Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
Try as she might, she had not been able to hold back her own rage. As the armor clad woman sat there quietly in her room, it was clear that she had unleashed something. Much of the room was broken, the once pristine walls marred by scorch marks and holes. It seemed that the only thing that remained untouched was resting in her hands. It was a picture, a simple little photo that slowly rotated. Looking at the little projector she let a few tears fall to the floor.
The image itself was of Helene, her mother, the Duchess and Felicity Mason. As bad as she felt, she knew that the young woman was in a much darker place. Who could really blame her, Helene certainly couldn't. She hadn't even the guts to talk about her having brought Owain around the house and had him staying in her room. Then again she figured with the lot of them leaving for parts unknown, whom was she to tell the girl how to spend the closing days on the world.
Helene looked up, clicking the small device to shut down before slipping it away. Leaning over she grabbed her helmet before standing up. The bed was broken in two, the first thing to go when she unleashed her rage. Much of what was left wasn't something she even wanted to bring with her. Sighing as she pulled on her helmet, she looked towards the door before pushing it open and stepping out.
"I'll collect her. You lot get to the ships."
She spoke to a small group of guards before they saluted and left. Helene at least figured that the young woman would be more willing to leave with her than anyone else. Sighing once more she shouldered her blaster rifle before trudging down the hall. Her mind thinking to the first thing she had told the girl, and now she was going to carry it out. The next few months would be spent teaching her how to fire a blaster, and much like her own mother, when Helen's mind was made up, it was made up.
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