Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two minds one soul

Stardust landed the xwimg on the planet of dagaboh, opening the hatch with shaky hands she started climbing out body shaking....she didn't mean to attack those people....she didn't mean to lose control... She didn't mean to betray them

She cell to the ground omatong as she stood slowly, why...why did she feel so weak, like part of her just left...she had felt it theinute she had entered the atmosphere...but she couldn't place what...

Stumbling around she leaned against a tree to catch her breath...the force....why did it feel strong here..

She started moving gathering herself she knew that shelter would be needed, after awhile she found what looked like a old hut...opening he door gently she decked in to look around, surely enough it looked like it had been abandoned for years....however it was a bit...small...she'd have to construct her own but for now this would do

[member="James Justice"] [member="Kiber Thaxton"] [member="Echo Emerald"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

Gray knew better, but he did it anyways. He touched the control panel while he was in hyperspace and his ship came out of it at Dagaboh. He then made matters worse and tried to level out the ship himself instead of letting his new little astromech Key do it. He had ended up half crashing, half landing onto the surface of the planet. The ship took some damage, but mostly just some minor hull damage. The real problem was he had somehow managed to damage mess up the hyperdrive controls, so he couldn't really leave until it was fixed.

" Well better get to work-" Gray started to say before he was met with angry beeps from Key. He just looked at the little droid and replied back, " Look it is my ship and I can fix it up if I want to." He had to deal with even more beeping to which he added, " What does my piloting skills have to do with my ability to fix anything? Do you realize how many.... You know what, never mind. I'll go take a look around while you do your thing. Contact me when the ship is ready to go."

Gray left the ship with his armor on and his blaster pistol strapped to his hip. He had to admit Dagaboh held up to it's reputation. The planet was a giant festering swamp of sadness. He could just feel, something, about that place that seemed to drain him emotionally. He wandered around for awhile until he found an abandoned hut. He walked up to it and knocked on the part of the wall along what he thought might have been a door once. He said as he did, " Hello. Anyone home?" He knew there wasn't, but there was always some joy in the pleasantries.
She sat down in the hut and had signed as she out down her sabers and blaster...she couldn't return now....she had already shamed herself with the betrayal of her apprentice and now she had gone mad and attack her own friends...her own family basically and now she-

She stopped think as she heard a loud crash followed by that sound of metal twisting and screeching... She hoped that wasn't her ship...but she felt to weak to currently go check it out and left it be

She closed her eyes till she heard a knock...did dagaboh suddenly have a settlement?, slowly and carefully she grabbed her blaster and put it out the door and felt it press against solid mass" don't move or I'll shoot"by the force where the frak had her courage gone...her gusto her self basically... Then again...her other side....wasn't as chatty....odd

[member="Gray Watcher"]

Okay so this was one of those times Gray was wrong. The hut did have someone in it, and now he had a blaster pointed at him. He would have been alarmed had it not been for the tone of the voice he heard behind the barrel. He could feel... fear? Confusion? Shame? It was hard to pin point exactly, but he could feel part of the other persons emotions. It was a little overwhelming how much of it there was. He wasn't sure how much of it was truly them though and how much of it was the place.

Gray smiled and said in as soothing of a voice as he could manage, " Wow now. Calm down there miss. You are a lady aren't you? Judging by your voice here. I'm not here looking for any trouble, just meandering around while my droid fixes my ship. I cra-... landed a little ways off from here." He was even more bothered now than before by whatever it was he was feeling coming from this person that he just couldn't seem to understand. He added after a moment, " Are you in need of help? I get a feeling you are."
Well it didn't shoot back thankfully, still didn't matter she wanted nothing to do with any living thing at the moment.

She closed the door content with talking for the inside of the hut" it was you that made all ...all that noise"she said as she tried remaining calm"No!!....I'm good.."she said trailing off...a big lie to herself and him...then...something pulled to her...the force.... It was pulling her in a certain direction

Opening the door slowly and emerged and walked past the man in a direction...she seemed in a trance....but she knew...the force was telling her something about the direction she was going...and each step she felt the dark side grow...

