Old Tusk
It was scorching day on Jakkor's Homeworld of Tatooine. He,and his new master [member="Viktoria Norduin"] had traveled to the desert world to train wether it be lightsaber combat,or the studies in the force. Through their short time together they had created a Force Bond as Master,and Padawan typically do. Their's was such a strong,and deep connection that at times they could sense each other's thoughts. There was no one in the galaxy ever so similar than the two of them.
They arrived on the world days ago,and was training at an abandoned Tusken Camp. As chieften of one of the tribes Jakkor commanded them to stay away from Viktoria who they considered in Tusken Culture an 'Ootman' or in basic an Outlander. They were meditating on the cliffside next to an old hut which they used for the past several days. They both were at peace with the force,and basked in the warmth of one another's precense driving away all hints of lonliness from their thoughts little did they know their lives would never be the same again.
They arrived on the world days ago,and was training at an abandoned Tusken Camp. As chieften of one of the tribes Jakkor commanded them to stay away from Viktoria who they considered in Tusken Culture an 'Ootman' or in basic an Outlander. They were meditating on the cliffside next to an old hut which they used for the past several days. They both were at peace with the force,and basked in the warmth of one another's precense driving away all hints of lonliness from their thoughts little did they know their lives would never be the same again.