Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Uptown Funk

Already inviting me to your bed on the first night, huh? I told you I was really pretty,

"Careful or I might lose my eyeballs with rolling them so hard," she smirked even as he stood and walked away. Once the door closed, she took out the sketchbook and began drawing the visions. Even as she couldn't quite shake the cold that wanted to linger in the tips of her fingers. She had a feeling those green eyes she'd seen had a lot to do with it.

A little later, she exited her cabin and headed up to the cockpit. Gully joined her a moment later. "Those...things still packed and secure back there?" He asked as he slide into the copilot's seat. Sky nodded. "As far as I know."

"Anything else weird go on?" Gully began checking the coordinates as they dropped out of hyperspace.

"I's the force so yeah."

"Harumph," Gully frowned as the sensors blared a warning.

"Well, chit. We got some pirates on our tale. Didn't think they'd be so active in this sector."

"Think you can lose them?"

"We're gonna try." Sky punched in the internal comm to the ship. "I'd advise all passengers to strap in. We're about to experience some turbulence." Hands gripped the controls as she turned up the throttle and took them into a sharp spinning dive.

"Is that a karking tractor beam!" Gully yelped.

"Looks like it!" Sky grit her teeth as she veered to port.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

So much for the rest Drifter had been hoping for. The overhead comm crackled to life, blaring a sudden announcement that cut through the quiet: turbulence? His brow furrowed. That didn't make sense. They should've been out of hyperspace by now. Wait -- were they already? If they were, it meant they were nearing the planet.

Just as the thought clicked into place, the ship lurched violently to the right. Drifter went sprawling, his body thrown sideways as the ship twisted into a sharp, uncontrolled dive.

"Whoa!" he yelped, instinctively reaching out. His hand caught a nearby latch, barely keeping himself from slamming headfirst into the bulkhead. His muscles strained as he hung on, trying to make sense of the sudden chaos.

"What in the Nine Hells...?" he cursed under his breath, his teeth gritting as he tried to regain his balance. Before he could steady himself, the ship bucked again, sending him crashing into the opposite wall.

The screeching of the Ratherians pierced the air, their claws scraping against the metal floors, while the Nuna squawked in a cacophonous panic, adding to the madness. Drifter winced, his mind racing.

This wasn't normal turbulence. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

With one last push, he heaved himself upright, bracing against the wild thrashing of the ship. His gut told him there was more to this than a rough reentry. He needed to figure out what was going on -- and fast -- before they ended up a smoking heap on some unknown planet.

The smuggler swore again. Something very foul coming out of her tersed lips. Something that would've made her parents roll in their graves and her Grandma nigh cut out her noble tongue. "Gully, I need you and pretty boy on guns."

"What if he can't shoot?"

"Then prepare to be boarded. Just GO GET HIM!"

Gully was already out of his seat, hands moving to anything that would keep them steady as he disappeared from the cockpit. Feck. Looked like the Red Skulls. What garvian bug had crawled in their helmets?! Sky flew them sharply to starboard, this time twisting the ship in a tight ribbon. A bolt still managed to hit their shields. Power flickered along the corridors as the ship shuddered.

"Drifter!" The twi'lek stumbled into a bulkhead. "Can you man one of the turrets?" Without waiting for an answer, he was already climbing down one of the ladders.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

"Drifter!" The twi'lek stumbled into a bulkhead. "Can you man one of the turrets?" Without waiting for an answer, he was already climbing down one of the ladders.

Drifter grimaced as the call came through, a low, muttered curse slipping through his teeth. Of all the things he'd hoped to avoid today, manning a gun turret ranked pretty high. Sure, he could handle a blaster well enough, but this? He took a steadying breath, muttering something crude his mother would've scolded him for. Then he sent a quick prayer up to Inari the Reviver for luck not exactly confident but willing to try.

Drifter shook his head with a frustrated laugh, feeling the ship jolt again as a bolt from the pirate vessel connected with their shields, making the ship shudder under his boots. He could already hear Sky muttering something about the Red Skulls, cursing them with the kind of language only someone who'd flown one too many battles would know.

