Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Lost Sith

The cool dusk air surround Rennek, cooling off was a nice luxury from otherwise sweltering conditions. Rennek cleared his throat to answer his brothers question, almost cutting him off before he finishes asking.

"There is a crashed ship up ahead, looks like it was in a scrap." Rennek replied. He couldn't get a better view then he had due to the layout of the abandoned city, only partial view of the crash. Rennek stood up and dusted off his armor before mounting an air speeder to his immediate right, he motioned for his brother to mount up before they set off towards the city and hopefully what remained of the wreak.

[member="Cyrus Corr"]
After many hours of meditating on this more then quiet planet, Alexjay felt the energy of two large men near him. He also heard the ship crashing towards the ground. He had a moment to think before following the two large men towards the crash site on his speeder.
[member="Rennek Corr"]

Cyrus stands up, following his brother to the speeder bikes. He dusts himself off, sighing again before speaking, "I never could've envisioned us as rescuers." Cyrus pauses, a thought having come to him. "If it was in a scrap, someone would have to be chasing the ship, right? We're probably going to end up meeting someone shady by the end of today." He looks up at the sky, finally noticing that it's a lot darker than it was when they arrived here. "Night, whatever."
He makes his way over to his own speeder bike, mounting it. "Hey, when we get a place that's a little more... civil, maybe you could mess around with the repulsor system or whatever on these bikes, 'cause it bugs me that these things don't operate as well as they could when we're on 'em."
Cyrus flips the bike on, and at first, it struggles to get off the ground under his massive weight but it finally stabilizes. Cyrus looks below him at the speeder bike, as if reconsidering his choice in vehicle for this little "mission" as Rennek called it. He looks back at Rennek, giving him a thumbs up when he's finally ready to get moving.
Rennek quietly let his brother speak, only stopping to make a grunt of approval at the suggestion to modify the speeder bikes to handle their incredible weight more efficiently. Receiving the go-ahead from his brother he began speeding off towards the carcass of a city. He did however notice the presence of an individual tailing them.

"Were being followed." Rennek barked over his radio to his brother as they sped along. He continued "Seems like we might not be the only ones who've seen this crash today, be careful."

[member="Cyrus Corr"]
Cyrus follows his brother closely across the terrain toward the city, or rather what was left of it. As he hears his brother over the radio, he moves his head almost imperceptibly to view the tail they have. "Alright. I'll be careful. Hey... I got an idea." Cyrus speeds up to get beside his brother, looking over to him. He opens up his radio again, speaking again to his brother. "How about a race?" He waits a few seconds, before deciding for himself. "Actually, this thing'll probably end up giving out beneath me, and even I can't survive something like that. Whatever, let's press on." He drops back behind his brother, grumbling to himself. "These bikes ruin everything fun I want to do."
Rennek continued to remain vigilant as his brother and himself arrived within the area the crash is located. Now seeing the extent of the damage caused by the crash or crashes as it were; the skyscraper demolished, the fire, smoke, debris -- It was truly a sight to see, the amount of destruction a few ships had caused to the otherwise quiet planet. Rennek had hopped off his bike, and said "There could still be survivors, be sure to have your weapon ready. Also, pull your power-core from the speeder, don't want any junkie stealing our shit." The duo headed for the crash in the street after they stowed their bikes away and armed themselves -- they were prepared for whatever faced them.

[member="Cyrus Corr"]
[member="Rennek Corr"]

Cyrus finally stops at the crash site, near his brother. Cyrus looked up at the destruction, "Is that them? Or is that the guys who were chasing the guys we're.. not chasing, but looking to rescue?" Cyrus dismounts his bike, looking over to his brother. After hearing his brother's instructions, he grabbed his weapons, looking at the bike. "The power-core? How do I remove it?" He crouches down, experimenting with the bike. He finally finds the power-core, viciously ripping it from the bike. He looks around, deciding to shove it into his utility bag. He walks over to his brother, still admiring the destruction caused by the crashing ship. He goes over a quick checklist with his equipment, ensuring he has the essentials and everything else. He finally looks up to his brother, "Ready when you are."
What is the the true meaning of life? It was on the path to the tower that brought upon this question to Meraki.
After leaving the crash site mere minutes ago, the journey of the Trandoshan was soon revealed to be much larger than he had expected.
He whistled whilst he carelessly scaled the hills of the mysterious planet. "I've got a bounty on Tatooine... it's dangerous, it seems..." Meraki muttered the lyrics to an old song that he would warble with his group of hunters on Trandosha. "And I'll pick up my blaster, ready to-" His hushed singing was interrupted by the overcoming shadow of the imperial ship.
Realizing he could get off this planet, Meraki dropped his binoculars and waved his scaled-arms in the air. "Wait! I am stranded in this god-forsaken place!"
But all efforts to delay the flight of the starship were useless. Meraki sighed and continued his trails.
The Admiralty
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="???"]

