Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Train Kept A-Rollin' (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Vandelhelm)

Objective B still
post 5/20
W [member="Karen Roberts"] kinda. and [member="Darth Raijin"]

Ebony and Raijin had had their fair share of interesting encounters, however this might have been the most insane thing she had gotten herself into. Truth be told, she did not do these things on purpose, it was just that she might possibly have had the worst luck of any single person in the galaxy. However her luck had improved infinitely as Raijin showed his big lovable metal head, she never failed to giggle around him. Be it excitement or a way to relieve nerves, didn't matter. She was at least smiling now as she stood by the shard, about 25 different blasters trained on them and four more sith adepts, sabers igniting as the Mexican stand-off began.

"Hate mercenaries" Ebony said with a role of her eyes, her two sabers now changing angles to her stance, one,t he smaller one, aimed fully upright while the other was aimed directly horizontally, while one of her legs drew back and the other stayed planted.

"I hope you've got a better plan than me" She had that giggle again as she didn't move her eyes from the sith forces.
Objective: Ground
post 6/20

The clinging of the blades as they met each other was loud but then she raised the shield when the other side came up blocking it and there on the roof while she was letting the force guide her movements and with the sound of more people around it was doing more to inspire her. SHe knew there were ones below and unless he flew away the man wasn't going anywhere to fast so she could work to wear him down and tank the hits with that sword that had an almost ebony hilt she could see. The whistling of it cutting through the air as she backed away stabbing at his foot with the groan of pain and gush of blood when part of the foot was severed on the ground.


Disney's Princess
Three Minutes p6
w [member="Ebony Blackheart"] , [member="Darth Raijin"]

Chip handed Karen the comm and gave a nod. Good signal. It was the Captain back at the VA and he sounded mighty testy.

"I can hear you. Go ahead Commander."

"Captain. I've got a singular structure here overrun with enemy troops and mages alike. She's as big as they come. Priority one. Requesting permission to have your birds bring her down. ...Coordinates on my target are... 00:99:13:24. Over."

"One minute. Checking the grid."

Karen nodded to Chip and looked out over the wide expanse of city that lay before them. War takes time I suppose. Gotta make sure the civilian casualties don't go crazy or nothing. The GA came back over the horn in only moments,

"...Commander. This is Command. We have the green light. The Colonel is scrabbling allied fighters to you now. Friendlies will be inbound to strike the target. ETA... Three minutes."

"Roger that Captain. Much appreciated."

"Understood. Command out."

Karen handed the comm back to her companion and nodded. Okay. Three minutes it is. She turned to Chip with a smirk,

"The Sith Knights won't be stupid. They'll know what's coming for them when we don't advance."

"They'll go underground."

"Exactly. ...Le'Say? Where's the closest Metro Station?"

"Ah. Feeling like hunting some rats today Boss?"

"You know it Commander. Let's move."

Roberts made for the dropship then suddenly stopped and sighed. She picked up her comm again,

"Blackheart. If you can hear me? You've got three minutes to clear out of that building. She's coming down the hard way. Rangers out."

She nodded to herself and turned it back off. Okay. Covered all the bases. Nice. Now it's time to go fishing. Underground style.
Objective: A
Location: Dogfighting
Allies: [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] - Various NPCs
Enemies: A Whole Bunch of Final Order TIEs
Post 3/20

“This isn’t working, Four. We…” An enormous burst of green energy shredded through the shields of the X-wing and jolted the fighter as a pair of interceptors flashed by. Yanking the stick around Dex managed to squeeze off a snap shot. Three streams of laser bracketed the fighter, but it worked anyway. An explosion of green, ionised gas scattered debris through the vacuum marking the end of one of the interceptors.

A message came through the open comm channel from some rogue B-Wing that had entered the fray.
<“Whose the clown?>”
<“Targetting computers? What are those?”>
<“Oh I don’t know, maybe its this button…”>
<“Cut the chatter Red Flight. You have a job to do.”>
<“Copy that Red Leader.”>
<“Sorry boss.”>
Dex couldn’t help but laugh as he watched another fighter peel off before being picked off by the deadly laser fire of another X-wing.

