Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Uptown Funk

Fire eyes was sleeping on the hover couch. There was a blanket there and she saw that Gully put a pillow out. That twi'lek really know how to add the home touches.

The intercomm of the ship crackled to life. "Sky, you're needed in the cockpit."

Gully's voice reached her ears.

A pink and purple astromech wheeled into the lounge area and warbled at Drifter Drifter . Sky grinned and shook her head, grabbing a therma-water. "This is Nan. You need anything, let it know. Anything within REASON." She appended. Turning, Sky swaggered down the corridor and made her way to the cockpit.

She could hear the rathtars cages even from here. Hissing and rattling that medal. If those things got out and ruined her ship, she'd have more than words with Pretty Boy Fire Eyes. But something beyond the drunken haze that was slowly wearing off urged her to trust him.

A few hours later with some impressive semi-drunk ship maneuvers, they'd made it past the warships pouring into Coruscant and jumped to hyperspace. Gully put the ship on auto-pilot and silently hefted a lightly-snoring Sky from the pilot's seat, carrying her princess-style down the hall, as if he'd done it a thousand times before. He'd go past where Drifter was on the way to Sky's cabin.


Skyler's Ship

As it was, things happened along with a good rhythm once Skyler Skyler went on to get herself some much needed sobering rest and Drifter was able to check out the ship and his surroundings. His 'cabin' was to be the couch with a pillow and a blanket, but the Hunter had slept through worse scenarios - wasn't the first time he was cast to the Kathhound couch if you knew what he meant.

Ultimately, the man didn't get the caf, and he spent his time bullshitting with Nan. Or trying to. One can only bullshit so much with a droid. Some of them were allowed to keep their quirky personalities, others not so much, getting regular wipes to keep them in line.

In the meantime, Drifter made sure the babies were settling in nicely, tossing them a fresh Nuna for them to enjoy. Good thing neither Gully or Skyler were around, he wasn't sure how queasy the splatter, squals, and slurping sounds of the babies finishing off their kill would be handled by the Twi'lek's or the girl's stomach.

As it was, he now sat observing in front of the secured cage, pulling up his datapad and catching up to some holomails and the like, especially looking at what other bounty boards or requisitions there were. If he could start planning what to do after this delivery, all the better.

At least, until he caught Gully's massive bulk moving Skyler in his arms all princess style.

Unable to help himself, the Hunter added, [ Oh, the Princess couldn't hang? ] he quipped, amused.

[ Not surprised, with how much she was throwing those drinks back. ]

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Gully paused in the ship's corridor. A careful eye over Drifter's shoulder at those cages beyond. Were those Nuna feathers all over the just cleaned deck?! The twi'lek's lips pressed into a thin line. Then frowned further at the guy's quip.

He stepped forward, still keeping Sky tucked to his chest.

"There's a reason she," he paused and shook his head once, those tendrils shifting on his shoulder as he looked down at the Captain. "Not my place to share," he mumbled more to himself than to Drifter. Sky remained fast asleep, like a true princess without the kyber crystal beneath the mattresses.

"Just, keep those cages secure," Gully turned and disappeared again into the hall, carrying Sky to her cabin, peeling off her boots before he tucked her into her bunk before retreating to his own cabin. It would probably be about another standard hour when Drifter might suddenly feel a wave of force energy coming from Sky's cabin. A surge that plunged the Oracle into visions that wrapped and tugged at Fire Eyes himself.

A past and a future.

A girl with dark hair.

Anything not bolted down in Sky's room began to rage and be thrown around in a series of loud bangs and thuds.


Kalee's Shadow

Things just never seem to go Drifter's way. Or at least, Aatrox sure has a hilarious sense of humor at Drifter's expense.

To say Skyler Skyler was a ticking time bomb ready to burst was putting it lightly. It was one thing to feel the brush of the Force reading his thoughts or memories, another to have the woman send some sort of telekinetic maelstrom on the damn blasted ship.

Alarm was the first emotion that shot through adrenaline within Drifter, confusion second. Loud clanks and thuds would rage as items would rise up and smash against the durasteel bulkheads and walls.

