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[TSE vs The Dominion] Operation Dominion's Fall: TSE Invasion of Krayiss II Hex

What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
Location: Krayiss II
Objective: Hold the Obelisk
Allies: [member="Miles Varden"]
Enemies:[member="Tirdarius"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Darth Sarcophago"]
Equipment: APARmk1 (see signature), Kisteer projectile rifle, duel vibro blades, dampening belt, cloaking field, thermal/ion detonators.

Formota eyed the battalion of troop from the side as leaned up against a wall running through a quick check of her weapons before combat. For this battle and from the work in the last invaion, she had bee assigned to the unit holding the Obelisk of the old Sith Temple, it provided a good sniping location and with the amount of stealth equipment on hand, staying out of sight would be easy, though the chances of winning the engagement seemed low.

The air was filled with a dead silence as everyone went about their duties, though one member of the group stood out from the rest the man named Miles Varden. Unlike the other he had a certain look about him, a look saying he give the invasion a dam good go no matter the odd, the type of person who'd fight to the bitter end, and give the enemy a run for the money. Finishing up he equipment check she made her way towards the man, interested in an update on the situation.
ALLIES: The Sith Empire, [member="Loray Tares"]
ENEMIES: The Dominion
GEAR: In Bio

Their preparation was of the quiet sort. Not because they paid the upcoming battle any particular respect, nor because they needed the silence to focus. For the Equalizers, this was just another day on the job. Talk was unnecessary when a simple shift in presence spoke volumes.

Mechanism and flesh molded into one, Aver rose to full stature. The pair moved soundless through the empty corridors of the vessel, goal in sight. Weapons found their holsters; rifles clipped snug on magplates; ammo and medpacs and grenades slotted into utility belts. The whole process was routine by now – to them it was like putting on a tie. Didn’t even have to think about it anymore.

:: ETA 1 minute ::

When the pilot’s voice next crackled over the comms, the firrerreo was ready and waiting at the airlock. Loray washed over her a beat later, an imposing shadow rising behind her back that would make anyone else flee in terror.

Aver just smiled behind her faceplate, scanning over the readings of the world beneath their feet. Betha II was a dead ball of sand drilled through-and-through with canyons, and those tunnels were full of rats.

And rats could do an awful lot to an unprepared human.

That smile split into a knife-grin as the craft shook with reentry. Licks of flame danced across the hull for brief moments before they pierced lower atmo. A few small corrections in course, and then they were setting down on the plotted LZ – an arid plateau above a gaping gorge, howling with wind and dust.

Two pairs of black phrik boots clicked hard against the orange rock, and the Equalizers went to work.
Location: Orbit of Krayiss II.
Objective: Slay the Enemy.
Allies: TSE,
Enemies: [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Formorta"]
Equipment: Sith Lightsabre, Hydrastaff, Graush Power Armour.

The Sith Lord's Daisya Infiltrator completed the transition between reverting to hyperspace back to realspace. From that stage, the ship had activated its cloaking mechanisms and had disappeared from vision once again.

The Sith Brotherhood had evolved past a... Brotherhood. It had found a place in an Empire of the Sith, on the other side of the Galaxy away from the First Order. Few, if any rules of engagement, if what he had learned of the One Sith's battles were anything to be used as reference.

"Occidio Legion deploying with the rest of the Empire Troopers at Templestone, My Lord," he heard from somewhere behind him as he paced back and forth in the cargo bay. The heavy armour didn't weigh on him, not yet, but he felt far stronger within it. Nearby was a [member="Alkor Centaris"]. A Xendori Guard, one of the many Dark Jedi that fought in the name of the Sith Empire. He didn't know him that well, other than that they were both warriors, killers, duelists of a similar mind. Briefly acquainted on Othrys. It was decided that they would fight together.

"We strike the Obelisk, Centaris," he spoke from the depths of his shadowy hood. He had been there once before, where he had met the Red Sith Vrak Nashar. The man had gone on to create the Resurgent Empire, he knew, but after defeating the Dominion at Serenno, recently in fact, A'sharad hadn't heard much from him. House Graush had set up briefly on the planet, and when reports of the Dominion was moving into the system, they'd abandoned it. And now, they were returning with a vengeance.

