Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Vengeance | Bryn'adul Invasion of SJC Irith, Tol Amn, & Circumtore


Location: Near the Moon Cannon construction site with elements of the 22nd Provisional Commandoes
Objective: Objective Three
Allies: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Aien Mueller
Enemies: Gordrak Gordrak
: Ghostfire Hold-out Blaster Pistol, Altagak-class Infiltration Armor, Droch-series Field Disruptor ,FastMed Emergency Medpac

She barreled into the dark recesses of the earth and into the Moon Cannon's structure itself, leaving the confuddled Juggernaut behind her.

The din of battle echoed in the chambers even as her HUD lit up in its night vision mode. More of us must be getting closer. A quick glance at her HUD showed that more Concord troops led by Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield were closing in on the position. Perhaps even more heartening were the presence of the starfighters led by Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran . At least my message got through...

She heard a thrumming sound begin to reverberate around her, along with the tell-tale cackle of energy. She frowned as suspicion set in. They wouldn't be putting in power here if it was getting ready to fire. Instinct abruptly called to her, and she deftly pressed herself against a nearby wall and froze. Whatever material it was, it was chilling to touch, even through her suit. A few cackles erupted deeper in the hall, causing her body to chill even more. Another one of those brutes? I can't possibly kill many of those, even with the element of surprise....

The footsteps came closer.

Yet no towering beast clad in heavy armor and gruesome weaponry came towards her.

Instead, she looked down at the diminutive form of a pair of Ungulloi Artificers clodding their way towards her, apparently oblivious to her presence. She eyed them over as they waddled closer and closer towards her. She slid her blaster pistol out of its sheath and slowly raised it to her waist level before beginning to gently press down on the trigger. A flickering beam of red light danced upon the two artificers, causing them to briefly stop. Before they could fully comprehend what was going on, she squeezed the trigger, sending a pair of silent, red blaster bolts into each of their skulls. The two engineers crumbled to the ground. She quickly rushed towards the teetering aliens and gave one a quick kick to the side of the head. The hapless alien's corpse smashed into his deceased comrade, causing both to topple to the ground.

Relief flooded her, followed by worry.

Is this truly who I've become? Taking pleasure in violence...

She quickened her pace, running deeper into the structure until she could see what appeared to be a dazzling light. It seemed to thrum and cackle with energy. A power source maybe? An energy crystal? Hayde slowed her pace as she neared it. Whatever it is, it seems to have to do something with whatever weapon thy're trying to build here. She toggled her comlink's channel.

"Stormriders, if any of you are present, I need you at my location now...bring explosives."
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii


Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Jairdain Jairdain Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Garm Oligard Garm Oligard Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Osam Osam Badar
Fleet: Concordia, Shield-class Escort Cruiser, 4x Tionas-class FACs, 3x GF-2B Super TwinTail squadrons, 2x GF-3B "Star Cutter" squadrons, 1x HF-2 Jair Kyr'am squadron, 1x Viper MkII squadron, 1x HA-2 Pike squadron

Mig was thrown around as something struck the hull. He looked at Cordy, who simply nodded and quickly sent warning out to the whole crew, especially the marine detachment, a mixture of Mandalorians and refugees, that they had been boarded. She would also quickly let her holographic presence be know as she would soon appear in front some of the boarders.

"You guys aren't that bright are you. You're stuck in my hull now, a hull full of people ready to kill you, and none the less me!" Soon, a light blaster would drop from the ceiling. Wouldn't do much but buy time, but it was something. At the same time, at the Concordia crew noticed Silver City falling back, they decided to push the advantage and cut the engines to full. But Mig would soon catch sight of something really bad.

"Osik! A Debautcher! Take that thing down now! We may have a Duraplast hull, but they've already punched some holes." And with that the Concordia's batteries would turn on the space vampire, sending a flurry there way.

The strike craft and corvettes were a different story. They were now pulling back after their attack run, but that didn't mean they wouldn't try to get a few licks in. Though the one Sea Killer pilot still struggled to escape his pursuers.

Damage: Concordia- Hull 70%/Shield 80% (Particle), FACs in various states of damage, 14 TwinTails lost, 6 Vipers lost, 4 Pikes lost, 5 star Cutters lost, 5 Jair Kyram lost

Fleet Actions:
Concordia is boarded! ( Osam Osam )
Concordia continues to fir into the Bryn fleet, focusing on the Debautcher (Even if other Bryn ships take the shots) and pushing forward.
Strike squadrons begin to fall back while escort squadrons push the attack.
FACs continue striking as best they can.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

Location: Circumtore system
Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Jairdain Jairdain
Enemies: Osam Osam Badar

Reshmar looked at the battle on the holographic display. The Bryn had moved more ships into the battle more than making up for what they had lost so far. The death toll was staggering, he had lost over half his forces and with the new Bryn ships, he saw no way of penetrating the blockade. He watched the remaining corvettes of his force move around the aft of the Bryn force engaging with he Bryn frigates. A moment later the frigates fire was aided by several Bryn attack craft. The corvettes released a unending stream of CIWS fire at the approaching craft. Ther heavy laser cannons aiding in the fight targeting the fast moving craft with heavy anti-fighter firepower. The few light turbolasers fired at the frigates as the forces met. The small capital weapons having some effect but were not enough to counter the frigate's raw firepower. Reshmar watched as the Kalith cracked with sparking energy as a solar beam pierced the ship sticking one of the ship's capacitor banks. energy lapped out from the vessel arching over the hull as the stored charge in the system was released. The ship flashed and then exploded spreading debris out and across the battle. The chunks of hull struck out at the remaining corvettes and the Bryn force engaging them. Thrasher has moved into position a moment before beside the corvette as the 321st and 344th joined up in formation. a large chuck of hull struck her on the port flank rippling her shielding and causing them to drop as fire from the Bryn force struck her. The little protection the shields had been giving the ships was gone allowing the full brunt of the kinetic weaponry to dig into her hull. That and the solar beams were too much for the heavy corvette, The ship fired its last load of missiles at the Ravager frigates then succumb to the overwhelming firepower that had been set against her.

Reshmar watched as the two corvettes were gutted one after the other. he closed his eyes for a moment thinking about the crews aboard the vessels. so many good men and women, gone in a flash. Reshmar opened his eyes and looked at the display. With the newly bolstered Bryn fleet, Reshmar could only see one option. Reshmar did the math in his head, he knew his idea would most likely not work but it was the only option he could see. His hope was if he did not destroy the weapon it would buy the besieged ringworld time to get more civilians off its surface. if he could only slow or damage the massive weapon. anything to buy the fleet and the ring time.

"Helm, move us out into the battle. Set best course to intercept that cannon's line of fire, flank speed if you will captain" ordered Reshmar. The captain looked at Reshmar for a moment then nodded. with a knowing look, he turned and gave the order then turned back to Reshmar.

"Admiral, I have the con. I insist you let these marines escort you to the hanger bay," said the Haash'n's captain. Reshmar looked at the man wordless for a moment. He thought to protest then withdrew any idea of it as the two marines walked up on either side of him.

"Sir, please, I insist. I will handle it from here. I will send word that your private shuttle will be heading to Silver City. Our wind will escort you in. Now with all due respect sir, get off my ship." said the captain as the two marines looked to Reshmar, insistent that he move.