There were positive sides and negatives ones when you were talking about crucitorn - you didn’t feel pain, didn’t even feel numb, so you could continue on the fight or travel without worrying about passing out. But there was a different side to this… you didn’t feel anything, your senses were blurred to a detrimental degree, usually that didn’t really matter.

When you were in battle you already knew your target, already knew who you were fighting.

But when you were stalked by some strangers… well… it didn’t work out like that.

So it was a good thing Sol had received a degree in boy scouting, what would we do without his extensive knowledge in a thousand and one subjects? Nobody would ever know.

Usually when someone says that… the group becomes stalked by some kind of nasty critter, thanks for jinxing it, Sol.’ I grunted, standing up and putting some pressure on my leg. Seemed to be fine for now - wasn’t sure how long it would be able to hold-out though, crucitorn had its limits too.

Let’s roll, we will keep our eyes open and our ears audible. Even in our less than perfect state, we will kick ass if necessary.
[member="Jared Ovmar"] @???

“Man up.” Soliael said as he began to trudge up the stairs.

Unsurprisingly when it came to the condition of the stairs, it wasn't exactly confidence inducing. Several of the steps had massive cracks in them, a few were downright missing, and others had what appeared to be carvings for help torn into them by some sort of knife. Soliael flattened his brow as he saw them, consternation playing across his face.

He had a feeling whatever killed this world hadn't exactly been instantaneous. Letting out a loud sigh, The Sith Lord kept on climbing, glancing back once or twice to ensure that Jared had not fallen down the stairs and broken his neck,

Eventually, they reached the very top.

The towers top much like its staircase was mostly in rubble. The windows that had kept the top floor warm and insulated were blown out and destroyed, the massive bell that had been situated on the ceiling had long since fallen and cracked, the roof was halfway torn open and their seemed to be skeletons strewn about every corner, likely people who came up here for safety and didn't survive.

Soliael ignored it all, and instead looked at the view. He let out a loud whistle between his teeth, then surveyed the cataclysmic city before them.
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Observe. Do not interact.

Be one with the surroundings. We are ghosts. Shadows that blend into the night.

This was their role. Their call. Their mission. To gather information and bring it back for those with higher standing to do as they see fit.

But with this mission came a certain matter of risk. This one being, dealing with what appeared to be two Sith. Had to be. The Force would weave illusion, blending the figure amidst the shadows, hiding their presence beyond that noticeable in the Force.

Who were they? And despite the fact they crash landed, why were they here?

Blue eyes would narrow upon [member="Jared Ovmar"] only to turn to [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], watching them climb the stairs. Theran Force listening would allow the scout to listen from a farther distance, but one could only do so many things within the Force at the same time.

Cause and effect.

For every action there is a subsequent reaction -- in this, a brief flare of their signature in the Force.

Perhaps time spent scouting should have been spent in rest.
[member="???"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

As Soliael scanned the horizons, his eyes began to focus with unnatural precision. His gaze focused, and his senses reached out. Suddenly something caught his attention. The flutter of a cloak, the snap of wind catching within a small patch of cloth. His head whipped around, senses enhanced by the force. The False God narrowed his eyes, his gaze falling upon where the noise had come from. He saw another flutter of cloth, and suddenly he shot off.

“Jared!” He directed his compatriots attention, pointing him to a nearby section of destruction where he could cut off the unknown assailant.

Within Seconds the Sith Lords shot off the top of the tower. With reckless abandon he bounded from the broken glass frame, using the force to create a buffer between himself and the earth. With a solid thud and a pressure wave enough to knock away some of the rubble Soliael landed. His bones creaked and his muscles strained, but only a second after landing he rushed forward.

The flutter of the cloak caught his eyes once again, and with the same speed he moved towards it.

“You!” He called out to the nameless figure, hopefully startling them long enough to tackle them to the ground.
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Not good!

Fight vs flight kicked in. The latter won out, prompting the weaving of the Force around the scout leader so as to disappear into the fabric of the Force. Unfortunately, the Sith Lord was too quick -- too fast for distance to separate them. He came closing in as fiercely as the way he manipulated the Force. He was powerful -- there was no denying that.

Perhaps it was due to the recent injuries that would give Soliael the advantage. Or perhaps it was another power, seeking to mirror an act years prior. A different time, a different place.

