without which he'd of had to tear into the metal itself.

Soon, below his frame, a set of serrated shards of light ripped through the vent ahead, pouring the artificial light into the shaft. Movements slowed and finally paused, allowing a vantage point below. The somewhat dimly lit gray and white interior was taken in, watching in earnest as nothing moved below. No shadows flickered across the walls, and not a single sentient stirred. Computer panels littered the canvas of the wall scene. Boasting several large chairs, and array of tables where meetings could take place. Striking the panel with his right hand, the vent lid bent outwards and then ripped free from it's frame, slamming to the ground and clattering till silence once again reigned. Moments later, the form of Nazo dropped from the ventilation shaft and struck the ground in a crouch with one hand splayed to the floor. His robes billowed about his frame coming to rest until he slowly regained the bipedal formation and rose to his height of seven feet. Layers of dust and debris coated his frame and smeared over the porcelain like mask atop his head. A mirror like reflection to his right caught the image, and Nazo approached in silence. The tilt of his head offered a curious pose until the sleeve of his robe was used as a make-shift cloth and cleaned up the presentation of his facade.

The Officer's row was normally used for high level military meetings, including a large round table in the center of the room black as midnight raised at the north end of the room, while the lower trench around the meeting table was where the computer stations remained. A command console faced the majority of the room in a tri-fold display just below where he had entered from above. A survey of the room offered himself little interest save for the feint blinking light of a functional panel upon the display. It was out-dated tech to be certain, but still functional, and it had one purpose. While inspecting the panel, his left hand absently struck out, calling the metal grate he'd ripped free to his palm. Manipulating the magnetic properties to call the piece of discarded durasteel to his grasp. Drawing in more metal nutrients from the molecules of the structure, Nazo peered every closer to the panel and struck a single button with his right index. The button lit up a dull red, and the microphone system came to life. Without the Force, Nazo had no way to properly communicate to anyone without being able to physically interact. Thus, the message sent out would not be something immediately understood, but it certainly would catch the attention of everyone on board.




The ghastly sound of metal on metal tearing across each surface, amplified by the billowing and archaic PA system echoed into every hall, every corridor, the hangars, private rooms, elevators, and everywhere else on the ship where those speakers were installed. Painful ear-bleeding sounds ripped though the speakers while Nazo dragged his digits sharply across the grated durasteel, letting the terrible sound reach each and every person that had been placed within the Destroyer for this contest. One of the most grating sounds in the Galaxy broadcast for everyone to enjoy before the system went dead with another press of his digit to the red button. The now blackened piece of destroyed and damaged grating was tossed over his shoulder, clattering to the ground while he started his exit of the Officer's Row and towards his next destination.

Arturious Engel

Location: Detention Level Cell Block C
Allies: Apprentice [member="Hidia"]
Equipment: Armor Weapon single hilt red blade light saber and a standard short sword

Arturious wandered the hallways of the detention level poking around at whatever he could find content to let the others take each other out. Why rush to take them all on when it would be more fun to just let them tire themselves out. Without the ability to use the force there would only be so far they could push themselves before fatigue set in.

Arturious frowned slightly at his own thoughts. Not exactly the up front and honorable way he usually did things but then again it was about survival was it not. Getting lost in his own thoughts Arturious continued to wander the halls.
As Are's sent the door at him, Vulpesen ducked down and braced his feet against the bin, using it as a shield to stop the door's crushing attack. With the first danger out of the way, he allowed Ares to advance, having a few tricks of his own. Sure the force wasn't allowed in these fights but such a thing would only move to his advantage. Ares was a human and as such, he would have human agility and strength. Vulpesen was far more than that.

As the first strike came towards him, he drew his saber, splitting it in half and bringing the two red blades to his defense. Moving to the outside of the arm as to make striking with the other a bit more difficult, Vulpesen rose his saber to slide down the offending blade in a deflecting manner, aiming to make it head in another direction. With these precautions, Ares would likely be finding a defense hard to mount and a counter attack nigh impossible. One thing to remember, because one doesn't like close quarters, doesn't mean they weren't good at it. As for any strikes Vulpesen would handle those by ducking down under [member="Darth Ares"]' arms to slash at his side with his other blade, hoping to tear a burning gash as he brought his blade to bear.

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