[ What in Inari's sake is going on?! ] He shouted at Gully, who came rushing out from the otherside of the corridor eyes wide, in a sweat, and uncannily not surprised on the present findings of Twister Skyler in motion.

The Hunter stood outside the woman's cabin, hearing all kinds of turmoil within as much as the surge of the Force.

[ The heck is that woman doing?] Drifter muse, as Gully rushed to try and open the door to Skyler's cabin. It slid open with a hiss, but both men had to duck to the side, as an object came sailing straight at them only to crash onto the bulkhead to fall on the floor.

Peeking in, Drifter's helm appeared once more, visor taking in the sight. Yup. There she was, Skyler passed on her bed, but it was evident the girl was suffering some sort of nightmare or ... whatever.


[ Damn it. ] Drifter cursed, that nagging conscious sensation dragging him forward into the hot mess. He had to duck and swivel his way in, doing his best to avoid getting smacked himself, only to get aggravated and just jut out his hand.

[ Enough. ] he commanded, the Force surging forward in a telekinetic counter that Skyler was displaying. All of a sudden, all the items froze midair, but they held a visible tremble and strain, as if waiting for Drifter to became distracted the items would continue their path of destruction.

[Yo, how about some help here, Gully? Wake her up. ] he shouted, lips drawing thin in concentration. Up head, Skyler was thrashing, her skin pale and clammy, hair sweat soaked.

Whatever was going on with her... was something he hadn't seen in a long.... long time. Things were starting to click now.

Gully saw what Drifter was doing.

"Oh hells," he swore and left the cabin without explanation as if he'd seen this a thousand times. Drifter probably thought he'd been abandoned but he had a plan. A good thing because Sky started levitating off her bunk. That was never good.

Even half-twisted in blankets, her lithe body rose from the mattress, long hair hanging limp behind her. Eyes opened and glowed a brilliant purple. The eerie glow lighting up the helm of Drifter. The glow was brighter than in the hallway during their brief encounter, previously and it was clear she was still very much in the thrall of a powerful force vision. Her lips moved as a disembodied voice left her full mouth.

"You cannot find what you do not know.

The key is near

Use the key to find what you seek.

To find the girl."

"SKY!" Gully returned to be in the doorway of the bunk and lunged for her even as the force bucked and kicked against the hold that Drifter had on it. The items he held stagnant shuddered and trembled. The ship itself seemed to inhale. Gully took the mug full of water he'd gotten and as if pushing through a great, invisible barrier, splashed it toward Sky's face as one of his hands went to grip her arm.

The smuggler inhaled sharply and blinked, the purple glow vanishing from her eyes. The tension in the force snapped and disappeared from the room as if it had never been there at all and her body fell back against the twist of blankets. Sky moaned and ran a hand down her wet face as her eyes adjusted to what she was seeing. Gully hovering over her. And Drifter with his hand jutting out - lowering a bunch of stuff in her cabin back to the ground.

"What," she began.

"It was pretty bad this time," Gully murmured down at her. Alarm filled her gaze as her hazels darted back to the helm of Drifter.
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Kalee's Shadow
Skyler Skyler

While Skyler did her best to shake the throws of confused unconsciousness, Drifter's polarized visor would stare down at the woman without impunity. Under his helm, twin orbs of bright orange hue would narrow into thin slits of heightened wariness and suspicion. All the navpoints clicked together.

The blasted woman was a seer.

As Gully tried to coax Skyler into a sitting position, the Hunter would flare his fingers back to let the items he had held aloft with the Force clatter to the ground.

[ Instead of losing your mind to drink, maybe you should find someone to teach you how to control your visions, sweetheart. ]
Drifter called out the pink Bantha in the room. No hiding it anymore.

[ Rule one of Force Visions, try and numb them, and they build up pressure like a volcano, only to burst and cause everyone around you to come burning down. ] He added, aggravated that Skyler's wild toss of the Force not only bubbled forth, but also could potentially have something to do with him. Key. Girl. Find what is lost. It jabbed at the loose kink in his armor where it hurt the most; finding Kai. If the woman gleaned something from him earlier, this vision she had now could very well be tied to him.... or not at all.

