Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Uptown Funk

Level: 4017

"Oy, wait so I'm confused. Is it State of the Dark Empire or Dark Empire that's here?"

"Gully, I just," fingers rubbed at her temples as the bright pink looped straw from her Spira Hurricane poked at her lips. Elbows propped up on the cantina's bartop. Coated in probably as many layers of stickiness and grime as there were Coruscant city levels. "Need to finish my drank drrrrr- drienk. Kay?" Skyler's hazel eyes didn't even look over at her twi'lek companion. Gully was the practical one. Large. He was also the muscle.

And HE was decidedly sober.

"Sky. How're you going to meet the buyer like that?" She could feel Gully's hard gaze on her.

Giving up on connecting the straw with her mouth, she turned her head. "It wars-where-wearzz off fast." A saccharine smile at her companion before she turned her head again, found the straw of her drink and gave a slurp.

"They're getting that bad, huh?" Gully wasn't deterred even though he should be looking at the door. Looking for their buyer to come in. Thinking about what kind of cargo this job would entail. All they had to do was smuggle it off in the middle of an invasion. Easy-peasy lemony-squeezy.

Sky ignored Gully's question, giving her drink one more loud sluuurp.

So, goal was simple. Go in. Chat it up a bit. Detail the type of cargo required to ship out, discuss what sort of credits this will burn his wallet, and the best way to smuggle it out.

Simple, right?

Well, maybe not so, Drifter sighed, his polarized helm stared at the pair at the pair. Alex had already mentioned where and who the contact would be. Some girl and a big honking Twi'lek. She didn't say that it would be the drunken Twinkletoes Skyler Skyler he'd met years back that was a little too potshotty for his taste.

And by the number of slurs as she spoke, still hitting the bottle hard.

Coming up behind them, he crossed his arms over his chest, the metallic vibrato of his voice patching through his comm as he said, [ Welp, I'd say she is getting that bad. At this point I ain't so confident you are sober enough to get this job done. ]

Of all the jobs in all the galaxy it had to be this guy. Mister comm-voice. The straw slid none-too-prettily from Skyler's puckered lips. Gully's sharp gaze turned to Drifter Drifter . Being the professional among the two. Sizing him up and checking to make sure he matched the description the client had given them.

Skyler spun in her stool and flipped some dark purple-hair over one shoulder.

She squinted as if having a hard time seeing drifter among the multiples. She drew a long breath but Gully cut her off, standing, his height impressive, putting a hand between himself and Drifter. "She'll be fine," he said. "It shakes off."

And he wasn't wrong. The problem was, alcohol didn't stick like it used to. She'd be having those visions again soon. And she wasn't looking forward to it. At least they usually helped with these jobs as long as she kept her sanity.

Skyler rolled her eyes but kept her attention on Drifter, that bartop against her mid-back. Elbows propped behind her. Real casual-like.

"I'm Gully and this is-" the twi'lek began.

"Fancccy seeing ur-yu-you here." Skyler smirked as Gully cringed.

"You already know each other?" The twi'lek looked between them.


Tag: Skyler Skyler
A heavy snort of disbelief shot from the Hunter, the man bracing his legs about a foot apart and shaking his helm as if humoring Gully's assurance. [ Yeah, shakes it off alright. Right into her next Tatooine Sunrise. ]

Sure, big, buff Tailhead here was quick to give assurances, but Drifter had a great memory in that Twinkletoes's only redeeming feature was that she could at least hit the target she was aiming for -- if one didn't mind an extra few holes on the furniture.

[ Nice to meet'cha, Gully. ] Drifter gave a slight wave of his hand in greeting towards the Twi'lek, while that polarized helm stared at Skylar. Nothing like seeing her own reflection stare back at her, her attempts at trying to seem casual, showing that her slurred smirk may not have been the best foot forward to show just how sober she was at this point.

A dark brow rose under the helm. You either get them pretty with baggage or pretty and second-guessing every single action.

Grea-at, came the sarcastic mental roll of his eyes.

[ Oh, I know Twinkletoes here well. She practically almost burned a hole in my hide the last time around. ] It was clear that it wasn't such a fond memory. Yet, beggars couldn't be choosers, and he was running on a tight schedule and an even tighter budget.