A squeal from the astromech riding in the back-seat of the X-wing created a series of distressed sounds. One look through the cockpit made it all too obvious. The upper port cannon was gone along with a good chunk of the wing tip. Damage control systems had only just seemed to understand the situation reporting the rest of the story.

“Damn it.” Dex swore as he filtered through the system read-outs. “Re-route power from the cannon to the shields. Try to give me some time to get us out of here.” Checking the scanner Dex tried to look for help. “Four?”
<“We lost Four kid, you need to get back to—“> Another explosion ripped through Red Leader’s ship, leaving Red Flight deaf in the air as more interceptors entered the situation.

More inspirational words came from Ven aboard the Hope, but with half of Red Squadron seemingly struggling with the increase of enemy fighters they seemed far fetched at the moment.
Objective: Do my own thing
Location: Dogfighting
Allies: N/A
Enemies: NPC's
Post 1/20

Judah always did his own thing, it was why he was not a master yet despite having some very incredible character development. Everyone knew the knight was prone to wander about, never staying somewhere long. It drove his wife batty, but at least with their son out of the house, they could travel around together. The redhead was certainly the love of his life, and the two had been accused of being the mushy romantic sort, which was in line with the way Judah was. Secretly he was a hopless romantic, but he would never advertise in fear of having his man card pulled.

So what was it Judah was doing exactly? He was a shadow, so he stayed in the shadows. His job was simple, move around and make everyone else look good. The days where he barged into a room saying, "My name is Judah Lesan, I'm here to rescue you," were long gone. The hero of Korriban had given that up a long time ago after meeting his wife. Instead he traded his fighting for a secret marriage which eventually became public knowledge. Sneaking around became his habit, and he was very good at it.

He was dressed in his typical green robes. Corellia may have been destroyed, and he may technically be Telosian, but his home and heart would always be with Corellia. He was a simple Jedi Shadow, and refused to wear armor, though if war was coming that would have to change. The Jedi was advancing in years, mid to late forties, and his mind was trying to cope with the fact 50 was closer than 20. Judah watched, waiting for a good moment to come out of the shadows. Today was a good day to be a Jedi.
Objective: Talk with Sarge
Location: OPS Leviathan
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Enemies: N/A

Audrey Starchaser was a burgeoning pilot and Jedi in the Galactic Alliance. As part of the Starchaser clan, it would seem natural that her Uncle Coren would spearhead most of her training. However, between teaching an apprentice, flying with the Tiburons, and helping the Underground, not to mention making a living ship, the Fringe Forcer already had his hands pretty full.

Audrey, like most Starchasers, did better with non-traditional trainers, so Sarge Potteiger was suggested to her as someone who could help her hone her skills. She didn’t know much about the man, other than he wore a feth-ton of armor, but hey if Coren said he was ok, then he was ok.

Audrey met the man in the passenger area of the Leviathan, a behemoth of ship, almost a military city in and of itself. The vessel was more than just a little bit intimidating, especially for the space-challenged Starchaser. She emerged from her drop ship and swivelled her head around. Sarge wasn’t hard to find. Just look for the man-tank. She didn’t even have to ask Miri.

“Hi! I’m Audrey,” she said, her voice melodic and bubbly in contrast to Coren's more serious growl.

“You’re Sarge right?”
Objective: BYOP
Location: Leviathan
Allies: [member="Audrey Starchaser"]

By the time the dropship had settled in, engines whining into inactivity, Sarge was already making his way down the hangar bay. Though, admittedly, to call it a hangar was doing a disservice. This was the ventral hangar bay, home of exactly eight dropships, each fifty meters in length. But more importantly, as she stepped down, she'd find herself staring at something even more unusual than the man in armor in front of her. Arms folded across his chest, Sarge stood flanked by frigates, suspended within the bowels of the Leviathan like mynocks at roost.

That was the secret of the vessel. It carried other warships; eight, to be precise.

"Yes, I'm Sarge. And you are Audrey. Welcome aboard the Leviathan."