"Should we find nothing, we'll rejoin the Sith forces at Templestone... Unless, you have another option?" The hooded armoured figure rotating his head around to look upon the Dark Jedi.
Location: Kraysis II
Objective: Eradicate the Futile Opposition.
Allies: [member="Asharad Graush"], The Sith
Enemies: [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Formorta"], the Dominion
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sonneillon

The hood hung low over his head and his smoldering, lava colored eyes surveyed the surface of a world saturated in darkness. Kraysis II had a long, illustrious Sith legacy, but recent history had made a mockery of that. From one fragile, fallen empire to the next, it exchanged hands until the weak Dominion finally came to hold it. The time had come for the true heirs to its throne to seize it once more.

Alkor looked up to the obelisk in the distance as A'sharad indicated their target.

In the game of war, the man who cut the throat of his opponent first was assured victory. Supply lines kept frontal forces refreshed for long periods of time, and a strong vanguard assured that a war could perpetuate indefinitely.

Whatever resistance they found, it would make a suitable sacrifice.

Alkor added after a moment of thought. He peeled back his hood and turned to face the Sith Lord with a nod. "Once the path forward is secured, we can move back to reinforce Templestone," he replied. "But not before. We will hunt down and destroy all Dominion forces that yet draw breath, and we will stain this world with their blood."

It was not like Serenno. This planet was far less defended. It would be slaughter.

"All of them."
Location: Kraysis II, The Library-temple
Objective: Last Stand, Asset Denial
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: The Sith

Two soldiers in black armor quickly made their way down the darkened halls of the great Library-temple. Entering one the many mediation chambers they looked upon the Sith Lord, cloaked in dark red robes, deep in mediation. There were a few tense moments between the two the soldiers.

"My lord."

Kentarch lifted his head and gazed upon the soldiers.

"The Sith Empire." He nodded at his own words. "They will likely seize the city of Templestone first. It is a key stronghold and a strategic fortification for the reclamation of Sith Space. As the closest of the Five Scared Worlds, It makes sense they came here first."

Kentarch stood. "Get the men ready. I want as many of the ancient tomes loaded onto my ship as possible, set up a perimeter and have all other personal prepare for evacuation." Kentarch expected the Ascendancy to attack here first. However the small faction of Sith managed to reform into another Sith Empire and brought on the weight of many new recruits and bodies to fight it's battles, and the time table of it's conquest greatly accelerated.

The two soldiers bowed and rushed off. Kentarch waited several minutes alone in the chamber, contemplating his next move. The Dominion was facing collapse, but Kentarch was worried about his own power base, it was unlikely Ession would remain unconquered or left neutral this time.
Location: En route to Mirial.
Allies: ”[member="Darth Ophidia"]” ”[member=Leliana]” (The Sith Empire).
Enemies: (The Dominion).

The whispers amplified themselves the closer they came to their destination.

They passed a hanging corpse and Cerbera stopped for a moment, resting at the base of the tree while curiously studying the 'image' as it were. The shard in her hand tugged at her, told her to continue, but the Sith firmly kept the artifact in line. It was not a surprise that a piece forged at the Dark Forge (a shard from the Dark Forge) had a will of its own, but it was the holder that was the Master and not the other way around.

This was an universal truth that had to be followed.

A sharp sensation in the hand drew her attention away. Not red, no, seeping emerald light from the cut in her skin as the shard pushed back against her. The drips of green liquid seeped into the shard and dripped down to the ground. It was only by chance that the rich blood touched something obscured by a soft layer of dust. Nothing happened at first and with a frown Cerbera continued her attention to the corpse. Until the sound of burrowing sounded, before something emerged from the sands. It shuddered, shaking off the sand and dust, before jumping around in front of Cerbera to get some attention.

"Ophidia." Her voice smooth and silk, cutting through the revelry. "I think we have gained a friend."

The Sith crouched down again. A hand reached out to the hand and it immediately crawled up, climbing up the arm and settled itself snugly against her shoulder. The moment their skin touched it became clear that it was necrotic force animating the thing. From there Cerbera looked up again - strangely enough there was a visage at the horizon that hadn't been there before, not until the very touch of the undead creature made her see what she had sensed before.

It was simple light at first.

But the closer they came, the more details added to the scene.

Until close proximity brought them to a twisted statue cradling itself in tears, a fire lighted next to it and the sense of the Darkside strongest in this very focal point. The wind carried voices, but it was not immediately clear where they were coming from.

Location: Ancient Sith Library, on the surface of Krayiss II
Objective: Reclaim the Library for the Sith Empire
Allies: [member="Darth Lykos"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Kentarch"]

As the Sith vessels had dropped out of Hyperspace and sped towards the planet, they initiated their deployment of troops transports, shuttles and supporting gunships and fighters, a vast array of smaller vessels springing forth from the innards of the vastly-larger capital ships, descending upon Krayiss II in a swarm of disciplined military firepower. It was a sight to make allies feel bold and to make one's enemies feel utterly demoralised. After all, these beings are all here for you. That was just as the Sith demanded it.

