Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Lost Sith

(If you join this thread, please don't do it with a ship, don't do it with some instance escape plan. This is meant to be a survival RP where were stuck. Have fun, starve a bit, get a rock to fall on your leg, come on.)

“You know, this happened last time too.” Soliael said the words as alarm klaxons blared throughout the ship, a massive screeching buzzing sound that tore into his eardrums and made him wince slightly. Red blaring lights flashed over and over again as the False God struggled to control the yolk of the ship. Red hazing lines of fire darted around the viewport as the small shuttle tore through the atmosphere of the planet, cutting through the upper reaches and slicing towards the ground at an almost impossible space.

Turbo-laser fire followed close behind the growing red streak as the pirate vessel that had been chasing them the entire length of the system fired over and over again to try and destroy the ship.

The Sith Struggled with the control Yolk Again, pulling it up and attempting to press the dying thrusters back into gear until finally, he let out a yell. Soliael threw out a hard boot against the console ahead of him, and for a moment, all the light went off. His lips turned down into a frown almost immediately, his eyes going to his companion who was now glowering at him. “Oh shut up Jared.”

He sent out another kick.

Bright lights flared across the console, and the control yolk suddenly jerked forward as the thrusters sprang to life. The shuttle jerked to the right as it breached the atmosphere, trailing smoke and fire directly into the Pirate ships path. Soliael pushed the shuttle forward, pressing it closer towards the surface until it was mere meters above the ground.

They shot forward, reaching the edge of what appeared to be a ruined city.

Sailing above it for only seconds Soliael tried to hold the ship steady, failing as another turbo-laser blast struck against the outer hull. Muttering another curse Soliael jerked the yolk forward, pressing what little fuel was left into the thrusters and pushing the shuttle deeper into the city. They went over street after street, moving into downtown quickly.

Smoke obscured the path behind them, ensuring the pirates saw nothing until the last second.

Soliael pulled the yolk to the left, hauling the shuttle away from a massive skyscraper, one of the few that still stood, and sending the little craft hurling towards the streets. The Pirate Ship being caught in smoke was not so lucky however, and with no time to react they ran straight into the side of the building. A massive fireball of metal and duracrete erupted, sending the skyscraper toppling to the ground.

A few hundred meters away the shuttle came to an alarming halt, scraping and trailing along the streets until finally it came to a stop, enveloped by a massive cloud of smoke and dust.
I fething hate it when others bring crap to me. I had been easily sleeping on my Telgorn-class freighter. I had been using it in a small transport of durasteel and armorplast. I was to deliver it to a man here at this place. We were going to hook up ships and them a change of hands, with a little extra and I would be off. However, after a few minutes here, I got tired of waiting. I had fallen asleep when a sudden burst landed on my ship.

I got up and ran to the cockpit as a vessel, large and rather daunting compared to my little freighter, was firing on me. I flipped the shields on and started to head for the planet.

Pirates excelled in space combat. More than I ever would. However, in ground combat, I could take them on much more easily. I was ticked off. Slamming my hands around on buttons to make the ship go faster. Sadly, it would not. I got pelted hard. The shields died as I was entering the atmosphere. Well, the rear one's anyways. Within a few seconds, the backdraft from the ship caused a vacuum to suck all the hot air and flames towards the back of the ship. In the same fething spots that were being fired at. Blasts opened holes into the hangar bay of the ship, my left hand reached out and slammed the door to separate the hangar from the cockpit. Putting maybe another layer of defense against the heat. I was a smoking wreck.

Literally, my engines were shot, about half of the back of the freighter was torn and/or still ripping apart to be gobbled up by the flames of the atmosphere. I looked behind me through the little window on the door to see that the entire shipment was gone, and about half of my stuff that I kept in the ship was gone or burning up as well. I looked off to my right through the front viewport to see another ship hit and coming down. Only to wince as the pirate ship following it about a few hundred kilometers away slammed into the building. At first it looked to almost eat the ship, but with the resulting explosion, I cringed.

Looking back, I realized I had little time to react as I had landing gears, and maybe a few flaps to slow myself down. But other than that, I would have to use the natural environment to slow my speed down. or I had another idea. I grabbed my gear from the front. Just the slugthrower pistol, an HP-101, and my dauntless combat blade. I used a force push to blast open the view port. and then held my breath as I opened the door.