"Let's say I'll try, but don't go expecting anything pretty."
With a sigh, Drifter followed him down, gripping the ladder as he climbed, the ship's frame groaning under another volley from their attackers. He reached the turret, strapped in, and took a quick look at the controls. Nothing about it was as easy as his blaster's smooth trigger, but here went nothing.

"Ahh, not exactly my style," he called out, half-joking, his fingers finding the control sticks and adjusting his grip. With any luck -- and maybe the Force, he thought with a smirk, he could at least keep the pirates busy.

He glanced up as the targeting sensors blinked online, giving him a shaky outline of the Red Skull ship, and drew in a sharp breath.

"Alright, Inari, hope you're listening," he muttered, aiming as best he could, and fired off a shot. The blast sailed through space, missing by a kilometer.

"Not gonna lie, not my best shot," he admitted, gritting his teeth as he reaimed, trying to get the hang of the turret's heavy rotation. "But I'll figure it out... I hope."

As he fired another shot, this one grazing the pirate ship's shields, Drifter's confidence flickered back to life. If he could just keep them at bay long enough for Sky to outmaneuver them, maybe they'd live to tell this story, preferably over a drink -- or three.

"Nice one, boys!" Sky yelled, lips tight just like the rest of her body as she pitched them to a port-roll. It was a good thing she wasn't feeling queasy anymore. She flew with preternatural skills and abilities. Like it was something she was born to do. Like it was something where the force came easily to her. Something she let in and let flow as freely as she used to let the liquor enter her glass. Even with that pendant on. At least she wouldn't have to worry about a vision tripping as before it would've been like wading in a field on landmines ready to trip from the Gulag plague era.

"Almost clear. Then we can jump. Hang on." She called back as she jogged them starboard then into a steep climb.

Gully fired off another set, bolts going into the shield of one of the smaller Red Skull ships.

Just as another pop- POP of light flickered in the space around them as two more ships entered the area. One that rivaled the largest Red Skull ship and another smaller one.

"SKY!" Gully bellowed. "HUTT CARTEL!"

"Who the KARK did you piss off, GULLY?!" Sky swore again as their ship shuddered.


"I'll try to believe that," Sky growled. "Drifter! Any bounties on YOUR HEAD?" She was mostly joking. MOSTLY. High chances were they were just in the middle of a good ol' fashioned turf war.

She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to keep them out of the tractor beams. They needed a bigger distraction.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

"SKY!" Gully bellowed. "HUTT CARTEL!"

Drifter shot the intercomm a look somewhere between disbelief and exasperation. Sure, he'd struck a deal with one of the Three Families for these Rather hatchlings -- no biggie there. They were supposed to be expecting him, right? But clearly, the Red Skulls had missed the memo.

Gripping the controls, he tried to keep his shots lined up, aiming for anything that might keep the pirates off them. Then, Sky's voice crackled over the comm, laced with a heavy dose of accusation that nearly made him roll his eyes.

"Drifter! Any bounties on YOUR HEAD?"

With a dramatic gasp, Drifter pressed a hand to his chest. "Me? A bounty on my pretty face? Who would do such a thing?" He swiveled in his turret seat, the targeting screen flashing red with each new blast. "People rarely even get a good look at it!"

Drifter couldn't help the smirk that crept onto his face. "Though," he added, eyes still tracking the Red Skull ship, "there might be a few ladies with some complaints at my leaving too soon."

He fired off another shot, this one landing closer to its mark. "Unless... there's someone else really desperate for these Rathers," he muttered, more to himself, racking his brain for any other parties he might've crossed recently. One deal here, a gamble there -- he was pretty sure it wasn't that much of a crime.

A fresh barrage of bolts rattled the ship, and Drifter grit his teeth, fingers tight around the controls. "Yeah...Let's see what those Hutts want."