[ So, seeing how I just prevented you from tearing us out of the ship and hyperspace, how about you do me a favor and tell me exactly what you dredged up while you were playing stiff as a feather, light as a board, hrm? ]

Broad shoulders would flex as Drifter crossed his arms over his chest, and his stance moved to one that meant business. He wasn't joking.

If the woman had any information on Kai, he would draw it out of her head if he had to. One way or another.

The volcano comment. Yeah, no chit. Sky saw a few barbs ride to the tip of her tongue but she swallowed them down. Hand trembled as she lifted it, running through her sleep tousled hair.

The joking? Suave swagger and attitude? It was all just a shield she wore. Armor. And in that moment she felt raw and bare before Drifter’s faceless helm. She could sense an under current of threat beneath his words. Something dangerous.

Even Gully angled his body toward their passenger. Eyes wary. But Sky’s attention was on her own reflection staring back at her. One that she couldn’t run from anymore.

Arms folded across her stomach. “They don’t work like that. The visions. Sometimes what I see comes back. Gets triggered again.”

She wasn’t great at being vulnerable but she would try. Because this time was bad. It was a miracle if Gully didn’t quit after this one.

“Please.” She said quietly. “Can you…” a small swallow and rub at the back of her neck. “Can you help me?”

She stood slowly, running a palm down her damp, tired face. She could tell from his body language that whatever she’d seen was important to him. And she had no intention of withholding anything. She just needed help. Stars, she needed help and hoped her family hadn’t sensed what just happened from across the verse.


Skyler Skyler


Drifter had known the poodoo was going to run down hill on this job as soon as he saw Skyler back at the bar, inebriated all to hell with Gully trying to keep her on her damn stool. However, he'd been as equally desperate to get off world and deliver these Rathers as they had been to earn the much needed credits.

Now, with those red rimmed eyes cast at his direction full of vulnerability, fear, and overwhelmed emotions regarding her Force Visions, Drifter knew he was marked.

Didn't take but a few seconds before Skylar went right for the kill.

“Please.” She said quietly. “Can you…” a small swallow and rub at the back of her neck. “Can you help me?

There was a heavy pause. The Hunter stood with his arms crossed, quiet, contemplative, unreadable under the polarized helm that reflected the broken Half-Vahla reaching out to him in aide.

His mother had told him he had a soft spot for every creature with a broken bone or need. It was how he ended up in the craziest of death-defying situations - a blasted bleeding heart.

[ Ah, kark it. ] Came the quiet curse, the man ducking his head and exhaling a heavy sigh. Uncrossing his arms, he gestured for Gully with a hand, [ Get her some water and something to eat. She's bound to be hungry with as much Force energy as she depleted. ]

Turning towards Skyler he leveled that mirrored visor with a steady look.

[ Get cleaned up, take a sonic, get some food in your belly, and I'll see what I can do. ] he had limited resources on hand as most of his gear was on his ship. He curled his fingers save the pointer, gesturing towards Skyler as he said in a tone that for once wasn't bouncing with humor, [ But if we do this, we do this my way, and you don't get mouthy. Just do it. We got a deal?]

Glancing around, he looked for something... anything that could be of use.

[ You got anything you keep on you all the time? I need it. ]

Gully didn't leave until he looked to Skyler who gave him a nod that she was okay to be left alone with the passenger. Gully's muscled shoulders straightened as he eyed that faceless man giving him a small look of warning before he stalked out. Gully was the closest thing Skyler had to family. At least the kind that wasn't trying to hunt her down and use everything she'd been born with. To control a throne. To control a people.

A shiver ran through her as her eyes refocused in the direction of Drifter.

And for a moment it was as if she could see those eyes of ichor looking back at her.

"Okay," she finally agreed. Feeling to exposed. Too raw. Too tired to argue. Too spent to crack a joke at his choice of words with mouthy. Too relieved that he'd agreed.

She wasn't going to drown. At least - not yet.