Tirdarius had elected not to involve himself in the main aspects of the campaign: with [member="Darth Carnifex"] present to oversee the capture of the planet, the other Sith Lords were released to pursue their own objectives, provided they served to contribute to the Empire in some fashion. The ancient Temple-Library that had once existed upon the surface had long since fallen to ruin, concealed by centuries of neglect and protected by spirits of those sworn to guard the secrets of the Temple, even in death. To locate and secure such a place seemed a fitting task.

His shuttle landed close by to the co-ordinates the Sith Archives on Bastion had provided for the Temple, though the entrance might, perhaps, be harder to locate than that. A second shuttle filled with white-armoured Imperial Stormtroopers had accompanied him, all armed with their multi-purpose assault rifles and stun batons, there to secure the Library and keep the contents safe, once the Sith Lords had declared it safe for them to entire. Who better to preserve the secrets of the Sith but servants of the Empire?

The entrance was not as difficult to find as he had originally surmised: several small vessels were already parked just beyond, clearly in preparation for departure. The Sith Lord scowled at that, and ordered troopers forward to clear them with a short wave of his hand, a quick hand signal communicating what they already knew to be obvious: all those who stand in our way are to be eliminated.

The fetid, stale air of the Temple interior suggested that it had not long been open to occupation, and had been left undisturbed for much of the time prior to the Sith's arrival. And yet where are the guardians to challenge me? His experience with such ancient abodes frequently provoked the arrival of dark energies to test those that would gain entry: those who proved unworthy would not live to regret the attempt. And yet, now, nothing. Harder to gain entrance to a local Cantina during a sporting event than to walk into this Temple now. Something simply wasn't right.

Inhaling a deep breath, the Sith Lord stretched out and gathered dark Force energy around him, weaving it with a soft incantation into a fine web that wrapped around him like a form-fitting bubble, casting shadows around his form and rejecting the contact of the light, such that none would be able to observe his physical presence. That alone was hardly sufficient, though: true invisibility demanded that he withdraw his presence in the Force, smothering it as one might extinguish a light simply by blowing out the candle. A difficult task to balance for a student, or even those advanced beyond that, but for a Lord, it was the work of a few heartbeats.

His footsteps touched silently against the rough permacrete floor that led into the interior, any soft rustling contact muted by the illusion he had woven, less now than a whisper of a breeze. A matter of minutes later, as the light within began to brighten, revealing a grand interior: a vast open storeroom of knowledge. Data tapes, flimsiplast journals, perhaps even a few rare tomes written on paper... A wonderful little repository, though clearly one that had been plundered: here and there were considerable gaps where information had been removed. True sacrilege.

And here now: perhaps the origin of that heresy. Soldiers dressed in dark armour, contrasting wildly with the white of those that now guarded the outside of the Temple, and that worked so diligently to secure the area. But with them, although standing apart, a figure dressed in red clothing of rich fabric and stylish cut, exuding darkness as though simply exhaling it. A thief in the night, come to take that which is not his for the taking. Tsk tsk.

"Surely you learned better than to steal from a library when you were but a child?", Tirdarius observed mockingly, his voice whispering out from the shadows but with little clue to their source. "The penalties for such were usually quite severe." A touch of mocking laughter accompanied his words, a cold, sardonic tone easily noted. "I am afraid it is time for you to check out now."

A blue-white burst of lightning emanated from deep within the shadows of the room, striking one of the dark-armoured troopers full in the chest, black smoke and the acrid smell of burned flesh rising from the hole struck in the armour. The caster did not remain still as his attack made contact, on the move so as not to allow his location to be so easily determined.

"To defile a Sith Temple and loot the contents of it, that is a crime indeed," he continued softly, his voice continuing to carry that tone of ridicule, directed at the room's startled occupants. "But to steal from the rightful heirs to the knowledge contained within...there can be only one answer to such heresy."
Location: Space, Eol Sha Orbit
Allies: [member="Krest"] | [The Sith Empire]
Enemies: [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Anya Loma"] | @Ra'a'mah | [member="Cairyn Midore"] [The Dominion]

His lips thinned for a moment, his eyes half glazing over behind the helmet on his head. The HUD in front of him flashed for just a brief moment, a red light flaring over it's edge as they entered realspace. He could feel the odd lurch of the dropship, his lips thinning again as the press of the atmosphere surrounded him.