The walk to the hanger was not a long one. As he moved down the corridor he looked to the men and women of the Haash'n moving towards escape pods and towards the few shuttles on the vessel's hanger. the ship rattled and shook as the light cruiser began to move into the fire zone and out from behind the safety of the larger ships. The deck beneath Reshmars feet was frantically vibrating as the undamaged engines strained to move the vessel as fast as possible. The three were almost thrown to the ground as something struck the ship causing the sound of screeching metal and scraping noises through the entire ship. A marine took Reshmars arm to steady him than the three continued to the hanger deck. Reshmar looked around the hanger as the group entered, it was chaos as shuttles were packing as many of the crew as possible aboard them. Reshmars shuttle sat at the front of the group read for him.

"Marine, once I am onboard get as many of the crew on my shuttle as you can. Pack it full'" said Reshmar. The marine to his left thought about it then nodded to the Mon Calamari. Reshmar returned the nod then walked up the ramp and to the command seat f the shuttle. It had been a while since he had flown a small craft in battle conditions. He wondered how rusty he was and if he would manage to get the craft off the ship and to safety. A moment later one of the marines came forward and sat in the co-pilots seat.

"SIr, I am rated I can assist. The shuttle is packed the hatch is closed. we may depart sir," said the marine as he buckled into his seat. Reshmar did not reply, he went through the start-up then brought the shuttle up off the deck.

"Hold on!" Reshmar shouted towards the back of the shuttle as he slammed the shuttle's acceleration to the max and shot out of the ship's hangar.
The craft shot out then made a ninety-degree dive out the ship's ventral hanger. Reshmar pulled it up again and skimmed along the bottom of Haash'n until the shuttle passed beyond the large ship's hull. He pulled the craft up putting the Hassh'n between his shuttle and the incoming enemy fire. Reshmar glanced at a small display on the shuttle's dash which gave him a view of the aft of the shuttle. He saw the Haash'n moving away, Blastast after blast struck the ship s it moved off in the direction of the Bryn cannon. Chunks of hull broke free a the onslaught of enemy fire tore at the ship's hull. Reshmar could not watch anymore. He shut off the feed then looked out at the SJC carrier in the distance. A moment later a wideband transmission came on over every SJC and allied communications channel.

"This is the captain of the Hash'n, We are moving to a collision course with the enemy weapon structure. " the man paused as shouts and explosions could be heard over the channel. The man coughed then continued. " All Allied forces clear the cannon and the battle zone surrounding the weapon." another pause as the man on the transmission seemed to be moving. The captain picked himself up off the deck of the light cruiser and continued. We are coming in fast so get clear" said the man then the transmission was gone. The vessel picking up speed as it used what little shielding it had left as an umbrella in front of it. Its weapons were silent as every bit of energy was poured from the weapons into the engines of the ship. The forward screens rippled and flexed under the onslaught as the ship sped towards the cannon.

Force Composition 2,000 meters
3rd fleet
38th Patrol Squadron
355th Patrol Command Line

MC57-class Light Cruiser - Haash'n - Hull 35% Shielding forward 100% Movement 125% power from weapons aiding thrust.
321st Pursuit Line
MC25-class Heavy Corvette - Salmakk - disabled floating broken hull
MC22-class Corvette - Kalith - shredded
MC22-class Corvette -Rosen - Hull 46% Shielding 23%
344th Pursuit Line
MC25-class Heavy Corvette - Thrash - shredded
MC22-class Corvette - Hesmit Hull 34% Shielding 56% Movement 75%
MC22-class Corvette - Onoma - disabled floating broken hull
327th Picket Line - RIP
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1029 - shredded
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1101 - shredded
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1045 - disabled floating dead
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1121 - shredded
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1157 - shredded

Set Haash'n on a collision course with the Bryn cannon.
Kalith destroyed
Thrash fired a volley of assault missiles
Thrash destroyed
Message sent out to all allied forces to clear the cannon.
Reshmar moving to Silver City
Tags [Closed]: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Aberrant

Cato breathed a sigh of relief as they seemingly could put the tension past them for certain. Farrina had enough sense at the forefront of her mind to not try and kill them, and to Cato that hesitance was already a sign they were in the right direction. Now their focus fell to what came next, and Cato had plenty to say about the plans being thrown around. He turned to the Sergeant regarding his second idea, “What? Woah woah, slow down, Cowboy. That’s a pointless sacrifice that puts you both into trouble. She needs to be out of the fight, not closer to it. Putting her back in contact with the Bryn just gives them more opportunities to try and manipulate her or experiment on her or whatever they hell it is they do. And to be honest, I don’t necessarily trust the Concord with this info either, not yet at the very least. With how she is now, she needs to be free of any influence and able to think for herself,” He furrowed his brow and pondered for a moment, “You mentioned Felucia earlier. Honesty, I don’t think that’s a bad idea.”

It was sparsely populated by sentients, and now that the Sith were gone, there was no prevailing government to worry about. “It’s not like the Bryn are known for being able to freely travel the galaxy outside of their own territory. When techno-organic genocide monsters start showing up, word tends to spread fast. I think she could be safe somewhere like that for long enough to make her decision.”

Cato took the lull in action to sit down, only now realizing how tired he’d been as of late. The percieved absurdity of their situation made him chuckle, and the knight made some return to his typical self, lending some lightness to the topic, “Y'know, can’t say this is how I expected us to meet again, Farrina.”

Location: On the Sraeljoarsk
Equipment: Flesh Vessel | (I'll link other stuff if it ever becomes relevant, but I'm in a ship, so I doubt it.)
Allies: Badar
Enemies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Finn Roberts Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr

Fleet Composition:

Deployed Fighters:
2/12 Phedrak Squadrons from Sraeljoarsk
0/2 from Boundless Honor
1/3 Bomber Squadrons from Sraeljoarsk
3/3 Zealot Strikeshards from Sraeljoarsk - Landed on Concordia
5/12 Phedrak Squadrons from Hive
2/3 Bomber Squadrons from Hive

Devastation on a massive scale followed the Bryn'adul wherever they went. The nature of their Crusade meant that there was always conflict, but Osam would have preferred that the ruination that crept behind them like a shadowy specter might have afflicted their foe more regularly than it raised its ugly head against his own. The Warlord observed from the confines of the Sraeljoarsk as the stream of Confederate corvettes closed and performed their assorted missile attacks, and he watched on in glee as the Hive held firmly under the strain.

Held on, right until a corvette rammed itself directly into the "hangar bay" of the Hive. Named after the fateful battle that had occurred on the world of Nar Kreeta, and one of the convictions that now drove the Bryn'adul to seek revenge, it was a devastating blow against morale to see the fledgling warship suddenly collapse inward on itself as dozens of struts and foundations were torn to pieces by the explosion of the corvette. A handful of Phedraks upon the surface of the Hive managed to escape its obliteration, but by and large, the blow had come too swiftly to properly dispatch the remainder of the small craft.

Decompression followed as the ship curled inward on itself, its roof and floor crunching together under the terrible suction of the stars as the atmosphere within the vessel was vented out in a wretched moment that nearly sucked the breath out of the Warlord in horrid anticipation. There was no tremendous explosion to mark the death of the Hive. The Carrier had been effectively unarmed except for the numerous starfighters it housed, and each of these was crushed to pieces or exploded quietly within the bounds of the ship - their last cries unheard and unwitnessed.

Quiet remorse stretched across the command bridge of the Sraeljoarsk, thick enough that it felt like sacrilege to pierce it - a disrespectful notion to those hundreds who had found themselves snuffed out.