The vacuum from the air flying past me, sent me through the door, out of the open and broke hull, and into the air. I was not really going down with my ship, but I knew that this would really hur-


I made sounds much like this as I slammed into the ground rolling almost behind the wreckage. in the midst of that, I could feel my arm and leg burning on my left side. I opened my wings up and allowed myself to suddenly become a parachute. I came to almost a halt as the wind caught in my wings slowed me down from going over 600kmph to about 20kmph. I got a pain in my neck, back and wings. However, I came to a stop as the ship kept moving on to slid ahead. Soon it was almost out of sight. I began to panic as I could feel pain in my right arm and leg. I fell as the burning of my clothes being on fire was very evident. I fell to the ground and rolled over myself over and over again. Trying to ignore the pain. I winced and teared up from the burning.

Eventually I stopped myself and just laid there. Hoping that by surviving this I could maybe find a way off of this planet. Wait. The ship. There was another ship in the air about a few hundred meters or so off to the..... crap. I looked up to the sun. Hoping that by my directions, it was...... to the east. I looked the trial of destruction that my ship had wrought. Then turned to the right. And started walking.

With one really bad limp, a few burns, maybe a broken bone, or a broken tendon in my right leg. There was no way I was going to fly. That would expose myself to others. I wanted to try and stay safe as much as possible. Hopefully their ship still worked. And if it did, that they didn't leave yet.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"],
The Admiralty
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Once in a while a guy could start doubting his ability in picking the right friends, such things mostly happens right after you realize just how much trouble they cause while you are in their proximity. Such thoughts started to emerge in the Sith Lord’s mind right after Sol decided to give the board computer a firm kick to its metaphorical groin, as usual… the computer didn’t exactly appreciate such kind of treatment and decided to protest the action by firmly shutting its processes down and bathing both Lords in darkness.

In response to Sol, Ovmar just rolled his eyes and said thusly, “You know… neither of us are actually qualified to pilot a ship, you would think that by now we would have hired someone to do the piloting for us,” It seemed that the Sith Lord wasn’t overly concerned with the way their ship was firmly set on face-planting itself into a skyscraper - once you attain a certain level of knowledge and power… trivial things like death stop having a threatening meaning to you.

Though he supposed that it was -still- a pretty annoying circumstance and would better be left in the realm of possibility, instead of the realm of probability. So while Sol was off trying to keep the nose of the ship steady, Ovmar closed his eyes and started meditating through the Force, in an attempt to divert most of the shots from the probability into possibility and then impossibility - most of the times it had a good effect, with the pirating horde missing their shots by a mere couple of centimeters, but even a Force God as Jared Ovmar was only delaying the inevitable.

Hence it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone when one turbolaser hit its target and the ship spun out of control, bringing them crashing against a tall building of a broken city in the middle of God Knows Where. Why were Sol and Ovmar so far from civilization? What were they doing here? And more importantly… why wasn’t there a fleet protecting the False God and Billionaire Politician? Clearly those were important question - important questions which would have to be reserved for a different, more suitable time.

Because it was just then that the Sith Lord managed to open his eyes, blood seeping from a head wound into them and generally creating a nuissance for the man who merely wished to see what was happening.

Sol… you dead? Cause if you ain’t, you are going to be in a matter of five seconds,” to demonstrate this boast, Ovmar attempted to get off his chair, yet failed to do so after eerie lights started popping up before his eyes and giving him a mild headache. ‘“...alright, five minutes.
[member="Jared Ovmar"]

“You think so?” Soliael said as he slowly opened his eyes.

Blood dripped down the side of his face, wounds had been torn into the side of his torso and one of his legs was trapped beneath a crushed console. Blood flowed freely from him for a minute or two until the technovirus within his body began to knit his flesh back together.

“I'm pretty sure this planet is abandoned.” He trailed off for a moment as his head spun. “So I doubt there's any threat to me within hundreds of light years.”

The slight jab at his friend made him smile, a wry amused smile that was quickly whisked away by the smell of leaking fuel and burning flames. He scowled, realizing that the crashed shuttle would probably explode soon. “Then again...”

He trailed off, beginning to gather was strength he had. His right hand moved beneath the console, gripping it with heavy woven phrik gloves and crushing it with the force, moving the crumbled structure out of the way and off his leg, freeing him. His other uninjured leg came up, sending vicious kicks at the broken at cracked Viewport until finally the seals around the transparisteel gave way, and the viewport popped off the shuttle.

