Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unbreakable Bonds!

Despite [member="Jakkor Kess"]' best efforts to save his friend, [member="Viktoria Norduin"] was almost immediately hoisted up again, another soldier taking the place of the decapitated one. It was exactly how Ballen-Ist had foreseen the battle playing out, heavy casualties on boths side but ultimately a victory. With a somewhat dissatisfied sigh, the Sith would deactivate his lightsaber, the beam of crimson plasma flickering out of existence while he stepped forth. The soldiers passed him, ushering the blonde woman aboard the Fury-class Interceptor and into a holding cell, before confiscating any weapons or tools on her person. The structures which the Tusken had collided with collapsed almost instantly, burying the young man in a pile of cloth, wood, and bone.

It was almost like a makeshift grave, a fitting end considering the primitive ways of his people. The Sith could not help but laugh briefly at this thought, looking down at Jakkor who was in no condition to fight. Ballen-Ist was not even sure if the Tusken was conscious or not, but he spoke either way, "I had fun tracking you, but I cannot help but feel such dissatisfaction at your death," the Sith said, his torso beginning to rise and lower at a rapid pace as the rate of his breathing increased. The Sith was visible pumping himself up, the dark side swirling around his being in an uncontrollable manner as he did the unthinkable, reaching out to seize it fully with his mind.

The hate, anger, and death of this place was obviously apparent, giving the Pureblood an easy source to feed of off as he expelled the dark energy outwards after taking it in. It would mingle with his surroundings, specifically fusing with the raging fires that were slowly but surely enveloping the settlement. Their intensity and rate of growth had multiplied many times over, concentrating in the area that the two were present. "If you will not admit your true nature, perhaps she will. Goodbye."

With that, the Sith simply turned, walking through the wall of fire, causing it to bend and slink away as he approached. The thought of Jakkor surviving his 'traditional' Jedi cremation had passed through Ballen-Ist's mind, but he paid it no heed. The Tusken was useless to him, despite being somewhat of a leader from what he had experienced, and a gifted force user. Regardless, the Sith now had the woman locked away in the Interceptor, which began to lift off of the planets surface and into the air after he boarded. Any information he wanted could be pulled straight from her.
Jakkor drifited in,and out of conciousness within the next hour. He had deep cuts,and pieces of Bantha Bone stuck in his chest he was practically passing out from the pain,but not once did he not think of his master,and how he failed her,and let her be captured by such a monster as the one that bested him in combat. He goes into a healing trance before passing out from his wounds.

When he did manage to wake up his wound had stopped bleeding,and he took the pieces of Bantha Bone out. He began a staggered walk out of the hut still dizzy when he slammed into it. The smell of death,and burnt ozone was in the air. Their was small fires here,and their and corpses of scavengers,and Stormtroopers alike. He ignored it all as he began walking out of the camp beginning his long trek back to Mos Eisley taking his lightsabers,and black cloak with him.

After 12 hours of walking the Tusken felt as if he was going to die,until he finally reached his destination. He slowly walked to his ship in the docking bay draining the last bit of water that was in his flask. When he reached The Outlander he went to the med bay,and patched himself up with medpacs,and bacta injections as well as his own Force Healing techniques. After gaining some unrestless sleep he goes into the cockpit prepping the ship for take off,as he grabs the control yokes he says to himself. "I'm Sorry Master so very sorry. I'll get you away from that monster,and free you even if it costs me my life."

When he finished the preps. He pressed a few buttons on the control consol,and the VCX-100 light freightor comes to life. The ion engines roar as within a matter of minutes The Outlander blasts off from Mos Eisley,and through Tatooine's atmosphere. The padawan would do whatever it takes to get his master back. No matter what the cost is.

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
As Viktoria was dragged onto the ship, she was just starting to gain some consciousness, but all she was able to do was hear things going on around her. Her right arm was aching though from when Jakkor made an attempt to save her. The trooper holding her right arm, was holding her so tightly and firmly, that he had twisted her arm upon when the trooper on the left was taken down.

She was taken to a holding cell where the troopers searched her, taking both her blasters, lightsabers, explosives and the hidden razor sharp knife she kept in the little slot of the inside of her boot, on the outside of her calf. Once they left, the cold cell was quiet except for the sound of Viktoria waking up from the stuns. She couldn't believe how much her body ached just from the stuns. Her side felt swollen and it hurt a little bit when she tried to breath. Soon her ice blue eyes flickered open to reveal the dark gloomy cell she was in. Everything was black and the lights were dim.