[ Hmm, yes, I know fancy. Can't miss my charming mug. How about you start slipping in a bit more water and maybe we can start talking business. ]

A pause. Then his helm and shoulders moved with a subtle gesture of, or keep on drinking.

Feth, she looked good. The smirk remained on her lips even as she stared at her own reflection. "How do I know your mug is charming? You awways have tha-thad on." Sky quipped and pointed to Drifter Drifter 's helm as Gully ran a hand down his tired face. Seeing where this would go real quickly unless he intervened.

He tipped his chin toward a booth that had just been vacated by a bunch rodians.

"Let's chat over there. Less exposed, yeah?" His strong arm went beneath one of Sky's armpit's and tugged her upward and off that stool. He motioned for the bartender to send over a pitcher of water and half dragged his companion to the booth, sliding her in before him and snugly in the middle, sitting across from Drifter if he chose to join them.

"So what do you need smuggled off this world?" Gully was all business. Sky swatted away his hand even as she settled into the booth. Arms crossed over her stomach as her head lulled back against the padding of the booth.

"We dern't-don't have much time. Blockade will be in place ser-soon." Sky muttered to the males.

[ Well, Twinkletoes, takes some work to see this good looking mug on mine. Besides... ] that polarized helm would drift over Skyler Skyler with amusement, [ I'd like the girl to be able to remember such an occasion. ] indicating that her level of intoxication likely meant she had trouble remembering much. Then again, that was the point with Skyler that Drifter had no clue about. The intent to block it all out.

A nod in agreement at Gully and the trio headed -- well, Drifter and Gully walked while the big Twi'lek seemed to drag Skyler over to the booth. He chose to slide into the booth across from them, hands gesticulating along with his elbows as he commented, [ Oh, sorry mate, more elbow room here, you see? Besides, history has proven one has to keep an eye on this one incase she decides to send pot shots at random. ]

With the discussion of business - and Skylar lolling her head back in seemingly inebriated indifference - Drifter raised his hands, tenting them.

[ Oh, well, how much cargo space can you hold? And is it temperature controlled? ] he asked, wondering. He would have done this job himself, but hey, his ship only had so much room. ​

history has proven one has to keep an eye on this one incase she decides to send pot shots at random.
Skyler huffed, gaze still pointedly on the ceiling. "I amred-aimremd, AIMED just fine, thank you VERY much." And with that, she raised her hands and pointed her fingers like guns in the air. "Peow-peow," left her mouth as she 'aimed' her fingers in Drifter Drifter 's general direction.

Gully ignored it all and said, "We've got a YT-1300 Corellian light freighter. I know it's old school but it gets the job done. Plenty of cargo space. It's climate controlled. Living cargo will cost extra."

Skyler frowned this time.

She wasn't in the business of trading slaves. Even if they needed the credit. She hoped helm-boy understood they were talking creatures of exotic plants. Head shifted as she looked to Drifter, her fingers lowering. She looked back at the bar, noticing a cup of water there. Funny. The more she stared at it, it seemed to move an inch.


Must be the Spira Hurricane.

"You want to come see the ship?" Gully offered as Sky's gaze turned away from the water and back to their customer. Mysterious helmet man.

Behind his helm, Drifter gave a series of blinks, his head giving a slight bemused swivel at Skyler Skyler 's drunken finger guns at his direction. [ Right, sweetcheeks, the last thing I need in this run is you finding yourself diner because you decided to go stumbling by the cargo. ]

Which made it evident that they were talking about live cargo at that.

[ Why Tee Thirteenhundreed. Perfect. That cargo size will do just fine. As long as you can strap this bad boy down and don't play with it .. it... should be fine. Yeah fine. ] It was evident Drifter was musing on the entire situation.

[ I got 'em in a cage that should keep 'em from wandering, but -- and listen to me carefully - you must promise you will not mess with the cargo and what I say goes. ] He levied a look between the Twi'lek towards Twinkletoes.

[ You do right, take 'em from point Auresh to point Besh, and you'll get yourself a sweet piece of the delivery fee. ] Honestly, he'd have done this himself, but he did not have the cargo space for what he needed others to ship. A flock of goats, sure... a trio of Rather triplets hatchlings... not so much.