The man motioned to a stack of large ammo crates waiting to be loaded into each of the dropships, and he lowered himself to sit upon one. "Tell me, Audrey. What do you know of me." He needed to form a basis for this relationship, and that would start with an understanding of who he was, and what he could and could not do. But first, he need know what she knew.
Location: On board Hope
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [[member="NPCs by Corey"]]
Post: 1/20

"You'll loose the entire squadron before you even graze the shield." said a female voice somewhere behind Ven. A space suit helmet was placed atop one of the command boards, much to the dismay of one of the communications officers. Thanewulf cared very little about military and their petty rituals, rules and regulations. As far as she was concerned, the bridge was not off limits. The logistics officer did not quite share her opinion. He had followed her all the way from the hangar, having caught her slipping into one of the space suits used by personell for external ship maintainance. With all disposable men at their posts, this was hardly the time for tinkering with vents, ducts and exhaust pipes in the vacuum of space. The stride to the bridge gave more than enough time to explain her cunning, but highly unorthodox plan to this planar being. What a waste of breath.

"Sir, this woman wants to stand atop one of Red fighters and fly to the viewport of that Star Destroyer, for reasons I do not understand. That is the maddest thing I've ever heard!" said the logistics officer as he stood between Ven and Tionne, like a damper of sorts.
"I mean...have you ever done this?" inquired the officer, crossing arms over his broad chest. Thanewulf calmly clipped the hilt of the saber to the utility belt of the space suit. Negative eactions to her resourcefullness were quite common.
"Once." the redhead replied simply whilst checking if the magnetic clutches in boots were still functional.
"And did it work?" came the inevitable question.
"I'm alive. So, yes." the Coruscanti-born Jedi said before shifting her attention to Nemo Ven. He was the one giving orders, he was the one to decide if the risk was acceptable.

"I need to see him or her. The one who is operating the shields." The mindtrick only worked if there was direct visual contact, even through duraglass. An experienced mentalist could coerce most sentients into whatever they wanted. Military personnel was especially easy to manipulate; years of military service did a fine job at brainwashing a mind to the point of utmost malleability.

"Also, two of your finest pilots. One of Red to carry me over, another to cover us." she stated in a suggestive tone. With every passing moment, they would be running out of options, until Tionne and her suicidal plan sounded like a neat idea.
Objective: A
Location: Somewhere in-between the battle lines
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="NPCs by Corey"]
Enemies: Time, an ego and a whopping big Star Destroyer
Post: 4/20

An interceptor shook off one of Dex’s teammates and arched back around with every intention to finish of Dex himself. The Galactic Alliance pilot knowing that if he was destroyed that was it, the interceptor could turn back around and engage the rest of the squadron from the rear and rip them to shreds.
“Max out the forward shields! Give ‘em everything except guns and engines.” Somehow the plan would work, it would have to work or Dex wasn’t going to be around long enough to worry about it afterwards.

Shifting the fighter towards the incoming Final Order TIE he flipped the X-wing into a tight barrel roll. The effect concentrating the laser barrage from the remaining three guns while disrupting the return fire as well.
The interceptor pilot met the challenge head on. Laser fire slammed into Dex’s shields, warning lights began to scream across the cockpit. All he had to do was hit the interceptor before his own shields evaporated. A ship that size couldn’t withstand a direct strike. One of the shots slashed arose the dagger shaped wing, forcing the TIE to alter course and shoot wide.
It was the opening Dex needed.
Breaking his roll immediately Dex blaster the Interceptor with everything he had and the pilot yelled out in excitement as his momentum took him through the resulting fireball.

<“Red Five return to Hope. I repeat. Return to Hope.”>
“What?!” Dex opened his channel with the command ship. “You can’t be serious the rest of my crew is out there?” He went to move the throttle and flip away from the encroaching line of capitol ships.
<“New plan Five. You’re heading back out you just need to—“> There was a long pause that seemed to represent orders being relayed live. <“—Take passengers.”>
“Okay I’m coming back in.” He was confused as all the rings of hell, but an order was an order. He just hoped that the second wing of Red Flight could hold out against that Star Destroyer for a bit longer.

