Dark Jedi Spymaster

Intent: To provide the Confederacy of Independent Systems with a larger assault frigate for snubfighter defence
Development Thread:
Model: Turtle Class Assault Frigate
Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Modularity: None
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel
Description: The Turtle class is a specialised anti-snubfighter that is only seen as part of larger battlegroups. As a cost-saving exercise they are based on a modified and extended frame from the Reaper class corvettes.
The second ship from the FLaT PACK Programme. The Turtle is mass produced and comes in three variations:
- Tu/a
- Tu/b
- Tu/c
They either: hold back with carriers and long range ordnance vessels that are exposed to fighters, or escort cruisers into battle. They are frequently seen covering gunboats and Scythe class cruisers as they assault carriers.
- Classification: Assault Frigate/Balanced Frigate
- Role(s): Escort (anti-starfighter)
- Height: 49 meters
- Width: 67 meters
- Length: 257 meters
- Power Core Generator/Reactor: Ionization Reactor
- Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
- Minimum Crew: 16
- Optimal Crew: 82
- Passenger Capacity: 100
- Cargo Capacity: 1,200 tons
- Consumables: 1 year
- Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 6
- Advanced Targeting/Tracking Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Sensory Array
- Standard Shielding Systems
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pods
Assault Max [45cg 20wh 8d (89cg)]
Tu/a Anti-fighter Gunship
- Fast-Mount repeating Turbolaser Cannon (10) [20]
- Repeating Laser Cannons (20) [20]
- Flak Cannons (20) [10]
- Point Defences (20) [10]
- Homing Concussion Missile Tubes (5) [20]
- [80]
- Fast-Mount repeating Turbolaser Cannon (12) [24]
- Point defences (8) [8]
- Homing Concussion Missile Tubes (12) [48]
- [80]
Tu/c Mixed Interceptor Carrier/Gunboat
- Fast-Mount repeating Turbolaser Cannon (8) [16]
- Repeating Laser Cannons (20) [20]
- Homing Concussion Missile Tubes (5) [20]
- [56]
- Hangar: 12 Jackal Class Interceptors
- 12 Jackal Class Interceptors