[ We leave, I can get give you the coordinates on where to show. I'll come with you to make sure you stick to what you are supposed to do. ] he could get his companion to make sure his ship would follow.

[ But we got to leave in the next hour; no later. ]

"Eyy," Sky leaned forward on the table, nearly knocking over the glass of water that a serving droid just placed on the table. Gully snatched a hand forward - keeping it upright. A long-suffering sigh escaping his mouth even as his attention shifted from Drifter to his data pad. "I gib the permision to lerk at my cheeks. God it, Canny?" Thumb hooked at her chest.

Hazel eyes stared back at her own reflection from afar in Drifter's Helm. And for one moment, there was a look of clarity in her gaze as if she knew a tiny secret about him. And a scrunch of her brows in surprise.

"Drink," Gully interrupted, pressing the cup of water into Sky's hand. "Okay. Live, dangerous cargo sounds like. Just sent you an updated contract and our docking coordinates. There'll be an extra room and board charge for having you along but have it signed when we meet you and we'll be golden." The muscled twi'lek gave Sky a sideways look. "We can be ready in the hour. Right Sky?"

Slurping water, she slammed the mostly empty cup down, sending a small splash of water upward that dribbled over her fingers and wrist.

"Wait. He's combing? Irm not sharing rooms." Gully stood up from the booth and reached an arm out to tug Skyler back out and up to her feet, tucking her firmly beneath one arm and into his side. If he thought he could get away with covering her mouth he might've done just that.

"We'll chat about it later, yeah?" Sky peeked around the bulk of the twi'lek and pointed two fingers from her eyes to Drifter in an 'I'm watching you gesture.' The cup from the table suddenly knocked over by an invisible force and clattered to the ground behind them, easily missed in the boisterous atmosphere as the band picked up a new tune.

[ Well, if you are offering the view of your cheeks, I ain't stopping you. I will, however, grab a hold of those cheeks if you decide to dive headfirst into a critter's mouth. ] Drifter shot back to Skyler Skyler , his tone of voice heavily amused despite the metallic resonance his helm gave him.

Swiveling a look to Gully, as the big Twi'lek appeared to be the most sensible - and sober - out of the two, Drifter reached out to shake his hand with a firm grip.

[ Perfect. I'll send the info now to the comm number I got from you from earlier. ]
trying his best to ignore the massively loud slurping noise from the drunkie.

[ Chat? No so sure you'll remember this Twinkle toes. ] he shot back with a scoff, adding, for hilarity's sake, [ Hey, maybe make sure she's locked up tight in her room. I've learned with women they are less trouble if you keep 'em in bed. ] the cant of his head of his polarized helm gave a saucy cant, knowing full well how that could be twisted.

Either way, they now had a plan. Getting to his feet, he gave a mock head salute and headed out. It was time to get the babies to their temporary abode for the next few days. Then cash in on all those lovely credits.

What could possibly go wrong?

In hindsight, Drifter should have known than to think that.

At the meeting site...

[ Okay, I know it looks bad. But .. but... work with me... Think of the cash out. Eh, eh!? ] Driter held his arms and hands up as if to say, come on, you know I am right, trying his best to convince Gully and Skye that the large, wiggling crate looming behind him was totally safe. It just had three Rather hatchlings that had to be periodically fed.

[ I'll take care of the feeding... you just gotta play transport. I'll stay real close to them and make sure no one -- ]
a pointed look would shine that polarized mirrored vizor at Skye's direction, [ Decides to get a little too friendly, and we head on down to Nal Hutta nice and easy... and uh, avoid Alliance patrols and all. ]

He took a step forward and gestured with his hand. [ Think about it. I'm talking twenty percent of the profits, plus you don't have to feed them. ] nevermind that feeding them meant that a crate of live Nuna's was also part of the deal.

Gully rubbed at his chin and stared at the massive moving crate behind Drifter. Sky was by his side, hip cocked to the right and one hand on it with elbow crooked. She was more sober than she had been an hour ago.

Much to her dismay.

Much to Gully's answered prayers to the Hyperlane goddess.

Head swiveled to her partner even as she winced at the movement. Getting back to sobriety was a real kriffin' ache in her head. And things would only...escalate. "I dunno. What if they did get loose?"

Gully mumbled back beneath his breath. "There's a clause in the contract for that. He's coming with us, Sky. How bad could it be?"