[member="Gray Watcher"]
M.E.A.D. "Vader Swipe" Glove. Phantom fingers. He strapped both onto his hands, latching them on and let them power up. He made lose fists with both hands before being satisfied. He was stocking up with full weaponry; two heavy blaster pistols, two disruptor pistols, his slug-thrower rifle, a pair of vibro knives and a slew of various grenades.

But he was only going through the motions. It was all a movement, a loose set of co-ordinated movements to keep himself from what he was about to do; kill one of his best friends.

After Ryn had been to death's gates and back, and Rose Blade fell to the darkside, he didn't think he could hurt anymore. How foolish he was. He grabbed one of the Mercenary Weapon Destroyers and hefted it into a sling across his chest. Reed was at the controls, letting the Angel go down to the surface. He swallowed, distraught. It was time to finish what Stardust had started. It was time to put her down.

[member="Grey"] Watcher

Gray's bad feeling was getting worse. He didn't like the situation at all. The person seemed to be very troubled, and like they were trying to hide from it. He knew how that went, because he had been there before. Losing his parents so closely together and in the ways they went... he had been broken for some time after. He was trying to think of something he could say to try to help ease some of the tension of the situation when the woman suddenly walked out the door. A twi'lek woman it turned out to be, and one he would no doubt have given the usual flirty greeting to if the situation didn't require him to be serious.

Gray didn't know where the woman was going, but he felt he needed to follow her. He couldn't tell why he did, and he really had no reason to either, but he did. It was one of those moments where he just felt drawn to a certain action, so he did. He started following along a short distance behind the woman to make sure she didn't fall into the swamp or worse.
Each step after another till she stopped in front of a cave....this cave reeked of the dark side...but why...why did it...

Stardust looked at it letting a heavy breath out ....she heard someone in spoke " ohhhh staaaaarrrr....cooome plaaay " she knew that voice...her evil self....

She grabbed her sabers and started walking forward...

[member="James Justice"] [member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray was just silently following along behind the woman when suddenly they came to a cave. The thing unsettled him like nothing he had ever come in contact with before had done. It just felt, negative, to him. It felt like the purest embodiment of every form of negative emotion he could imagine all rolled up together and them amplified. He really didn't like looking at it, and he certainly didn't like it when the woman suddenly drew light sabers and ran in there. He cursed to himself as he pulled out his pistol and followed her in there.

Gray wasn't sure where she had gone off to as he was right behind her when he went in. She was completely gone, vanished without a trace. He didn't like it at all. He held his blaster ready in front of him as he scanned the darkness for any sign of the missing woman. He said, " Hey missy, are you in here? This place isn't right, we should get you out of here."

Gray didn't really expect a response, and even if he did get one he certainly didn't expect the one he got. He heard the sound of blasters being shot, grenades exploding, and metal being twisted forcefully. There was not but a moment of silence after before it was followed by the sound of medical equipment beeping and hissing. The first sound seemed to collide with the second until it was impossible to tell the two apart. He couldn't comprehend it. Where was the sounds coming from? Who was making them? Why were they making them?

Everything went silent suddenly, no trace of any sound could be heard. Gray could still hear the echos of the sounds rattling around in his own head when out of the blackness around him two figures appeared. One was a man wear mangled body armor with a blooded face, and the other a pale, ghostly woman wearing a medical robe around her. The two in unison said in ghastly whispers, " Why didn't you save us? Why did you let us die?" Gray just looked at the two figures in horror as he said in a shocked breath, " Mom.... Dad....."
The Lost Angel made its sweeping and glorious entrance on the planet Dagobah. After Rose Blade's betrayal, James had planted trackers on every one of his ships--including ones that were technically owned by his employees. That was how he had followed her here. But James was passed caring. It was time to stop all this madness. He climbed down the ramp, his weaponry clanking on his body as he walked. It had been a long time since he had carried this much weaponry at once. He had been on the fight, helping liberate hostages. It had been so many years ago.

