James followed the tracks to a cave. A deep, dark cave. He shook his head as he pulled his nighvision visor down. ((looks like sunglasses yo)) Why did it have to be a cave? And this place gave him the creeps.
He shook it off. He had work to do. A friend to kill. Squaring his shoulders he marched on, bravely. He had to be strong here. As he entered the world was open to him, like a caliphony of things. He could see---
Bodies. Mutilated bodies. Heads shattered open, blood across their faces, twisted in horror. Innards were splayed out across the floor, some he stepped on. Limbs were severed and tossed across the room. His jaw set in a stern expression. He knew every one of them, each he had killed brutally. Hiro, the man he had tortured to death for the Black Tie Syndicate lay at his feet. The hunter James had shattered and brutally murdered was across the hall, against the wall. The rapist teen James had used as a human shield and shattered his skull was strewn three feet away. Their names, most he did not know, but their faces, their dying expressions, every bit of them, he recognized. James spit out a curse. Force trickery this was. Damn it to the Correllian Hells.
He marched on, reminding himself it was nothing more than an illusion. He wouldn't let this change him or stop him. If stardust wanted to play this game, he would play it too. He felt the soft squish of their bodies under his foot as he walked on. Its just the swamp, he reminded himself. He heard the cackling laugh he had given, his bloodlust roar as he took every life. Their pleas for mercy--his enjoyment to not give it. It had been retribution for their acts, he reminded himself. Sometimes dark things had to be done to dark people to make them pay for their crimes. He saw his many atrocities of war, things that no one else would have considered or done. But he hadn't cared.
Every heart he broke. Every girl he made cry as he walked away. They mixed in with the horror house of blood and guts. Their sobs, their pleas for him to stay and work it out. Their begging him to not--walk away. Its an illusion damn it, he reminded himself. Ignore it. And he could have, until he saw his weakness.
Leighlah. His long dead wife. He had never seen her body from the accident, he had come home in time to have the paramedics tell him it was over, but--
He watched as he saw her in the appartment, like she had been the moment she died. Cleaning, cooking, so happy. She was singing the little tune she loved so much, the one she swore she would sing to their little ones when they had them. He lovely raven black hair was pinned up in a messy bun like she loved to. She was walking on her toes, the cute way she did when she was thinking or working. James half smiled and moved to touch her, "Leigh--"
Then it happened. The airspeeder came crashing in, shattering the glass, sending shards through her body. The blood splattered across the wall miliseconds before the speeder crushed her body against it. Flames began to erupt, engulfing the whole room. Leighlah's sweet dark brown eyes began to flicker, showing her life beiginning to snuff out. Streams of blood began to trickle from her gaping lips as she mustered the last of her strength to speak.
"J-aaamesss," she whispered, "Help--me."
Her eyes went lifeless as her last words fell from a whisper to nothing.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" James roared in rage.
His finger locked on the trigger of his Destroyer and began to spray the cave with a heavy barrage of blaster fire, ripping through the vegetation and splitting or shattering stones.
[member="Gray Raxis"]