Casualties had been expected, but they had thought the battle would turn more surely in their favor than this. The presence of two mighty Conquesters and so many Warlords and Shipmasters had seemed to guarantee to the bloodthirsty crews that they would be able to savage Circumtore and that nothing would stand in their midst. Osam too found himself stunned at the tremendous number of deaths - on the field, he had witnessed countless corpses fall, but to imagine that something so simple as a couple of button flicks could condemn hundreds was dreadful in a way he could not easily acknowledge.

"The Strikeshards were successful in their landing - minimal casualties. The Zealots have reported that they are engaging the crew, and causing havoc." The Kraemonen projected with all of the emotional situational awareness that could be expected from a conglomerate of freakish sapient centipedes. In its alien mind, all losses were probably something like numerical calculations that could be written off - as close to an organic machine as any could come.

Osam nodded in acceptance of this fact, broken from his morbid reverence and returning to his duties as de facto Fleetmaster by checking the status displays of his fighting ships. It seemed that the corvettes which remained were either retreating in the case of the Concord vessels - or else that they were fighting and skirmishing with the Phedraks in front of their lines- and dealing significant damage at that. Whether near to their lines or that of the Confederacy, the corvettes, in general, had clearly been outfitted for anti-fighter roles, and they performed admirably. It was a shame that the Thumpers with all of their exceptional ordinance seemed to have done so little to wound them... even with their fighter escort it seemed that the strike-craft were weaker than had been expected.

Meanwhile, the continued punishment from Concordia shifted direction, now targeting the Debaucher Vampire which hung over the crest of Badar's Conquester. While the Debaucher had no retaliatory function, it was interesting to observe that the enemy was targeting it over the super-massive Conquester. Surely they recognized the strategic threat of the far larger warship? Were they just going for a war of attrition? Another blip caught his eye as the Haash'n maneuvered to close the gap between the two fleet lines - and subsequently seemed to be directing itself to go right past the Conquester if it were able to survive the horrible volleys that it might inflict.

It was a suicidal maneuver, but for all of the implications of morality that the Concord liked to flaunt, they were as willing to lay down their lives as the Bryn'adul were to take them. Suicidal to a fault - they could have avoided the loss of their flanking corvettes - for Osam now saw that these had been annihilated by the Ravagers, if only they had decided to retreat... or else to attack with larger ships.

What was this, but another call to be put to death? Another desire for martyrdom by the Concord?

"Shriek. Pull movement - intercept that cruiser... kill its engines completely." He commanded, observing as a handful of seconds later the Debaucher began to stir into motion and maneuver to catch its prey. What it lacked in genuine armament it made up for in utter resilience and impressive speed. Its tendrils curled and uncurled as it moved toward the cruiser, the living ship preparing itself for the boarding process by which around six-hundred troops could be dispatched into the enemy... and by which all energy could be drained from it completely.

"Vampire. Engage the Concordia. Provide support to our Zealots. Khaeus watches your efforts." Khaeus was dead - or else he might as well have been for all the difference his name made in the battle, but it stirred the warriors aboard the Vampire into fervor and the warship promptly set off at maximum speed toward the Concordia, soaking up the impressive capital-level firepower of its foe with a resilience seldom afforded to smaller vessels. It had been designed to close the gap, after all.

Fleet Actions and Effects
  • 2 Phedrak Squadrons lost attacking Confederate Fleet - 1 Bomber Squadron also lost to their defenses. Garm Oligard Garm Oligard
  • The Hive is obliterated by a corvette which rams into its flank and snaps its foundations to pieces.
  • 1 Phedrak Squadron lost while skirmishing and fighting the retreating Concord corvettes near Bryn lines. Mig Gred Mig Gred
  • Zealots aboard the Concordia wreak whatever havoc that they are able - sabotage and slaughter galore wherever possible.
  • The Vampire takes light structural damage from the volleys from the Concordia - and promptly begins to close the gap between the two ships.
  • The Shriek moves from its perch atop the Conquester to try to intercept the Haash'n in the hopes of cutting its engines and slaughtering its crew. ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar
  • The Brawler takes serious structural damage from the final missile volleys from the heavy corvettes under Reshmar before they were destroyed.
  • Phedraks and Bombers over Confederate Fleet continue their attack.

Finn Roberts




ALLIES: Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr | Garm Oligard Garm Oligard | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jairdain Jairdain | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
ENEMIES: Osam Osam | Badar | Any other crustacean-kissing moofmilker out there

It was madness.

Finn watched with one eye as he lit up a cigara while standing in front of the great viewport, waiting for the order. Protocol sucked for sure. It took too much time.

But the order was given at last.
"Fire Drivers!" Finn ordered past the cigara in his mouth.
As the boom of the eight Mass Drivers sounded, several things happened at once. Before the explosive shot had even hit, the Bryn'adul flagship went down. And then all hell broke loose.

On the forefront, Bombers and Swarmers were making a beeline for the Al'raja. At the same time, some Bryn'adul craft have placed themselves between the Confederate Navy and the Bryn flag that was on its way down.

Finn calmly exhaled a cloud of smoke.
"Launch main three squadrons of Vultures to engage the swarmers heading this way. I want the Harpy to Accelerate any damn enemy fighter to Hoth and back if they get too close to us." he ordered calmly. The entire bridge bustled to send through the orders. Within a heartbeat, the MK III's rose as one and sped off to engage the Phedraks that had swooped past the Void squadron, their M6's rattling off laser fire as they went.

Finn had just opened his mouth to give the assault orders, when Commander Garm Oligard Garm Oligard 's voice boomed over the comms. The bridge of the Queen fell quiet as all eyes turned to Finn. Derrick's face had turned ashen, as he knew better than anyone what Finn was capable of when he was put in a mood.

Finn quietly drew in another breath of cigara and calmly exhaled another cloud.
"Noted, Commander Obligard. Now if you are done, I have holes to blow, seeing as I have the bigger guns in this conversation. Good talk. We should do it again some time. Roberts out." he said formally. He then turned to face his crew, as they were all still staring at him wide eyed. Squaring his shoulders, he assumed control of his line.
"Now, ladies. I want ten Drivers firing combinations of armour piercers and explosives at will at that Conquestor. I want sixteen others firing the same combination at that Annihilator. I want the Quads and Heavies firing at will as well. Let the Ranger concentrate Driver fire at the Annihilator and distribute laser fire evenly between those ships." he ordered, the crew jumping to life the moment he started giving line orders. "The Howl can stick close and fire at will. Everyone hold the line, but take evasive action as necessary. Lets get this lady hot and heavy."

As one, the CNS Phantom Queen and CNS Doom Ranger's Mass Driver Cannons boomed out their big shells in continuous and typical rotating action. At the same time, all the 524th assault ships hailed salvos of turbolaser fire on the buffer of Bryn'adul ships.

Finn turned back to the viewport, still drawing on his cigara. He was no pacifist.

He would rain fire down on any adversary like the gods themselves.

  • Launched 3 squadrons of Vulture Droid Swarmers at the Bryn Phedraks from the Phantom Queen. Other squadrons of fighters are still in reserve Osam Osam | Badar
  • The Cursed Harpy is popping Phedraks with all ordnance that are swarming too close to the line
- Directed 10 Mass Driver Cannons with combination shot at the one Conquester still between CIS and the new Bryn flag as well as 16 Mass Driver Cannons also with combination shot at the Tezor Annihilator in the same position from the Queen as well as the Doom Ranger Mass Drivers concentrating their fire on the Annihilator Badar
  • Quad Turbolasers and Heavy Turbolasers on both the Queen and the Ranger firing at will at both Bryn ships still in position. Lasers are evenly distributed between the 2 ships Badar
  • The Crimson Howl is still chilling on the Queen's flank and firing at will at any enemy within range (spray and pray) Osam Osam | Badar
  • All ships are holding line, but are ready to take evasive action



Tags: (closed) Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Cato Harth Cato Harth
Objective: BYOO - Plan a Retreat
Location: Outskirts of Lower Level

There were ideas abound. The clone had made suggestions of garnering favor with her overseer. Codes, details, covert work. All difficult given her current situation. She was still on a tight leash, and could quickly turn into a noose if she were caught out by others.

