Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two minds one soul

[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray matched his pace to her pace so that it would be easier on her walking. He said as they walked, " It's a date then Star. Beautiful name by the way. Fitting for such a lovely sight like yourself." He winked at her when he finished. He got her to the medical bay as quickly as he could, within reason for the situation. He opened up the door for her and helped her got onto the examination table.

Gray put his hand up to the side of his helmet after he did and said, " Key, what is the status on that hyperdrive? Did you figure out the problem and get it fixed?" He listened to his droid's beeping response and then said to star, " Good news, my hyperdrive is working. I want to get you and our hibernating friend to a medical station ASAP, so no going for anyone's ships right now. We can get them later. Dagaboh isn't exactly a popular place...for good reason."

Gray turned his attention back to Star and began to look her over. He said as he began to study her, " My guess is some broken ribs, bruising, and... are those very nasty cuts from a lightsaber? At least that won't bleed I guess. Better get you some attention right now, and not in the way I have been giving it to you." He went and grabbed all of the necessary supplies he would need including the bacta. He said as he did, " I'm afraid I can't do much for your artificial parts. I'm not a mechanic, but maybe my droid can do something for you? Key loves to help people and is very friendly. Those little k1-series droids are amazing. Ever heard of them?" He was hoping the conversation would help keep her mind off of whatever it all was they had all experienced here on the planet.
She smiled when she saw that his pace was with hers..considering she's out her injuries off a lot "I've had plenty of dates maybe after I'm back to one hundred percent you can take me on one"she said with a wink

Good good but sadly those ships are important and can't stay I'm having them follow for safety reasons...that and James would try to kill me...again if I left it" she said and chuckled before coughing"

She sat down with a sigh as she rubbed her head"definitely broken ribs and yea ligjtsaber cuts for sure thank god its not so painful now"she said and hisses some as she touched one"heheh any attention would be lovely"she said winking then laughed lightly "eh don't worry I left a droid on James ship in his possession... Should be able to get it" she said as she smiled at her new friend and ally"you know you didn't have to follow me right...I Kean obfelt your force signature fluctuate. Went through hell to huh
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray got to work on patching her up. He was more use to this than he liked to admit. You tended to learn a lot about medical knowledge when you grew up as a mercenary. Patching up dad, patching up self, patching up other guy, and patching up everyone else. It was a miracle that he was even able to live so many times when he should have been dead. Hoorah for modern medicine it seems.

Gray smiled as he worked on star. He was enjoying her company right now. It was much better than before when she was so skittish. He said as he began to work on a particularly nasty wound, " Are they able to get communications remotely? I can let you use my helmet to relay messages to them through Key if they can. Droids are lifesavers after all." He smirked before he added, " And be careful what you ask for. I can give you every kind of attention you could possibly desire and crave."
She sighed and winced every so often when he hit that one area that was bruised or possibkely broke...that k god for being a supersoldier normal people probably wouldn't be moving for awhile...she felt him relax some and get a it the force but she smiled as well...wasn't often when most would actually flirt or even not be to afraid of her...then again he did find her in her darkest hour and befriend her while going through pulsars hell she sat up"indeed and they make oddly good friend when your in deep space"she said as she nodded"yea have key ping r8 and you can give orders"she said and smirked"hehehe good to know because I'm a...interesting woman who loves...attention that is fun and especially when I crave it
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray pulled one of his hands away from her body and up to the side of his helmet. He said, " Key, I'm putting a very pretty lady on our line. Listen to everything she says if you would please." He took his helmet off with his hand and held it out for her to take. He said as he held it, " As much as I hate to cover that lovely face of your's, mind taking this? Just put it on as best you can and tap the side. Tell Key what you need done and it will be handled. I have too much work rubbing my hands all over your firm body to do order my droid around at the same time."