His body would crash into the Jedi Shadow, driving a grunt of startled exclamation that came ripping from his mouth, muffled by the scarf that hid the lower half of his face. If the Sith wanted to play gravball, they would.

Gravity would take over, but the masked Forcer would not be going down alone. A flare of familiarity would perhaps wash over Sol; the slight body, the precise motions. Perhaps in this surreal cloud of dej'a vu, he may find himself at a disadvantage.

A struggle would ensue, air rushing out in heavy breaths as the scout's muscle memory would kick in. It wasn't the first time having to work with body tackles -- this ain't my first Nerf Rodeo!

Legs would brace, an arm would extend to grab and hook, the flare of the Shadow's cloak flaring around them. The ground would rush to them both, and a twist of a torso and body would attempt to bring the scout in an advantage on top.

Only that in the skirmish, the hood of that cloak would start to slide back, revealing first stray strands of flaxen blonde hair...

Familiarity was the sling that brought down the Titan.

As the hood slipped back, and the memories of a battle long past slipped into his mind, Soliael was overwhelmed with a sudden feeling of complete de-javu. Perhaps it was his Kiffar lineage, perhaps it was his long spanning Garhoon memory, or perhaps it was just the fact that the moment had been so memorable, but the instant the two people intertwined everything came crashing down on Soliael. His grip slipped, his legs twirled from beneath him, and his body struck the ground with a loud thud.

His eyes popped open, his pupils dilating and his vision focusing the instant the hood slipped back. The face was familiar, even though it was one he had only seen once before. Yet it felt so very ingrained in his memory, an old friend, or perhaps a lover.

“Kira!?” The exclamation was almost involuntary.

Had he not been so absolutely startled Soliael would have taken to mind the task of freeing himself, but seeing the woman after so long, in such a state, when he and half the galaxy had thought her dead, the false god simply forgot the very meaning of the word freedom.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

It was the sound of her name that startled her. That she didn't expect. Knees drove onto the ground as she hovered over him, the hands that had gone moving to pin the man under her froze but an instant along the middle of his chest.

Her blonde hair had been tied back in a low ponytail, but loose tendrils would frame at her temples along the long length of her bangs. Shock would brighten blue eyes, giving a double take at the full grown man under her. Familiarity would arch down her spine with an electric charge, heart thundering at her ears as quickened breath would flare her nostrils.

Who was -- it came to her then. That face. A tackle and surge of Force paralyze. Her sliced boot and a hand on her leg.

Give yourself up and I guarantee your safety!

I have a counter offer -- Let me go and you live.

A spray of bullets. A bubble of protection. Metalorn.

Her chest rose and fell in a harsh breath, stunned as she said in a low hush, "... Sparky?"

Granted -- that's when fight kicked in. Who could blame her, with Nememe's most recent parting gifts. Confusion, the knowledge that he was a Sith, combined with that hike of lingering fear from her recent torture and months in the slave pits turned into a jumbled mass.

Emotion rose and it manifested in a rush of energy seeking to paralyze the man under her completely in a powerful burst of the Force like she had done before -- only this time, it was with the strength of an emotionally charged master behind it.
[member="Kira Liadain"]

The surprise and shock had melted away, this time Soliael was ready.

He could tell the recognition in her eyes, could tell that she knew him. There was something wrong though, their last encounter should not have lead to such violence. Oh it was true that they were both Jedi and Sith, but if Soliael could have ever been said to like a Jedi, it was clear. He had always thought the same would be said for her in reverse. Indeed her use of that nickname signaled the very thought to him.

The massive wave of power exploded from her, and in an instant it was coiled about the same from him. Dark met light. Power begged for power, and a huge shock wave rippled out from the two Masters.

The earth tore apart, the remaining rubble was shred asunder, and the two Masters were tossed by the way side. Soliael tumbled for a few seconds, scratches and deep gashes embedding in his skin as he tore through rock after rock, landing with a hard thud against a still standing wall. The instant he became stagnant, he rose.

The blood and broken bones seemed to stem almost immediately, the virus ravaging Soliaels flesh and beginning its healing.

“Kira stop! I won't hurt you!” He had no idea if the woman was still standing, the smoke from the shockwave rose and climbed to the sky, obscuring everything for nearly a mile. There was an oddity to his voice, a sign of maturity, of memories grown to fondness. Perhaps interaction with the one woman that had beaten him had stirred something within the False God.
The Admiralty
Ovmar watched silently as the battle between them raged on, it seemed that he was all about forgotten. Might have something to do with him cloaking himself in the river of the Force the moment danger was about, he hadn’t moved though. Instead he sat down, invisible feet dangling from the cliff-side and watching them fight, wondering when he would be able t--


There it is.