Of either side.

The thought of retreating to Felucia was the most clear and least dangerous for everyone involved. It also made her suddenly realize how very much alone she suddenly was. Cato was present, but his presence was fleeting at best given the situation.

She was taking their time, binding them up from helping others or being helpful herself. Her human mind scolding while the other cackled to itself. The duality of her situation was a bitter irony given they were helping her ultimately.

"I've to short a leash to attempt using you as a bargaining chip. And I won't needlessly put you at risk without confidence in that plan. Bring it to the table later." She quietly informed the man, eyes scanning the bodies she had laid out.

Regret and pleasure were strange bedmates as she looked over what remained in her wake. Confusion and unease accompanied the other emotions in short order as the idea of Felucia seemed to the solid idea.

"Felucia seems the best option. Though I am loathe to bring more than you two into knowing I exist at this moment." She was speaking in a tone that Cato would recognize from his time working with her. There was a strange smile that appeared at his response to seeing her again.

Sad, but sincere.

"Not how I had hoped, but I am glad to see you. I am sorry that it had to be...this way." her words were somber, the only moment she allowed herself to feel entirely normal once again.

The analytical mind began working away as the monster crept beneath. Her human side had won for the time being, pondering the best routes now.

"I would assume a full blockade is in effect with the incursion. My best route out now would be a civilian vessel with no weapons to avoid further issue." She pondered openly now gazing toward the sky. There had been no thoughts prior to this encounter of needing to escape.

She hadn't sought escape before, and it was entirely alarming to think on it now.

"Either that or take my chances at waiting, which seems a poor choice if memory serves to the amount of allies the jedi could call upon at any time." Her tone held a bit of humor to it now as she looked between the two.

"I don't exactly pass for normal anymore. Requesting clearance or aid even under my old name would likely cause issue. Especially with anything more than a blind eye turned my way." She cleared her throat, a sound that fell between a cough and a growl.

"Any civilian hangars nearby? Preferably without a huddling mass of civilians around to go screaming out of?" Another bit of humor, at odds with everything going on around them. Coping mechanisms were a strange thing at times.

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Tags: Aberrant, Cato Harth Cato Harth
The Clone turned to Cato with a raised eyebrow at the question if they deserved the codes or not. "And who do you think does, the GA, the CIS, or just yourself to use how? To sell at the highest bidder? She is smart enough to choose who she wants to support on her own." Before the trooper got on a mini rampage about politics and mercenaries, he stopped dead in his tracks as he shook his head in dismay, before asking his own question to Cato's answer about the Byrn's capabilities. "The Bryn also never had a defector either that they could put a bounty on... Might be a little too tempting for them to ignore..." He ignored the idle chit-chat as the friends got to know each other once again after however many years apart before speaking his mind when she rejected his 2nd option.

Omen only nodded when she put his idea for now. He half expected her too in the first place but ideas flowing was better than no ideas at all. "As I said, it is a little convoluted. I guess I've been watching too many spyholos recently... But I'm all about risk and acting crazy, wouldn't have offered my head to you otherwise right? Would your normal mind have stopped the beast within you if I hadn't? I also got an opportunity for you to get paid around 10,000 credits for helping to scout out Bryn worlds for endangered species but you can decide whether you want to take it or not on the ride to the jungle world." Probably not, at least the act had kept her off balance enough for both of the men to persuade her otherwise. With her comments about not looking human, gestured to her cloaked body with a small chuckle. "You looked humanoid enough to fool my suit's sensors and my eyes, you certainly can look human enough to fool someone else's. Our best bet is stealing a merc transport for you in the SJC war camp. A lot of those people won't be coming back to reclaim them so I don't think anyone will take one ship missing as a huge deal. We can always just take mine because I don't think having guns is as big of the deal as you say. The two fleets are too busy with each other to worry about other traffic and are probably using the last of their reserves against each other, trying to win supremacy. They aren't going to notice someone going in the opposite direction of the battle and try to hunt them down, whether the ship is an armed starfighter or an unarmed freighter. The trooper slowly picked up his verpine pistol and holstered it before walking to his dented suit and hopped in, activating its reactor engine and getting its equipment up and running. Soon enough, he was speaking out of the suit's voice box. "Whatever you two want to do is fine, but we need to get a move on or decide to hunker down someplace until the battle ends and we can get out with my credentials. You need to choose something now, not tomorrow." After that he stood, silent as a guardian made out of stone, waiting for the two to make their final decision.
Objective 3

Post 4

Allies: Bryn'Adul, Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

Enemies: SJC, Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield (Troops engaging) , Hayde Torve Hayde Torve (Personally hunting)


Gordrak watched the battle unfold silently. The Juggernauts had hit a wall in the form of Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield and his advance. Spurred onward by Gordraks call to enforce their progenitors will, they met their enemies savage charge with one of their own. An Ultra who had waded into the thick of it fired his lancers harpoon-like bayonet at one of the enemy. The blade pierced the poor mans back and erupted out from his chest, showering those around him with blood. Before the man could really comprehend what had happened, the blade was retracted and he was yanked from his feet. As the blade returned to the weapon, the man found himself impaled on the barrel of the weapon essentially. Now gifted with a makeshift human shield attached to the front of his weapon, the Ultra turned his attention to the mans comrades and fired upon them. Elsewhere, a Juggernaut laid low from an explosive found himself on the wrong end of a chainsaw bayonet. Every body dropped was another moment wasted in the Bryn'aduls favor. Soon the weapon would fire and when it did, these pests would turn tail and run like rats fleeing a disaster. As Gordrak readied himself to take to the field personally, an artificer approached him frantically.

"Commander! We have lost contact with several of our own in the depths of the weapon! At this stage an interruption could prove-"

Gordrak snarled and back-handed the artificer away effortlessly. His visage had been one of control though it had now become one of rage. He turned toward the Ultras addressed them furiously. "Stay here and oversee things. Be ready to act if I call upon you." Turning away from them, Gordrak strode from the command center. The Ultras could handle things while he was away. As Gordrak entered a lift and it began its descent, he wondered what might happen going forward from here. If the enemy infiltration was severe enough then both the Ultras and himself might not be enough. He shook the thought from his mind as he drew his crippler. Gordrak forced himself out of the lift the moment the doors opened and cleared the room. Content, he made his way down the corridor on his right. He withdrew his mind stone and addressed the other Bryn commanders situated at or around the cannon. "This is Ultra Gordrak. The enemy may have infiltrated the weapons infrastructure. Requesting more troops to secure the interior and aid me in my search for the enemy. " With the call sent out, Gordrak put the stone away and focused on his sweep. The enemy was cunning in its own way so Gordrak proceeded cautiously.

