Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unpopular Star Wars Opinions

Here goes a lot of stuff:

  • Palpatine, for all his villainy and speciesist BS, might have indirectly been correct about saving the universe from a greater extragalactic threat.
  • Hayden Christiansen gets a bum rap for being horribly directed. I mean, even Sam Jackson and Natalie Portman couldn't work their way through this material--how much can you blame Hayden.
  • Lucas has serious issues with his writing in regards to women. Everyone of them is either expendable or a damsel in distress gimmick or both. This carries over to the Indiana Jones movies, too.
  • Mace Windu's pimpsaber is Jackson's own request. The only black guy in the original movies being a manipulative criminal mastermind who stabs everyone in the back repeatedly and i so smooth he's a walkig blaxploitation trope, however, is all on Lucas.
  • I don't care much about CGI against muppets. I care more about plot holes made by the sequels.
  • Can we just admit, deep down, that Anakin and Palpatine's inability to even consider checking in on the one planet where Anakin could have had family, was a massive, massive oversight?
  • This was also bothersome to me during the Clone Wars. "Huh, some guy is militarizing all the things with an army that was prepared in secret a long time ago. Maybe a background check on Palpatine is in order?"
  • Gungans are kinda goofy in general, and their crappy fake Jamaican pidgin speak is patronizing.
  • Absolutely nothing about how any of the ships work make a lick of sense, and while it's competitively annoying, it's okay. Vehicles don't work right in action movies.
  • Podracing was a cool concept, and probably one of my favorite scenes in the prequels.
  • Droid armies were cooler than stormtroopers.
  • Obi-wan should have changed his last name as well while hiding out in space Arizona.
  • The duels were better in the prequels not because of character skill, but because of a real budget.
  • Even in the original trilogy, the acting was hit-and-miss and the direction was awful at times.
  • It's more than a little screwed up that Luke had a thing for his sister, and that everyone in the series pretends it didn't happen.
  • The ewoks weren't that bad in the movies. Getting their own crappy movies and a spin-off tv show, however, was a mistake.
  • Darth Maul was cool in both design and function, and I was kinda happy they brought him back for the clone wars.
  • Yoda probably has some of the worst crap in the prequels, going from the wise sage to the putz who can never think long-term.
  • Spaceballs is actually not as good as Galaxy quest, although you should still watch both.
  • I'm looking forward to Abrams at the wheel, since he actually puts effort into stuff.
  • I hope the new movies don't get too heavy on the nostalgia. I want a new story in a galaxy far, far, away.
  • I think the Force Unleashed games are fun as hell. I dislike the plot, but what can you do.
  • Battlefronts is, and will likely continue to be, my favorite Star Wars game.
  • Masters of Teras Kasi is a perfect example of a great idea executed so badly it hurts my very heart.

Okay, I'm done now.
What I think is the best part and most disregarded part of star wars, is the action by one big-ass army/navy to another. Everyone sees it and goes"Ok, but I want to see some jedi who push stuff with invisible wind, and wack a glowstick against somebody who looks evil, but is really good in the end." I mean why watch that when you can watch a freaking hour of clones v. droids or stormies v. rich terrorists. But my views are not shared as widely as others.
The EU is better off retconned. I mean, boba fett fell into a sarlacc 3 freaking times if you follow the EU. That's just painting one of the series greatest badasses as a complete idiot, and that isn't even the greatest travesty of the EU


Well-Known Member
Sarge Potteiger said:
Mando'a is seriously the worst thing ever. If you're going to make a language, see it through. Otherwise, you're just going to give me a headache.
Yeah when I tried using mandalorian in my post, it was annoying when words were missing. Atleast Tolkien saw each language to its end Inc alphabet and grammar. Though grammar is only created to annoy people with dyslexia.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
William Kerkov said:
What I think is the best part and most disregarded part of star wars, is the action by one big-ass army/navy to another. Everyone sees it and goes"Ok, but I want to see some jedi who push stuff with invisible wind, and wack a glowstick against somebody who looks evil, but is really good in the end." I mean why watch that when you can watch a freaking hour of clones v. droids or stormies v. rich terrorists. But my views are not shared as widely as others.
The Rogue Squadron movie should be great. No Force users at all. Just the Empire and the Rebellion! Looking forward to it!
Unpopular opinion?

