Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unpopular Star Wars Opinions

George Lucas is digital filmings biggest advocate. Had the technology of today existed in the 70's, prequel bashers would be singing a different tune. Star Wars has been just as much about technological innovation, if not more, in film as it is about the story. Disney is about profit pure and simple. If you thought the prequels where bad....hold on to your bedpans. Where about to get a heap of Disney marketed, repackaged, bullcrap forced down our throats for the next infinity and beyond.
Atara Themis said:
George Lucas is digital filmings biggest advocate. Had the technology of today existed in the 70's, prequel bashers would be singing a different tune. Star Wars has been just as much about technological innovation, if not more, in film as it is about the story. Disney is about profit pure and simple. If you thought the prequels where bad....hold on to your bedpans. Where about to get a heap of Disney marketed, repackaged, bullcrap forced down our throats for the next infinity and beyond.

Had today's technology existed back then, Star Wars would have been nothing special in this regard. Part of the charm of the originals were the amazing things that Lucas was able to do with live sets, props and models, things which at that point in time had never been done before. His use of CGI in the prequels is actually rather poorly executed, and in fact quite crappy looking when compared to other modern movies that specialize in this. Most of the CGI in the prequels is already forgettable, precisely because it is so sterile and lifeless, devoid of the organic grit that the real sets and models the originals provided.

"Disney is about profit pure and simple" - and George Lucas wasn't?

Jasper Felinus

Rock Kitty with tenure at the U of F
Atara Themis said:
Box office success doesn't make a film good, if it did we would all be singing the praises of the prequels and binge watching Fifty Shades of Grey.
Not to say people already don't...

But they know it's wrong and they shut themselves away first.
The Rebels were the bad guys. They're a bunch of terrorists trying to disrupt order.

And the Seppies were the good guys. They were a group of planets breaking off from the corrupt Republic and its Senate to build it all over again, with no bribes, corruption and with a more stable economy. And they didn't use a slave army like the Republic did.
1. Luke is almost more of a whiner than Frodo.

2. The Empire did nothing wrong and the Rebels were just terrorists skewing our view of a regular government and turning into an oppressive tyranny.

3. It was not a trap
BX-1138 said:
The Rebels were the bad guys. They're a bunch of terrorists trying to disrupt order.

And the Seppies were the good guys. They were a group of planets breaking off from the corrupt Republic and its Senate to build it all over again, with no bribes, corruption and with a more stable economy. And they didn't use a slave army like the Republic did.
That’s kind of hard to consider them slaves when the clones were “programmed” to fight and willing to fight anyways since a lot of them grew up with Mandalorian influences.

You may as well say the Seps had a slave army themselves considering their droids were also programmed to fight in the war. And yes, droid’s are technically seen as slaves in the eyes of most in the StarWars Universe.

And I blame Palpatine and his influential nature for all that corruption. :p

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