A breath filled his lungs.

He'd done this before, and under worst circumstances. On Dromund Kaas they had fallen from the skies, ignoring air defenses, fleets, even the planetary shield. Thousands upon thousands of lives had been lost that day, so many in fact that he struggled to even recall the number. That had been the way of the Sith, sacrifice. They hadn't cared about the lives of their soldiers, they hadn't cared about the deaths or the wounded, all they had wanted was their world.

In the end they had gotten, so perhaps their strategy worked all along.

Tyrian's grip tightened on the side of the ship, his eyes opening finally to glance down at the rifle strapped to his chest.

He wondered briefly if things would be much the same here. The Empire claimed to be something new, they claimed to be better, but Tyrian and many others of his rank had their doubts. Sith rarely gave half a shit about their soldiers, all they wanted was to fulfill their own greedy desires. A breath filled his lungs, and acceptance floated over him. He knew that he was not a great man, just someone that was here. He would fight, and perhaps he would die.

It didn't matter.

He had been given his mission, and he would fulfill it.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Templestone, Krayiss II[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: Observe[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [member="Darth Saarai"], The Saaraishash,TSE[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: None. Yet.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=11pt]They were meeting at the Standing Stones. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The line of markers towered, erected at some time in the distant past by Jedi attempting to push back the spirits of ancient Sith, to create a haven of sorts for the light on a planet so deeply imbued with the dark. It hadn’t worked of course, not for long. A millennia ago it had failed to stem the tide and a cadre of Jedi had fallen there, back to back and defending each other to their dying breath. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]At least, that’s how the local legend went. There was even a carved stone with the story to commemorate. Or warn. Darth Caecus honestly wasn’t certain of which. Just as there were planets that shadows could not truly gain purchase on, so too were there places that light never grew larger than a candle flame, and Krayiss had never been generous in that regard. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Behind the mask, Kith frowned. It was, truly, none of her business. The group breaking up beneath her was a flickering light- unsteady. But it burned true, despite the winds of dark spirits that howled against them. More glass lantern than candle, these staunch and intent lightsiders. She had listened to them, drawn small in the Force and easily hidden when darker ghosts murmured murder in their ears. As the meeting broke up, she considered her options. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A lightside cult, extremists and murderers though of course they didn’t call themselves that, operating in secret, with a plan that could cleanse a ten kilometer radius of the spirits that rightly lived here for good? If she had thought that slaughtering every person in the Stones would stop it, well, they would have been nothing more than rapidly cooling bodies already. But something about they way they spoke stayed her hand. It was clear that even without these men and women, the plan would not be stayed. They hadn’t spoken the details, and without that, without knowing how they planned to orchestrate such a thing, Kith could not deal with this alone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And without her, the growing Sith Empire would never know until it was already done. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ultimately, it was knowing that a certain person she called friend would be the one cleaning up this mess, that galvanized her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was not difficult, to arrange a message, funneled to a particular Sith Lord. The information, what little she had. It would take more than the two of them to track down just what was happening here, and she included three locations that the group had mentioned in their meeting. The Standing Stones. The Count’s Tower. Shoreman’s Grove. All of which formed a triangle around a particular point in the city- The Courthouse Clock. Each had something to do with the cult’s intention to burn out the souls of the dead from Templeston and the Library. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She just didn’t know what yet. [/SIZE]
Location: Krayiss 2 / Obelisk
Objective: Survive
Allies: [member="Formorta"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Anya Loma"] [member="Cairyn Midore"] @Ra'a'mah
Enemies: [member="Tirdarius"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Asharad Graush"]

<<Hail all allied forces in this sector, we need reinforcements to the Obelisk, a sizable Imperial force is headed our way and we could use the support.>>

Miles had little choice, he'd stand his ground as best as he could, but without aid, the fight wouldn't last very long. Already the Dominion overwatch channels were alight with reports of the Empire hitting hard across the fronts of all systems involved. The Dominion wasn't holding well after the last invasion and it felt like the die were not cast in their favor. A well armed marksman approached Miles as he did what he could to get the men in position. He liked her look, she looked deadly, he'd use that.

"Get snipers anywhere you can, we need visuals, high value targets are your primary assignments. Get those repeaters stocked with ammo. Dig in fellas, we've got a long day ahead." He called out.