With a lazy hand Soliael unclasped the belt around his chest, removing himself from his chair and crawling out of the shuttle and into the ruined city.

He offered a hand to his friend so he could do the same.


"I've really gotta stop letting you plan our vacation destinations." Barked a man uncomfortably seated within a holding cell. Although his deep and authoritative voice was the only one, he surely wasn't the only occupant of this steel cage. Rising from the little bench, Jedediah strode to the durasteel bars that held him at a distance from his equipment and valuables nested snugly in the locked crate before him. With a frustrated grunt, the man turned to look at his comrade. "Jasper," he started, "tell me, was a trip to Coruscant really worth it? I mean, really, it's not our fault that we were somehow caught by some low-life turds who have enough brain mass to confirm the answer of 2 + 2 = 22."

The medic shifted uneasily on the bench. "Sorry! I didn't exactly know that smuggling weapons was illegal!" The sarcastic response from the slim, librarian-aired young man almost surprised Jed. "Well.." The Mandalorian frowned. "Maybe we shouldn't have been in full armor either. These morons probably have even more poo-brain than we figured and might even trade us in to the Sith for a sweet deal."

"Hell, those Sith boys'll eat me up faster than a - "

"Shh! Someone's coming!"

Unfolding his arms, Jedediah backed away from the cell door just as a awkwardly dressed young boy walked in. That's right, a boy. This little karker didn't even look old enough to bear the banner of his clan, much less be toting around a blaster rifle and a combat knife like he was doing now. Jedediah's brow furrowed as he sent a glare towards the young man who appeared to be no older than seventeen. Bright green eyes were set upon a freckled face which sat below an unruly heap of brown, curly hair. To this particular soldier, he looked like he'd be more interested in studying for a school test rather than catching Mandalorians and stealing their cargo.

"Boss says you boys gon' make a nice profit." A wry smile was plastered on the face of this little shrimp who'd unexpectedly drew closer to the cage. "I ain't supposed to be back 'ere, but I wanted t' know what kinda cargo we was a-haulin'." The teenager leaned backwards onto a table, pulling his blaster pistol out of his holster. He toyed with it for a few moments, inspecting each side before setting it down upon the table.

"Listen here kid," the commando placed extra emphasis on that particular word for a reason, "let's make a deal." Jedediah stuck a hand into one of his pants pockets and rummaged thoughtfully before producing a little red crystal. It was about half the size of his finger, dark red in hue, and it felt warm to the touch. Jed eyed the wannabe mercenary gleefully as he seemed to take interest in his little offering.

"What's that?"

The Mandalorian rolled the crystal around in his bare hands. "This is a crystal of the Sith - a focusing crystal for one of their glowrods, er, lightsabers."

"And?" Green eyes met cobalt ones as the moment grew more tense. Either he was expecting Jedediah to tell him how much it was worth or tell him that it gave him special space magic, thus allowing him to threaten the boy.

"And it's yours if you hand me those gloves over there." That's right. A crystal for gloves. Jedediah had been eyeing them even prior to this stand-off with a kid. "This thing is worth more than that cargo we were shipping. Seriously." Jasper was silent the entire time, not knowing what to say or exactly what to do. Actually, he didn't even know what Jededih was doing in the first place. Most of the time, however, it was Jed who got them out of BS situations like this, so he just went with the flow.

Before the boy could utter another word, a rocking explosion shook the vessel. Jasper's startled frame latched onto the bench for support, Jed pressed his form against the cell wall while the boy merely stood his ground.

"We've got more prey." The predatory glint of this kid's eyes bewildered Jed.

"Here. Just give me those gloves."

"Why should I?"

The Mandalorian commando formulated a hasty response. "They're of sentimental value - my father gave them to me." Wary eyes and fingers drifted across the gloves as the teenager picked them up. They certainly didn't feel like weapons, but there was a little weight to them that other gloves didn't have. After a few more long moments of inspection, the mercenary finally made his decision by shoving an open hand through the cell bar.

Jedediah dropped the crystal in his hand, sticking out his other hand to receive his end of the bargain. Luckily, this kid had some sense and deposited the gloves. They weren't just any gloves. They were Crushgaunts.

"Thanks, mate."

The boy, feeling the heat of the crystal, seemed satisfied with his trade murmured something to himself before departing.

"What was that all about?"