His thunderous footfall proceeded him as he continued his search. He was cautious but not overly worried about his own stealth. He was bigger and heavier than even his Baedurin kinsmen. When one factored in the weight of his armor as well then they could understand why. Stealth was simply never an option to a creature like Gordrak. In addition to his inability to sneak up on an enemy, Gordrak found the concept rather unappealing. Killing ones enemy was better when done face to face. There was no savoring a kill you didn't truly earn. Gordrak promptly readied his crippler as he rounded a corner as quickly and efficiently something of his size could. Where he expected to be riddled with enemy fire he instead found himself walking down another seemingly barren hallway. He began to wonder if the artificer on the bridge had been mistaken. If that was indeed the case, Gordrak would ensure he paid for his incompetence dearly. Which is to say nothing of what would befall the two artificers should they also be alive.
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Location: Tilrinn ground floor and tower wall

Objective: Bring down the Upper Tower.

Companions: 5 additional Zealots; Kru'kk, Xanlatt, Ort'nem, Valmerk and Var'Schmark.

Barad Disruptor Repeater.
Barad Glaive
Barad Special Operations Armour with crimson coating. (5 with no additional coating).
Barad Impact grenade (X6)
Barad cloaking Device
Barad Assault Carbine (X4)
Barad Kukri (X2)
Barad Kurigasami

Xanlatt paced through the series of corridors and walkways that made up the lower levels. He was careful not to step on any of the bodies strewn before him. Not from a sense of pride or respect of the dead but because a blood trail was up there with some of worst things to happen when trying to remain hidden.
Throughout his infiltration, he had heard several shorts bursts if blaster fire followed by distant thumps and shrieks. At first, Xanlatt he paused at these events, readying his weapons- but nothing came his way.

We're winning. He thought coldly. They were winning and he hadn't even completed his objective yet. It was, he mused, almost despicable how little threat the jedi had posed thus far.

He was well aware of the fact he was concealing himself in shadows despite the reliable use of the cloaking device and yet, he felt a sudden sense that he was being observed by supernatural eyes. It was not a pleasant thought but Xanlatt pushed it from his mind.

After all, he couldn't really kill a ghost.

"Xanlatt to team" The Shadow's voice Shrilled from the communicator, " Requesting a status update."
First charges set. Advancing to second Shadow. How are things down your end?" Kru'kk's response came almost immediately.
"Early resistance dead. Fighting still carrying through the lower city. Be advised, I believe we may be compromised."

"Thats fantastic." Ort'nem said off-com with a grunt as he hauled himself over the tower side. Gal'Zhoren remained silent as he followed behind.

Kru'kk and Xanlatt continued their exchange for a time. Both Zealots ignored the transmission as they viewed the target before them.


Not quite jedi, but they'd do.

They'd be a start.
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Tags [Closed]: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Aberrant
Location: Lower level outskirts

Cato handwaved the sergeant’s concerns, “Then we cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, there’s no reason anyone else needs to know.” As far as he was concerned, it would only end up causing more problems if this was brought to light.

He gave Farrina a broad, genuine grin, “There’s certainly worse ways to meet,” As bizarre of a situation as it was, after spending so long around strangers on Nar Shaddaa, it was nice to see a familiar face. Well, other than the fact that he didn’t recognize her at first, it was familiar. Even before they hadn’t known each other all that closely, but Cato most certainly knew her brother, and that connection was enough to hold on to.

The topic shifted to means of escape, on which the Knight stayed quiet for a moment until clearing his throat and speaking up once again, “We could probably use mine,” He volunteered with a raised hand, “I arrived on my private ship, it’s civilian class.” Sure it had some modifications, but nothing that raised any alarms. Most alarms, anyway. “I've kinda been off of proper Jedi duty for a while now, answered the signal here on my own. Point is, it’s small, fast, and easy to ignore. Your call.”

TAG: Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Jairdain Jairdain Jairdain Jairdain Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Garm Oligard Garm Oligard Garm Oligard Garm Oligard Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Finn Roberts
Enemies: Osam Osam Osam Osam Badar

“Is she ready?”

Verin watched swarm of enemy fighters edged ever closer towards the mighty flagship. The cries of the corvette Commanders for coordination assistance, additional support and covering fire made the stream of the battle seem chaotic. Verin zoned out, picking the key information he needed. The Al’raja had all but remained silent, the enemy not making quite close enough to enter her sphere of fire. Stray ordnance from enemy battleships had clipped parts of the vast behemoth’s side but no real damage had been sustained, owing mostly to the proximity and the fact that the enemy had, for the most part, focused on the defence rather than bringing the weight of their fleet actions towards Her.

A subaltern appeared, a brisk salute accompanying. She smiled.

“She’s ready, sir.”

Verin stood, keying into the weapons systems that now had all turned Green to designate battle readiness. With the battlecruiser turned with her flank exposed to the enemy position, only half the main guns could be brought to bare on the enemy craft.

“Fire all batteries on that ship!”

The Vampire, an ugly living succubus, headed for the allied vessel Concordia, easily found within the vantage of the guns of the Al’raja.

The ‘Eerie’ called.

The silent moments before a ship sparked into its main purpose; killing. The relative peace that had pervaded the pregnant moments before hand would only exist for a little while longer, the almost-stopped time drawing its final stretch for one…last…utterance.


Twenty RMMD-M5 Mass Driver Cannons fired their devastating salvo.


Eighty One RMAC-M4 Quad-Turbolaser Cannons fired in turn.


Ninety One RMAC-M10 Heavy Ion Cannons fired, sending terrifyingly affective ionic shots of energy across towards the Vampire.


One hundred twelve RMAC-M1 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons joined in the chorale of munitions, ordnance, and pure hellish-destructive energy.


Fifteen LS1 Hailfire Missile Launchers delivered their payloads, hurtling towards the enemy vessel.

Verin watched as the Battlecruiser opened her point defences too, spluttering vast amounts of flak and anti-fighter energy towards the Bryn fighters and bombers that had slipped past the Corvettes that defended Her.

“Weapons free, hit whatever enemy vessels you can in range.”

As the Battlecruiser began to turn and face the enemy position, she freely fired her massive ordnances upon the Bryn fleet.

“Prepare to fire the solar ion cannons!”

She would need a few extra minutes to fully charge the full might of these two weapons of sheer destruction. The repetitive ripples of broadside after broadside was flung at the Bryn ships, in hope of bringing some extra help to the allied forces.

“All fighters, be wary of live fire.”

He was aware of the Strill forces flying amongst the Vulture droids, now having to factor in the extreme fire power bursting from the Victator-class Battlecruiser. The Aevala called in.

"Sir, we are taking heavy fire from the Bryn fighters. Bombers are clearing us and unloading freely. We are taking quite the beating. Shields holding at fifty percent"

Verin huffed and took a swig of his water.

"Keep it up, Lieutenant. Don't let them past you!"

The splutter of anti-fighter fire raged on, the crews working intensely to combat any enemy fighter they could find.

"Commanders, watch the live fire from the Al'raja. Follow me in when you can."

Fired a broadside on the VAMPIRE. Begun maneuvers, allowing the AL'RAJA to begin freely firing their mass ordnance on BRYN ships. Point Defence on the AL'RAJA has opened up, targeting enemy fighters and bombers who have begun inflicting damage on the ship. Begun the commencement of engagement from CIS forces with the Bryn main force.