The adrenaline surging through him now felt oddly exhilarating. If he could just keep the shots coming, he'd have a few stories to add to his tab -- and maybe, just maybe, come out of this with his handsome face intact.

"Are they trying to target the pirates or trying to hail us?"

Otherwise, he would have to think of something to distract 'em so they could land on the world and make this blasted delivery.

"Careful or I'll roll my pretty eyes right out of my head with those kind'oh comments, Drifter," Sky smirked even as her white-knuckled grip twisted them through a series of loops to avoid that deadly fire.

"Ladies chasin' you, hm? Oops, too late. There goes one of my eyes." Her voice was dryer than the sand of the planet they were about to land upon. Even as her gaze flickered to the comms panel. There were no hails. No comms. But it looked like the hutts were firing back at red skull. Gully was right. They just seemed to be in the wrong place. Wrong time.

Gully cleared his throat into the comm. "Will you two STOP FLIRTING FOR ONCE AND GET US OUT OF THIS!"

Sky snorted and pushed them into a steep dive as she opened the comms, trying to hail that Hutt Cartel.

"This is Skyler with the Riptide Runner. We've got a delivery for one of your bosses so any assist and to not shoot us down would be great. Kay? Thanks."

Their ship shuddered again.

"Hang on baby," Sky knew her voice would carry but spoke lovingly to her ship. Pushing the throttle to the limit, she angled their descent toward the planet.

"Would appreciate more shooting and hitting things, boys!" She knew that Gully would be giving her the finger right now.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

Drifter let out a low chuckle that carried just enough smugness to make Skyler's sharp remarks worthwhile.

"Well, if one of your eyes rolled out, maybe it's got a better shot at aiming this turret than I do," he fired back, the grin in his voice unmistakable as he swung the gunner's seat to line up his next shot.

The ship jolted violently, cutting off whatever witty quip he had ready. Instead, he let out a string of muttered curses, his fingers tightening around the controls. Skyler's voice came back over the comms, still managing to sound cool despite the chaos.

"And for the record, I don't make a habit of anyone firing at me. Especially not Hutts and pirate gangs in the same damn fight." he said with mock indignation, though the sharp turn of the turret almost sent him spinning out of the seat entirely.

The moment Gully's frustrated voice crackled through the comms, Drifter's grin widened.

"Flirting? Nah, this is just our charm under pressure," he called back, though his aim was far from charming. The blasts from his turret scattered wide, barely grazing one of the Red Skull ships.

As Skyler shouted for more hitting and less missing, Drifter blew out a frustrated sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it!"
He twisted the controls again, narrowing his focus.

Another jolt rocked the ship, and Drifter muttered a quick prayer under his breath, half to Inari the Reviver and half to the Riptide Runner herself.

"C'mon, girl, hold together," he said, almost as if speaking to the turret. He adjusted his aim and squeezed the trigger, a bolt finally clipping the side of a Red Skull ship. The Hutt ships didn't give them any help but also didn't attack them either. Maybe a good thing?

"Well, would ya look at that?"
he said, more to himself than anyone else. "Not too shabby."

Drifter glanced out the viewport, the chaotic dance of laser fire and explosions still lighting up the space around them.

"Let's hope your Hutt buddies answer the call, Skyler," he muttered, swinging the turret down but waiting to see if he needed to activate it. "Otherwise, we're gonna have a lot more to explain than just bad timing."

Just then, an incoming message came in to the Riptide Runner. It was the Hutt ship.

[ This is Chuga, of the Three Families. What delivery do you have? ]

"Well, if one of your eyes rolled out, maybe it's got a better shot at aiming this turret than I do,"

A low huff of laughter from Sky. A groan from Gully. "At least he finally hit one," Gully's voice was dryer than the planet they were about to land on. Sky's grin only widened.

And would you look at that? By the nine levels of the underworld, they got a comm from the Hutts.

"About damn time," Sky muttered and flipped open the comms. "Chuga, this is Skyler. We've got some live cargo you ordered via Drifter?"

There was some chatter on the other end.