"You'll see." The gloves were already on his fingers as yet another explosion rocked the vessel. They fit snugly and he flexed his fingers once, twice, and then three times. In an instant, he had his hands wrapped around the beam of the holding cell and was prying the bars apart. Metal screeched against metal as he slowly, but surely, created a gap within the cell just wide enough for him - or a smaller man - to slip through.

"You amaze me sometimes. Sometimes." Jasper gave a short snort. And with that, he eased himself through the little opening and his deft hands quickly found the keys to the cell. Once it was unlocked, the pair of Mandalorians hurriedly got to unlocking the crate to reveal their armor, weapons, and what little essential gear they kept on themselves.

Within minutes the two were fully dressed from head-to-toe in fearsome beskar'gam. Most of their weapons weren't needed just yet, so they'd stowed them away in a duffel bag and only kept pistols. Jedediah had no intention whatsoever of fighting these people. They seemed to be losing this encounter though, so he had another idea: the escape pods.

It didn't take long for the two commandos to find their way through the ship and locate the escape pods. There were only two left out of four total pods. Jed mentally shrugged. "Let's repay the favor and keep them from running away." Once both he and Jasper were safely tucked into a pod, he eased forward to reach his hand around to the shipborne panel to deploy both of them.

"I bid thee adieu."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Erin Ecthelion"]
"I fething hate this place."

Muttering to myself, I hated how the ship had crashed, and more importantly, how almost my entire right side hurt like hell. I gingerly looked over to my right. Looking at the red burn marks on my shoulder and bicep. Moving it hurt. Touching it hurt. Standing there..... I think you get the idea. The same thing was with the calf on my right leg. When I was flying out of the back of the ship, the side was on fire and by just slipping past it, my clothes had caught on fire. The Warden cloak I wore was tied around my waist. I had taken it off so it wouldn't rub against my arm. I was bare chested. Letting my skin almost burn in the sun's rays. Ugh. This was not to great for me.

Despite that, I kept moving. With a very heavy limp I walked in the general direction of where the second ship was. maybe if I could reach them, they might have some kind of medic pack that I could use on my burns. But considering how they had not left the planet yet, I had a feeling they crash or had some emergency landing.

I had pulled out my Dauntless combat blade and used it almost like a crutch. The sword point down into the ground. Keeping me from falling over. I tried to keep moving. Only I couldn't move any more. I felt pain on my chest and face. I had realized that I had fallen. Smack on my face. I huffed. Dust lifted from the ground only to float back to the surface. I was tired. Not really in the mood. But I had to keep going. Slowly I moved my arms up the side of my body and pushed myself up. Grunting in pain. Cringing as the burn on my arm flared up. I reached once more for the sword and used it as a crutch.

Maybe there was salvation. Maybe.

[member="Jedediah Bagely"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Jared Ovmar"],
[member="Erin Ecthelion"] | [member="Jedediah Bagely"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Eyes hidden within the depths of a gray green hooded cloak would arch up high, narrowing their gaze upon the fiery streaks of light that broke through the distant clouds. Debris would rain down indiscriminately, a danger to all who bore witness to the events unfolding of the aerial fight overhead.

A gloved hand would silently cue upward, a motion to halt and listen. Observe. The shudder of impact would be felt in the slightest of tremors on the ground, and more so through the vibrations of the Force. A lone finger would rise to press vertically against lips. Silence. The crown of that hood would then motion with two fingers to two distinct figures, beckoning.

They would investigate.
Meraki took two steps over the crater edge before gaining balance. The effects of the crashed ship were cinematic in the way the ground was bruised. Atop the landslide of epic proportions was a substance that could only be identified as waste; it slithered down the newly-made trench.
The Trandoshan searched for a exploration device that could determine the age of this crash, but the rising gray smoke of the spaceship had already reached his field of vision.
"Hello?" He called out in Galactic Basic. "Are there any survivors?" Silence was the reassurance that drove Meraki to move speedily towards the vessel.
The liquid that covered the trench floated underneath Meraki's feet and brought him quickly to his knees. His face pressed against the rough terrain, he picked himself up and released a quick growl as the liquid dripped down his scaled-face. With a charged blast from his rifle, Meraki soon loosened the hatch on the crashed ship. His strengthened arms pulled back on the hatch door, and thus came a mass burst of smoke.
"Hello?" The voice of the Trandoshan echoed through the smoked-out vessel. "Is anyone in this... thing?"
Unfortunately for Meraki, the passengers of this ship were long-gone. The escape pod was deported mere seconds before the ship had reached its downfall.
The Admiralty
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

The Sith Lord wanted to make more of a show against the jab of his friend, but eventually he just sighed and shook his head. After they finished up this inconvenient detour, Ovmar was definitely going to buy one of those droids Cestus manufactured, the Navy blablabla Captain blabla Droid Mark Two - they really should decide on easier names to remember, can’t be easy for mouth-to-mouth marketing.