Reaching up and dipping her fingers beneath sweat-dampened shirt, she carefully lifted a dark-leather cord with a pendant of faded copper hanging on the one end with a compass-moon design and strange, faded lettering on the edges. Closing the space between herself and Drifter, she hesitated but then handed it over, dropping it in his hand, reaching out with her other hand to close his fingers of his second hand around it. There was a weight in her movements. She did not show this necklace to anyone. Not even Gully. Never took it off. She looked up at her own reflection and swallowed.

Imagining where his eyes were.

"Just be careful with it, yeah? It's all I have left of my parents."

Her trembling fingers stayed over his gloved ones for a moment longer before dropping at her sides and stepping around him to grab a few things for the sonic that was just down the hall before she left the fallout that was her room.


Skyler Skyler

Drifter gave Gully a nod. They had an understanding. No need to make a fuss.

It was the vulnerability and the break in her voice that sent that aggravating, annoying stab of his consciousness once again. He relaxed his posture and gave a quiet nod, reaching out to take the necklace with the pendant. He did his best to try to neutralize his natural psychometric abilities so he didn't get immediate flashes off the item.

Especially if it was the only thing she had left of her parents. He could understand that type of need.

[ I'll keep it safe. I just need something personal to you to make this work. ]
he'd spend his time imbuing the Force in it with thought shield and a refined version that should keep the visions a little less intense. With practise, she should be able to handle them herself, perhaps cut down on the sudden revelation and more on a meditative schedule.

[ You ever keep a log of what you see? ] Sometimes, it wasn't just a one-off, but the visions were a series of references to a particular event. It also allowed one to see if there was any rhyme or reason to when they came.

[ Any trends? ] His voice had gentled, the filtered sound of his voice a thoughtful timbre.

Skyler didn't know if it was because she was desperate or a deeper intuition but she trusted Drifter when he promised to keep her pendant safe. She trusted that he would try to help her. Even as her fingers itched to numb the pain. It was just a whisper now. A whisper trying to nudge her toward alcohol or the spice she kept in her desk drawer.

For now, she could ignore it. Fatigue slumping her shoulders.

She'd gathered a towel and some items for the sonic. A tilt of her head up to that helm of Drifter's.

"Not a log," she paused, warring with herself on how much to share. Fingers tucked her damp purple highlighted hair behind one ear. "I don't always remember them but when I do...I keep a sketchbook." She didn't know why but she felt just as self-conscious admitting to that than her help with the force visions. She was actually a good artist. It was a way she'd coped with things when she first started getting the visions when she'd been a little girl.

But that sketchbook was like a journal. Something private. And there were things she'd seen that were too painful to revisit. Not to mention she always felt like she was drowning when the visions came on. Like an unwanted house guest barged in and took everything over. She'd been running from them for so long she knew it would be a rough road to start to face them.

Moons, she was tired.

"I'll be back. I'm tired of looking at my own, tired reflection. You...ever take that off?" It was a question with no ulterior motive. Just curiosity.


Skyler Skyler

[ A sketchbook is good. Just something you can always go back to. ] Drifter replied. There wasn't any intention on his end to go flipping through Skyler's sketchbook, although he was very keen to figure out more regarding this key and girl business. None the less, it was best to get the woman to find a way to control her visions than stress and try to pick out what he could out of what she had seen now. That would only aggrevate the situation.

He gave a nod at what she said regarding taking a sonic, although amusement clearly lit his body language when Skyler asked if she ever took off his helm. To be honest, he got a kick out of people seeing their reflection off of the visor. It always brought about hilarious and interesting reactions; Skyler had not disappointed.

[ Now and then. ] he replied nonchalantly, giving a scoundrel shrug and a quirk of his head, a chuckle breaking the tension. [ Gotta clean this mug and keep it looking good.]

A wry twist of his lips and citrine eyes would flare in avid devilry behind the visor as he quipped, [ Why? You offering space in that sonic for me to clean up so I can take it off? ] it was a joke, something to get her to be riled up again so she wasn't so drained. Redirection towards himself by his smartass comments generally did well at getting results.