At the moment, she was laying on the hard metal bench inside of the cell and she did her best to lift herself off from the seat to sit upright. For her it was almost hard to believe that it was her second time back in a Sith's hands. He had done some damage to her, but this Sith... she had no idea what he was capable of. Then her mind wandered to [member="Jakkor Kess"]. Being captured, made her feel like this time instead of failing her master, she had failed her apprentice. All she would do now, was wait for what she feared would be her doom.

Once [member="Viktoria Norduin"] awoke, she would find herself in the small prison block of the large Talon-class carrier the Sith had made his journey on. Not that she could tell the difference, for the holding cells walls were solid durasteel, a bright shimmering force field being the only other thing between the Jedi Knight and her freedom. At first, Ballen-Ist had not thought much of the woman, hardly recognizing her or her apprentice as Jedi of any sort. The two soldiers that had confiscated her arsenal chuckled between themselves, examining the variety of weapons that she had possessed. They were delivered to the armory on the same floor, placed away in the large locker that was code-locked.

The small mock-Star Destroyer had already begun moving through the darkness of space, distancing itself from Tatooine and [member="Jakkor Kess"]. The engines began to power up, as the cruiser prepared to jump into light speed. Still donning a dark overcloak, the Sith Knight stood in front of the prison block exit, only stepping forward as the Jedi awoke. The dim light reflected off of the man's helmet visor, a brief crimson glint complimenting the same shade of light armor he wore beneath his garb. "Fear is unfitting of a Jedi," his voice spoke, projected through the transmitter and into small speakers within the headgear. "Yet, I sensed much in your young apprentice as well. Though, your Jedi ways of denial prevented you from seeing the path he had chosen," the Sith continued, standing firmly in front of the field of energy that sealed the two off from one another.

The woman's hands were also bound in force-cuffs, slightly restricting her ability to call upon the force. Even then, Ballen-Ist now felt her power clearly. "It's too late now, I'm afraid. At least he burned, as the Jedi like it." Of course, the Sith was unaware of Jakkor's true fate, but neither of them would have a way of knowing for now. An officer operating the radar systems would look up from his screen, informing the captain that a vessel had been detected leaving the surface of Tatooine. A squadron of Blade starfighters were scrambled from the hangar, breaking away from the cruiser and heading back for the barren planet. If the Tusken decided to pursue, he would meet some opposition.
Jakkor could see the 'Mini Star Destroyer' in the view of the cockpit. He then saw several of what he could describe as a hybrid of Dagger/Clawshaped fighters that were coming from the hanger. As the freightor was coming closer to the Sith Warship he saw the enemy squadron coming straight for him,and unleashing a hail of turbolaser fire.

Jakkor pulled hard on the control yokes banking the ship hard left as the fighters followed him. The ship quevered and bucked under several blasts of turbolaser fire. He then pulled up,and turned the freightor around seeing two of the four fighters in his sight,he blasts red turbolaser bolts straight at them turning them into scrap. The last fighters were on the run as the hunters just became the hunted. After getting a clear shot through the targating computer the Tusken unleashed yet another round of turbolaser fire hitting one of the blades in the wing causing it to loose control,and smash violently into it's wingman creating a smoldering mess.

Jakkor then turned the ship back around to the star destroyer flying low,and out of the radar's range. He docks in a ventral docking shaft,and powers the ship down keeping it away from scanners. He enters the tube by using an old imperial code picked off from the troopers body back at the camp,and to his surprise it works. He then avoids a patrol of troopers after successfully making it into the interior,and decided to travel through the air ducts.

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
Viktoria really hadn't seen or noticed the force binders around her wrists until she sat up. That was when she had also noticed the Sith from earlier. He sent chills down her back, but she wasn't afraid. This wasn't her first rodeo and she had dealt with a few of his kind before. As he spoke, Viktoria's eyes only narrowed. Fear?? There was once fear, but it had long since disappeared. The only fear she possessed was one of her past and one for her Padawan in fear of losing him.

