Objective: A
Location: Just infront of SD command room viewport
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"]
Enemies: Star Destroyer...
Post: 4/20
Fragments of Bastion's voice still reverbated in her earpiece when her grey eyes settled on the command bridge now directly infront of them. The viewport was massive enough to provide a clear image of the entire battle, spanning across almost the entire breadth of the ship. One could say it was quite impractical to have a bridge with such a large portion covered in duraglass, but heavy frontal shields reassured whoever was commanding this mammoth vessel that nothing would ever get through. When Dex steadied the ship, Tionne rose from her half-crouch to stand tall, titian blade still gleaming in her gloved hand. It was a sight to behold, a lithe human standing atop a diminutive starfighter, infront of the bedazzled bridge crew who hid behind collosal firepower and million tonnes of durasteel. Yet in their eyes one could see genuine consternation, mixed with confusion, disbelief, bewilderment. Dex had landed the fighter close enough so they could see Tionne's face, just enough to make out she was no man. Commander took a step forward, hands clasped behind his back. His perflexed gaze met Tionne's, a few idle moments passing between them as he tried to comprehend what exactly was she about to do.
Gray eyes drifted to another officer, one sitting behind controls that kept the shield active. He was young, in his early twenties, with this job probably his first post after the academy. He was a handsome fellow, with expressive brown eyes and neatly trimmed black hair, the kind of boy every mother would want for their daughter. He was merely executing orders, nothing else, and now found himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Suddenly, his warm orbs widened in terror, as he realized what this woman was about to do. Stories of mind-controlling Jedi swarmed into his mind and just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Tionne rammed a mental spear right into his neocortex, forcing her own will over his. She did this without a flicker of a doubt, without any second thoughts, violating his persona through a potent mental attack through the Force. His finger was then forced towards the screen, albeit with much internal resistance, to disable the shields. The boy squirmed, as if trying to shake off this intruder and regain control of his body.
Thanewulf's face remained expressionless, with no visible signs of emotion as she slowly conquered his will. A Jedi would never do such a thing, to brutally sever an individual from one's free will. No, a Jedi would never try to prevail at any cost. Finally, the shield was off, the generators wailing like wounded animals as power supply was cut, leaving the entire ship vulnerable to blast fire, albeit for a few seconds. The officer she manipulated fell to the floor, the breaking of mental link knocking him unconscious. All eyes were on Thanewulf, with nobody on the bridge having time to effectively react or let alone counter the malady that befell them.
And there it was, the point of no return. Only one logical move, only one permissible future for those souls, but also for Tionne. Once she would cross that line, she would no longer be a Jedi. The millenial legacy of meek, measured peace-keepers would sublimate instantly, like dry paper in blazing fires of a hearth. Hand gripped the electrum hilt of her lightsaber, the muscles of her arm and hand flexing to perform the
Saber throw.
Us, or them.
The titian blade spun across space and towards the bridge, landing in a swing across the duraglass of the viewport. The damage it did was minor, but a small crack was needed to let the negative pressure make the bridge explode like an overheated pressure cooker. The entire duraglass wall collapsed, air gusting out of the bridge at torrential speed, scooping up bodies and flinging them to space like pellets in a slingshot. It was a horrid sight to behold, the instant death of more then a dozen of souls, who choked to death from instant alveoral collapse. Expelled air pushed the Xwing away from the starship and back into the crossfire. A laser bolt came flying right into Tionne's back, heavily grazing the power cell of the suit, together with the oxygen pack. Magnetic clutches failed, effectively detaching her from the starfighter. Tionne drifted sideways and away from Dex, together with remaining debris from the bridge. Another laser bolt lanced next to her, grazing her left side. The redhead let out a loud grunt into the helmet, hand instinctively placed on the wound and pressed to prevent her blood from boiling in her veins.
"Man down." she reported into the comm, not quite sure if anyone would hear her anymore since battery back was now fried. Before her eyes, several minor explosions flashed against the hull of the Star Destroyer, planted by the laser bolts of her squadron that flew by. She then caughed, spitting out blood onto the inside of her visor. Not good. Alarm on her wrist monitor began beeping, signifying her oxygen levels were critically low. Even worse.