Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trying To Clear My Head, A Peaceful Meeting On Alderaan

Aaron watched as she instantly laid down.

He grabbed a stick and started to flip it in his hands.

He dwelled on what his new master said. 'Both sides kill each other often'

"So the Order Of The Grey does not associate with the sith or the jedi? I find that different, not being bound to a big faction." He said before closing his eyes and thinking.

He kept twirl7ng the stick with a million things racing in his mind

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"There, is the big question. We as a whole do not associate with either group, infact the only one we have truly met with are the Jensaari... but our personal lives are our own and on several times i have fought for the Republic and on several occasions i have fought for the Sith. It depends on the need and the timing who i aid and it is something that is not done lightly as i will fight with my life for the group i side with, honor is everything... but enough about me. Any more questions about the order?"

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Aaron paused when she asked about if he needed to know anything about the order.

"Well, I actually do have a question, do the order have any goals to accomplish within the distant future?" He asked before dropping the stick.

He wanted to know more abouth this order, this was most likely the best time to ask.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Nothing, Zero, Zip. It was created as a haven for those persecuted for their beliefs and a place where you could study anything without being hunted down by Jedi or Sith. It is a place to further knowledge and create a home for artifacts of all affinities, this is not a place for one to worry about if studying the 'dark' or the 'light' side depending on their loyalty. I will tell you know, i have cooked my foes with lightning, healed my friends with the light, and the reason i achieve both is not sealing away my emotions and not simply focusing on rage and anger. Here you can understand the ability to deal and coexist with your emotions, all of them. From Love to hate, Anger to Joy, and mercy to revenge... it is all a standpoint for the order, we are the grey blur between the two of course.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
The Grey...

To Aaron this order as he should say, seems like a worthy cause.

To Aaron this order is a perfect place to be as the war rages on.

Where a person does not have to dwell on one side of the force.

Like uncle Razz said.... 'Equality'

This was a Ideal place for Aaron.

"Thank you ma'am, this place seems great." Aaron said with a smile.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Don't judge a book by its cover, after all, who says that its as perfect as i make it seem, i could be lying after all." She smiled, waiting for him to bite the bait and actually take her words at face value for a moment. She wasn't lying, that is what she had created the order for, but it was something that people needed to know when they came to learn that not everything was as it seems and sometimes there are worse things than what they imagine. But there is also the good and that is where she planned to focus on for now and let him have some place that is separated from the worries of the endless war in the Republic and other nations.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
"Don't judge a book by its cover, after all, who says that its as perfect as i make it seem, i could be lying after all." She said

"Lying, you'd have to be a pretty good liar, but why would you take the time and try to tell me and show me if you were lying?" He said back with a smile

He had no clue if she was lying, to him there was no way to tell, but she was right about one thing, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Aaron would remember that for the rest of his life.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good point, well then i welcome you to the order. Your first test is this, run to the temple and ill meet you there, its five miles in that direction." She pointed once to the west and then shot into the forest without any warning, moving up into the trees to stay hidden in the shadows and watch the prospective student without interaction. Oh how she loved to mess with people and her students were one of the singular people that felt the brunt of that joy, that and her good friends which simply meant one or the other was in for a treat.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Aaron got up.

"its five miles in that direction." She said before shooting towards the area that she pointed.

"Hell." He said before running off into the forest.

The forest grew thicker and thicker as he progressed. "It had to be a forest." He said to himself while pushing away all the vines.

"Five miles ain't that much, but when there's a forest, it gets a whole lot harder." He thought to himself before continuing into the direction that she pointed, for all its worth he better learn alot when he's there.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled as she listened to his words and tracked him from hidden above, moving with the wind to avoid detection as she stayed out of sight. He was an interesting one and soon she would see if he truly was ready for something like this and she hoped he was because when he is she will not disappoint him. It was up to him to continue on, and slowly she began to make small pushes on his mind, trying to put into him doubt and other damaging thoughts to see how he reacted to them and the intrusion.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
He kept going for a about another mile then stopped.

