Jakkor was very surprised by the evasive actions of [member="Ballen-Ist"] attempting another series of attacks,but was too late as he then saw him take on the acrobatic approach of Form IV,and that was one form the Tusken absolutely hated the most. Within in seconds as if it were a flash he got behind Jakkor,and as he was turning around to deliver a swift counter attack he saw that the sith had his hand out open palmed,and extended then he was sent flying into [member="Viktoria Norduin"] his sabers deactivating but still clenched tightly in his hands.
After a second he got up,and after some quick thinking he decided that he could not fight forever,and being a Jedi their first duty was to preserve life,and he wanted to do just that by saving his Master. He turned around and with one of his saber hands he sent a powerful force push knocking several stormtroopers down on the ground,and began to sprint towards the new path that was opened to the turbolifts. The stormtroopers immediately began firing on the Tusken Padawan who in turn returned in kind by reactivating his sabers,and went into a Form III approach deflecting as many blaster bolts as he can,and some managed to bounce back at their shooters while he did land quick decisive slices on any trooper in his path.
When he was sure that a path was clear to the turbolifts he standing next to one,and fidgeting with the controls,and waiting for it to arrive at it's destination. He shouted at Viktoria the desperation clear in his tone of voice. "Master! Please come on the way is clear. Please come quickly Now!"
[member="Triton Kozak"]