Regardless of what she responded with, it was Drifter's intention to get to Force imbuing the pendant after this and leave her be. It would take a quiet area so he could wander about until he found a suitable space on this ship, maybe the galley. Once Skyler cleaned up and was getting something in her belly, he could had her pendant to her back and figure out where she was in any Force training to begin with.

[ Gotta clean this mug and keep it looking good.]
"If it wasn't for the glimpse I got from the visions," a wince as she said it, knowing he hadn't like the intrusions. Something she hoped he understood that she hadn't meant. That she hadn't been in control of. Still wasn't in control of. "I'd think you were just a few jawas in a suit."

Hazel eyes that flared purple sparkled but no smile was on her worn face. A roll of those eyes at his next comment.

She tossed a towel at his helm and grabbed her own and left, disappearing down the corridor and into the sonic.

Gully remained in the cockpit. Monitoring their route.

A short time later she was dressed in a dark-purple tunic and set of bark brown leggings. Damp hair flowed freely in feathered waves as it began to dry down her shoulders and back. Fingers fiddled with the piercing in her ear as she sat at the small circular table in the galley. A cup of warm lavender tea was clutched in her other hand. A bag of open chipitas was also being snacked on.

The food and sonic was helping a little with her energy levels.

But this was already the longest she'd gone without alcohol or spice. And she could feel the force visions nipping hungrily at her heels. Eager to pull her under again. While her body screamed at her to just take one sip. Take one hit of something to stop it from happening.

Sky looked at the pendant that drifter offered back.

"So when I put this on what will happen?"


Skyler Skyler

Feth, I need a sonic.

While it had only been a small pendant, imbuing it with the Force and the thought shield onto the pendent while trying his best not to read any of the memories had been a pain in the arse. None the less, it had worked itself out. Now, the pendant should provide a measure of not only clarity but peace, allowing for Skyler to hopefully work through the strongest of the urges to dive head first into a bottle of alcohol and try and work through it. Not that it was going to be easy; if he read the signs correctly, the woman had been at the bottom of a bottle for several years now. It wasn't just her mind that would be going through withdrawals, but her body as well.

[ Just wear it. It should help to keep the edge off while we work on the rest. ] Drifter instructed her, still wearing the helm. His voice, however, had a distinct edge of exhaustion to it, as if he'd had to go through his own ordeal while Skyler had been cleaning herself up.

Since Skyler's expression was that of a distinct wary skeptic, Drifter elaborated, gesturing with his hand and dangling the pendent out to her again.

[ I imbued it with the Force in a way that should protect your thoughts from the sudden jab of visions and keep the edge off to help you feel a bit more at peace and get some mental clarity. Detoxing yourself off the booze after you've been so used to drinking is going to be another issue altogether, but baby steps, princess, so you don't end up falling trying to walk before you learn how to crawl. ] he explained.

[ Gonna work on getting your body through that first before we tackle anything of the Force. Hope you like tea. ]
he added and would offer her a mug of turmeric and peppermint tea he'd manage to dig up from the back of a shelf in the galley. Might be expired, but he didn't have his stash here, everything was on the Shadow.

If he saw anything while working on the pendant it would be two older adults with varying shared features of Skyler. Them hugging a little girl dressed up in finery as were they. A scene of ink on a page. Another scene of an older female with gnarled fingers sharply pulling on that same little girl's chin.

Skyler finally reached for the pendant, unable to hide the slight tremor that was starting in her fingers.


As soon as she slid the leather cord over her hair and down her neck, tucking the pendant beneath the smooth cotton of her tunic, those hungry claws and yips from the force dulled. There was a barrier in place. Something soft and smooth that took the sharpness off.

Her tense shoulders immediately loosened. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice catching. Even though she knew this was just the beginning. And there was still a lot of work to do. But no one had offered just to help her before. And she'd been too scared to ask. And no one had ever made her tea before.

Kriff, he was trouble.

That same rawness in emotion threatened to bubble up as her trembling fingers wrapped around the warm sides of the mug. "It already feels less like I'll be dragged around. I've only ever felt the edge off like this...well, you know."