Gray hoped she would. He really did need to get back to these wounds. He was thinking he would need to do some stitching soon and that was a delicate, two hand job. He added with a smirk, " You certainly are interesting darlin'. So are you cravin' attention right now? Because I'm doing my best to give it to ya." There he went, slipping into his more natural accent. This always happened when he forced so much on a single thing.
She smiled listening and gave a light blush before taking the helmet"shouldn't be hard just can't put it on really"she said as she chuckled"OK key so what I need you to do is going r8 who has sent you contact info guide him onto the ship with my starfighter after that contact the other ship and tell them to follow"she said quickly her face half covered up

Heheheh well maybe later when I'm more healed up thank god that healing factor right"she said with a laugh before stealing a quick kiss "that's for patching me up
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray just kept at his work of getting her patched up as best he could. The damage on the outside looked worse than it was, not that it was that good anyways, but the internal injuries worried him. There was not much he could do for her ribs outside of kill the pain. He lacked the equipment to mend them here. He said as he worked, " Love to see ya again darlin', when yer all patched up that is." He was a little surprised by the kiss, but only enough to get him to stop working momentarily. He smiled and said, " Careful now. Reward me richly like that every time I do somethin' for ya, and I might start gettin' the wrong idea."

Gray pulled out a needle and thread. He said as he got to the first wound he would need to stitch up, " I would suggest ya bite down onto my helmet. This is goin' to hurt like hell." He waited a few seconds before he dug the needle into her flesh at the top of the wound and pulled the thread threw. He had begun to stitch the thing up.
She sighed as she wimced more as he got to the worst injuries that laid on her body"hehehe well I'm done with the helmet"she said and put it beside her"hahahah that's only a small part of the reward I wish I could give you right now

She sighed and got ready for the pain"I'm good can't be as bad as losing ya legs"she said as she clenched her teeth and gripped the med bed as she felt him start sowimg her up"ahhh OK yea almost as bad

[member="Gray Raxis"]

Gray heard what she said, but didn't take his attention away from the stitching. He got the first wound stitched up, but needed to move on to the next one. He gave her a warning before he started each new stitch and got them all done as quickly as possible. When he finished, the stitches were tight and straight. They could pass for ones you got from a medical station. He put the needle and what was left of the thread up.

Gray turned his attention to her broken ribs and began to apply some pain killers to the area. He said as he did, " So that was only part of the reward? Would I like the whole thing?" He smirked a bit, but kept focused. He knew how serious this injury could be. A punctured lung was never very fun for the one it was happening to. He finished applying them and said, " Alright I have done everything I can do for you. Now you should lay down while we get you to that station." He put up all the medical supplies quickly. He said as he put away the last of them, " I will lend you my room, if that is alright with you. It is the most comfortable bed in the ship."

Gray got over so he could help her both get off the table and stand up. While all of this was going on, Key was following the orders given to the letter.
She winced and held as still as she could as he sew the wounds up and moved quickly...pretty impressive she'd say

She felt him rub the pain killer in and sighed as the pain subsided"hahah oh you'd love the whole thing I promise that"she said and winked at him as she rubbed her chest feeling the rib before noddin to herself "yea probably best I chill for a little I've already expanded enough energy"she said as she stood and used him slightly for support" heheh I don't mind that if your offering for me to use"she said with a smile
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="stardust"] [member="James Justice"]

Gray got her to his room. It was pretty bare for the most part. There was a place where all of his armor and weapons would go in one corner and his bed. His bed was simple, but comfortable. He helped her to it and said, " Well I would say I had a good day. Got a pretty lady into my bed." He winked at her before adding, " Get some rest now. We will hopefully get to that station soon."

Gray had gone to the cockpit of the ship when he left star in his room. He stayed there until his ship arrived at the nearest medical station. They got docked inside of it and he left to his room. He knocked on the door and said, " Alright, we are docked. Need some help getting inside?"
She chuckled as she laid down with a tired sigh now being able to relax her body and mind"indeed I'd say so as well I'm in a handsome man's bed"she said winking back"will do just keep us in track ahha

She closed her eyes to rest as she smield, probably sleeping for a few hours she awoke to him knocking as she stood"I'm good I need you to go get the kid and get him into the doctors...while i go and get my bones fixed"she said as she could walk a little better"oh and have my guard droid come up its a uuhhh humaniod looking kne it'll have two sabers with it"she said as she stopped by James room"and have them take him in as well"
[member="Gray Raxis"]
"I am not fat!" the spacer screamed loudly, trashing about on his bed. "I--am--not--"

He bolted awake, panting. Sweat covered most of his body as he gasped. Thank goodness the last of the stun round had worn off. He would be thinking much more coherently.