"Fear? It's natural for a human being to have fear, but in my Padawan? I doubt that. Fear is not something he holds onto unlike people like you. I know exactly what path he has chosen and it is surely not the Dark side."

she said firmly, but calmly. Was she afraid? Sure she was! But was it something she showed? No. It was just a natural reaction upon being in a different area, plus being restricted from doing what she was used to doing was definitely different. Her 'fear' lightened up when she noticed that all he had really done was handcuff her and put her in a cell with a force barrier in between them.

As he spoke of Jakkor being supposedly burned, disgust and surprisingly a little bit of anger started to well in her chest. If Viktoria was able to, she probably would have found a way to end this Sith for killing her Padawan. She had been pretty protective of him so far and couldn't believe that so much had happened to him already..

"Burned? I'm pretty sure you're making a mistake. It's clearly how the Sith like it cause look at what ya did to him! Plus there is no way he could be dead.."

she could just sense that Jakkor was still alive. She just knew it.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Jakkor Kess"] proved himself to be quite the pilot, destroying the Blade starfighters in a skillful exchange of laser cannon fire. The Tusken moved boldly, aiming to board with the Talon-class carrier even while its weapon defenses, and radars were still online. Regardless of whether his ship was powered down, the move made was one of a mad men, causing a crewman upon the command bridge to question in disbelief. "Shall we open fire?" The starship was well armed for its size, many of the precision laser cannons that were in range turned and aimed upon the freighter.

"No," the Sith muttered into his helmet, his gaze still fixed upon [member="Viktoria Norduin"] as she concluded her inspirational speech. Lifting an arm from beneath the dark overcloak he wore, Ballen-Ist would motion towards the control panel, exerting his presence within the force in order to cause the force field to flicker out of existence. Then, as he lowered his gloved hand, a swift gesture would unlock the woman's bindings, allowing her to move freely now. "Does that put you at ease? What will you do now?" The Sith questioned eagerly, pacing from side to side. Her weapons had been confiscated, yet her bindings released.

Meanwhile, Jakkor Kess managed to sneak along the air ducts of the starship, avoiding detection from the search parties that roamed the corridors below. Unfortunately, the Tusken found himself in another tight spot, as three Sith apprentices looked up at the hallway ceiling, clearly sensing the Jedi that was passing by above. They shared a look of entertained disbelief, before lifting their arms, focusing on the dark side as they called upon the force. Telekinetic pressure would begin to weigh down on the ducts Jakkor travelled through, threatening to eventually crush him if he did not free himself.
Jakkor was surprised when the element of surprise gave away way too early. When the apprentices noticed him,he silently cursed himself,as he kept moving as fast he could avoiding the crushing air ducts around him. After hearing from one of the apprentices who believed that they had killed Jakkor,or was waiting for him to come out was speaking of how a Jedi Knight was in a cell block.

Jakkor had enough. He jumped out of the airduct with force imbued speed taking the first apprentice by surprise,and impaled him in the chest with both his sabers. The other two apprentices were shocked,and activated their crimson blades trying to cut Jakkor down,but he jumped back,and called upon his rage to give him strength. He clashed with both their blades using Djem So he sliced one's saber hand off sending the severed appendage flying,and hearing his cries of pain as the other apprentice yelled and tried to attack Jakkor from behind. Jakkor saw this coming,and jumped back as the apprentice rushed him,but in his clumsiness and rage impaled his comrade by accident. Then in the right moment jakkor then severed the apprentice's head from his body just as he glared at the tusken before meeting his fate at the padawans blades.

Jakkor then found a second set of air shafts,and traveled downwards to the detention blocks. Using the force to cloak his precense making anyone attuned to the force to believe he had been killed to avoid further obstacles.

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
Viktoria kept her eyes on the Sith as he used the force to make the force field disappear. Then the force binders on her wrists clicked open when he released them and she set them to the side. His questions were eager as if he was just waiting for her to attack. There were many options for her to take. He was pacing back and forth and her eyes never left him. She could attempt to escape.. she just didn't know if he would stop her. After all, she was left defenseless.

Viktoria then stood up just testing to see what he would do. She was a Knight, not a Padawan and if she was tricky back then, she had to be trickier now. Viktoria had escaped an entire prison before without tripping a single siren and no one noticed that she was gone until her captor went to torture and interrogate her.