He braced against some prefab defenses, rifle at the ready, he wished he hadn't lost his armor in the coup. Miles took a deep breath to steel his mind, it was not his best plan, but when do plans ever hit 100% effectiveness? The goal was to stall the Imps long enough to get help, or at least until the other systems could push them back.
Location: En route to Krayiss II.
[member="Darth Caecus"][member="Darth Osano"] [member="Jacob Crawford"][member="Caid Centurion"] [member="Darth Filiae"][member="Venthis Zambrano"][member="Emile Kaiden"](The Sith Empire).
Enemies: (The Dominion).

Shadow hides broken light, Lord Fa, your attention is needed elsewhere.

The Saaraishash arrived on Krayiss II in force and it could not be any other way. This world was one of the holy places of the Sith, holy, dark, imbued with corruption and the strength of the Darkside, shadows obscuring its meaning from any who were not versed in the ways of the Sith. But the Dominion defiled it with their presence, laid claim to land that wasn't theirs to hold and the Inquisition could not abide by blasphemy.

But Darth Saarai, Lord of Truth, trusted in Caecus' judgement.

The High Inquisitors could handle the subversion of the Dominion troops within and around Templestone. It was for this reason that Lord Fa and a cadre of Inquisitors and Initiates attached to him slowly picked their way through the city.

The Standing Stones. The Count’s Tower. Shoreman’s Grove

A circle that surrounded a focal point within the city, the Courthouse Clock. Caecus and him could handle the clocktower, but they couldn't be everywhere at once.

Tai landed nearby. A roof where a shadow was already waiting on him, the others secured the immediate surroundings, ensuring that their meeting would go undisturbed and that nobody would eavesdrop on them. With a twist the Thirriken rested easily near the figure of power, there he sighed softly.

"Caecus. I should not be surprised we meet amidst conflict yet again."

Once or twice Lord Fa had spotted a silhouette trailing him during a journey or a mission. Was it her? Perhaps. It did feel strangely comforting to know someone... trustworthy was watching his back.

Instead of the usual rabble and hungry dogs nipping at his paws.
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
Location: Krayiss II
Objective: Hold the Obelisk
Allies: [member="Miles Varden"]
Enemies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Asharad Graush"]
Equipment: APARmk1 (see signature), Kisteer projectile rifle, duel vibro blades, dampening belt, cloaking field, thermal/ion detonators.
Post 2

From what the com channels were saying things were looking bad, they were on the defensive all the way, but it was something she could use in her advantage, the TES troops would be cock, over confident and hasty to complete their mission, and such targets were easy picking. She gave a quick nod to Miles as he gave order proceeding to relay them to other sniper teams "Get into high potions with overlapping fire, use what sensor you have to spot targets, nothing gets past without getting shot at".

Once the trooper started naming their stations she too made way for a sniping location, up the o a bit a small pile of rubble would serve as a sniping location, it provided a good field of vision and cover if her location was spotted. laying down the many different cloaking devices on her person were activated, soon the entire are within a few meters became covered, to any onlooker it would appear to be just as a flat slate on the side of the complex.

Once again looking through the scope, the familiar sight of drop ships came into few, loading a clip into her APAR she pulled back the dolt, loading the .57 caliber round into the chamber.
Location: Krayiss II / Obelisk
Objective: Destroy the Dominion.
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Formorta"]

The Sith Lord's eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cargo bay as the lights dimmed the closer they got to their drop-zone. There were whispers in A'sharad's ear about the defenses at their target. Not as heavily defended as one would've previously assumed. It would be easy, the Sith Lord had decided to himself as he glanced over to the Dark Jedi. Grunting, was the only response his companion would get from his words. There was an approving undertone to it as well.

"Our vessel is impossible to detect. We'll drop right on top of them." A'sharad himself led no forces to the Obelisk, though the soldiers that came were likely belonging to [member="Tirdarius"]' command, as the Sith Lord pressed the button that would activate the opening of the ramp. His black cloak ruffled slightly, until it started flapping wildly in the great wind that buffeted the edge of the ramp.

Dropping right on top of the enemy allowed them to avoid the Anti-Whatever emplacements they likely had in place. Chances were, there would be a large amount of panic to have had two force-wielding warriors entering their midst seemingly invisible and creating chaos.

A countdown came over the intercom around the time of the ramp being opened completely. The young Graush's lightsabre was pulled into his hand as his other hand brought up a pitiful, meaningless face mask. In the shape of some Sith beast. A tuk'ata probably. And then he dropped out of the Daisya Infiltrator, the Force weaving around him as both a protective barrier and a telekinetic 'bomb' so to speak as he plummeted to the earth like a missile.