Aenarr Kyrr

Strill Securities Tra'ibahikan Squadron Leader



Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s):
Enemy Tag(s):

  • Shields
    ||||||||| (0%)
    ||||||||| (100% Integrity)

  • Shields
    ||||||||| (0%)
    ||||||||| (100% Integrity)

  • Shields
    ||||||||| (0%)
    ||||||||| (100% Integrity)

  • Shields
    ||||||||| (0%)
    ||||||||| (100% Integrity)
There were just too shabla many of them. The missiles seemed like they were just absorbed by the amorphous blob of a formation that the Bryn'adul fighters had adopted, an unholy shabla union of biological better and material. They had to change tactics quick, or they weren't going to be able to deal with the shabuire. They were the elite. Strill's best. How the haran was it going to look if they managed to do any lasting damage on their watch? Not shabla good, that much he knew. He kicked his fighter's pedal and tossed the fighter into a roll simultaneously, pulling the nose back toward the Confederacy fleet as the Bryn'adul swarm flew past them.
Spraying fire was going to be less than pointless given how many of them were there. The holographic fighters representing the rest of the squadron showed as pulling similar maneuvers as they resumed formation behind the Bryn'adul swarm. On their tail, it became apparent to Aenarr what must be done. Juryam seismic missiles were like the Void-7 favored by many with the credits to spare for the one of the deadly weapons. That'd be enough to clear that formation up, Tbarsrs after a minute delay to deal with that shabla fighter swarm. Oh and he had a few words for those bombers, words he was going to deliver with his guns. Today, however, turned out to be one of those days, because right as the thoughts crossed his mind, the Bryn'adul formation was hit by flack so thick he could've walked on it all the way back to Manda'yaim.
Aenarr quickly pulled back on his thrust level and kicked in the fighter's maneuvering thrusters to fire retarding bursts with the etheric rudders. Chrouses of choice words in Mando'a, huttese, basic and every other language the pilots of Tra'ibahikan squadron knew how to swear in were heard over the laser comms as they desperately tried to keep their unshielded fighters away from the incoming firepower. Even though he couldn't see the ships with his own eyes, his fighter's Manda system warned him that the confederacy's flagship was about to open fire. They were right on the tails of the Bryn fighters, there was no way in haran he nor any of the others wanted to be behind the target of a Victator-class Battlecruiser, especially given that if it was anything like the ship it was very deliberately drawing from.
He knew, however, that it was, and it was only split second thinking and the warning of the Manda modules that saved their lives. By the time he'd issued the order, he'd rolled the fighter well clear, "All callsigns, break!" It was all he had time to do. Three holographic fighters on his display broke formation just as all haran broke loose. Proximity alarms blared in his HUD even as the large, advanced fighter with full power poured into its Redalur maneuvering and inertial compensator system threw off its previous course. If Aenarr didn't know better, he'd swear his own allies were trying to get him killed, or worse, they didn't actually shabla trust him to get the job done.


ALLIES: Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Aien Mueller | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve
ENEMIES: Bryn'adul | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Gordrak Gordrak



Time was forced into perspective again.

Truly it was.

And all Konrad could do was rage, seethe. Furious fists came down pulverizing the corpse of a Draelvasier. His right crushgaunt - the single modification of his otherwise makeshift gear - squashed the aliens' face into mush before it ripped what remained of its head and hurled it away with a growl. Chest heaving in anger, much like a spoiled brat, the brutal reality dawned upon him in the shape of the weapon channeling energy.

He was late.

The brutal truth.

He had failed. There was no chance he could reach the command controls of the emplacement and fire it on time; the repugnant aliens had snatched away that opportunity. Now they held the trump card and if they were to play it, then neither Imperials nor Silvers would see another day to fight. Konrad's agenda to make the Jedi pay for their past transgressions had to be shoved aside to survive, even if it meant a mutual survivor with the Silvers.

Voidwalker was up ahead, while Kaiser lagged behind bogged down by the tribulations of a mad leader. He opened his comms to Valaar after a long struggle to swallow his ego.

<"The weapon's being charged through three tubes, localize the energy output with your sensors..."> Konrad paused still coping with his personal failure, <"...and blow them up.">

<"We'll provide overwatch.">

Location: On the Sraeljoarsk
Equipment: Flesh Vessel | (I'll link other stuff if it ever becomes relevant, but I'm in a ship, so I doubt it.)
Allies: Badar
Enemies: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Finn Roberts Aenarr Kyrr Aenarr Kyrr

Fleet Composition:

Deployed Fighters:
0/12 Phedrak Squadrons from Sraeljoarsk
0/2 from Boundless Honor
0/3 Bomber Squadrons from Sraeljoarsk
3/3 Zealot Strikeshards from Sraeljoarsk - Landed on Concordia
5/12 Phedrak Squadrons from Hive
2/3 Bomber Squadrons from Hive

They just needed to hold out a few moments longer. The news had reached him by now that the cannon had finished in its construction and was now proceeding to charge from whatever sources were available. In a matter of minutes they would be able to direct the terrifying weapon of wretched proportion at a piece of the ringworld of Circumtore - or at one of the hostile warships floating throughout the skies above, and they would be able to send a superhot railgun shell of truly impractical size directly into them.

Osam smiled at the thought of finally achieving vengeance on such a grand scale. Once the cannon was prepared, it wouldn't be difficult for them to continue to fire it either... just a bit of time spent reloading and a bit more spent recharging, and then they would be able to fire again and again and again until they had either run out of the monumental shells that were being used, or else their foe was torn to shreds or turned tail and scattered from the oncoming salvo.

It was good that such daydreams preoccupied the Warlord, because if he had been forced to confront the continually mounting losses, his mood would've been far sourer. Eventually, of course, he did become aware of the continued attack against the Phedrak fightercraft and the bombers that they had sent to the Confederate lines. Communications were difficult with the assorted members of the strike-team, but whatever news filtered back seemed to indicate that they had caused at least somewhat severe damage against the shielding of the foe. It was a shame they hadn't broken through, but it was to be expected given their relatively low number.

He was about to redirect his attention when he was snapped back to the situation of the bomber crews by a series of garbled shrieks and screams. Focusing once again on their predicament, he was shocked to discover that wave after wave of hostile fighters had suddenly launched out from the Confederate lines and had engaged in striking down Phedrak and Thumper alike with the strength of their numbers. Coupled with the anti-fighter barrages of the capital ships, the casualties were instantaneously grievous.

The Warlord watched from the relative comfort of the Sraeljoarsk as one after another of his brethren was shredded or blasted into indistinguishable wreckage. How could he have been so foolish to send them without any support from larger vessels? What had he expected the result to be when they had reached the Confederate lines? The Phedraks could be excused... they were chaff, but what about the bomber crews?

He steeled himself, recalling from memory the dozens of times that squad members under his command had been annihilated by hostile fire because he had deemed it necessary to take some objective or another or to press on the advantage. How many had he led to their deaths? It was not an excellent time to be suddenly compelled with the weight of one's actions, but anxiety rarely waited for opportune moments. Faced with the consequence of his actions, the hybrid stumbled back away from the projectors, trying to steady his own steps so as not to alert the others on the bridge to his horror.

Forcing himself away from the fighter status proved to be a greater mistake than expected - out of the viewport of the Sraeljoarsk he was privy to the Vampire as it was suddenly stricken by the immense and incredibly numerous batteries of the Confederacy. The boarding craft had been designed to temporarily soak damage far greater than its size would warrant, but it had already faced some degree of damage previously... now he observed as it imploded under the weight of an arsenal more befitting of a planetary defense station than for a single battleship.

Six-hundred. Six-hundred Draelvasier and their allies had been part of the boarding compliment... that didn't even count the crew who had been aboard. All of which had been snuffed out - all of which had been ordered to attack by the hybrid.

He looked down, away from the ominous sight, and caught a drip of Vaydralen blood on his hand - a visceral result of his earlier treatment of the mutineers. How much blood was on his hands? How many of his kindred had he slain through incompetence?