"Which way was it again. wait, it was West." He said aloud and continued west.

He tripped on a few vines and fell. "Hell." He got up, but he was getting frustrated.

"Try and clear your mind an calm down Aaron." He told himself.

He cleared his mind and tried to calm down it kind of worked, he continued on toward the west, wondering how far Alexandra was.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She smiled and continued to influence him, even making it seem as if the sun were going down to him and it was becoming night. Illusions were something she was happy to practice and mixed with her skill in Telepathy her suggestions and illusions made it seem like more than an hour of walking had happened, though it had only been a few minutes in real time. She was making it seem as if he were getting tired too if she could, weighing on his shoulders with the force and trying to get him to just collapse.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
He ran a bit more, it was starting to get dark?

"How odd, this planet is different. " he said before walking for what seemed for a hour. (But really only a few minutes)

His shoulders were getting heavier with every step. He went a few more feet then suddenly collapsed.

He groaned then attempted to get up, when he did he collapsed again.

He kept trying until he finally got it, he balanced himself and started to walk again even though it seemed to be night.

He needed to get to the temple.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"He's persistent... good." She moved and suddenly focused on the base of two trees, her hands closing and with them pressure being applied until finally the wood groaned and cracked before shattering and falling down in Aaron's way, their trucks pilled on each other in the way they landed. Alexandra had every thought the one before her would get past this, but it would merely be a continuous set of obstacles that would tire him out, not a single one alone.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Aaron started a steady jog, he was gaining his strength back.

When out of nowhere CRACK....WOOSH two trees fell onto each other right in front of Aaron.

Aaron slid to a stop right in front of them, wow how nice.

He looked around for possible ways around them, but it was too thick of a forest.

"Well, looks like the only way around is up." He said aloud.

He started to climb but slipped and fell off.

He tried again but and got a few feet up he fell off and hit his leg on the ground.

"Ahg!" He yelled then clinched his leg. He got up and climbed again this time he reached the top, he then slid down the other side. His leg slammed harder, but he grit his teeth. He started to walk again, but this time with a limp, and it hurt like hell.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She blinked and immediately ended the illusions in a moment, the daylight returning and her body dropping from the trees with a concerned look on her face as she walked over to him. "Your leg, are you ok?" Concern was all that would be registered from her as she looked over him, knowing if she had caused any damage she was the only one to blame as it were her tests that had caused this and she did not want to see him suffer because of her tests.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Out of nowhere the sky got brighter, he shut his eyes.

When his vision cleared.

"Your leg, are you ok?" It was the voice of [member="Alexandra Cinthra"].

"It should be fine, but it hurts like hell." He said with a smile.

"WWhere did you come from Alexandra?" Aaron asked with a smile then let go of his leg.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Ive been watching you this whole time, all but the trees have been my doing including the illusions... now hold still while i make sure you didn't break or damage your leg." She moved over and knelt down, closing her eyes and letting the force flow through her and into him, her eyes and mind focusing on each bone, each fiber of muscle tissue, each cell and correcting any damage or pain she could. It wasn't perfect but it would relieve alot of pain and any damage.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
"Ive been watching you this whole time, all but the trees have been my doing including the illusions... now hold still while i make sure you didn't break or damage your leg." She said

"Watching me? Hehe thats cool." Aaron said with a smile not taking it to harshly.

He held still he felt something flowing through his leg, it slowly felt better.

"Thank you Alexandra, how much further is the temple." He saked nicely.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Aaron Kidd"]

"Not much further, i just wanted to make sure you were fine and i hadn't caused any harm... uh lets go." She turned without another word and started to walk slowly through the forest with her eyes closed, letting the flow of the force show her the path rather than her own eyes as she smiled. How nice it was to hold this ability and be able to truly understand the flow of the force and how it lives, how its own web of power intertwines everyone... even her and the one behind her whom she turned her head to look at without opening her eyes.

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