A wobbly smile in his direction.

"I don't know much about how the force works but I bet it took a lot of energy to do what you did. The sonic still has hot water. If you don't mind smelling like lavender for a bit there's some suds in there, too."

And for good measure because she could still be a scoundrel she added. "And I pinky swear," holding up her hand and extending a pinky. "I will not hit spice or alcohol while you rest."


Skyler Skyler

As soon as Skyler set the pendant in place over her neck, Drifter could read the visible change in her body language. Tension eased and there was a sense of relief, vulnerable exposed relief, along with a wave of emotion. He turned his head to give her that bit of privacy, acting as if he was trying to stretch out his arms over his head and ease his own exhaustion that hung in his frame. The blessing and curse of understanding the kinetic language of Lorrdians is that folk could be easily read. It made things interesting when he wanted to be sure of a few deals, but in these instances, also uncomfortable.

[ Yeah, I think I'll take you up on that offer of sonic and the lavender. Don't mind bit of relaxation now and then. ] he quipped, the sass once again returning.

[ Get some food in your belly and settle in. Once I cleaned off some of this sweat, we'll get to some basics. ] he told her, aware that even admitting that she felt better was something for the woman. Guess he could expect Gully to not try to tear him from limb to limb.

[ I'll get my pack and get situated. Maybe check up on your pal out in the cockpit. He was worried for you. ]

At the pinky swear, however, that helm swiveled to her and his shoulders gave a subtle rise in mild amusement.

[ Well, a pinky swear then? Talking big now, Princess. That's quite a declaration. Sure you are up for that? ] he joked but took the pinky with his gloved hand regardless before chancing she'd smart off.

[ Best know I take my pinky swears seriously. ]

[ Best know I take my pinky swears seriously. ]

"So do I," a genuine smile with an edge of relief and exhaustion flashed up at Drifter's helm as her pinky squeezed his gloved one back. Without the pendant, she probably would've been sucked down under the current of a force vision.

But with the pendant, she only felt a small, tiny whisper.

She'd take a sip of her tea and call over her shoulder as he'd walk back to the refresher.

"Don't drown in there or I'll have to send Gully in to rescue you."

She could hear the rathtar's rusling in their cages down the hall. With a quiet shake of her head, she forced herself to stand and pull out some roasted galma empanadas. She owed Gully at least a few and if she had to guess, Drifter would be hungry, too. Soon enough she had a pile of those empanadas on the table with a bowl of Ferroan spinach.

Gully appeared at the smell of her specialty. He gave Sky a quick scan from head-to-toe. Relief and something else crossed his face. Skyler pushed some damp hair away from her brow and huffed.

"Don't look at me like that. I'll be..." she paused owing Gully some honesty. "I'm working on being okay."

"Coordinates are locked. Just made the other jump so we have a good bit of time in hyperspace." Sky gave a nod as she handed him a plate before taking her own and popping one of the empanadas her mouth.


Skyler Skyler

Drifter couldn't help the parting shot of, [ If I drown, will you give me the kiss of life? ] The scoundrel's laugh bubbled up from behind the polarized helm, rich with amusement and edged with mischief. It started as a low, throaty chuckle, reverberating within the confines of the helm, before rolling out with a metallic, distorted echo. He didn't even wait for a response; he knew whatever glower he got from Skyler would be worth it, as aggravation was better than self-wallowing.

[ Pucker up, Princess. I expect you to finish that tea by the time I'm done! ] he added, already departing to the sonic. His laughter would follow with a roguish charm layered with that unmistakable swagger that only a seasoned scoundrel could pull off. Though the polarized helm hid his face, you could almost hear the smirk in his voice, the kind of laugh that hinted at someone who always had a quip at the ready, and enjoyed every second of the game.

Sometime later...

They'd hear him coming down the corridor before they saw him. There was no missing that casual, almost lazy amusement that made it impossible not to smirk along with him.