"Yeah the one with the mug." Sky pushed the throttle as they broke atmosphere. "Would appreciate some air support and landing coordinates."

The ship gave another groaning shudder.

More chatter through the comms.

"Yeah great. They're coming through now. Thanks for the assist. See you groundside." She flipped the comms off and put in the coordinates. "Here that guys? We've got an escort. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to take away some of your cut for this, Drifter."

They always tried to pull something.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

Drifter leaned back in his seat, the turret finally settling into stillness as the ship cut through the atmosphere with a gut dropping jolt. He let out a breath and rubbed the back of his neck, a wry grin curling his lips.

"Wouldn't be a Hutt deal if they didn't try to slice off their share of your dignity," he drawled, unbuckling himself and stepping out of the turret.

The Riptide Runner groaned like an old nerf ready to keel over, but Skye kept her steady, angling toward the landing coordinates that had popped up on the navscreen. Outside, the hazy, rust colored skies of the planet stretched wide, and below them, jagged ridges and sprawling dust plains waited like the surface of some forgotten wasteland. The Hutt ship escort kept close, their bulkier frames throwing long shadows across the Runner.

Drifter strolled into the cockpit, casually leaning against the back of Skye's seat.

"You know, I'm almost flattered. 'The one with the mug,' huh? Nice to know my reputation precedes me." He shot her a cocky grin that practically dripped with charm, though it faltered just a bit when the ship jolted again.

"Y'know? Buckethead had a nice ring to it, too, but glad you can flatter yourself," she quipped a glance back at him. "You alright back there? Might want to strap in. We'll be landing soon."

Was he...scared of flying?

Head shook slightly but she managed to refrain from any wise-arsed comments. For the moment.

"All clear back here!" Gully called from the turrets.

"Good, clear on the scans, too," Sky called back. Sky slowed them down as they neared a multi-dome like structure. Roofs retracted, showing a large landing pad that was usually protected from that merciless sun. This planet was a far cry from the jungles and cityscape she grew up on. With the previous excitement from their earlier dodging, Sky was beginning to notice a growing pounding in her head.

She didn't have time for it. She'd get something for it later. A look to Drifter, "You wanna prep that lovely cargo of yours? And try not to lose an appendage, yeah?" With a surprising amount of gentleness, she took them down to the landing pad, the ship settling to the earth as gravity took over.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

It wasn't that Drifter didn't like flying; more like... he couldn't. Not that Skyler ever needed to know that.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going, I'm going. So bossy aren't you?" Drifter quipped back, giving a roll of his citrine eyes in mock affront. Either way, Skyler had a point, and he pushed himself off the bulkhead and gave her a mock salute with her fingers.

"Aye aye, sweetheart," tossing a quip that he figured would tease her. To be fair, the flight evened out. Maybe she felt sorry for him.

"I'll go round them up. Make sure they are nice and fed before delivery so they don't decide to bust out and eat everyone as a snack." he called out as he walked out back towards the corridor.

The ship settled onto the landing pad, dust kicking up in clouds around them. Through the viewport, a squad of Trandoshans armed to the teeth stomped into view, their snarls visible even from the cockpit. Behind them, a sleek Hutt skiff hovered ominously, its gold plating gleaming in the planet's sun.

Rasher's taken care of; Drifter adjusted his jacket, a practiced motion to look cool while stalling for time. He had once more donned his gear, polarized helm and all, voice giving a slight metallic reverberation through the speaker.

[ Well, here we go. Showtime, ] he said, stepping toward the ramp. As it lowered with a hydraulic hiss, he turned back to Skye and Gully, his tone light but his eyes sharp. [ You two keep the ship warm. If things go sideways, I'll be coming back fast and probably not alone. ]

Well, that is unless they insisted on coming.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going, I'm going. So bossy aren't you?"

"Someone has to be the boss," she called out sweetly, that jesting tone matching his own as she settled them to the ground. Landing clamps and other procedures smoothly going into place. Gully groaned from somewhere deeper into the ship. It only made Sky's smirk widen as she unbuckled.