"I'm not cleaning the nuna chit, feathers or guts."

"We'll get the protocol droid to do it."

"What if I said I saw-"

"Don't. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. We need the credits. We need this job and look up." Gully finished and Sky didn't have to look up. She just had to look around. People were scrambling to get out of dodge. War was breaking down this door. If they chatted too much longer they wouldn't even get off this planet.

"Fine," Sky huffed. "But I don't have to like it."

Finally, their attention returned to Drifter. Sky raised her voice. "You seem so concerned for me. It's almost like you care," a fast, dry quip. "We want thirty percent." She swayed slightly, unsure if the floor was actually moving or she was.

Yup, not a hundred percent sober yet.

"I'll start the ship and get things loaded. You TWO figure this out," the twi'lek motioned between the two of them and turned, heading up the ramp.


Of course, Drunkie would object, Drifter mused, crossing his arms over his broad chest, taking a half-cocked stance that clearly reflected his amusement at the hungover Skyler Skyler . Well, at least she listened to getting cleaned up.

The woman clearly had a drinking issue, but it wasn't his Kowakian Monkey or his zoo. He had his priorities: finding his sister, Kai, and getting the credits to fund his investigations and search. At one time, he'd let another in and tried his best to help her out -- needless to say, that didn't end up working out so well and landed him with a scar that slashed from a few inches off his upper right hip down to his side.

[ Look, sweetheart, I caught 'em and I can catch 'em if they get loose - but it won't be a problem as long as no one is idiotic enough to try and mess with the locks to try and pet one. I'll feed 'em and make sure they don't go tumbling around trying to take a bite. Follow my rules and no one is gonna get hurt. ] That Drifter had been able to capture three Rather hatchlings was a significant undertaking in and of it self -- it meant that the Hunter was well used to having to deal with dangerous critters, and odds were, he meant what he said.

When Gully lambasted the woman, Drifter felt a little bad, but he could smell the desperation of the Twi'lek, when funds were low and time was of the essence.

Of course, here came the haggling.

Drifter's polarized helm drew back as if Skyler's haggle was a personal affront. He brought a hand to his chest and took a step back.

[ Thirty? Thirty? Are you kidding? I'm the one who will be feeding them and making sure they stay put. You're my courier service taking me from Auresh to Besh. Twenty-five is the most you'll get. ] Might as well go to the percentage Drifter was willing. It was more than twenty percent and should make the pair feel as if they got something out of haggling.

Cause really, they had to leave as soon as possible.

If Gully agreed, Drifter would activate the repulsors on the crate to get the jiggling, shaking crate of slathering Rather's up onto the ship. Well, that's what Drifter thought, until the Twi'lek left, and now he had to deal with the hungover chick.

Greaaaat. This ought to be good.

[Twenty-Five, Twinkletoes. Ain't moving from that. ]

is idiotic enough to try and mess with the locks to try and pet one.
She huffed in indignation, arms coming to cross over her stomach. Head canted to the side and those big brown eyes of hers narrowed on his helm.

"YOUR rules?" She snorted. "You're about to come on MY ship." Gully was already getting the droids to move toward those live boxes and the hold opened. The ship's hydraulics activated, sending a burst of warm air at Skyler's back, flipping her dark purple-streaked hair over her face and blinding her momentarily. She sputtered and gave a quick hairflip.

"Fine. TWENTY-FIVE percent helm-man. You feed them AND clean-up after them and we've got a deal." She turned and wobbled at the sudden fast (not really fast at all) movement and began traipsing up the ramp of the ship. A hand waved over her shoulder.

"C'mon. Chip-chop-chip. Time's and credits are a-wasting. Let's go twinkleboots." A rogue-ish smirk briefly painted her lips, quite proud at herself for that quip. "I'll give you a tour."

Another wobble as by the grace of the hyperlane gods she made it up the ramp without face planting.


Under his helm, Drifter was oh so pleased at the turn out of events. He got exactly what he wanted despite the feisty drunkie trying to lord her ship over his head. Crossing his arms over his chest once more, he gave an amused snort then chuckled as he watched Skyler Skyler sway and stumble her way up the ramp.

