The Oracle
Fire eyes was sleeping on the hover couch. There was a blanket there and she saw that Gully put a pillow out. That twi'lek really know how to add the home touches.
The intercomm of the ship crackled to life. "Sky, you're needed in the cockpit."
Gully's voice reached her ears.
A pink and purple astromech wheeled into the lounge area and warbled at
. Sky grinned and shook her head, grabbing a therma-water. "This is Nan. You need anything, let it know. Anything within REASON." She appended. Turning, Sky swaggered down the corridor and made her way to the cockpit.
She could hear the rathtars cages even from here. Hissing and rattling that medal. If those things got out and ruined her ship, she'd have more than words with Pretty Boy Fire Eyes. But something beyond the drunken haze that was slowly wearing off urged her to trust him.
A few hours later with some impressive semi-drunk ship maneuvers, they'd made it past the warships pouring into Coruscant and jumped to hyperspace. Gully put the ship on auto-pilot and silently hefted a lightly-snoring Sky from the pilot's seat, carrying her princess-style down the hall, as if he'd done it a thousand times before. He'd go past where Drifter was on the way to Sky's cabin.
The intercomm of the ship crackled to life. "Sky, you're needed in the cockpit."
Gully's voice reached her ears.
A pink and purple astromech wheeled into the lounge area and warbled at

She could hear the rathtars cages even from here. Hissing and rattling that medal. If those things got out and ruined her ship, she'd have more than words with Pretty Boy Fire Eyes. But something beyond the drunken haze that was slowly wearing off urged her to trust him.
A few hours later with some impressive semi-drunk ship maneuvers, they'd made it past the warships pouring into Coruscant and jumped to hyperspace. Gully put the ship on auto-pilot and silently hefted a lightly-snoring Sky from the pilot's seat, carrying her princess-style down the hall, as if he'd done it a thousand times before. He'd go past where Drifter was on the way to Sky's cabin.