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Location: Krayiss II (A few clicks from the Obelisk)
Objective: Conquer Krayiss II
Allies: [member="Venthis Zambrano"]
Enemies: The Dominion l [member="Miles Varden"] l [member="Formorta"]
Gear: Whispers of Ghosts , Armor/Outfit

The wind began to pick up, hurling the dead leaves back and forth; like ghostly children playing catch. On the horizon, barely a squint away, sat the legendary Obelisk stretching toward the sky, as it's pyramid top acted as a beacon drawing the Sith to her. Between this structure and myself legions of Dominion soldiers, guided by their leaders, waited for the Sith who came to conquer this planet stood poised to repel the invaders. I, standing alone waiting for my partner, required no army. I came to claim the lives of their leaders, to prove to these soldiers that they had been misguided through misplaced faith; tearing down those promises of a future, showing them that it was never meant to come to pass.

Allowing the wind to push back the hood of my robe, I moved to a stone structure overlooking the force that gathered to face two Sith. So many lives had gathered. So many lives willingly to crash upon the swords of the Sith. So many lives prepped to fill empty, shallow graves. Today, Krayiss II will humbly accept the dead; adding further wails and moans across her wind swept skies; reuniting ghostly children with ghostly fathers.

A scar of a smile slowly formed on my face, barely revealing the blood-stained teeth that called my chainsaw mouth home. Before hearing the first crunch of rock underfoot, I sensed my companion who would act as my leading male actor in this play. Together we would sow chaos and reap from it a bountiful harvest. The fields would flourish under the crimson water fertilizer, giving birth to new generations of Sith; and from this the Sith would once again rule the galaxy.

"What a marvelous sight to behold," I said to Venthis Zambrano, "that they feel the desire to draw an army to face two Sith. It's not out of respect, but fear that has allowed their leaders to shelter themselves in shrouds of the dead." Shifting my eyes to see the Sith, I added, "Shall we go down there and introduce ourselves to our glorious hosts?"
Location: Mirial
Allies: [member="Cerbera"], [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Leliana"], TSE
Enemies: Dominion. No one engaged right now. Open for a fight.

Mirial. In its death throes, the Primeval had rained down destruction and damnation upon the planet. The fanatics' rage had left its mark, tainting the planet. Countless Mirialans had perished on that terrible day. Many others had fled their doomed homeworld, seeking refuge out there in the stars.

Enyo had firsthand experience with them. For in the aftermath of the atrocity, Archangel had come to the planet, offering succour to the desperate who hoped against hope that someone had heard their pleas for aid. Every single Mirialan who succumbed to the Archangels' siren call had been sedated, locked up and processed into an HRD. It had gone unnoticed in the greater Galaxy, for it was just one of many atrocities. Barely a blip on the radar. Some had resisted, and she'd helped cow them.

Now things had changed. Archangel no longer held dominion over her. To overthrow them, she needed resources. The Sith were generous with credits. Fortunately, she'd freed herself from the leash other sentient beings called a conscience.

Clad from head to toe in her suit of armour, the machine-organic hybrid followed the three Sith as they embarked upon their quest. Every step of hers was made with machine-like precision. There was something strange in the air. Something foul, corrupt and malevolent. With each step, the whispers became more intense, as if amplified. Perhaps it was just her mind, but it sounded like a wail of those who'd perished in the firestorm.

Voices could be heard amidst the wound. It reminded her of Gehenna. That brought back fond memories. Before her eyes she beheld a twisted statue, craddling itself as if in tears. Sickening. Her lips curled in distaste at the sight. Yet at this seeming monument to weakness, the Dark Side was so strong it felt almost palpable. Once Enyo had been amongst the weak, until she broke her chains.
Location: Space, En Route to Krayiss Two
Allies: The Dominion | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Enemies: The Sith Empire
Objective: Diplomacy

Aela frowned, grasping the back of the seat of the pilot as she watched Hyperspace float on by. Her lips were thin, her face was a bit gaunt, and her skin appeared a bit more pale than it should have been.

Oddly enough this was rather standard for her as of late, not because of some condition or underlying illness, but because she was traveling on a starship. Since her crash with Adder on Naboo things hadn't been going all that well for Aela. She had managed to safe Jamie from the First Order, but her brother had been severely injured within the Alliance's assault on the system. Her parents had returned to the Galaxy, but things were...difficult, and stress was mounting.

That was partially why she was here.