He touched down on the hanger deck at speed and was out of the cockpit in half the time it would normally take. He paid no attention to the smoking damage to the wing of the X-wing, nor to the high pitch alarms sounding from within it. He only had one thing on his mind.
“Deck Officer!” He half jogged up to a Mon Calamari who was still busy ordering crews around the hanger. “Deck Officer, Red Five. What is going on?”
“Ah, new craft is issued at bay three.” He indicated to a fresh X-Wing that was already powered up and waiting. “Same designation. You’ll be taking along a rather…unique payload.”
“Red Five, meet Jedi Thanewulf.” The Mon Cal smiled and pointed to a red headed woman stood nearby. “Jedi Thanewulf meet Dex Bastion. Our—most interesting—pilot.”
Location: Traversing the clouds into Vandelhelm
Objective: D - Bringing my own objective
Allies: anyone from GA [member="Remy Steele"]
Enemies: unknown yet


because I'm super slow this week, and sick I decided to go off on my own, I usually don't but I don't want to hang anyone up

Rekha was pushing the Lucky Lady to the limit pushing her through the cloud coverage, but she knew that if she could break through that there was the possiblity of finding a load of ores to take out and sell.

The planet was known to be rich in ore. She just wanted a little piece in order to pay a few more bills off she also was thinking about a vacation this time. She had not had a long one, or a good one in a few years. But to where.

She shifted the ship to the right, then to the left, "FETH this is worse than getting to the Consortium" It wasn't but it was getting to be close. She heard that some of her friends were on the ground. She would assist if they needed it.
Objective: A
Location: Getting that ride
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="NPCs by Corey"]
Enemies: Probability of certain death
Post: 2/20

For once, Thanewulf left sarcasm aside. Her own survival and the survival of a heap of other people depended solely on the flying prowess of this Dex Bastion fellow. There was really no time for scrutiny; if Galactic Alliance deemed him to be the best pilot at hand, Thanewulf would simply have to believe them. Thankfully, taking risk had become second nature to the red-maned Jedi. He looked genuinely shocked by the sudden reassignment of both vessel and update of mission objective. Who wouldn't? Yet the biggest surprise of all was to follow.

"Tionne." she voiced, helmet of her space suit comfortably cradled between her hip and elbow.
"Tionne, what?" retorted the Mon Cal, somewhat confused by what she was trying to convey.
"That's my name. Use it." the ginger-haired Jedi replied, with a tinge of hostility in her voice. She did not quite approve the way prefix Jedi was used by the members of the Galactic Alliance. Somehow, it implied she was inherently better than any of them, solely due to profound connection to the Force. Subtle elistism Thanewulf would not tolerate. No time to lecture, though. Tionne's attention was now fully directed at her pilot.

"Dex, the sucess of this mission, the lives of your wingmen and my life is now in your hands. I trust you completely." Her steel grey orbs found his, establishing direct eye contact. Her exposition was candid, without any attempt at manipulation. If he was to agree to her plan, it had to be by his own will.
"So I need you to trust me too."

"I need to you fly me over to the viewport of the control room of the Star Destroyer, where I will make the officer lower the shields for us. I need to have them in plain sight. Which means we need to be close. Very close." Tionne explained as simply as she could, trying not to mention a plethora of other instances worrying her at the moment. Perhaps the officer she was trying to exercise the mindtrick on was of species unsusceptible to such form of manipulation. Thanewulf had no idea what awaited for them once they were to hover within arm's reach from a fully blown Star Destroyer.
"We only have a short while before they figure out what's going on. And then, they'll hit us with everything they've got. But they will be rendered shieldless."

Light Rises

Objective: Space
Post: 5/20
Tags: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Dex Bastion"]

Nemo Ven was pleased. The fighters were moving as they were known to do. He was more worried about his own ships, the fighters, they could strike where they pleased. Each squadron reported to their own ship, and Ven was responsible for the ships. Right now? All he was calling shots for was the Tyrene as the ship commander was on the planet’s surface. Tyrene was keeping in a holding pattern to prepare to assist the shuttles that would extract people from the planet’s surface. Tiburons would be helping his own squadron, Gray Squadron, with defense of the Hope.

“Red group, keep your eyes peeled. Corvettes coming in to try to get some of that fighter flak off your back.” Nemo Ven stated. The Hope was pushing forward. Once they got within the range, the ships would start to send boarding parties to the FLEETCOM locations.

“This is the Supreme Commander. All ships, ready your boarding parties. We’re heading for the FLEETCOM stations. We need to get those filled with our people to take this system and secure it. Launching in five minutes. Load ‘em up.” For a Mon Cal, Ven spoke in a lot of human vernacular.