Kira stop! I won't hurt you!

You won’t, brother. But I will.

Moment Sol uttered those words I engaged the girl that attacked my friend, not in the usual manner though. I didn’t try to hurt her too much, didn’t destroy her mind with the flick of a thought.

Instead I pushed a wave of tiredness over her, attempting to make her sluggish, tired… sleepy.

Sleeeeeeeep, pretty, pretty miss. Your tour of torture has ended, you are safe. No one will hurt you.

Words whispered, didn't know who the girl was. Her psyche seemed to be a mess, such a pity for such a pretty girl.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Kira Liadain"]
I continued to use my wings to fly, During the crash, I had damaged them by landing on my back and rolling over time and time again. So they were not up to par. I was rather slow. However, it was still faster than walking. I continued to do so until it began to hurt. I was fairly close to the crash site of where the other ship was. However, I could now see that the ship itself was no where near usable. I scoffed at that part. But this meant that if no one was there, that they were alive and traveling. I looked around. Because my skin was white, I stood out like a sore thumb. or if I wore black I would still stick out. Either way, I was going to be seen before I see them. Maybe.

I chose to be more armed. Putting back on the warden cloak and my black shirt. I limped forward on my legs once more. Headed towards the ruins that were off in the distance. Trying to see if I can reach them.

It had been a few minutes when there was a large explosion sound. Yet there was no bomb, no huge mushroom cloud. No. There was just a giant waft from the ruined city ahead. Force users. And powerful ones. Maybe they could help me. Maybe not. Despite this fact, I walked on towards them. Trying to reach them and find out why I was shot down, and possibly on a way off of this planet.

[member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Kira Liadain"]

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Dust rose in a cloud so thick, it was hard to distinguish the sky from the ground as pain would stab through her body like shafts of ice, the breath knocked out of her lungs as her back went cracking against a ruin wall. One shoulder had managed to find itself impaled by a jutting shard of metal against the wall. Blood would bloom, starting to saturate She'd bounce from the wall, the short branch sliding from her back with a sickening slssph, painted red with her blood. She fell forward on all fours, emotions rising in growing panic edged with fear as the ground would be sprinkled in crimson.

Nememe had done well, too well, with the chip she'd left as a gift for the Jedi Master. One that had served its purpose to take her back to that white room and relive every cut, bruise, and shaft of agony over and over again. Time was irrelevant there and in its stead would take on a conditioned response crafted by the shattering of a mind over guilt and her own helplessness.

“Kira stop! I won't hurt you!”

A voice would scream towards her direction, the sound of her name catching her panicking mind from its wandering fright. The scent of ozone had filled the air, a token of the electric discharge the Jedi Master had lashed out in an emotional response deep within her mind. The savage method that Ember Rekali had removed the chip had left in its wake damage that the Sanctum healers had not been able to heal.

No, that was a cure that would be ultimately left to Kira to discover.

Her chest would heave, lungs burning as she'd suck up gasps of air, trying her best to focus. Yet deep in her mind, neurons were shooting in what would seem ten thousand miles a minute. Emotions warring with each other; panic and confusion, caution and fear, nervousness and surprise.

The Force repulse had shot back the hood of her cloak, ripping the scarf from around her face. A line of blood would trail against her cheek, and her tender ribs would be bruise and most certainly a few were broken. She'd stumble to her feet, electric currents streaking across in cerulean light in seeming unconscious nervous manifestations set to protect herself -- not from Soliel. But from a memory long past.

"Stay back," she'd warn in a hoarse whisper, half aware that the other scouts in the vicinity would likely come to her aide soon. But she was elsewhere for the moment. It was a facet of the old Kira from Metalorn that lingered. The warning.

That's when the words would kick in her mind. Sleeeeeeeep, pretty, pretty miss. Your tour of torture has ended, you are safe. No one will hurt you.

Fingers would twitch, kinetic communication in every subtle movement of an eyebrow, her stance. For any Lorrdian, she was practically screaming her apprehension, tension, and struggling to regain her bearings. Although her previous training against mental tactics would have served her well, in the wake of Nememe's torture it could not weather a mentalist with Jared's specialty.


She couldn't go back to that place. Not now.

Don't. Stop.

She'd try to struggle. Try to fight that call. But she couldn't, not as the shadows would seemingly lurch at her in the growing spiral of darkness.


She'd yell out in a silent scream just as a massive surge of electricity would burst in a wave from her. What remained of the earth and rubble was torn apart by the slam of the lightning wave, leaving in its wake the swaying body of the Lorrdian Jedi, grime soaked tears glittering in her eyes and trailing down her cheeks.

Then everything went dark.

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