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Tunnel Vision: Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Vortex

Leaving Overwatch, Linking up with the war party
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Wasp had indeed spotted the enemy sniper, but there was one slight problem. she couldn't get a clear shot from here. she can't be the only marksman here though, right? better call it in. she sets off in a low jog towards the others and puts a finger to her commlink

"This is Wasp, you don't know me, We've got a sniper up high, sending coordinates" she broadcasts to the whole unit.

A moment later, wasp crests the hill and slides down to the rest of the war party, taking a couple pot shots at the gangsters before reaching the bottom of the hil, landing on her feet but stumbling slightly. she dusts herself off and takes a low profile behind
[member="Yasha Cadera"] and the others.

"I miss anything important?" she chuckles
Stardust took a hit to her right arm, armor took the brunt and for once she was glad that it was a cybernetic beneath. She activated that shield of knows ans started forward, placing herself fully behind it she started a rush righr for the enetrnace ad she roared out and with it glances kept forward towards anyone who dared got within her path

Surrender now! And you will be spared a death way worse then what I will be bringing you

Being the first inside she looked around and took a deep breath as she kept spewing flames forth hoping to drive the enemy back and at bay so her vod could push forward with her

cowards! Dare ye come forth? Face the flame before the sword tears through you
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Liddin nodded to Tamar, shacking her head.

"Yeah, I don't think he's winning anything with that flying." As she said this she had to quickly snap the corvette out of the way of the same fighter, this time coming from the side. Mig held on tight as he grumbled.

"By the Manda, what's that di'ku's problem?" Mig looked over to Tamar, chuckling a bit. "At least it's pretty fun."

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]
At Aditya's question, Calyr shook his head back and forth before looking up at Aditya. Grinning goofily, he tries to say that she can take control. Grinning himself, Adenn pats his neck and squeezes Aditya close. Then they're looping and Aditya screams in joy and Adenn joins in, letting out his own cry of joy. Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn whispers to her.
"I love you cyar'ika, really and truely."

To her answer, Adenn can't help but laugh again. He loves flying as well and it's even better with someone he loves. Grinning then, Adenn lets Calyr even out in his flight path while leaning his head onto Adityas shoulder once more. Laughing, Adenn takes the reigns and holds them out to Aditya, offering it for her to take.
"Here you go Aditya, take the reigns if you wish to love, I won't mind, and neither will Calyr." Smiling, Adenn holds onto Aditya while holding using the other to hold the reigns out to her.

He'd like to let her take the reigns, to fly around and enjoy flight. However, it's all up to her and what she wants to do, and he won't push her if she doesn't want to. Still smiling though, Adenn waits, calmly and patiently.

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
Sniper it was, Arla nodded to those around her and quickly moved out as the coordinates came through, "I've got him" Arla smiled behind her buy'ce oohhh how long had it been since the blood in her veins ran so quickly.

She felt her heart begin to beat harder faster as she knelt down pulling her rifle to her knee, her buy'ce locking into the coordinates. He was still a little far. She needed to be just a hair closer to make sure the shot hit the mark. Getting up she ran to the next place as blaster shots zipped past her shoulder, "its hot out here" it was and it would get worse before the mission was over.

She put her back to the wall and rolled out of the way of another shot, she had more company. Seems the locals called more back up but they were making wild shots out of fear and panic. They would make short work of them but the sniper was high, and making his shots count. Arla knelt down again, her rifle rested in her glove as her gaze moved up to lock in to the coordinates.

A deep breath and then let out...slowly....then.............WWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the shot was off the sniper....had she got him or had he moved just in time.

[member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] | [member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] |

After the killing spree and he his fellow Vode caused the moral of the gangsters plummeted to a point that some either ran away dropping there weapons or surrendered then and there, Those that where still brave enough to continue the fight will soon if not already be taken care of, He heard Wasp's comm chatter about a sniper and kept alert as he made his way inside he can see Stardust is already making her intentions clear in the Cathedral with her flames.

Careful with the fire Stardust I want the mobsters dealt with without incinerating the Cathedral. He hit the comms to all Mandalorians present at the Cathedral. Mop up whats left then meet inside the Cathedral so that we can asses any damage that might have been caused.

Was all he said as he launched his arc caster towards a small group of mobsters that were trying to do a fruitles charge as he turned there bodies to a crisp, This battle was over all that was left was mopping up the stragglers.