A clench of the hand, a transfiguration of guilt into something more easily understood... into anger... into outrage. He had come here on a mission of vengeance and confronted with his own failures, it was all the easier to confer these too to the actions of the fiendish Jedi and their acolytes.

"Kill them." He whispered between gritted teeth. "Kill them." He commanded again, louder so that the bridge crew might hear him. Such a simple phrase, however, carried far more complex connotations than expected - how would they manage it? What did he wish for them to do to accomplish that goal?

"Just kill them!" He screeched, snapping a piece from the projector table before him in twain with an accidental exertion of force. The crew stirred into movement anew, compelled to at least make themselves busy so as to avoid the wrath of their commander. Whispered commands and directions compelled the Clan's Pride and the Heroism to rotate and move themselves below the Conquester, and a moment later their Ballistae weapons opened fire upon the now plainly visible Confederate lines.

Vengeance at all costs was the only way forward.

Fleet Actions and Effects
  • Remaining Phedraks and Thumpers which were attacking Confederate lines are destroyed by enemy fighters and by AA weapons. Finn Roberts
  • The Vampire is obliterated by the Confederate Flagship. Verin Oldo Verin Oldo
  • The Clan's Pride and the Heroism both maneuver below Badar's Conquester, and begin opening fire on the Confederate lines with their long-range Crusader Ballistae.

Location: Tilrinn upper floors and upper central chamber.

Objective: Bring down the Upper Tower.

Companions: 5 additional Zealots; Kru'kk, Xanlatt, Ort'nem, Valmerk and Var'Schmark.

Barad Disruptor Repeater.
Barad Glaive
Barad Special Operations Armour with crimson coating. (5 with no additional coating).
Barad Impact grenade (X6)
Barad cloaking Device
Barad Assault Carbine (X4)
Barad Kukri (X2)
Barad Kurigasami

If the Jedi had not before acknowledged the Bryn'Adul as ferocious, relentless warriors of death, Gal'Zhoren was sure they did now. Or, at least, the two patrol guards would.

For his part, Ort'nem had decided to remove his helmet. He wished to stare his opponents in their eyes. He wanted to see their fear personally. Usually, Gal'Zhoren would consider such an act a foolhardy waste of time filled with unnecessary risks. But, to inflict terror into dying men- he supposed he could accept it this once.

Gal'Zhoren had snuck around the Eastern tower to flank the two humans from behind whilst Ort'nem opted for a more direct approach from their front.

"YOU!" Ort'nem belowed to the quards. His voice deeper than he had ever managed before. It was almost animalistic.
He was cut off as the guards began to pepper a wall of blaster fire towards the Baedurin's frame. Gal'Zhoren took this particular opportunity to pounce. Even without his specialised training, it would've been difficult to make enough noise to draw sufficient attention to him. As it was, Gal'Zhoren closed the distance and drew his Kukri in almost a single bound.

The guards never saw it coming.

The semi- sharp blades wouldn't kill them, of course. But then, that wasn't his part. The paralysed guards twitched feverishly, the kukri still protruding from the soft of their necks as Ort'nem reached them.

The guards couldn't move, couldn't resist.... couldn't scream. Just as well really, Gal'Zhoren spared a glance to his foes as he set the explosive charges. Their fate was nowhere near enough vengance but it'd have to do for now. At least they had suffered.

After the deed, Ort'nem looked down to his mangled victims. It had been fun, he realised, to have brutalised them beyond recognition. He felt a sudden rush of dissapointemt that the bloodlust was over.

"Major this is Gal'Zhoren, charges are set. We are ready to rendezvous".


Ort'nem stared with an uncertain look. It was around this time that Gal'Zhoren had first noticed the state of his fellow Zealot. At some point, he assumed, Ort'nem had rubbed some of the grime from his face leading the blood and gristle of flesh to paint his features like that of the zabrack clan. His armour was no longer that of the plain, chrome colouring but instead that of a deep-set, dripping crimson to match the Major. The most remarkable thing about it all, Gal'Zhoren thought as he swiped his Kukri from the ground and began bolting towards the central chamber, was the blood of the fallen guards.

He had never realised humans had that much blood. But, then again, he'd never completely butchered a human before. Let alone two

Xanlatt reached the central chamber with minimal resistance. Whatever distractions and ambushes had been sent in had definetly done their worth for the cause. Now, only one door stood before him and completing his mission.

Xanlatt placed his bony fingers on the blast door leading to the central chamber.

Pathetic. He thought. After all this, to think the jedi would believe a door would hold us back is just......

"Not just a door, creature". A voice sounded. Almost as clear as if it was both a physical being and inside Xanlatt's head at all the same time.

"But a guardian too". With that, a powerful, seemingly supernatural force sent Xanlatt barrelling into the door. The Impact didn't let up as Xanlatt realised he was pinned.

An older human emerged from the shadows nearby. He was dressed in a tan cloak that almost reached the floors yet still appeared not to cause any burden to him. His greying hair was swept back and sealed with a small bun at its edge. As he approached, the man withdrew a small hilt from his side. All the while, a single, cloaked hand remained outstretched.

"How? How did I not detect you?" Xanlatt spat. A growing curiosity regrettably overtaking his initial outrage.

'Well" the man said, almost as though he was about to encite a lecture.

"I believe you'll find I'm slightly different to the scoundrels and soldiers you have encountered thus far, creature. You see, I am Jedi Master Kalaren Deema".

The jedi activated his lightsaber, basking the corridor into a loud, aquatic blue.

"And I'm afraid I can't allow you to take down this tower".
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ALLIES: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Aien Mueller, Hayde Torve Hayde Torve , Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
ENEMIES: Bryn'adul, Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari , Udomek Seker Udomek Seker , Gordrak Gordrak

No answer.

A frown was birthed onto his features. First surprise, then disappointment, and finally understanding. Head shaking from side to side, he cut off the IMPMAG designated frequency via his helmet UI. If the Silver Jedi would not answer, then he would make no further attempts at communication. It was better that way, considering.

The fighting within the Construction Site was limited. The shocktroopers were green, but their extensive training at the hands of veterans that had fought both against the Galactic Alliance of twenty years ago, and then the late Sith Imperials of the modern day, they were far more elite than any green unit could hope to be.

<<Torayga,>> Voidwalker began. <<Locate a position suitable for evac.>> It was better to be on the safe side if anything wrong happened, though the Lieutenant thought little could go wrong at this point. Had it been so easy to lead up into a trap? Trick them into a false sense of security before attacking? Or perhaps these Bryn'adul monsters were not as great a threat as the galaxy - the same galaxy that berated the Imperial - had claimed.

From his waist, the grapple gun was once more drawn, and with a simple arm raise to halt the platoon, they rose from the ground. Lengths of their synthecord shortening as they were rapidly brought to the tip of the fired projectile.

The first of the stormtroopers that had clambered onto the command tower once again pulled those others that came later over the wall to speed up the process of the infiltration. Clambering onto the roof of the building, thermal detonators were already being drawn from waist lines and bandoliers, Voidwalker was glad to see. Whether the enemy knew where they were there or not, the blast would be devastating for those within.

With the focused cluster of half a dozen thermal charges, the stormtroopers that had been on the roof partly retreated down the side of the tower, once more employing use of their grapple guns. At the Lieutenant's command, the charge went off.

The detonation would see the baradium charged explosion shoving out in all directions. Flame and smoke billowed up into the air as the ceiling buckled and collapsed in on the occupants of the site's command tower.