"Wow, didn't realize you two were rollin' in the creds to be able to afford a water sonic." There was a playful mockery in Drifter's tone, making it clear he found the whole thing more than a little entertaining. He had a towel over his head as he ambled in that slow swagger, tanned, calloused hands, quickly wicking the remaining moisture from his hair.

Under the dim glow of the ship's overhead lights, it was clear that the man wasn't hiding behind his usual helm. Instead, he was making do with his worn leather getup, the kind of attire that had seen more than its fair share of action. But tonight, the gloves were off, and as Drifter leaned forward to finish drying his hair with a towel, the rugged figure beneath came into focus.

Dark, shaggy locks fell in disarray around his face, still damp from whatever escapade he'd just returned from. His jaw, swarthy and scruffy, was the kind that suggested he was no stranger to trouble. When he finally straightened, tugging the towel away, his face was revealed in full -- a roguishly handsome mug that could probably talk its way out of any sticky situation.

Twin citrine eyes gleamed under tanned skin, full of mischief and just the right amount of devilry. And then there was that grin, the kind that could disarm even the most hardened opponent. It was a grin rich with boyish charm and lined with amusement, as if the galaxy was just one big joke and he was in on it.

"Most ships don't have those," he chuckled, his voice laced with a playful ease. He glanced over from Gully to Skyler, his eyes probing but still carrying that playful glint, as he checked the status of her tea.

"Guess I hit the jackpot of transport ships,"
he added, flashing that grin again, the one that made it hard to tell if he was being serious or just setting up for another one of his witty quips.

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"I keep telling her to upgrade but she refuses," Gully stuffed another empanada into his mouth as if to hide from Skyler's glare cast in his direction. The sudden appearance of Drifter's appearance seeming to unphase the muscular twi'lek.

Skyler paused mid-bite as that towel was brought down. Those same magma eyes she'd seen in her visions, albeit in a younger set face, met her orbs of hazel lined in a ring of dark lilac. "What can I say? She's a unique ship just like me," a roguish curl of her mouth at Drifter's own smirk.

Though her smile faltered for a moment as a wave of ick trembled through her body.


A clear of her throat and wave of her hand. "Made some food if you want it before Gully eats it all."

Gully straightened in his chair and grumbled beneath his breath.


Skyler Skyler

From the moment Drifter laid eyes on Skyler, he could tell she was running on fumes. The way she slouched against the chair, eyes glazed with fatigue, said it all. Sure, she was trying to play it cool, but the lingering effects of one too many drinks were clear as day. Drifter wasn't much of a medic -- never claimed to be -- but he knew enough from his mom's old remedies and tips he'd picked up from sketchy medics across the galaxy. Skyler probably needed real treatment to kick her withdrawal symptoms, but they were in no position to waltz into a med center and get her cleaned up. They had a smuggling run to Hutt Space, a cargo hold full of Rathers that didn't care about hangovers and visions, and Drifter wasn't about to rack up a bounty for missing his delivery.

"Unique? Yeah, you got that nailed," Drifter said with a lopsided grin, his hand ruffling through his already messy damp hair out of habit. But the playful twinkle in his citrine eyes faded the moment he caught the greenish tinge creeping up Skyler's face. Leave it up to his Lorridian upbringing to read a person's body. That look was trouble. Drifter knew it all too well -- he'd seen plenty of folks with that same sickly hue, and he sure as the Nine Hells he wasn't planning to stick around if she was about to empty her stomach.

He took a step back, wariness etched across his usually carefree features. If there was one thing Drifter couldn't handle, it was being stuck in a confined space with someone about to hurl. Nope, he'd rather be halfway across the ship, preferably with a bulkhead between them.

"That empanada gonna make a reappearance?" he asked, his voice a bit more serious than usual, though there was still a hint of teasing. But his expression said it all -- if Skyler even hinted at a yes, he was ready to bolt. This was a job for Gully, not him. Drifter was all for cracking jokes and smooth-talking his way out of trouble, but being a nursemaid? No thanks.

He hovered for a moment, torn between helping and self-preservation, but ultimately, Drifter was a scoundrel at heart. If Skyler looked like she was about to lose it, he was out of there faster than a freighter in a Kessel Run.


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