He was here to rescue again--this time to rescue the worlds from Stardust and the monster had she had become. He found her trial of foot steps; her cybernetic implants had made the Green Twi'lik no lightweight, that was for sure. His eyes stung with tears, clouding his vision; he remembered working on her arm, one of the first times they had talked he tinkered and fixed some of its damage. He flicked them away; there was no time for this. He had to kill stardust.

His feet bore down on the ground as he followed her, to a hut. There were tracks here, a few crisscrossing, and--

His heart sank. There was another person involved.

"Damn you, Force!" he hissed, "ye had to throw someone else in here didn't ye?" He hailed the sun with his middle finger, "this is what I think of ye, ye can burn!"

He began warming up his Destroyer strapped to his chest. Its humm in his hands buzzed. Good, good. He focused on that to block the pain he was feeling out.

[member="Gray Watcher"]
She stalked forward well aware of the places great evil.. She had to destory her other self..mshe couldn't spare it mercy this time....

She stopped suddenly as a shadow approached her....then the figure appeared and smiled evily" well hello staar "pulsar spoke before laughing and putting a hand up to the sky to observe it " tlso this is what having full control of a body is like huh "she said then looked at star, within a second a flash of red and a snap hiss and jumped at star...however star managed to block just on time as she held her blades to pulsars" have caused me pain!"she yelled and pushed her back as much as she could"I...won't show no mercy to you..."she said and force pushed pulsar back and gave her blades a spin before looking at her"it'll end here*
[member="James Justice"] [member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray didn't know what to do, what to say. His parents were standing right in front of him looking just as they had right before they passed away. Both of them had died in front of him. Both of them he has unable to save. Why didn't he try hard? Why did he not do something before it was too late? He was tormenting himself, he.... He was hearing a voice. He knew this voice. It was the one he heard right after his dad died, after his mom die, and for over a year nearly everyday after they were both gone from his life. Why was the voice back now? He had gotten rid of it when he let go of everything. Had he let go? Should he have let go? Why did he let go?

Gray said in a half scream as the voice began to invade his thoughts again, " NO! I will not let you torture me and send me back down that path. I've done everything I can to not let you. Why do you think I joke around? Why do you think I make myself the fool? I took things too seriously when I listened to you. I was something I was not when I listened to you. I hated life and never once did I enjoy it unless I was in pain or someone else was in pain when I listened to you. That was not living for me, and I refuse to go back to being a walking husk of anger and lament. I was done with you back then, and I am done with you now!"

The bloody. mangled figure of his dad stepped forward and said in what was no longer a whisper, " So you will forget about me? About your father? About your mother? Will you forget about both of us?" Gray began to laugh as he heard his dad speak. He couldn't control himself right now. All of the emotions he had tried to suppress over the last two years were coming back up, fighting for control once more. He eventually said as he holstered his blaster, " Forget? How could I forget? I will forever be reminded every time I look at myself of my failure, of my inability. I am permanently branded with the mark of it, right across the very symbol of who I am to myself and everyone else." He removed his helmet and pointed to the scar going across the center of his face right below his eyes with one hand as the other gripped his helmet. He said after he did, I gave up everything I had, everything I was, when you and mom died. You two were all I had and everything I was. Family was the only stable thing in my life. I never was able to make lasting friends because we kept moving all the time, but that never mattered. I had you two. That was all I needed, and then you were both gone so quickly. Do you realize how lonely I was? How lonely I am? I had nothing left.... But I do now dad. I found out about the family I still have left. Your family... my family. You never did tell me what your family name was dad, so I will say it for you. You were Victor Raxis, and from now on I will pick up where you left off before I was even born. From this day forth, I am Gray Raxis."