At least he could still breath under water.
Objective: Ground
Post: 6/20
Tags: [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Nikola Ticon"]

One thing Coren Starchaser was really good at was navigating. The fact that he was on the ground, as previously discussed was that they had pilots, and the Supreme Commander was in the playing field, but they didn’t have someone leading the troops down here. Chevu was here, and she was a Marshal, but the GADF didn’t have people on the ground, not anyone in command. That meant him.

He could feel and hear the whine of engines, or at least he thought he could. He needed to get back up there. Maybe he could sneak away, grab the ShortFin and get topside. It was good to get some of his kind of people, the Underground, here. Tiburon group was formatted to be ready to behave like an insurgency group, as well as anti-insurgency, as well as working with non-conventional warfare.

Veino was one of the first to speak up. Coren liked the Jensaarai, he got things done, and that was important. No questions, just results. Clearing his mind, he took a deep breath. “Go get him. Rendezvous at the capital building, we’ll take it on together.” He nodded before checking the load on his weapon.

“Alright teams, we’ve got people all over here. Civies mixed with the bad guys. Normals…” Coren’s slang for non-Force users “If you see something that’s wrong, trust yourself, check with any enhanced here.” Force Users of a Not-Jedi-Aspect. “Matsu, you ready?” He’d worked with the Coalition Jedi a few times before, and was glad to have her along. “Ana, you and Ijaat stay close. If you feel anything out there, let me know and take it down. Don’t escalate it if you can help it. We're here on clean up.” Not chaos causing, as much as that disappointed Coren.

“And Ijaat, just… you lead, yeah?” Mandos to the front. The Aing-Tii student grinned as he could feel the enemies in the Force. Looking over at Chevu, he nodded. “Stick close and try to keep up.”

And that was when the laser blasts began. “Snipers!” Coren called as he all but flash-stepped to cover. Shielding wasn’t his way, but not being where the blasts were? That he could do. Thank you, Aing-Tii. He reached into the Force, concentrating.
Objective: A
Allies:[member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Dex Bastion"] [member="NPCs by Corey"]

Kurayami kept the shields evenly distributed around his fighter as he followed the interceptor into the middle of the furball taking place. He knew this was not a good place to stay especially with how many more TIE's there were buzzing around. He saw his shields slowly but steadily lose strength as fire glanced off of them. At first it was shots that had gone wide, both from friendlies and from hostiles, then the red bolts stopped flying by his canopy. Small relief that was however, as it was quickly replaced with more green laser bolts that were actually meant to hit him. The only thing that kept his shields from failing completely was the fact that he wasn't getting pelted constantly and was using the angles presented him to his advantage as best he could. In fact he leveled out and flew straight knowing it would pull at least one tail, and sure enough within mere seconds of him starting this there was an interceptor behind him. Now to put the gyro to good use and pray that the krffing thing would remain operational until the battle was over at least.

He followed the interceptor he had targeted a minute ago into a sharp left bank, rotating the main wing 180 degrees until it was below the cockpit. A few bolts hit him from the pursuing TIE though they were glancing hits at best. As he readied his weapons for a salvo the pilot behind him unleashed a torrent of fire. It pelted the shields and he pulled up, away from his pursuit. This was the last thing the following pilot expected though and he ended up blowing the left wing off of the craft he had been trying to save. He kept the stick fully back, feeling the G-loading build as he continued the loop. As he came around he placed his targeting reticle on the former pursuit fighter and swung the main wing around until his ship was an inverted cross. This gave the computer just enough time to calculate a firing solution and as soon as he got the cue he opened up, vaporising the unfortunate pilot who had just done the same to his squadmate. Sometimes life really just wasn't fair.
Location: Near the city
Objective: B (Ground)
Allies: [member="Nikola Ticon"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]

Snipers? If there was one thing Ijaat hated, truly hated in combat it was snipers. He understood war in many forms, and had made it a habit to practice those varying forms as oft as he could. But snipers? While he understood their utility and lethality, he just could barely stomach them. In some aspects, to him, they were almost cowards really, as facing their opponents tended to render them obsolete. Ironic, really, when you consider what he himself had done on Coruscant. Shaking aside the ideas that flooded into his mind and trying to focus, Ijaat blanched a moment as his HUD swam into focus.