The trip to Krayiss Two was meant to be a diplomatic one, and for Aela a way to occupy her mind. She had purposefully taken a step away from the Jedi Order, removing herself from the front lines of their wars and instead dedicating herself to teaching younglings. Yet this was something else, it was talking, something she'd found she was quite good at as of late. It also helped that Jacen was coming along for the ride, something that she was appreciative of.

The Dominion hadn't been around the galaxy for long, and their odd mixture of Sith and Jedi had been...offputting to say the least. Two or three years ago Aela would have gone on a rampage against them, against any thought of engaging with them, but since then she had grown. She knew the need for diplomacy was there, and she knew that she and Jacen could at the very least listen to what the Dominion had to say before they made any sort of judgements. At least she hoped so.

Aela glanced up at the control clock, frowning slightly. "Is there anyway to make this thing go faster?"

The Pilot of the Starhawk chuckled slightly, shaking his head.

"No Ma'am."

Aela let out a sigh, then turned away from the viewport. She decided that it was best not to stare into the bright blue abyss that at any moment might claim them in a flaming wreckage. Instead she turned about and wandered back into the ship itself. Her things were bunched up on one of the Acceleration couches, lightsaber, armor, and sword all neatly tucked away. They had come here for diplomacy, but the Dominion still had Sith in their midst.

She wasn't about to come unprepared.
Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Location: kreyiss II
Objective: Write a story
Allies: TRE
Enemy: TD
Darth Revan's Robes
Revans Lightsaber
Kova Bladed heels


Her body was still wrenched in pain that fueled her these past few weeks. Most of the wounds had healed over but internally was taking much longer. There was no feeling in her hands anymore other than a shooting tingling sensation that ran up her arm when her fingers tapped something. The girl also lacked sleep been unable to lay on her back. She was able to feel the new appendages growing out her back. It was sensitive to the touch but some how Teresa was able to move them slightly. Whatever that creep did to her, he'd pay for it. He'd pay for it with his life. It was a promise she made to herself.

Even in her situation she had a job to complete. With the war about to begin she had to ensure the delivery of drugs made it to the drop off to be transported to the next location. After that she needed to find somewhere to hunker down till it all kicked off. The ship took a slow descent through the atmosphere. Every so often the small fighter shuttle would shake around through it's atmosphere.

From above the girl could make out a small village where she would meet with the currior. The shuttle came in to landing at the village near the transport. Systems shut off as her hands gripped the closest edges to push herself up to reach the switch for the ramp. Teresa would immediately see two faces dressed in rags and a collar around their necks. "Lady shan. We have been expecting your arrival." One of them would say. "Well what you waiting for. Transfer the crates to the transport." She responded in a bitter tone.

"Yes right away. Sorry." The two crates where rather large but had repulsors for easy moving. As the first slave took one Teresa would squeeze by the second to get out of the ship. A wave of air washed across her face. "Hurry it up, I've not got all day. Make sure my ship is locked up or you'll be the first to charge the front lines." "Yes lady. Ohh before you leave our master told us to give you this." One of them said handing Teresa a communicator. "Our master said she will be in contact soon." The girl snatched the device giving the slave a glare. Her hostility towards them was not from them been slaves, but a reminder of where she once was herself.
Location: here their and everywhere, but not at the invasion
Allies: hyperspace

Darth Banshee was running a ruse on the Dominion, her fleet and others she was coordinating. Her objective was simple, to jump into Dominion space, and then hit and run. The attacks where nothing more than probing attacks, and she would not get bogged down in proper fight with them. She had job a boring one, but necessary, to make sure the Dominion fleet was guessing where the Sith Empire attack would come. As the more ships and troops she could pull away from Krayiss two, would be less ships and man power the empire would face. Her ships where small, and ready to jump the second the Dominion tried to engage her. The task had no glory in it, as they already had hyperspace routes set up, ready before they came out of light speed.

She wanted her apprentice [member="Teresa Shan"] not to be part this, she wanted her to experience battle. At least in war she would grow, and become stronger, or fail and die. So between jumps she sent a holo message, Gather what forces use can, from my reserves and what you can get from the empire, and join the main assult on Krayiss two. I want you to prove yourself in face of the enemy. Then we will meet up for you next part of your training. Then a voice came out from behind her, Coming out lightspeed now. Then a noise came from her holo channel, as her ship was hit. The tactic was working a little, and she had a small battle to fight or run from.
Location: Mirial
Allies: [member="Cerbera"] [member="Leliana"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] (The Sith Empire & Friends)
Enemies: (The Dominion)

The whispers swished past like invisible birds, cawing in mocking voices. Darth Ophidia listened closely, allowing the voices to touch her. She knew it was dangerous, but she betted on herself being stronger. So she focused on these disturbed voices cooing in her ear.