"I'll go round them up. Make sure they are nice and fed before delivery so they don't decide to bust out and eat everyone as a snack."

"Such a thoughtful bounty hunter," she couldn't help the quip as she stood, running her eye one last time over the instrument panel. Then the view outside. She didn't like the idea of being surrounded and pegged in. There was quite a group of armed escorts headed across the landingpad their way. For all their sake, she hoped Drifter hadn't messed up his order otherwise they'd be making a rough exit out of here.

Checking the charge on her blaster, she holstered it. The rathtars were already being offloaded, their cages a bit quiet since they'd just fed. "I'm coming with you. For back up," Sky adjusted the belt that hung low on her hips and walked down the ramp with Drifter and that reflective helm of his.

"I'll be watching from the cockpit." Gully called. "Engines will stay warm." It was easy to agree with Drifter's suggestion. If he hadn't said it, Sky would've. The trandoshan's looked down on them as they approached. Their reptilian claws on their blaster rifles.

"Could use a drink about now," Sky quipped lowly to drifter as that Hutt skiff loomed closer, that protective shield retracting to show not one but two hutts. As they got closer, Sky kept that easy-going look on her face even as the force tugged and gnawed at her. Wanting to show her something.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

[ A stiff drink don't sound too bad right about now... ] Drifter shot back, descending the ramp. The air hit him like a wall -- hot and dry, with a faint metallic tang. The Trandoshans watched him approach, their blasters casually pointed just enough to remind him he wasn't the one in control here. At least, not yet. The Hutt on the skiff lounged lazily, its enormous bulk adorned with glittering jewelry, its bulbous eyes narrowing as Drifter came to a stop.

"Ah, Drifter," the Hutt rumbled in Huttese, its tone both amused and calculating. "You've brought my precious Rathers, I hope?" Drifter plastered on his most charming smile into his voice, the kind that had gotten him out of just as much trouble as it had caused, speaking through the voice modulator of his helm.

[ Of course I did, Chuga. Only the best for my favorite client. ] His voice was smooth, but his hand hovered near the blaster strapped to his thigh. ALready a group of Trandoshans guards came over to check over the offloaded Rather cage. After a few seconds and an inspection, they nodded towards the Hutt. Chuga chuckled then, a deep, throaty sound that sent a shiver down Drifter's spine.

"We shall see. But you are aware, smuggler, that our terms may require... adjustment?" There it was. Drifter's smile didn't waver from his voice, but his eyes hardened ever so slightly under his polarized helm.

[ Adjustment, huh?... Funny, I seem to recall the terms being pretty clear. I get you the Rathers; you get me my credits. ] He tilted his head, his tone turning just sharp enough to carry a warning. [ Unless you're telling me you didn't like the merchandise? ]

Chuga's grotesque grin widened, revealing rows of slimy teeth. The Hutt's bulbous eyes gleamed with malice. "Oh, the merchandise is satisfactory, smuggler. And of course a deal is a deal," He gestured lazily with one stubby arm, the golden bangles clinking.

"But why don't we discuss this... inside my skiff?" He gestured to the open shield, where plush seats and a suspicious lack of guards beckoned as he chuckled, a low, guttural sound that made the hair on the back of Drifter's neck stand up.

Drifter exchanged a glance with Skyler, while the Force whispered louder now, a warning that danced on the edge of his awareness.

[ Inside, huh? ] Drifter said, feigning thoughtfulness as he looked toward the skiff. [ You know, Chuga, I'd love to, but I've got this thing about confined spaces. Bad experience with a Sarlacc once. You understand. ]

Chuga's laughter bellowed through the landing pad, but the humor didn't reach his cold, calculating eyes. " Ah, smuggler, your wit is as sharp as your aim. But humor me, come aboard. Let us toast to your... success. "

[ Adjustment, huh?... Funny, I seem to recall the terms being pretty clear. I get you the Rathers; you get me my credits. ]
Skyler pretended to pick a piece of lint off her sleeve. One hand remained loose at her side. Near that blaster strapped on her thigh. Then she studied her nails with a nonchalant sigh.