"Well, I could try to escape, but that would be too easy. Or I could wait for my apprentice and we take you down together as Master and Apprentice and then we blow this ship up. Or.. I escape while your back is turned, find my Padawan and then we blow this ship up. But who knows? You don't know what I am capable of."

she said. A smirk grew from her lips as she basically told him what she was doing, he just wouldn't know which she would try first. Right now, she was just testing the waters to see what he would do.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
The Sith shook his head from side to side, a frown forming upon his face beneath the metallic helmet he wore. He was disappointed in [member="Viktoria Norduin"]'s reaction, having expected much more from a Jedi Knight. "I know exactly what you're capable of," Ballen-Ist responded, taking a single step forward before continuing his train of thought aloud. "And I know exactly what your apprentice is capable of too. He's already here," he muttered, this time the disappointment audible in his tone.

He wondered how [member="Jakkor Kess"] had escaped his fiery grave, but figured he would find out soon enough. In a sudden burst of speed, the Sith's arms were raised, fingers sprawled out as the force began to flow through his being like a raging inferno, corrupted by the darkness. Aiming his hands at the Jedi Knight, Ballen-Ist would release a storm of hatred upon the woman, violet hued bolts of lightning springing from his fingertips, lashing out against the floor and wall of the holding cell.

With a fine leash upon the dark side, the Sith would control his power, making sure not to do any permanent damage if Viktoria were to be hit, only utilising the electricity as a means of torture. There would be no tricks, or elaborate plans to get her out of this situation.
Jakkor was crawling through the ducts when he sensed that his master was in danger. Anger welled up inside of him,as he crawled faster,and faster sliently cursing himself for not getting to her quick enough,and now was fearing that the monster was already torturing her.

Upon kicking open a vent,and jumping out several Stormtroopers,and Sith Apprentices saw him,and were pointing,and shouting at Jakkor. Jakkor frowned beneath his mask,and was thinking 'Sithspit' He then delievered a force push to them knocking them back into several walls,and momentarily stunned them while Jakkor ran. Having no time to fight since he could all but think about was his master,and to save her quickly before she suffers,or worse. The stormtroopers then chased after Jakkor firing a couple blaster bolt's,but he dodged them with ease as he makes it what looks to be turbolifts on the other side. As Jakkor kept running the troopers shouted "Close the Blast Doors! Close the Blast Doors!" Jakkor kept running as the blast doors started to close. Before they closed he avoided blaster shot's,and did a barrel roll,but as he goes through the tiny opening one trooper got a shot on Jakkor's shoulder which he let out a small cry of pain as he flesh burns,and blisters,but then the door shuts completely stopping them in their tracks.

He then walks over to the set of turbolifts where he notices two officers who shout "It's The Jedi stop him quickly." But before they can fire a shot he uses the force to fling them through the turbolift doors knocking them unconcious. Jakkor then picks up a keycard to unlock the turbolift,and after stepping inside and looking at the controls he selects the detention area. The lift rapidaly descends down to it's destination,and Jakkor while he is riding down,spends whatever peace he has in using the force to heal his wound for the coming jail break.

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
Viktoria was slightly surprised when he said that he knew what she and Jakkor were both capable of. Now she was starting to get a tiny bit afraid as he took a step forward. When he said that Jakkor was there, a little bit of hope lit in her heart again. She would possibly be able to get out of here after all..

"How could you possibly know what I am capable of? You don't even know me.."

She responded. Before she could react, she sensed anger and hate towards her and before she knew it, the Sith turned towards her, releasing lightning. She would have tried to jump out of the way, but he was a second ahead of her. The lightning struck her, dropping her to her knees, before she then collapsed to her side, screaming as she was electrocuted. Pain coursed through her body as she fell to the floor from the electrocution. It was slowly taking her strength and crushing it.

The way she'd have to stay strong now, was to not break to his ways of trying to gain information from her about Jakkor.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Triton yawned as he walked down a bustling corridor, barely noticing the troopers and officers who seemed to be preoccupied. The male continued to walk a bit more before two officers ran up to him.

"Kozak, we have a problem." One of the officers said Triton continued to walk.

"Well can't you handle it, that is what you are here for is it not?" The teen said as he turned to the two officers and grinned. "It's not like the Jedi Ballen-Ist captured escaped right?" Triton was confident Ballen-Ist could handle himself. He turned and continued to walk.

"But sir...there is another Jedi onboard, he is causing quite a mess." The officer said. This stopped Triton in his tracks, his grin instantly faded.