[ Right. Your ship. The same one you are about to face plant on, sweetheart. How about you get a cup of caf to clear up the cobwebs. ] he shot back, the crate of Rather hatchlings wiggling as the repulsors began to follow the Vahla up.

[ But if you’re already giving me a tour of your place already… guess I’m gettin that cup of caf instead. Three sugars and cream please! ] he quipped at her, following close enough behind to make sure the crate wouldn’t have issues and maybe to catch one Drunkie from making out with the durasteel deck.

[I hope that also means you’ll feed and bed me right? ] as in room and board but it was amusing enough to play with the words, the mirrored visor delightfully showing the backend of the Vahla’s reflection.

Oh this will be good. Nothing like getting a reaction out of a woman.

A feisty one at that.

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As they walked up the ramp and further into the belly of the ship, Drifter would notice the random inspirational posters hanging around any free spots. One showed a few jawas over a pile of salvage and had the following printed:

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Another showed a wide-open hyperspace lane and said:

Persistence is a secret weapon for everyone.

They were Gully's. He had a thing for them and well, Skyler was one to share her ship so he felt more at home. "Oy," hand waved behind her as she presumed Drifter was following. "Pffffffft. What do I look like a maintenance droid to you?" She huffed as she waved a hand at him without turning around, presuming Drifter was following especially by the sound of those cages rattlin' not too far behind.

"Mister I can catch rathtars but can't get myself a cup of caf," she teased in a sing-songy voice.

She stopped abruptly as he mouthed off that last line and spun around. A little too fast as the corridors of the ship spun and so did some poster word about Success.


"EXCUSE me?" She teetered and swayed. Drifter went sideways or wait, she was going sideways. Oh chit, yeah, she was going down.


[Oh, I can get myself a cup of caf just fine; I just rather prefer the view of you getting it - as long as you don't spill it. ] Drifter quipped back, the polarized helm hiding the avid scoundrel's amusement that would carve his swarthy features but was unmistakable through the modulized speakers of his helm.

He was eating her reaction up.

As if the Gods were so deemed to make this an even more entertaining sight, Skyler Skyler whipped around, her hair flying as her tanned expression flushed in aggravation, the Nine Hell's in her eyes as she screetched out, "Excuse me!!?"

Only to delightfully - and predictably - sway and tumble to the side. Really, it was just made for him to step forward with the scandalous charm he inherited from his father, slipping quickly to catch Skyler in his grasp, broad hands firmly grasping at her lower back and hip to steady herself. There was certain strength in his grip, and this time, he was close enough to feel the heat of his body through the leather armor he wore.

[ I know I'm quite the catch, but no need to fall at my feet, Twinkletoes. ] He quipped, his helm moving to reflect the expression the woman would make.

He let her steady on her feet, but there was no stopping his bit of fun. [ Don't worry, you're excused. ]

[ So about that caf?]

The oracle Vahla hung suspended by his grip, one hand instinctively snaking around his bicep. Another the back of his other elbow. Chit, he felt strong.

Her expression shifted from surprise to incredulity. Hazels rolled even as she stared at her own reflection in his shiny helm. “Listen pal,” a huff of air as she got her feet back under her. She went to shove off his warmth.

“You…,” voice trailed off as a circle of Violet began to glow outside the ring of hazels on her eyes. Instead of staring at drifter she seemed to look past him. As if she was in a completely different place and he wasn’t even there. The force would roar through her veins. She saw three other girls and she knew they were sisters. And a young boy with an ever-growing smirk on his face. And eyes the color between a Tatooine sunset and sandstone honey. But there was a shadow that clung to him. A darkness that ached and wanted to consume. And then the darkness looked at her.

The glow in her eyes faded and she blinked, refocusing.

“Your eyes,” she whispered. Irony considering what hers had just looked like. Feth. Had he noticed anything? How long had she disappeared this time?


Drifter had his fair share of experiences with different flavors of the Force. They all felt different and to be honest, there were a few he couldn’t really pick up well. His sister Kai did great with droids and machines. While the other two excelled at beast taming and Force use. He just ended with a few items he was good at, and that had required picking the head of a few hermits and master craftsmen as he traveled around the universe.

The hoodoo going on with the brightening of the glow of Skyler Skyler ’s violet eyes was telling, as was the way the Force would churn around her. She’d seems to glaze over in her expression, and an arch rose under his helm as he half wanted to make a comment that she really was hitting the bottle too hard if she’s looking and stumbling into his arms just so.