H͜e͡l̴p͞!͢ he͟lp͝! help!͠ -- Wh̀o a͝re ͜yo͞u? --́T̀h̢ey ͟c̢omè

[SIZE=13.5pt][/SIZE]Mǫth̛e͠r! ̧--͞ No͜,̢ n̸o ̡no!̴ -̸- I̸t̶ hur̕ts so muc̨h͟!͢

̨P̕l̴e͏ase̡ do̶n͝’̕t͞ --̛ ̀I̛t ̷h͟urts!̷ ̢--҉ S̴par̀e͏ ̢ţh͝e ͠ch̛ild!͡

H̀e͞l͜p͠ ̵m҉e͞ --̷ H҉el͡p me̸ -҉-́ Hel̶p͝ ͢me
C͝óme̶ -- ͠C͡om̸e ̢--͝ ̢Co͏m͘ę

[SIZE=13.5pt][/SIZE]͜-- ̛Oph̡i̡di̸a. ̛--͠
Oph- Oph- Ophidi- Sai-
Ophidia, I think we have gained a friend.

Only slightly disturbed, the Rattataki slipped out of her listening state and looked at Cerbera. Under the full cover of her helmet, a sheen of sweat had just begun to emerge, and now felt immensely cold. She stared at the crawling hand.

How precious.

She lifted the helmet from her head and wiped her forehead on her sleeve. The cold nipped at her ashen face and she blinked a few times. Was the fog-like obscurity lifting? She stared ahead, still sensing the whispers around her.

Ought she listen? It called to her, whispers growing ever more intense.

Things seemed to change, and she could slowly begin to see the light apparent to Cerbera, and later clearly see the stone with the self-hugging posture. Confident, but not reckless, Ophidia walked closer and reached out a hand. She focused the Force as a sensory tool to read the statue’s signature. Drenched in the dark side, that it was.

The fire was warm and comforting. It tugged on a part of her that wanted to lay down and rest under the starry sky. She knew it was unwise, but she really wanted to.
The Fire. Careful, something is off.

Darth Grimoire

Location: Exiting Over Krayiss II
Objective: Retake Templestone, Throne of Grimoire
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Venthis Zambrano"] [member="Darth Sarcophago"] [member="Darth Lykos"] [member="Darth Caecus"]
Enemies: Dominion

Aboard a Sith Star Destroyer, Grimoire, the Count of Templestone stood behind the transparasteel panoramic blast windows gazing down at planet that housed it, Krayiss II. During the Sith Rebellion of Korriban, it was Grimoire, daughter of Darth Hauntruss, who lead the charge on Krayiss II and founded Templestone. Now, she had her chase to retake her domain and continue her reign over it. Grimoire’s dark gloved fist clenched together. Her golden eyes trained on the planet. Her blood boiled. She would expunge her shame from her expulsion from the Sith Caldera by, expunging the usurpers who sat on her throne in Templestone.

Turning about, her dark cape that dangled from the back of the twisted black steel that acted as her armor fanned out. She marched past the officers of the bridge deck and moved to communications panel. She ordered the communications officer to open an all Sith frequency broadcast.

“I am Grimoire. Former Count of Templestone.” Grimoire said to her Sith comrades. “I built that fortress, I sat on it throne at the center of the high tower. And I shall have it back...Brother and sisters of the darkness, I look forward to doing battle by your side.”

The call ended and Grimoire departed the bridge making for her transport. At her hip she had her mothers dark light whip and at her fingertips the dark side in all its terrible machinations. Stepping out of a lift she approached the transport with its innards lined with Sith troopers. The Dark Lord, and old friend and mentor, [member="Darth Carnifex"], had invited her to join the assault to retake her domain back. She relished the chance.

The transport door closed, bathing the insides in an alert red glow. It took off and began its descent into Krayiss II’s atmosphere. All the while Grimoire clung to the overhead railing and waited, waited for the moment where she could unleash her hate and power. The transport cut through the windy lower atmosphere shaking and rumbling as she descended. It flew low and made for the northern stretches of the lands before Templestone. Grimoire could feel it. But, soon she would see it. Just imagining the ramparts made her teeth clench like a beast bearing fangs. Her black inked lips parted and her teeth showing Grimoire hissed to a Sith Commando beside her, “Take us down...Time to begin.”

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