"Do you have a location of the trespassing Jedi?" Triton ask with a hint of irritation in his voice. The officers looked at each other.

"Right now, we have reports that he entered the turbo lift and is heading towards the detention area." One officers said.

"Cool, I'll handle it, shouldn't be too bad. Where is the turbolift now?" Triton said. The officers started to walk towards the turbolift on the current floor.

"It should be passing within the next few minutes." Triton smiled at that. The teen then grabbed his lightsaber off his belt and ignited it, the crimson saved glowed. Triton then walked to the turbolift on the floor, and began to cut into the door. Triton cut an opening enough for him to fit through, then smiled. Of course he could have just used the force to open it, but what fun would that be?

Triton waited for the turbolift to pass before jumping on. He landed with a thud. 'now let's see what this Jedi is capable of.' Triton thought as he began to cut into the top of the turbolift. Slowly he mad a hole large enough for him to fit through. He then turned off his sabre and jumped though. Triton landed softly, and looked around the lift, there was the Jedi.

Triton smiled at him. "Oh cool, I did find the right lift." He paused. "You must be that intruder the troopers were worried about, it's ok, I found you so you don't have to worry about losing your way." Triton smiled, a front for remaining aware.

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
([member="Ballen-Ist"] invited me.)
The bright flashes of purple light would dim as the intensity of the electricity lessened, eventually dispersing into the very force that surrounded the Sith and Jedi Knight. She had taken a direct hit, and Ballen-Ist was honestly impressed by her resilience. [member="Viktoria Norduin"] was no weakling, but she was a fool to think she could resist the Sith's intention. He sensed her fear and pain, knowing that her worries laid solely with [member="Jakkor Kess"], her apprentice. The little glint of hope she had seen through the darkness would soon be crushed, and Ballen-Ist reveled in this thought.

"Naive Jedi. Though he is impressive, I care not for your Padawan. If he will not join me, he will die. As will you," the Sith concluded, before craning his neck to the side in order to look over his shoulder. Through the force, he felt [member="Triton Kozak"], a skilled Dark Jedi that the Pureblood had met long ago. Hopefully, in the Tusken's worn down state, the boy would be able to hold him at bay. "I hate you Jedi... So self righteous, yet so willing to commit acts you once condemned."

The Sith would've spat on the ground if he did not wear a helmet, instead deciding to turn and simply leave. Waving his hand, the force field would be engaged once more, yet her bindings still released. In his train of thought, Ballen-Ist had forgotten all about them, allowing the Jedi Knight to wield her powers, if she could make it through the pain. Ballen-Ist's overcloak billowed in his wake as he strode with an eager pace, two soldiers now guarding the cell block Viktoria resided in.
Jakkor slightly spasmed a bit as through their Force Bond Jakkor could sense his master's pain,and fear through the force that brought mental agony to him. He then recovered shortly as the mental anguish subsided doing all he can to finish up his blaster wound. He then sensed another dark precense coming straight toward him,and unhooked one of his hilts from his belt.

He felt,and heard a loud crashing thud coming from above the turbolift,and within mere seconds saw the bloodshine blade cut through the durasteel making an opening for it's wielder who in turn jumped through the opening,and landed right in front of the Tusken.
From what he was seeing the young man before him was roughly the same age Jakkor was. He then was smiling and gave a smartass remark on how the Tusken wouldn't lose his way,and besides his anger all that he was thinking to himself was 'This is not good,not good at all.'

He clutched one of his hilts tightly,and activated the weapon. The green blade came to life with a hiss as Jakkor gave the young man a hard stare,and said to him "I guess their is no way out of this is their huh,unless I surrender of course,but that's not going to happen. So Sith are you going to allow me to reach my destination,or do I have to fight my way past you."

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]
[member="Triton Kozak"]

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
As the lightning slowed, Viktoria's body weakened more and more. She guessed that she had just pushed the right button to get him to start questioning her. Was it an insane plan? Hell yeah. But her mental strength and will was much stronger than the rest of her right now and she made sure of it. After the lightning stopped, her breath was caught in her throat and she was making an effort to try and breathe.

Viktoria listened to what he said, slightly amused at what he said. He had said words of hatred, but Viktoria's mouth was smarter than her brain right now. She was talking before she was thinking.