Geoff - or he himself - had activated the energy shields of the armor, causing the rounds to ping and whizz. Danger readouts showed he didn't have terribly long to remain out in the open really, but things were already in motion. A whirring click came from his shoulder as the mounted cannon there raised and began cycling. Frozen in almost mute fascination, Ijaat watched, part of him knowing what was about to happen. Light flared in a halo around the muzzle of the gun, a buzzing thunder following it, separated from the light by the very speed of the projectile the gun was launching. Covering fire was laid down in a hail of noise, dirt and duracrete and glasteel exploding and shattering in puffs as he raked the building where he was struck.

Sniper fire ceased from that corner, either the gunman had retreated or been killed. Another round winged off the helmet of the suit and the first sound came from the armored man. A veritable roar of rage as his head rocked from the impact. Suddenly, he was moving, enchanced muscle bundles of the suit burning the generator red-lined with exertion, giving over control of the shoulder cannon to the part of him that was still enmeshed with Geoffery. Tight, controlled bursts of fire seemed to bark at random, focused to the side where one sniper was still shooting at Ijaat. With a leap, Ijaat flared the repulsors and cleared into the second floor of the building.

From within the building came flashes of light and sound, but nothing more, the allies outside left to their own devices as the Mandalorian went seemingly berserk and off on his own agenda, whatever it may be.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

There was the sounds of more battle and she moved swinging into a section as the ground raised up making cover for herself. Matsu continued to let her hands crackle shocking and stunning another when he got close before jumping up and onto a small platform while she spun around grabbing his belt. as she swiped to knock him down. "Interesting." She said it more to herself while moving back and checking the satchel attached to it while his robes opened and he tripped over the pants trying to get up before she jumped back and up into the air with her attention on the others as she was clearing a small pathway to move and press forward as she swung the belt over her shoulder.
Objective: A
Location: Heading out of the Hanger with a Jedi riding an X-wing...I've seen stranger.
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="NPCs by Corey"]
Enemies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] 's ability to hold on, Final Order ships and again that damn STAR DESTROYERRRRR!
Posts: 5/20

“So you do this all the time eh?” Dex spoke through probably the most unusual channel he had ever experienced, a direct link between his helmet inside the cockpit of his X-wing and the helmet of the Jedi currently positioned on top of his ship. “Or is this like one of those showing off things? Because you did it, I’m impressed!”

The plan was crazy, stupid, reckless, dangerous and probably going to get them both killed and that alone was part of the reason why Dex had agreed to it so quickly. At first he had thought it was a joke, a very poorly timed joke that was going to cost them lives but he soon clicked that it was far from that.

The X-wing had shot out of the hanger a little less gunho then it would have in the past, Dex not quite sure of the capabilities of the system they had in place but as they had started to head towards the combat zone he had started to push boundaries. It wasn’t like she was going to get blown off by the wind up here in the vacuum of space. A laser maybe, but not the wind.

<“Red Five.”> Dex’s channel lit up. <“This is Red Two. I’ll keep your rear covered.”>
“Cheers Trig.” Clearly the plan was more common knowledge among Red Group at least. “It’s gonna be tight.”
<“Don’t worry about me, I was flying these things when you was still floating around inside your daddies—Woaah!—Fighter on your three. Watch yourself!”>
Dex had seen it and had managed to roll over the incoming attacks, he knew he didn’t have the time to return fire to countless fighters, he would have to rely on Red Two for that.

“Star Destroyer entering attack range now.” Dex said to Tionne, a stupid comment considering the damn thing took up all the surrounding space. “This is gonna get real hot, real fast.” The first laser beam shot through the air like a knife being thrown at a circus and Dex started the evasive manoeuvres by increasing the throttle. All he had to do was get one pass and hope Tionne could hold on for the next few minutes.
Objective: B, Ground
Location: Exiting dropships
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Nikola Ticon"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Ijaat Akun"]
Post: 3/20

"Ready is a good start," Chevu said to Nikola with a nod. "Trust in the Force and you'll be even better than ready."