"Yeah, seems simple math to me."

That got her a glare from Chuga who then ignored her as if she was nothing more than a pesky gnat circling a pile of bantha dung. Sky lofted a dark brow, olive-skinned face looking bored as she glanced back at that hutt. At those trandoshan guards. Then both brows rose in surprise at Drifter's response.

Had he really been in a sarlaac pit?

She'd file that one for later.

The rathtars shook in their cage as one of the trandoshans walked over. Sky silently shook her head at Drifter as he exchanged a look with her. The force surged around her, wrapping her in a brief vision. The inside of that skiff was bloody. An appendage on the floor. Blaster burns and the echoes of screams in the air.

She couldn't tell if that appendage was human, trandoshan, or a hutt's.

Her face paled as she very intently looked into Drifter's helm. Her pallor expression staring right back at her. A quick shake of her head. Then her attention moved to the trandoshan by the rathtar cage.

"Oy, let me give you a hand. That hover system can be a bit tricky. Don't worry, I won't bite." Sky walked over and snuck something from her pocket, putting it near the control panel of the cages. "Hmm yeah, everything seems in order." Turning, a small nod to Drifter. They had a contingency now.

"Alright Chugs. Hope you at least have some good snacks in there."

Chuga's toothy-grin widened as he gave off a belly laugh those hutts wrere known for. "Snacks. Drinks. Come...come" His bulbous eyes finally gave her a good look, dragging up those legs of hers. His long-slug tongue smacked at his lips in a not-so-absent gesture.

Sky tried not to gag as she made her way up into the skiff. A look tossed over her shoulder at Drifter. A shared look.

They had to be ready.
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Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

Drifter followed Sky up the ramp into the skiff, every instinct screaming at him to keep his blaster loose in its holster. The polarized visor hid his expression, but beneath it, his jaw was tight, and his citrine eyes flicked over every corner of the Hutt's opulent, grotesque vessel. The air inside was stifling, thick with the acrid scent of Hutt perfumes and the tang of recycled coolant.

The skiff's interior was as gaudy as Drifter expected: gold plating on everything, slimy cushions that looked like they'd been stolen from a Nal Hutta palace, and a strange, shimmering curtain dividing the seating area from a larger, darker space beyond. Probably where the Hutt kept his 'guests,' Drifter guessed grimly.

It was just about that time that he caught the blanching of Sky's face and the tell tale subtle tension in her posture.

Oh no no no. She better not decide to toss her stomach contents across the skiff -- he was not going to end up sympathy puking here!

[ Keep it together princess! ] he muttered low to her, [ No puking! ] before she headed off towards the Rather cage. Oh, going that route then?

"Sit, sit!" Chuga boomed, his stubby arm gesturing to a pair of seats that looked slightly less slime coated than the others. "Let us discuss this like civilized beings."

Drifter didn't sit. Instead, he paced slowly, hands clasped loosely behind his back, inspecting the room like he was considering buying it.

[Civilized, huh?] he drawled. [Funny word, coming from a guy who just tried to stiff me on a deal.]

Chuga's laugh rumbled like distant thunder. "You misunderstand, smuggler. It is not about trust or treachery. It is about... opportunity."

Drifter shot a glance at Sky; even with the polarized helm, his body language seemed to cry out -- He's stalling.

[ Well, ] Drifter said, turning back to Chuga, [ if you're talking about opportunity, I'm all ears. But I'm starting to think you brought me here for something other than my charming conversation. ]

The Hutt's grin widened. "You're perceptive. It's why I like you, Drifter. That, and your reputation for getting... difficult cargo." His tone darkened, and his eyes flicked to the cages being offloaded in the distance. "The Rathtars are impressive. But you? You're worth far more."