The phantoms seemed to disappear as Gray finished his rant and put his helmet back on. He was seeing ghosts of the past, and all they were trying to do was drag him back down into the hell he was in not long enough ago. It brought everything back up, but he had to admit that he needed it. He was still holding onto it too much, and maybe now he could finally let part of it go. He just began to walk towards a light he saw in the darkness.
James followed the tracks to a cave. A deep, dark cave. He shook his head as he pulled his nighvision visor down. ((looks like sunglasses yo)) Why did it have to be a cave? And this place gave him the creeps.

He shook it off. He had work to do. A friend to kill. Squaring his shoulders he marched on, bravely. He had to be strong here. As he entered the world was open to him, like a caliphony of things. He could see---

Bodies. Mutilated bodies. Heads shattered open, blood across their faces, twisted in horror. Innards were splayed out across the floor, some he stepped on. Limbs were severed and tossed across the room. His jaw set in a stern expression. He knew every one of them, each he had killed brutally. Hiro, the man he had tortured to death for the Black Tie Syndicate lay at his feet. The hunter James had shattered and brutally murdered was across the hall, against the wall. The rapist teen James had used as a human shield and shattered his skull was strewn three feet away. Their names, most he did not know, but their faces, their dying expressions, every bit of them, he recognized. James spit out a curse. Force trickery this was. Damn it to the Correllian Hells.

He marched on, reminding himself it was nothing more than an illusion. He wouldn't let this change him or stop him. If stardust wanted to play this game, he would play it too. He felt the soft squish of their bodies under his foot as he walked on. Its just the swamp, he reminded himself. He heard the cackling laugh he had given, his bloodlust roar as he took every life. Their pleas for mercy--his enjoyment to not give it. It had been retribution for their acts, he reminded himself. Sometimes dark things had to be done to dark people to make them pay for their crimes. He saw his many atrocities of war, things that no one else would have considered or done. But he hadn't cared.

Every heart he broke. Every girl he made cry as he walked away. They mixed in with the horror house of blood and guts. Their sobs, their pleas for him to stay and work it out. Their begging him to not--walk away. Its an illusion damn it, he reminded himself. Ignore it. And he could have, until he saw his weakness.

Leighlah. His long dead wife. He had never seen her body from the accident, he had come home in time to have the paramedics tell him it was over, but--

He watched as he saw her in the appartment, like she had been the moment she died. Cleaning, cooking, so happy. She was singing the little tune she loved so much, the one she swore she would sing to their little ones when they had them. He lovely raven black hair was pinned up in a messy bun like she loved to. She was walking on her toes, the cute way she did when she was thinking or working. James half smiled and moved to touch her, "Leigh--"

Then it happened. The airspeeder came crashing in, shattering the glass, sending shards through her body. The blood splattered across the wall miliseconds before the speeder crushed her body against it. Flames began to erupt, engulfing the whole room. Leighlah's sweet dark brown eyes began to flicker, showing her life beiginning to snuff out. Streams of blood began to trickle from her gaping lips as she mustered the last of her strength to speak.

"J-aaamesss," she whispered, "Help--me."

Her eyes went lifeless as her last words fell from a whisper to nothing.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" James roared in rage.

His finger locked on the trigger of his Destroyer and began to spray the cave with a heavy barrage of blaster fire, ripping through the vegetation and splitting or shattering stones.


[member="Gray Raxis"]
The three were fighting their inner demons now...each would have to figure out how to espace their hell...or go mad in it

Stardust blocked parried slash repeating the motion to seem to get no results.... How was pulsar dodging the slashes that would not making eliminate someone...

hahahah you are weak without me huh "pulsar spoke as she managed to spin star around and slash down causing two big slash marks that looked like where wings would be, star screamed in pain and turned to let a war cry out and start a brutal barrage of slashs stabs and force pushes trying to stumble pulsar

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="James Justice"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray walked towards the light. He was sure he was in his way out of the cave, he had to be. He had been through enough already seeing his dead parents again, and having to face that voice. What other torment could this place offer to him that he hadn't already faced or provided himself?