Her words sounded almost hollow in her head, but she lay a steady hand on his arm, lest she shake the young man's confidence with her own trepidation. Moving towards the capital building with their teams of Forcers and soldiers, Chevu sensed danger everywhere, almost as if it were lying in wait. Sure enough, as the skirted through the city streets, the icy ping of laser fire rang out, criss-crossing from buildings and rooftops. Snipers. Coren was already reaching into the Force. Already on it. Almost like a machine.

"Nikola, parry with your blade!" she said, with a frantic tone. Chevu gathered up the Force around her and just like Coren had trained her to, absorbed the first ribbon of laser fire that came her way. Catching it with her hands and absorbing it into her body, she gritted her teeth, then flung it back out to her assailant, a mere shadow in a window a few stories above. She saw his outline disappear, never to rise again.
Objective: A
Location: Riding Dex's pride. ^_^
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="NPCs by Corey"]
Enemies: Gorram Star Destroyer
Posts: 3/20

Magnetic clutches did a marvelous job of making Tionne's feet adhere to the metallic hull of an X-wing. The battery powering the electromagnet had to be potent enough to keep maintainance staff from floating off into space when they were making repairs on the Hope's exterior. However, Dex's haphazard flying and evasive manuevers seriously challenged the amount of torque the clutches were able to withstand. Thanewulf assumed a semi-crouching position, where her centre of mass was low. It also made her a potentially smaller target for TIE's aiming devices. The blast exchange intensified as the vessel penetrated a thick perimeter of enemy fighters, with Tionne having no other option but to draw her lightsaber out and deflect incoming fire. The golden-orange blade sprung to life when Thanewulf erected herself to stand upright, swinging the saber from side to side in the manner of an experienced Soresuist. All of the spinning and turning would've made her rather queasy if her eyes didn't settle on the only stationary object in the vicinity - the massive Star Destroyer.

"Hold your horses, flyboy." the redhead voiced through the comm - "Red Squadron, if we live to see another day, the drinks are on me. Until you drop under the table."
No better motivation than free booze, Thanewulf thought. If the stunt they were about to pull off worked, [member="Coren Starchaser"] better pull out a medal, for all of them.

"The control room, do you see it? I need you to kind of fly into it and then stop at closest distance between me and the staff inside. And then I need you to...float for a while." she instructed, fully aware of what she was asking. If Dex was unable to stop, both the Xwing and the Jedi payload would be nothing but a smear on ship's viewport.

"If I detach, if I'm not try to extract me." she commanded sternly, her eyes now fixed on the target - "I repeat, do not extract. Red Squadron is priority."
The risk she took by conjuring such an insane plan was entirely her own. The pilots were merely following their orders, with their safety and well-being Tionne's prime responsibility. If someone was to be KIA in this space mania, it would be her, not brave men who had families back home, wives and children they would come back to. Thanewulf had no-one, giving her a unique perspective, with nothing to lose.
"May the Force be with us, Dex." she added over the comm, then lifted the visir of her helmet, nothing but thin duraglass separating her pale face from the frozen vaccum of space.
Allies:[member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Dex Bastion"] [member="NPCs by Corey"]

Kurayami had been listening to the comms chatter about some Jedi who had clearly lost her mind and was riding on top of an X-Wing headed straight at a Star Destroyer. He shrugged supposing that Jedi had to get their thrills somehow as well, this one was a fan of suicidal plans apparently. Picking the X-Wing out of the crowd wasn't exactly hard when [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] ignited her lightsaber. One could say that it acted as a bit of a beacon. He quickly turned his B-Wing around, deciding to escort them to their target. He opened a comms channel to [member="Dex Bastion"].

"Hey, I figure you and the crazy Jedi lady could use a little help clearing the area of angry people who want the two of ya'll dead. I'm glad to assist. I'll be appraching from 5 o'clock. Yours that is. I'll sweep any fighters from your six and then can provide covering fire until you are done with your...whatever the hell you are doing. Bloodborn out."

He wasn't giving them much of a choice in the matter, however the more targets the enemy had the better their chances of success. Besides, Kurayami always seemed to have a knack for making people want to shoot him for some odd reason. About 30 seconds after sending his message, he swung in behind Dex and took out a couple fighters who were in trail, as he came back around, he set himself up to take a few shots at Dex's 10. The ion cannons hit home disabling the TIE that had been closing in from that position. He continued to provide cover where and when he could after that.

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