Drifter stiffened, his smirk faltering for the briefest moment under his helm. The Force once again stirred in a warning. [ Careful, Chuga, ] he said, voice low. [ Flattery like that might go to my head. ]

Chuga raised a stubby hand. "Relax, smuggler. No need for violence. Not yet." The curtain behind the dais shimmered, and Drifter caught a glimpse of movement -- more guards, no doubt, waiting to ambush them.

Drifter sighed theatrically, spreading his arms. [ See, this is why I hate Hutt deals. They always end with someone pointing a blaster at me. ]

Chuga chuckled, clearly pleased with himself. "Only if you refuse to cooperate."

Drifter tilted his head, feigning thoughtfulness. [ Cooperate, huh? You mean, hand over the Rathtars for free and let you sell me to the highest bidder? ]

The Hutt's grin faltered just slightly. "Something like that."

Drifter's smirk returned, razor-sharp and dangerous through the rebreather of his helm. [ Well, Chuga, I hate to disappoint, but I've got a strict policy against working for free. Sky? ]

Sky wasn't going to vomit before but inside that hutt skiff with all that? Her boot lifted from the carpet with not a squelch exactly, but something close to it. "These are my favorite boots," Sky muttered. The Vahla's hazel eyes cast downward for a moment. The frown ticking the edges of her facade smile. Against her better judgement, she decided to sit and cross those long legs of hers like she didn't have a care in the all the 'verse. Edge of her seat and she stell felt a little slime want to soak its way into her pants.

A small grimace.

Inward groan.

And these were her favorite pants!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Careful, Chuga, ] he said, voice low. [ Flattery like that might go to my head. ]

"Ooh he really will," she helpfully chirped and mock studied her nails. Even as she felt the shift of energ in the room. The tension building like a wampa about to enter mating season. This wasn't good. Her gaze kept flickering with that glowing violet outer ring that encased her hazel orbs. The force was showing her a lot of different things. Fragments of the next few seconds.

And feth, if it wasn't as distracting as sitting in this gooey chair.

[ Well, Chuga, I hate to disappoint, but I've got a strict policy against working for free. Sky? ]

"For once, Chugs, I have to agree with him." Her blaster was in her hand so fast it was nearly a blur. She didn't fire at the hutt. She fired at that sneaky little swivel gun that had been concealed a moment before it came from the wall panel and ready to stun her and Drifter into oblivion. Red bolts zipped across the small space making it go up in sparks and smoke.

Thank the force visions for that one. There was a commotion behind them as that curtain parted with more of those trandoshans. Momentarily distracted, Sky felt a chain snap around her wrist and tug her forward. It caused her blaster to clatter across the floor.

It was from the hutt.

Slimy big bastard.

"Weren't you ever taught that no means no?"


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

Drifter's hand was already on his blaster before Sky's words even fully registered. It was like he'd anticipated the whole mess, like it was just another day in a galaxy full of bad decisions. His movements were sharp and fluid, with his posture loose and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. The cocky grin spread across his face as he regarded Chuga, the massive Hutt, his modalized voice dripping with that scoundrel's charm.

[ Chuga, Chuga, Chuga, ] he drawled, shaking his head slowly, like the whole thing was a poorly executed joke. [ Didn't your mama ever teach you any manners? You can't just go grabbing folks like that. It's rude. Even for a bloated slug like you. ]

He was all swagger, all smiles, but his eyes, hidden behind the dark polarized visor, were scanning everything. From the Trandoshans closing in to the greasy chain now tangled around Sky's wrist, he noticed every single threat in the room. The calm before the storm? Drifter was already kneedeep in it.

Chuga's voice rumbled like a distant thunderstorm.

"You dare insult me, smuggler?"
he growled, the Hutt's thick, slimy tongue slurring with anger.

Drifter let out a low chuckle, eyes narrowing.

[ Insult? Nah. I'm just giving you some good ol' fashioned feedback. ]
He sidestepped a Trandoshan that lunged at him, the reptilian mercenary too eager, leaving its side wide open. With a flick of his wrist, Drifter drove the butt of his blaster into its snout. The creature hissed and staggered back, assisted by the sudden intangible push of some force that sent him crashing onto a table, but two more quickly took its place.