The cave seemed to sense his thoughts and showed him just that. As soon as Gray got into the light, he found himself standing before his own body. The corpse was twisted, battered, burned, and shot full of holes to the point it was hard to tell if there was anything left of the flesh. Beyond the corpse, the Raxis homestead was burning to the ground. Jack. He spoke silently to himself, but Gray knew what he were saying. " My home and my family have been tainted." " He brought nothing but misery to my family." " Why did he ever come here?"

Gray couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. What was this? A vision of his fears? Of his self loathing? Or was this another of those prophetic nightmares he was plagued by lately? Was he doomed to this fate? Was he doomed to fail yet again? He knew he could face his past, but what about this possible future? He didn't know. He couldn't know. He just leaned down and touched his own body. He had longed for an end once, years ago. He was nothing but hate then, but what about now? Would he be consumed by it again and lead himself and everything he cared for to ruin?

Gray just studied himself for a moment, lost in the troubled thoughts. His expression grim, until a sudden change seemed to happen. He always doubted himself. He always expected the worst out of his actions. But why should he? He had gotten out of everything he had gotten himself into. He was wrong at times, but that is just a part of being alive. He changed when he needed to, and he would do it again. He stood up and began to walk towards the fiery door and into the inferno beyond it.
"LEIGHLAH!!!! LEIGHLAH!!!" the spacer screamed over and over, his voice raspy and screeching.

At last his weapon was empty, every shot expended, the barrels smoked with heat. James' throat clenched and his muscles were weak. His rage and anger were zapped from his person as he fell to his knees, sobbing. He had seen her death may times in dreams, and in his waking state. His tears fell like rain on the ground as he muttered her name. Broken. James was broken, his iron will shattered at last. It hadn't been under the hand of the Prosecutor, or Thraxis that he had been broken. It wasn't under the gunfire and the blasts or death coming so close to him. No, what had broken James was seeing his dead wife die before him. He muttered her name over and over, 'Le-lieghlah..... Leighlah.. Leighlah......"

He propped himself up by his hand, the only thing that kept him from falling face-first into the muck. Clarity came to James since the first time since she had died. Clarity that stopped his tears and made him sit up under the heavy weight of his weapons. Emotions that had long been suppressed came forward as his lips finally said what he had refused to acknowledge for a few decades now; "I don't want to live anymore."

He felt numb. Numb admitting it. He had everything but inside he was so hallow and hurting that he had to hide it in alcohol and tobacco. He was shattered. He had to be drunk to get out of bed, he had to be slammed to want to do anything. He wasn't even who he wanted to be anymore. No, he wondered if he ever was.

"I don't want to live anymore," he repeated, this time more assured.

Death would be a sweet embrace after all he had seen and done. He had daughters, but they would do so much better with someone else. The people needed a hero, instead they had him. The women he had broken their hearts, now he was nothing more than a shell of a destroyer. He was everything he hated, but he wouldn't acknowedge it.

He knew what he had to do. He had to kill stardust--and he had to let her kill him in the process. It was a fitting end for James, he figured, to die at the hands of his friends, considering he had let them all down. He rose to his feet and fed a new energy cell into the heavy weapon strapped to his chest. Stumbling through, he felt the wall for support. The bodies were gone, his hope was gone. All that remained was a drunk in leather, carrying weapons looking for a good end to his miserable existence. He followed the sound of conflict, ready to finish what he had to at long last and be accepted into Hades' sweet company.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
She felt the two in despair but could do nothing but feel their suffering and fight against those feeling

Block slash dodge thrust....over and over and over....was this a literal metaphor for what her life was? Simply fighting over and over and over with no end in sight?

She was no covered in sweat muk and now scars from near misses...she had to figure to stop this madness...but she couldn't show mercy at couldn't... She had to defeat this side of her once and for all....