But her rather off comment about his eyes when she hadn’t event seen his combined with the Force use let him know odds were, the girl was a force sensitive of sorts. If she went all limp and glassy eyed like that, then that could mean a handful of things. They had touched but it didn’t seem like she was psychometric.

Not that the thought of getting a glimpse of what he could pull off her clothes wasn’t tempting but that was a bit too rude. Also, if she did use the Force in someway to read him without his consent, well that was a rather bold move.

[ Yeah. I told you, they are pretty. Just like the rest of me. ] he quipped with a crooked grin, voice painting his expression. Another woman has persistently had wanted to see his eyes to check if he was a Sith before. The nagging had become rather annoying to the point he made an effort to never take of the helm around her. And even though he went out of his way to help the soldier out, she was still suspicious. Maybe that still made him a little bitter.

[ So. You gonna get that caf and continue the tour or are you that anxious to get up close and personal and see me flutter my lashes your way, Twinkletoes?]

The Rathers crate was set inside. Gully was securing it in place. Wouldn’t be long before the engines started up and they could burn lines in the sky.

Drifter’s fingers flexed against her hip and his tone took an amused but serious glint to it, [ But if your gonna read me with the Force without asking, expect to get it right back… and trust me, my mind will get all those delightful little images in highMAX color. ]

Sky didn't know what she'd been expecting but the way his quips didn't miss a beat set any wariness on her part more at east. Even as his fingers flexed on her hips. Oh right.

She didn't want to be a bleating lamb and admit that she couldn't control these visions. That they came crashing down on her like the waves on Ceto. Not with that smugness behind his helm. With a swipe of one hand, she shooed off his grip but didn't step back. Not yet. "You know, I really am impressed," her hand lifted and her index finger would go to jab him lightly in the chest.

A sober part of her warned that it wasn't a good idea. He'd just admitted he was a force user. And one who could actually control it.

"With lines like that you must use an extra polish to keep your helm clean from all the slap marks that collect against that glass. You probably make your bed every morning too, then huh? A nice and tidy man." That finger jabbing into his chest would lower as she stepped back and went to turn around.

This time more slowly to lead the way back down the corridor that split in a few different directions.

A smirk over her shoulder at his next line as she would lead the way further into the ship.

"And don't promise me with a good time." Hips swayed as she walked. "Alright pretty boy. Here's the lounge." There were a few hover seats and sofas. All in decent condition with even a throw-blanket over the top. A sabaac table. A counter lining the wall with a caf machine and assortment of mugs from her travels tucked away in a shelf against the ship.

"Cargo will go that'a'way. Refresher is that way. You'll be sleeping there." On the couch not her bed. "Small cantina is attached to the lounge. That way is the cockpit and that way are the other quarters."

She said the next party sternly.

"And off limits."


Drifter didn't even budge with the poke Skyler Skyler landed on his chest, far more highly amused by the way the woman seemed to dig her own holes with the phrases and uses of words she used to try and one-up him on quips.

A hearty chuckle and that helm gave a scoundrel cant to the right, the devil in his tongue as the man quipped right back, [ Nah, no slaps, just lipstick. ] he joked, although there had been that one time in Zeltros when he woke up to his visor being covered by a multitude of lipstick marks.

[And I mean, if you're offering to make my bed instead, I reckon I'm easy to convince. ] this was too much fun, letting her go so she could sway and stumble her way along the corridor.

All in all, not a bad layout of a ship. Skyler summed it up nicely, even if she had finished it off with her whole off-limits commentary, to which he added.

[ I ain't the one asking to be tempted with a good time if you're talking about off limits. ] either way, this was good enough. He knew where his cabin would be at and now, with the Rathers secured, should be good to go. He only had a small duffel on him, as he wasn't expecting this to go too sideways. All he had to do now was send confirmation to Alex, and she would fly Kalee's Shadow to their rendezvous point to meet them there.

[ Well, guess I'll get myself settled. Let me know if you need me for anything. ]
he brought up two fingers in a mock salute. As fun as this was, it was evident that the woman needed to hydrate herself and perhaps get some food in her belly. If she was tripping overherself this much, then she'd need some rest.


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