Surprisingly enough he hadn’t been too banged up during the crash, minor concussion probably which would explain why he was still feeling a tad woozy, but it could have been worse all things considered. With a grunt Ovmar climbed out of his chair, starting for the window that Sol had broken just now, what a show-off.

A groan permeated through the ship, little shocks - explosions marking that the ship was becoming unstable - shook the ship, Ovmar started running towards the hole in the ship and it was then that fate decided to feck with him once again.

On his left electronics of the vehicle exploded, a durasteel bolt flew out of its designated place and ripped through Ovmar’s right leg, with another grunt he pulled himself out of the wreckage and fell to the ground, bleeding from his leg and pain almost overloading his senses.

It was only crucitorn that kept him conscious and eventually made him able to ignore the pain.

The Z6 Naval Droid, Sol. ‘ Jared mumbled behind his breath. ‘ We are definitely buying one, when we get out of this hell hole.
[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Jared wasn't the only one hit by shrapnel, it seemed that several small pieces of super heated durasteel had embedded itself in the only metallic skin of Soliael Devin Talith, and as he dropped down from his position on the starship he allowed a hand to move up and feel the pieces now embedded within his own body. He frowned, feeling the technovirus hard at work to fight off the huge chunks of metal, though obviously failing.

With a grimace Soliael gripped the largest of the pieces of steel and removed it, oddly the sound of screeching metal could be heard as the shrapnel removed itself from Soliaels tainted flesh. He dropped the durasteel bar onto the floor, suspiciously absent of blood.

This process was repeated four more times, until his form was once again absent of foreign pieces of metal, then he turned to Jared who seemed to be mumbling to himself about one thing or another. The False God payed him no mind, turning his attentions instead to the vast ruin around them. He tried to study the architecture of the buildings, find some unique tell that would pinpoint exactly where they were. After a minute of searching, he found no such thing.

A frown creased his face, then he spotted a tower in the distance.

“There. We head towards the tower.” High ground was important, it would let them see where they were.
Reasons why I don't like myself right now.
  1. I tried to do a job for pirates.
  2. My ship crashed when I could have possibly stayed with it. Who knows.
  3. I had burns all over my right side.
  4. I didn't think to learn about healing powers.
  5. I don't think there is a number five?
Either way, I was mad at myself. Keeping myself moving by using Revitalize. Keeping my adrenaline pumping to ingnore the pain of the burns and the possible sunburns that would become more evident later. I had taken the ripped up shirt and placed it on my head. it was in a wrap like a cowl only allowing some part of the top of my head to show, and some of my face. Oh that's right, I forgot another one. Number Six. My raven black hair. The sun's rays were absorbed by the black hair and clothing. Making myself all the more hotter. Yes I looked fairly hot, but I mean I was sweating like a pig. Wait, pigs don't sweat. So what sweats more than a human? well more correctly a halfbreed between a human and a Diathim.

I shook my head as I had stopped moving. What the hell? I kept pushing myself to keep moving. I could see smoke in front of me billowing up from the ship. and the smoke got larger and larger. So that meant I was getting closer, or the ship was on fire and was spreading everywhere else. I continued to use my sword as a Cane. Ugh I was tired.