You think you can just bully me around"she said panting"no."she said then ran forward grohnd hissing at her step as water evaporated and the air grew warm"NOOOO I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY YOU I HAVE PROMISED ID LIVE FOR CENTURY'S TO COME"she yelled and slashed causing pulsar to fall and her weapons to be thrown away..she stood over her ready to end her
[member="James Justice"] [member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray stepped through the burning doorway into the same blackness that all of the madness had started in. Was he finally free of the horrors or was it just getting ready for it's next act? He didn't know, but he would be ready. He need to be ready. He looked around alert to something, anything. Time seemed to grow slower as every moment turned into a minute, into an hour. After some time, he felt his guard drop. A sense of hope that the trial was over was building within him. You thought it was over? How cute. It will never be over, you know that. This was just the beginning, your trial was too quick, too painless. The real test is yet to come. You can feel it, I can feel it. Surely they can feel it too. Walk in the light while you can, because eventually you will return to the darkness. You were named Gray for a reason after all....

Gray quickly turned around as the voice had spoken to see a quick vision standing behind him fade. He could have sworn it looked like him without his helmet on. His eyes an unnatural shade of red that seemed to contain, and yet radiate, all the anger, the sadness, the ambition he had ever felt within him. His face darkened with a mixture of dried and fresh blood, that a part of him knew was not his own. It had not lasted more than a second in his sight, but he could still recall it so vividly. He said to the darkness around him, " I am who I am. I accept that. If darkness is a part of me then so be it, but then light must also. I will be the one to decide my own fate, not you. Not some part of me that doesn't understand the whole."

As Gray spoke, he noticed that his voice seemed to echo not in the way it had in the illusion, but in the way it might in an actual cave. He was finally free of the specter seeking to torment him. But what if it was right? What if everything said was true? Could he accept himself as he protested he would? He didn't know, but he also saw no point in trying to change things. He was who he was, as he had said, and that just meant dusting himself off and trying to move forward as he had for the past two years.
He heard the screaming of Stardust's voice and quickened his steps; the longing for death's sweet embraces and his own release as well as the undoing of the monster he felt he helped create drew him closer--faster. He was ready to die. He was ready to be with his beloved once more. It was enough of this. Away with hope, away with tomorrow, everything was lost. All that mattered was the solace of the nothingness that sweet death would surely bring.

He had given more death and agony than most could believe. He had smite out hundreds of lives with the mere gesture. He had personally ended many lives, some good some bad. It was now his turn to succumb to the sweet nectar he had so willingly given others. Before he had seen death as a punishment, a resolution to issues but only in this cave had he come to see it as it really was; a mercy. It was, as he had seen, a resolution to issues but until now he had seen it as a resolution in the wrong way. By killing he sought to end problems by annihilating the cause of it. No, at long last he saw it as the real solution it was; death was a way to escape. An escape from the vile world where people hurt and people inflicted pain.

It was an escape from the land where the good things were stolen from him and his friends were ripped from his grasp. It was an escape from the daily pain that had so long charted his every move and motivated him to an endless cycle of self-destruct. No more. No more. Release from this torment was found in nothing but the sweet embrace of the narcotic he had so long given out to his enemies.

He turned and saw her on the ground, weapon raised. He would wait. He would let her see him. Then she would move to attack him, he would let her mortally wound him, then she would die. And he would die here.

Here, in the filth. Here in refuse and rot. Was there a more suitable end for a man who was as wretched as he? The darkside had clouded him, it could not taint him it could not control him. Instead it would do what it could; snuff out his life in an act of shameless selfishness; leaving his daughters alone, his friends hopeless, and so many people crushed under the boots of governments to remain there to forever suffer.

[member="Gray Raxis"]
Two had met...but the number was three

Stardust was about to give the final blow to pulsar when she felt James right behind her..she stopped and turned to him, pulsar started looking around"James...why are you here..."she said as she let her guard down for a single moment.... And pulsar took it as she force pushed star straight into James and caused the two to crash into a nearby wall

hahahah well looky there.....James " she said and laughed evily as star slolwy stood...yeo definitely a cracked rib....

[member="James Justice"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

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