Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uhh, back again.

Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I had gotten occupied with real life, and was suffering from addiction issues, but I'm recovering and have some time now on here. What's going on in the story?
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Vee Dawnburner"] the Black rose is a fun place, the mandalorians are always looking for talent. The SSC and Jedi order under Corvus love meeting new people.
[member="Vee Dawnburner"]

Major Factions:

The Galactic Alliance is going strong, and isn't running out of steam any time soon, ramping up to take the fight to the bad guys (a.k.a. the Sith!) and the Silver Sanctum Coalition is allied to the GA, on the other side of the galaxy and already in the fight! Both are excellent factions, with lots to get your nose stuck into, if you're wanting to boogie with the 'good guys'. Really, these two get my absolute highest recommendation!

If you want to be evil as evil gets, try The One Sith, or... if you want to be a tad more ambiguous, but still evil yet techy and... perhaps glut yourself on capitalism, the Techno Union may be for you.

Slightly quieter on the darker side are the Covenant/Order of the Black Rose (though they list as neutral in the faction directory), and The Primeval, and on the lighter side of the quiets is the Galactic Republic, which has suffered quite considerably at the hands of the One Sith, and have not been faring well.

Neutral? Best bet is the Mandalorians.

As for minor factions, I can only really speak of the Jedi Academy Network. There are just too many others to count, but the J.A.N. is an excellent resource for Jedi, as Jedi across the galaxy, in various factions and independent, are plugged in here!

As always, do not forget to trawl the Faction Directory if you want more than just the recommendations of us unfamiliar entities!

All that aside...

Good to see you back, and hope to see you out in the roleplays, soon! :D
As the official torturer of the Cartel and hearing that someone was chatting about Major Factions, someone didn't bring up the greatest faction. The Cartel. Now we are what you would call... scumbags and downright evil cretins that skulk the pits of where no-body dares to tread, we do that which no other is willing to do, whether it is Spice Trade, murder, booze, slavery pretty much everything a good crime syndicate of debauchery would normally do. So if you are up for it, come knocking on the White Palace, we will embrace you into the fat folds of all our Hutty overlords.
[member="Vee Dawnburner"]
[member="Vee Dawnburner"]

What is said above.
Dunno if it is implied that I run the cartel a bit firm, but just to be sure I aint doing squat except organise dominions and chuckle allot. Albeit, we are shifting leadership currently, time for next group to take the reigns - join them and take the cartel to even greater heights!
The cartel is as Umbrella as any other faction and folks rp whatever they like. The underground leader is a member in the cartel for instance. Bothing has hindered him do whatever he likes, like creating the underground.

That said, go where the flow takes you and have fun!
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

I think I'm probably going to just go with the Hutt Cartel. I've been thinking about doing another Criminal/Reluctantly Force Sensitive type character.

Is there really room for a slicer, or any real positions that need filling in?
Vee Dawnburner said:
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

I think I'm probably going to just go with the Hutt Cartel. I've been thinking about doing another Criminal/Reluctantly Force Sensitive type character.

Is there really room for a slicer, or any real positions that need filling in?
There is always a bunch of roles that needs filling.
But no one has taken the role as slicer actually :)
For the sake of not coming off as a Sock-puppeter, I made Vee a long time ago, left, and then joined this again not realizing that the second time I joined, I had made a new account.

This one, you guys may recognize more, if any one recognizes the name. Have experience in the Sith / Red Ravens.

I won't be using the Vulpes/Vee Dawnburner account again, so if you want to talk to me, use this account. Sorry for the confusion.

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