The prequels weren't bad in the slightest. Episode 1 had to be the beginning of the story of Anakin and therefore couldn't have a galaxy spanning plot. Jar Jar was regrettable, but I think possibly necessary. Episode 2 was a little confused with itself, but also not bad, they needed to show that something was wrong with old Ani's head. He slaughters a tribe of sand people and falls in love with a politician, paving the way for his fall in Episode 3. Episode 3 was by far the greatest of the movies, prequel and original. It had the best saber fights, the best scene work and it told the story of the fall of hope into despair. Taking 3 by itself, Ani's fall makes no sense, but when you add in that he is a momma's boy with serious psychological trauma that no one took care of ever and that he already has no issue flaunting the rules of the order, his fall not only makes sense, it had been happening since the beginning.

Episode 3 was full of small things that made lots of other things better. Jar Jar put forth the motion that Palpatine be made all powerful, likely the culmination of a long term plot by Palpatine to gain said power. The foresight of the Jedi was hidden by the Dark side, but Palpatine would have had no such issues. He could easily place Jar Jar in Qui Gon and Obi-Wan's way, have them introduce him to the 'savior' and gain the trust of the current Queen of Naboo and future senator. Naboo, which is the planet Palpatine is from, also being the place where the voice crying for him to rise to ultimate power comes from being a coincidence? When Palpatine is a seriously powerful Sith Lord of the line of Sith Lords that hid from the Jedi for centuries upon centuries? Not likely.

Another thing from Episode 3? Palpatine killed Padme. He had learned how to manipulate the midichlorians to have control over life and death from Plageius, and he used the life force from Padme to keep Anakin alive through a seriously dangerous amount of surgery.

Also, Midichlorians? Awesome. They bring science into Star Wars without any real detrimental effect. Anything else I say about this subject could be potentially inflammatory to some people.

The original trilogy, needs to be redone with new tech, they're doing it to everything else in the world, do it to Star Wars.

I am worried about Abrams with Episode 7. He turned Star Trek away from it's canon direction into a handful of action flicks, though I think that is more appropriate for Star Wars.
<_< Actually, no. I haven't read the book in a while, but if I remember correctly, you don't learn until later on that Palaptine is the reason for her 'deep' inner hatred for Luke, and it was at a moment where she could have killed him. Instead, you get a list of 'handwaveisms' on why that's not going to happen, and how her personal vendetta, isn't actually her personal vendetta.

Then to make her 'feel' better, and make this uncontrollable hatred leave her, she kills clone Luke.

She had legitimate reasons to hate Luke outside of Palpatine, and I feel like this was just a cheap way to get her ready to be 'wifey' later. There were other routes for redemption that they could have gone.
I didn't like the fight choreography of the prequels, I felt the effects over shadowed most of the action and it was too fast to appreciate any of the moves other than the pointless flips, only to pause to hear a cringe worthy line "From my point of view the Jedi are evil". The only thing I can say for it was "It was fast", but I would've watched an animated feature if I wanted to see speedlines.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
skin, bone, and arrogance
Olom Grihk said:
  • Lucas has serious issues with his writing in regards to women. Everyone of them is either expendable or a damsel in distress gimmick or both. This carries over to the Indiana Jones movies, too.
Disclaimer: I don't think Lucas is a great writer. He's good with themes and over-arching whatever, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty writing, he's not very good. That being said...

I can't speak to the inspiration for Star Wars (though I'm assuming that business about feudal Japan is right), but re: Indiana Jones, the films were deliberately written to mimic the pulp fiction of the 1930s (when the originals were out) and the 1950s (Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). The notion that Lucas created these characters that way because misogyny is absurd. Your quarrel is with the literary world of pulp fiction's treatment of women characters, not Lucas' writing.

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