I flipped my sword around to be held like it should be in a battle, and let the tip drop to smack against the sandy ground. I let my wings out and reach up. Stretching a little before I started to float. I was only a few inches off the ground, but I started to fly. Not very fast to conserve energy, but fast enough that I was clearing the distance in no time.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Meraki Stomm II"], @??? ,
By the time the sun had resurfaced from the clouds, Meraki had already finished his task.
On the ground lay two empty jars, three medikits, two mechanical droid parts and a slightly charred canister.
Meraki picked up each item and neatly organized them on the flat side of the hill. The ship was now being rationed, torn apart, for the greater good of profit.
It's what they would have wanted, Meraki lied to himself in thought. Cleaning the leftover mud from his scaled-face, Meraki edged into the vessel once more. The smoke was no longer billowing out of it, making it accessible. On the floor were parts and supplies that did not survive the crash, and instead turned to charcoal-like bricks.
Meraki left the vessel after further inspection and dodged the liquid that slithered down the trench. Meraki stepped onto the stable terrain. Unfortunately the liquid had not left his boot, so Meraki fell against the spaceship's body.
"Am I moving?" Meraki questioned himself as the spaceship crawled messily towards the bottom of the hill. The unknown liquid worked like a grease solution, and the vessel was no longer stuck in place.
Meraki once again fell onto the tarred-bank, only now following the path of the spaceship. "I have a bad feeling about this..."
[member="Erin Ecthelion"] | [member="Jedediah Bagely"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Meraki Stomm II"]​

The three figures would wander through the thick underbrush of ruins and vines of this lost city, hailing from an area of high ground. All three would move with the skill akin to trackers -- silent, with as little disturbance to the natural surroundings as possible. The method they were able to manipulate the Force made them near impossible to detect; that is unless one was looking in a particular direction. A mix of Taozin amulets and the weaving of the Force were what made this particular scouting party so adept at blending into the shadows.

They were trained to blend into the surroundings themselves. Phantoms of the shadows sent to observe, not to interact.

The leader in question would slow their descent, coming to a stop. One gloved hand rising to silently signal a halt. The crown of that hood rose, and what manner of light that would bleed from the cloudy skies would lay against the scarf that would hide the lower half of the figure's face.

There, the tower would provide a method of clearly seeing what lay ahead. Already the dark black plumes of smoke signaled that they were near -- but how much was the question. Were there survivors? If so, whom?

Another motion of fingers and hand gestures would direct the two at the leader's side to each go their separate ways. They would cover more ground in this manner.
The Admiralty
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

In the far reaches of his sense Ovmar could feel the muscles slowly knitting themselves back together, using a portion of his power to provide the healing - it was going to be a long process though, seeing as the Sith Lord didn’t have any fancy virus in his body which could aid the healing process.

A durasteel bar came flying from the ship, ripped off by Ovmar’s mind; he would use it as a temporary cane, until the wound was healed to a point where it wasn’t entirely dangerous anymore to use it.

Lead on, bro.’

With that they were off into the distance, to get a better vantage point.
@??? [member="Jared Ovmar"]

The Walk wasn't a long one, at least for Soliael, perhaps for Jared it would seem like an age given the state of his leg. The False god however moved swiftly through the rubble, making sure that his crippled friend wasn't left too far behind in the process.

They reached the tower fifteen minutes after setting out, both men watching their surroundings with keen eyes. Soliaels gaze shifted all around them, and a few times he thought he spotted movement, though ultimately he decided it was just his concussed mind playing tricks on him. As they approached the broken and tumbling tower Soliael took a peek inside of the open doorway, his lips turning down into a scowl. The stairway was cracked and broken, pieces of large Duracrete having long since tumbled to the ground at some sudden shock.

“I wonder what happened here.” Soliael mused more to himself than to his partner.

Before he began to the climb the False God turned to Jared, inspecting the younger mans leg with a grimace. “You gonna make it? Or do I have to carry you?”

He doubted the climb would be an easy one.
The Admiralty
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Somewhere during the journey something had snapped inside his leg, he hadn’t been feeling it, mostly because he had been actively blocking all feelings around the area of his leg. But it was pretty hard ignoring all that blood trickling down, causing him to be slightly woozy - this wasn’t going to go anywhere; Ovmar didn’t have any talent when it came to healing, or the virus knitting his muscles back together.

So… it was time to do things the hard way.

No. Give me a second.

The Sith Lord leaned down against a boulder, giving himself some wiggle room and examined the wound. As he had already figured there was still something inside of it, slowly cutting into the flesh and making it impossible to properly heal. With a frown he looked at his hand and then back to the wound… this wasn’t going to be pleasant, Ovmar blew some of the dust away from his hand and then sighed, before pushing three of his fingers into the wound and digging around to fetch the durasteel shard out of it.

Had he not been using crucitorn to disable the pain, he would no doubt be passing out right about now, but even with the excessive usage of the Force he could feel a spike in his awareness in the back of his head. Signaling that even Crucitorn had its limits. Luckily Ovmar was able to dig out the thing not soon before long and threw it to his side.

