Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Uptown Funk

Already inviting me to your bed on the first night, huh? I told you I was really pretty,

"Careful or I might lose my eyeballs with rolling them so hard," she smirked even as he stood and walked away. Once the door closed, she took out the sketchbook and began drawing the visions. Even as she couldn't quite shake the cold that wanted to linger in the tips of her fingers. She had a feeling those green eyes she'd seen had a lot to do with it.

A little later, she exited her cabin and headed up to the cockpit. Gully joined her a moment later. "Those...things still packed and secure back there?" He asked as he slide into the copilot's seat. Sky nodded. "As far as I know."

"Anything else weird go on?" Gully began checking the coordinates as they dropped out of hyperspace.

"I's the force so yeah."

"Harumph," Gully frowned as the sensors blared a warning.

"Well, chit. We got some pirates on our tale. Didn't think they'd be so active in this sector."

"Think you can lose them?"

"We're gonna try." Sky punched in the internal comm to the ship. "I'd advise all passengers to strap in. We're about to experience some turbulence." Hands gripped the controls as she turned up the throttle and took them into a sharp spinning dive.

"Is that a karking tractor beam!" Gully yelped.

"Looks like it!" Sky grit her teeth as she veered to port.


Interacting With: Skyler Skyler

So much for the rest Drifter had been hoping for. The overhead comm crackled to life, blaring a sudden announcement that cut through the quiet: turbulence? His brow furrowed. That didn't make sense. They should've been out of hyperspace by now. Wait -- were they already? If they were, it meant they were nearing the planet.

Just as the thought clicked into place, the ship lurched violently to the right. Drifter went sprawling, his body thrown sideways as the ship twisted into a sharp, uncontrolled dive.

"Whoa!" he yelped, instinctively reaching out. His hand caught a nearby latch, barely keeping himself from slamming headfirst into the bulkhead. His muscles strained as he hung on, trying to make sense of the sudden chaos.

"What in the Nine Hells...?" he cursed under his breath, his teeth gritting as he tried to regain his balance. Before he could steady himself, the ship bucked again, sending him crashing into the opposite wall.

The screeching of the Ratherians pierced the air, their claws scraping against the metal floors, while the Nuna squawked in a cacophonous panic, adding to the madness. Drifter winced, his mind racing.

This wasn't normal turbulence. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

With one last push, he heaved himself upright, bracing against the wild thrashing of the ship. His gut told him there was more to this than a rough reentry. He needed to figure out what was going on -- and fast -- before they ended up a smoking heap on some unknown planet.


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