The spacer reached into his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes to comfort himself and sooth his nerves, 'Where the feth am I?"

[member="Gray Raxis"]
After about thirty minutes of repairing her cybernetics and getting her rib back in place she slolwy walked to James room and was gonna knock however hearing him curse something about he isn't fat"hahah I see you coherent "she said as she opened the door and hissed lightky at her chest before setting down" good we can talk

[member="James Justice"]
James scowled at [member="stardust"] as she came and sat down. His anger burned hot and long. He remembered what she had done, in fact it would almost impossible for him to forget. His coldness and rage was as easy to feel as it was to see.

"Ye sure as hell have a lot of explaining to do, miss," he said coldly, his narrow eyes almost cutting into he soul, "Give me a reason to not slot ye. To not hunt ye down like Rose Blade. And give it to me fast."
She felt his anger and fact through the force it filled the room..however in the sea of anger and cold she sat calm and collected "

You have all right to hate me..and even more not to forgive me...but hear me out "she said and paused" I had no control over what I did...I literally sat back in my mind and watches as it hurt me as well"she paused again and looked at him"and i won't run...even if you don't accept my story I'll stand trial for...what my evil side did"she said"you saw it...I know you did..."she said and and sighed

[member="James Justice"]
James sat forward and pointed his finger in her face. He wasn't sure if he would have been angrier if she had just owned it or that she was blaming others. But for the love of the gods, she was blame shifting. And that infuriated him.

"If I had a tin credit for every time I heard that," he snarled, "I would be even richer than I am today and that is saying a damn lot," he began waving his hands and speaking in a mock-patheitic voice, "Oh help me, I was posessed by my darkside, I dun't mean it. Oh a Sith Lord took me over, that weren't me. Oh goodness some witch put a spell on me, I weren't in control of me body. PAH!"

James' spittle went sailing across the room and landed on the durasteel flooring, "I dun't by that for a fething moment. It ain't the old republic no more. No one buys that mysticism chit."

She flinched only lightly as she still looked straight at him"

I know you don't believe it..."she said calmy even though she was hurt even further by his snarling"James...I ain't saying it was the dark side or any siyh lord"she said raising her voice slightly"what I'm saying is that all the stuff that's happened to me manifested....even if you don't believe that it may not be the old republic yea its not its a brand frakkimg new time where new stuff will happen "she said as she realized she'd been standing sloley up and sat down rubbing her head" listen James....I know you can tell I ain't lying...your anger is just clouding it"she said lightly
[member="James Justice"]
"Ye don't know what I think," James roared, leaping to his feet, "ye have no fething idea what I think, and ye dun't care," with every word, he got louder and took a step forward, backing her into a wall. The rage formed around him, building like a dark vortex of evil, hurt and vindication.

"Ye thought ye knew me but you had no fething idea, and apparently I have no damn idea who you are either," he drew himself to his full height, the Darkside flowed off James in a physical wave that made papers flutter, the door shut, and the lockers in the room swing open and slam closed. The bottle of water on the desk crushed in on itself, splattering all over the place. The itchy grey blanket went flying across the room.

"Ye were the last person who shoulda betrayed me, but ye did, and ye didn't GIVE A FUCKING DAMN WHAT IT DID TO ME! You fucking hurt me, STAR!!"

She frowned hearing him yell and leaped uo at her, she could see his anger roll off of him...

She looked at him as she stood still looking down at him as she looked saddened"James...please..."she said as she felt the wall against her back, she wouldn't run she'd facethe hell that was caused by pulsar and survive, she watched all that happened do to his anger..she needed to do something"

I know that james there no need to fethimg yell at me"she yelled back tearing uo"do you think I wanted to hurt those people to hurt you especially "she was now crying as she looked rigrh at him" I cared what it did but I couldn't even stop it...don't you know WHAT THAt did to hurt me"Sshe said looking at him"it physically pained me to watch while it all
[member="James Justice"]

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