Almost done.

The next part would be even less pleasant, but as said before… specializing yourself into some forms of the Force… let you wide-open in other planes.

Ovmar arched his brow just a tinsy, tiny bit, before pulling out his lightsaber and igniting it. Without blinking, without considering any other option he carefully, almost gently scorched the flesh of his skin with the side of the blade - making sure it wouldn’t cause him to bleed out.

In his mind he could hear himself screaming in agony, yet in real life.. the Sith Lord was stoically silent, he waited for a moment testing out his leg and eventually stood up, facing his friend.

Ready.’ he stated simply.
Inside the ship, previous events had rendered the innards unusable, either destroyed by the explosion or covered in ash.
The miracle that appeared so unknowingly to Meraki was a lifeline that had been installed into the ship many moons ago. How to activate it was a different story.
Meraki grumbled like a Trandoshan, but scratched his head like a human. The former species did not divulge much interest in mechanics, and an emergency power source was out of the question in terms of difficulty.
The scaly-finger moved through the rows of panels like a mad bull. The vessel remained silent and still, no light or system enabled. Until Meraki felt the need to slam his confused skull into the dashboard, the emergency lifeline seemed inoperable.
After his head mashed the series of inputs, a glowing light passed over Meraki like a shooting star. The sounds of the engine rose from the floor, and cool air instantly the same.
"Yes, you beautiful.. spaceship." Meraki muttered to himself. Patting the dashboard, a strong sense of relief came over him.
The Trandoshan skimmed through the panels like a kid in a candy shop, giddy with glee. A series of white inputs made it clear to Meraki that the ship was now operable, but also a beacon for strangers. He plowed his scaly finger onto the top left panel at the very corner, and so came the light of the sun. Window shutters of the vessel shot up, temporarily blinding the explorer.
When his sight came back, a wide landscape of intense heat familiarized with Meraki. In the near distance, a tower was the only thing that stood out from the view.
@??? [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Soliael stared down at his companions doings with what could be said was a certain amount of contempt. Jareds methods were crude at best, and barbaric at the very worst. The False God frowned at his friend, and then turned his eyes away as he applied the lightsaber to his leg. It was not due to squeamishness however, instead he had caught something within his peripheral vision, a flash of dark movement in the buildings to the east.

A frown creased his lips, and he patted Jared on the shoulder, subtly turning him towards the east before murmuring something.

“I have a feeling were not alone on this world.” His words were barely audible, and his lips impossible to read. Jared would understand him, though he would likely have to strain. Over his many years of living Soliael had garnered survival skills matching those of the most avid rangers. Surviving on Myrkyr had garnered him some near sixth sense when it came to danger, and right now in the back of his head that very sense screamed at him.

His frown was wiped away in an instant however, and he quickly turned into the tower.

If someone was hunting them, then it was best to appear as bait.
[member="Erin Ecthelion"] | [member="Jedediah Bagely"] | [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Meraki Stomm II"]​
Dusk fell, and with it came the shadows of the impending night, granting a better venue to blend into the surroundings. From under the cowl of the hood, the lone figure stood watching the crude manner by which the injured male set his wounds. A narrowing would follow at his apparent lack of registering pain, when others would have suffered far more audibly at the searing of a saber against their wounds.​
The use of a saber did not necessarily mean that it would be a Force User, but training and experience would confirm with further observation just what they were dealing with.​
Hidden by the Force and their presence seemingly blurred by the Taozin amulets, the scout would draw closer to the tower for a closer inspection. The crumbling ruins offered sanctuary with darkened corners and places to sneak into. A factor this one took advantage of during the conversation between the injured party and his companion -- one that despite the crash, held no visible signs of injury. Curious.​
So while [member="Soliael Devin Talith"]'s attention had been drawn to his friend, the scout made way towards the tower, staying just far enough to ensure their presence may not be found. Slipping alongside a far wall, they would wait, watch, and listen.​
Cyrus sits on a hill, stomach down next to his brother, Rennek. Rennek has his electrobinoculars up to his mask. Cyrus is quiet next to his brother for a few minutes before sighing, making effort to make it extra loud and annoying.
"So what are we doing here? I mean there's literally not-" He is interrupted by his brother, who holds up his hand, visibly tensing up. Cyrus directs his view to where Rennek is aiming his electrobinoculars, and sees a bright flame in the sky, plummeting toward the ground.

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