Clambering over the side himself, Voidwalker drew off the trio of xenophage grenades that he had scavenged from the dead earlier. Priming their detonation, he was the first of the platoon that began tossing in the gas grenades. Their lethality was a mystery to him. Briefings on their potential meant little to him, until he saw it live in action. And today, he would.

<"The weapon's being charged through three tubes, localize the energy output with your sensors..."> Konrad paused still coping with his personal failure, <"...and blow them up.">

<"We'll provide overwatch.">
A malicious grin broke out across his face inadvertently. Was that a recognition of defeat, that he detected? Submission? It was not a enough. He wanted a complete admittance, but that could wait for another day. This time, Konrad was graced with an answer.

<<I have no intention of preventing this weapon from firing.>> With a click, Valaar muted Harrsk's comm line.

That same day, the man tried to kill him. Tried to make him out to be a fool for seeking victory. Konrad Harrsk opened his eyes to the reality of the Imperial hardliner. They would betray and kill their own for personal achievements, but when put on the back foot attempts would be made at reconciliation. Everything to them was personal, everything to them was seen as potential for advancement.

Harrsk had declined camaraderie.

Valaar deigned to decline him of much more.

With a few moments granted for exposure to the species specific weapon, Voidwalker was the first to drop in to the command room filled of noxious xenophage gas. For the Draelvasier and their subspecies, longer exposure meant the worsening of effects. With only a handful of minutes at play, he put himself and his men at risk, yet, a risk that he was willing to make.

With close range weapons in hand, whether of the vibro make for melee combatants, or masers for those that favoured range, the troopers sought to deal out death to the Drael creatures that survived the initial thermal detonator explosion within the command room.

Location: The Moon Cannon, with elements of the 22nd Provisional Commandoes
Objective: Objective Three
Allies: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Aien Mueller Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar
Enemies: Gordrak Gordrak
: Ghostfire Hold-out Blaster Pistol, Altagak-class Infiltration Armor, Droch-series Field Disruptor, FastMed Emergency Medpac

It was almost eerily tranquil deep within the bowels of the alien weapon - alone with only the occasional distant muffled sound of the battlefield outside.

She slowly edged towards the strange devices that crackled energy. Beautiful in their own mysterious way...I wonder if I could maybe snag a piece of it away and sell it. It's got to be worth the Directorate, the Concord, and of course, them. She always tried to simply keep referring to the Syndicate as "them" in her mind, just in case a nearby Jedi or Force user was trying to read her mind. She continued forward with barely audible footsteps, thanks to her slow and measured pace as well as the unusual construction of her suit. The quiet was interrupted by her comlink as the sharp tones of one of her intelligence controllers began to flow through the headset.

"Asset Beta-Eight-Blue, be advised that a friendly cruiser is on a collision course with your current location."

Surprise and fear welled up on her. The Concord has a specialized ramship, but it's not cruiser sized, is it? This can't have been planned...and how exactly friendly is that action anyways?

"Is the friendly....and I'm using that term genereously given that I'm not looking forward to being crushed by that friendly cruiser damaged?"


A tactic of desperation...Yet she felt some relief in it all. A damaged ship might not necessarily make it to ram the Moon Cannon - it might suffer some flight mishap or be brought down by the Bryn'adul defenders. Even if it did make it through, there was the matter of how much of the surviving ship structure would be intact enough to actually be pitted against the cannon's own structure.

I have to make a gamble. Do I risk being crushed by the remains of a cruiser? Or do I ensure that the weapon is destroyed? No....there is another option...another possibility I have to consider...a risk I must take...

"Am I being ordered to evacuate?"

"Negative. This is just information to keep you informed. We like to keep people alive, you know..."

Nice to know that I'm not entirely expendable to them...

"Thank you. Eight-Blue out."

A louder explosion reverberated from above her. That explosion is closer...much closer. The Imperials must be breaching into the structure itself. If I'm not careful, they'll probably take me out with them...not that they'd mind that, I'm sure...Her HUD suddenly lit up with flashing colors on her right, causing her to spin out on her foot and raise her blaster towards a humanoid figure.

"I almost shot you, you know. A little warning next time?"

Eights lowered his own gun even as another provisional commando rounded the corner.

"Well, I wasn't even sure if you were still alive...aside from the two of us, I'm not sure if anyone else from the squad is."

A brief sadness came on her, but she knew that it was to be expected. How many of their comrades hadn't made it back after their worlds had been ransacked and burned by the Bryn? There is no point in even thinking of if. Not now. Hayde pointed at the strange devices.

"It's almost worth grabbing for the analysts to take a look at, but I doubt that we have the time."

"I doubt we have the time to figure it out, but whatever it is, that can't be good for us. Three, set the charges to blow it upwards. Maybe we can use the pressure of the chamber itself to amplify the concussive shockwave to destabilize some other parts of the structure if this doesn't turn out to be an important bit..."

An unusual haze began to filter into the room even as the commandoes pulled out their explosives. The Imperials can't be far behind...She began to hear louder footsteps reverberating throughout a nearby hallway. Those are far too loud to be one of our men, and I can't imagine that the Imps would be that loud either, could they? It has to be one of of the Draelservier. Eights pulled out his submachine gun and trained it towards the approaching sound, even as Three hurried up in placing the proton grenades and a significantly larger explosive charge just below the energy conduits. Hayde looked upwards before two of her suit's ascension cables silently pulled up her upwards and onto the ceiling. She crawled towards the approaching noise, occasionally glancing downwards to see if the newcomer would show himself. But is this someone I can take on? Or someone I'll have to run away from once more? Despite her suit's environmental suit system, she could feel beads of perspiration begin to flow down her face. She flicked a switch on her individual field disruptor, turning her body into an energized weapon itself.



Post: 5
Objective: Space Supremacy
Tags: Osam Osam

1x Conquestor (Just realized this wasn't linked. Sorry!!!)
5x Thruka Ravager)
1x Ragnos Ivicerator
2x Kraemonin Support Craft
((No longer in reserve))
1x Conquestor
1x Treznor Annihilator

He didn't get to see the results of his barrage as his attention was forcibly taken to Osam's fleet by a ship soaring toward the newly constructed cannon. Badar's forces were closer, though Osam had sent a ship in pursuit. Quickly Badar called out through his communication stone: "Ships within the main fleet, every one of you, stop that ship before it hits our cannon!" An Ungulloi nudged him, speaking in its' native tongue. It was a suggestion....and a good one at that. Badar quickly relayed it to the others, " Take out the engines!" .

Meanwhile The Conquestor Badar had sent between the two fleets did its' job, however it was taking heavy damage. The Treznor Annihilator on the other hand could not survive bewteen the two fleets, and already it appeared that it was doomed.

But that wasn't the case for The Bryn'adul.
They were winning this battle.

As long as that ship failed to ram the cannon, the enemy fleet would be annihilated. The Bryn were taking casualties but Badar had years of experience. The enemy fleet was already damaged. What Badar couldn't see was the battle below. However, it didn't matter. If the Bryn won the battle above the planet, they would win the battle below it a blockade, starving the defenders, or oribital bombardment.

Badar held his breath. Then he thought of one last thing he could do for The Bryn today. " Osam Osam , you are doing well. We are winning. Stay strong."

That was all he had to say. It was short, simple, but years of war had shown him the power behind just a few words of encouragement. Before, it had been Tathra Khaeus that rallied the troops, that kept them fighting, and won battles against the odds. But today it would be Badar who kept the troops' morale high. It would be Badar who kept the Bryn'adul on the path of Vengence. For Khaeus.

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