"Y-You'd.. be lucky to.. even get one scratch of a saber.. on h-him. I'd suffer more than just this to see him.. live on."

she responded, pushing herself up off of the ground, trying to catch her breath still. She narrowed her eyes at him as he said that he hated Jedi and again before she could think, she spat out similar words.... just aimed at him.

"You Sith... so ready to just torture or kill anyone in their way with no mercy or care. So ready to murder and kill in cold blood."

she said firmly. There was no way Viktoria was ever going to back out of this fight. Once he left, Viktoria pulled herself over to the bench and put all of her weight on it to lift herself up, before she almost immediately fell not very gracefully and landed on the bench. She then pulled her knees up to her chest, curling up into a ball.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Triton Kozak"]
Triton smiled as he watched the Jedi ignite his lightsaber. Triton's grin slipped into a small chuckle upon hearing the Jedi speak.

"It'd be much less work for me if you surrendered, and letting you go is no fun." The teen reached for his belt and grabbed his own lightsaber. "You caused too much trouble....first you board this ship, then you decide it'd be funny to attack the troops, and finally you get the nerve to bother me by having officers plead to me to track you down." He said, of course some of that was a exaggeration.

Triton ignited his lightsaber, with a sigh.

"I just don't understand you Jedi and wanting to save each other." Triton said as he brought his lightsaber up and smiled. The crimson glow of his lightsaber reflecting off his eyes.
[member="Viktoria Norduin"]
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
The two guards looked upon [member="Viktoria Norduin"], who continued to speak even as the door closed shut behind the Sith Knight. One of them decided to speak out, laughing at the Jedi Knight. "Jedi scum, your words prove how naive you are. Can't wait till you get fried alive." He taunted, turning his back on the force field as he paced along the cell block corridor. The other guard was positioned alone at the exit, separated from his comrade. They were nothing special, though not weak minded, not above the influence of the force. Meanwhile, Ballen-Ist continued to march down the hallways, taking the necessary turns in order to bring him closer to the turbolifts.

[member="Jakkor Kess"] and [member="Triton Kozak"] were about to do battle, and the Sith Knight could not help but ponder on the outcome of such a match up. He didn't care at all about the captive woman, figuring she was defeated for the moment. He had expected much more, but perhaps that could be changed with time. Moving with at a surprisingly patient pace, the Sith reached out with the force, slowly approaching his destination, while sensing out the flow of battle that was about to take place.
Jakkor scoffed at him raising the green blade in a two handed grip upwards reflecting off the lenses of his mask. The turbolift ticks as it reaches it's destination,and stops as Jakkor spoke in a irritated tone to the Sith standing before him. "She's no ordinary Jedi to me. She is as you might as well say my Master,and the girl I'm in love with. I already lost one master,and by the force I will not let her be taken away from me,and die on this force forsaken ship. I would rather give my life than seeing that happen!"

He then lunges for him,as the doors open. Attacking in Djem So falling avalanche strike attempting to go for his head,and uses his rage to attempt a series of Power attacks to drive him out of the lift,and to give more maneuverability in the small lift.

[member="Viktoria Norduin"]
[member="Triton Kozak"]

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
Viktoria looked over to the trooper who was intimidating her and narrowed her eyes. Oh how much she wanted to ram a lightsaber through the trooper's heart right now. All she did was sit up the best she could, leaning on her left arm and gave a smirk.

"Can't wait to see a lightsaber rammed through your chest...."

she responded to him. Then she laid back down, her eyes following him as she tried to get comfortable.. even though there was no comfortable way to lay down on that dang bench. As she watched him, she heard a mouse droid coming and decided to pick on the trooper who had taunted her. without him or the other trooper knowing, she used the force to make the mouse droid go towards the trooper and trip him to make him fall over and make a fool of himself. She giggled inwardly, hoping it worked before she then closed her eyes focusing on the force and then seeing a vision.

Viktoria saw [member="Jakkor Kess"] in the lift with [member="Triton Kozak"], a man she had never seen before. And with that, she had sensed that Jakkor had started to get on the defensive once more for her and then he said something no master would have expected from their Padawan.. none the less a Padawan that was pretty close in age with her.. but from him, she had just been waiting for it. Within a few seconds later, she saw Jakkor take a strike at the other Sith and the vision ended. She then just rolled over on the bench and decided it would probably be best to try and sleep a little bit and try to regain some of her strength.


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