[member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]
"Nice Shot!" Wasp calls out to [member="Arla Balor"] . She moves towards her position, providing covering fire if need be and sweeping the area along the way until she finally reaches her spot. "You were taking some heat, you holding up ok?"

Skorvek's broadcast reaches her comms, and she is surprised to learn that only a few opponents remain. she thought for sure this would take longer. on occasion a gangster or two would come running by, only to be stopped by wasp pointing her dlt-19d at them, only for her to tell them to piss off and keep running. a feint chuckle escapes her control and she shakes her head

"Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade!"

[member="Skorvek"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]
Arla looked over, "Yep they haven't found my soft spot yet. Shall we keep moving?" Comms were a bit sketchy but then the word came from [member="Skorvek"] only a few left.

"Well feth you'd think there'd be more of them, unless..." She remembered a time, "They could be setting us...what do you think [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]"

She wanted to be sure she made it back home to Av, she kinda made that promise something she shouldn't but being mom wasn't as easy as everyone thought, well how she thought. Which made her wonder about her own parents..but that was a question to ponder at another time.
She peaks around the wall real quick and then ducks back into cover "How many snipers did we kill, two? What if they had a spotter or two that we missed? I haven't seen anyone sweep the higher floors yet.."
She didn't like the idea that there stragglers that might still be skulking around as opposed to running. but the possibility of enemy reinforcements setting up was a bigger problem. It was entirely possible that this was the only group, they were just a gang after all, not very organized and clearly not that bright either, but assuming the the situation is better than it could be was the kind of thing that got soldiers killed, better safe than sorry.

"Why Don't you and I check for stragglers and comms, make sure no one can call in or coordinate this rabble any further, eh?"

[member="Arla Balor"]
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
“L-ov.. lo-y-you-lllhhhhhhoh boy.” Brain, reboot. In computational sciences, an influx of shifting parameters can slow the processors down. Clam up the works until the parameters and equations balance. Not much different for my own head and heart, both roiling around in a muddy panic as [member="Adenn Kyramud"] whispers in my ear.

Love. Why does it terrify me? My arm snakes across his, holding him to me, when I know intrinsically he’d never let me go in the first place.

“I love you, too. Not always great at showing it, cause I’m always scared of the love falling away… but… I love you, Adenn Kyramuddy, Alor of Clan Mortui. Better than I’ve loved anyone.” My mouth feels clammy as I take the reins, glad of the act of flying a real live dragon. It’s a distraction, at least.

“Oooh you shouldn’t have given me flight control, babycakes.” My chuckle rides along the air currents, as I dig my feet into the saddle stirrups and hunker closer to Calyr’s neck, jerking the reins to send us looping into an upward spin. I experiment with tighter and tighter turns, putting the dragon through a work-out as I let my mind linger.

Love… a man loves me. We’re flying on a dragon and he loves me. We’re having babies, an accidental shift in life I’ve been secretly thrilled about.

“I do… love you. Gosh why is that so hard to say?”
[member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

She remembered once how she and Naimes had cleaned out a building. It had been rough and required grenades and lots of slugs. She looked at the Wasp and nodded, "Yes let's be sure there are no surprises waiting."

She looked up they had gotten two. Normally though they had spotters with them to give elevations and distance. "A spotter by now would be lower we need to search the buildings where the snipers were killed." Course now the spotters could have hit a trail and ran out the back but they wouldn't know that unless the looked.

Arla inched up looking around, "I'm"
Wasp gives [member="Arla Balor"] A quick nod before swerving out of cover, switching her rifle into her cybernetic left hand, which was strong enough to keep the heavy rifle up and aimed high with one hand, while she drew a pistol in her right, keeping it aimed for door to the building that housed the most recent sniper to fall. she makes her way quickly to the door way and peeks through. she then slings the rifle over her shoulder and and raised one hand to tap into her comms

"Entrance looks clear"

She then draws her second pistol, keeping them both leveled on the hallway beyond as she leans out of cover in the doorway. She would have covered arla as she made her way over, but she figured that they had cleared the cathedral and the fields outside already, there shouldn't be anything hostile out there, and she couldn't cover both at once.
Observe and move, she slung her rifle over her back and pulled the hand gun, and made sure her armor was armed and ready to go. They may have gotten them all this could just be a quick lesson in CYA but she'd do it.

