Gray Raxis
Blind and Broken
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]
Gray pulled out his blaster pistol as he heard the sound of a crash coming from deeper inside the cave. He moved towards it not knowing what he was in for. He figured it could be anything by this point after all of the weirdness he had already gone through.
Gray came upon the scene of the twi'lek woman laying on top of... James? Why was he here? Had he found out about Gray running into his daughter at that mall in Naboo and was here for his revenge? Was that weird dream he had after about that busty lady being a James clone and stabbing him real and he was just blocking it out?!.... No that made no sense at all. Who knew why he was here, but for now he should make sure they were okay.
Gray holstered his blaster pistol and ran over to them. He quickly examined them and was able to see that the twi'lek woman had broken some ribs. He put a hand on her shoulder and said, " Don't move. Those ribs look broke and you might puncture a lung. Just sit here and I will figure something out. I promise."
Gray pulled out his blaster pistol as he heard the sound of a crash coming from deeper inside the cave. He moved towards it not knowing what he was in for. He figured it could be anything by this point after all of the weirdness he had already gone through.
Gray came upon the scene of the twi'lek woman laying on top of... James? Why was he here? Had he found out about Gray running into his daughter at that mall in Naboo and was here for his revenge? Was that weird dream he had after about that busty lady being a James clone and stabbing him real and he was just blocking it out?!.... No that made no sense at all. Who knew why he was here, but for now he should make sure they were okay.
Gray holstered his blaster pistol and ran over to them. He quickly examined them and was able to see that the twi'lek woman had broken some ribs. He put a hand on her shoulder and said, " Don't move. Those ribs look broke and you might puncture a lung. Just sit here and I will figure something out. I promise."