[ Sky, ] Drifter called out casually, his tone as smooth as the blaster's trigger pull. He ducked a wild swipe from another Trandoshan's claws and fired off a stun shot, sending the creature crashing to the floor in a heap. [ You holdig up okay over there, or should I start looking for a new pilot? ]

All the while, Drifter grinned under his helm like the whole thing was some twisted game, sidestepping yet another blaster bolt that went sizzling past his ear.

Sky was dragged closer to the slimy hutt's body and she DID NO WANT TO TOUCH HIM because then she'd be taking sanisteams every half hour for the next three cycles. Bolts and shots were fired behind them. She could feel the skiff rock on its repulsors at the movement they were causing inside. Kriff's fake, this thing wasn't built that good if it was already feeling more de-stabilized.

"I'm good. Just try to keep us from getting shot from behind." Reaching with her free hand into her jacket pocket, she pressed down on the switch she'd rigged earlier. Outside the skiff there were suddenly screams as the rathtar cage's door slid open. Then the yelling began to grow louder followed by rapid blaster fire and the sounds of the little monsters eating...things.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Chuga roared.

Sky dove for her blaster. "Wow, Chugs. Didn't know hutts could bellow like that." Probably not wise to put salt in the hutt's wounded pride but Sky couldn't help it. His little hutt arms yanked hard on that chain still wrapped around her wrist causing Sky to grimace in pain as her blaster went beyond her reach. Righting herself, she slammed a boot into the hutt's squelching stomach.

Her face souring as if she'd just eaten something awful.

"Gross. These are my favorite shoes." Chuga grunted, stronger than he looked and yanked her the rest of the way forward, grabbing her violet hair and yankig her head to the side.

Okay, maybe she did need a tinsy bit of help from Drifter. Just a teeny bit.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

Drifter had been in plenty of bad situations before -- bar brawls, botched heists, the occasional miscommunication with Imperial patrols -- but this one was climbing the ranks fast. Sky was dragged toward Chuga's slimy, sluglike bulk, and she looked about five seconds away from setting herself on fire just to burn off the Hutt stench.

Blaster fire sizzled behind them, rocking the skiff on its already questionable repulsors. Drifter ducked as a stray shot whizzed overhead, shaking his head.

[ Yeah, yeah, I got it, Princess. ] He spun, firing off two quick shots that sent a pair of overeager Trandoshans sprawling onto the deck.

Meanwhile, Sky's free hand was already in her jacket pocket, pressing down on something. That was never a good sign.

Outside, the skiff erupted into chaos. Metal groaned as the rathtar cage doors slid open with a hiss. Then came the screaming. And the blaster fire. And the unmistakable, wet crunch of something getting eaten.

Drifter's grin was instant. [ Oh, sweetheart, you're evil. ]

Of course, that was when Chuga's stubby little arms yanked the chain hard, jerking Sky off balance. One meaty hand closed around a fistful of her violet hair, jerking her head to the side.

Drifter rolled his eyes. [ Oh, for Inari's sake-- ]He holstered his blaster, stretching out a hand instead.

The Force responded in an instant, energy crackling through his veins. He gave a sharp flick of his wrist, and an invisible push slammed the Rather's cage into Chuga like a landspeeder at full throttle. The Hutt bellowed in surprise, his grip loosening just enough for Sky to wrench herself free.

Off to the side as the Hutt toppled, Drifter caught sight of a rather shiny gold statue of a naked Hutt with corseca gem eyes that fell off a pedestal near the hurt’s throne.

Oh hello…

However, another Trandoshan lunged at Drifter from the side, claws swiping for his throat. Without looking, Drifter flicked his fingers again, sending the reptilian thug soaring backward into a pile of crates.

[ Now, can we get off this heap before the rathtars start thinking we're the main course? ] Drifter shot at Sky with a wry scoundrel's quip, that polarized helm reflecting the somewhat crazy mynock's nest of a hairdo she now sported.


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