Arla moved into the hall to the first doorway scanned for heat signatures...nothing..."no one" She would keep moving, they had cleared three rooms before coming to the stairs. Arla nodded, and started up making sure to inch her way along the wall all while looking up.

Come out come out wherever you are...she thought then there was a sound. Light stepping, fast moving...what was it? Arla felt her pulse quicken again...waiting..she always hated the waiting....

[member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]
Wasp follows [member="Arla Balor"] through the building, swerving around doorframes, guns up as they checked room after room until they finally reached the stairwell.
Stairs always provided weird angles to shoot from, it didn't matter weather you were going up or down, a random blaster bolt or grenade was always a risk, and in environments like this, it was always a concern that crept up.
She keeps her pistols up as she slowly followed behind arla, then suddenly that noise caught her attention, both her gaze and aim snapping in that direction. neither her, nor her MFTAS had seen it, she wasn't up topside yet.

She didn't speak, best not give their position away. instead she turned to arla for a moment, looking for her reaction.
Arla froze but only for a moment she lifted the weapon not to far out a bit close to the chest to not give herself away as she moved up the stairs. Cautiously she moved, step by step...

She wasn't sure if [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] followed but she knew enough to put enough space between them to give anyone opportunity to reveal themself by taking the shot at Arla.

She was nearing the top of the stairs kneeling on the first one as she looked down the hall. She inched up there was a heat signature to her left small. She tilted her head she couldn't take the chance she put herself on her knees a few inches more and she be at the door.

"Give me a minute if you hear shots...wait two second them come get em."

Taking her left hand forming a fist she punched the door open, it had been partially open already...there was a lot HISSS SCREECH.........

Arla rolled on the floor and was immediately attacked by something small and furry..."what the feth" Arla tried not drop the blaster as she pulled it up by the neck..."good grief....." It looked scared and scrawny...

If this was a distraction to pull them worked on Arla...
Wasp waits a moment before peaking out of cover, watching arla pull up a... whatever that is. "The hell is this?" she says, pointing at the creature as she steps out.

"It looks like it hasn't eaten in a while.." She flicks the creature on the nose on her way passed arla. then it was guns up while she checked the rest of the area.

At first there was nothing. no sound save for the rats, nothing to see other than the occasional flickering light. Then her MFTAS picked something up, locking on to a signature in the dark for only a split second as something darted through the hallway ahead and into another room

"Got movement!"

She slowly approaches the room, leaning into the doorway a little, trying to get line of sight, When suddenly- *ZZzzzap* An ion shot seeps into her cybernetic arm, which now hangs limp at her side. She whips around, grabbing whoever, or whatever disabled her other arm and pressing them into the well with a low growl.

She comes face to face with the dim golden glow of a jawa's eyes. flinching a bit as it lets out a sudden panicked, and high pitched scream.
the tiny thing continues to scream as it drops the ion blaster and microbinoculars in it's hands. looks like they found their spotter..

Okay, okay! You can stop now!" She has to hold back a laugh

[member="Arla Balor"]
Arla bit her tongue hard she couldn't bring herself to drop the creature. Shaking her head she started to her knees as [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] went past her, " does"

then out of the dark a shot, Arla stuffed the thing into a pocket without thinking of what it could do she pulled the blaster up even just in time to see the Jawa...she hated jawa's they reminded her of Tatooine and the slaves life she had been rescued from.

The spotters glass fell, and the infernal screeching keep up..."stop"

She looked at the Wasp, "I think we're good."

The Jawa cringed slightly but then stood its ground.This had been eye opening.

"Time to regroup" the creature was moving around in her had claws...feth. ow
[member="Arla Balor"]

"It's... oddly cute.." She sighs and drops the jawa "Alright, git" the little hooded creature bolts

She turns to arla, taking a quick peek at either side of the room before approaching her

"I had hoped this trip would be a little more exciting, But at least I got to shoot someone" she chuckled nervously

"Would have been bad to not shoot something today, that'd be a bad way to start my return to mandalorian space huh?"

It wasn't that she enjoyed blasting people in general, it was blasting the right kind of people, and gangsters like that were the right kind indeed.

Here's hoping that the mand'alor would continue to target those kind of people..

[member="Arla Balor"]

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