Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Vengeance | Bryn'adul Invasion of SJC Irith, Tol Amn, & Circumtore

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

Location: Circumtore system
Allies: Mig Gred Liram Angellus Jairdain
Enemies: Osam Badar

Reshmar maneuvered the shuttle into position to land aboard the Silver City. The Mon Calamari Admiral sat the craft down on the deck and shut down the shuttle than just sat quietly for a moment, what had just happened? the adrenaline in his body began to dissipate, and shock set in as he relived the last thirty minutes in his mind. The marine stood beside him and said something to him yet Reshmar heard nothing. his mind awash with the decisions and effects of them. He had reserved a ship and her crew to an order he had no right to give. the dead stacked up in his mind, ship by ship the number rose. good men and women each, all taking oaths and choosing to serve under him. They had put their lives in his hands, had depended on him to see they survive the day. Now here he was alive running from death to serve another day, fight another battle, lose another crew.

Reshmars mind jarred as the marine shook his shoulder, "Sir, you need to get off this shuttle and out of the hanger deck to a more secure location," said the marine. Reshmar nodded and stood from behind the controls of the craft and watched as the survivors that had been aboard the shuttle shuffled off and out into the hanger. As he reached the rear of the craft and walked down the ramp he could see other shuttles around them offloading more survivors. He had wondered how many stayed on the Haashn. His resolve was anew as he walked to the marine and began to give orders once more. People died in the war, too many people, but that was how it had always been. time would come to mourn the lost and judge the living but this was not that time.

"Soilder, take me to the bridge," Reshmar ordered and with a nod from the marine the two departed the hanger into the maze of siver city corridors.

The Hassh'n barreled towards the cannon at speeds only tested by her during her trials. The ship shook violently from the hit after hit on her forward shielding and hull. The bow section of Haash'n was aglow with solar radiation from the beams of the Bryn weapons. He shielding breaking down under the barrage of mass weapon fire permitting them through now punching deep into the hull of the vessel. the ship shuddered below the captain's feet much more violently indicating something had hit them yet he had no idea. The hull was falling apart under the fire and the constant shake of projectiles and micro explosions shook the ship yet this was something new. a moment later the lights flickered.

"Sir, we are losing power," said one of the officers who had remained aboard. The man ran from station to station to see what was causing the effect then his mouth dropped. He stood over a station display in shock as he watched the mass of chitin and tentacles latching onto the Hassh'n's hull. "Sir we have an unwanted passenger," said the man without looking away from the display. He sent the image to one of the wall displays for the few remaining crew to see. the image flickered and failed then came back as power from the ship began to fluctuate, the creature absorbing the energy from the ship.

Rosen and Hesmit were all that remained of the three escort lines of the 38th patrol squadrons. The 2 corvettes maneuvering in and out of enemy fire engaging the surviving Bryn frigates. Hesmit banked left around a volley of fire from one of the larger Bryn ships only to move into the path of a mass driver bolt. The kinetic slug slammed into her shielding causing them to drop nearly to nothing. The small ship used the energy displaced on its shielding to bounce back away from the fire line of the bigger ship. Her shield was nearly depleted and her guns were of little use against the larger ships. Rosen too engaged the smaller Bryn ships and the attack craft around the larger ships. The two smaller corvettes were not built for fighting even frigate-sized ships and were dependent on their maneuverability and defensive systems to keep them in the fight and doing what little they could against the alien foe.

Both commanders noticed the Haash'n moving at flank speed towards the massive enemy weapon. Her hull was torn and scared from fire and her shielding failing. Hesmit broke off from the frigates and began targeting the gun emplacements of the massive Bryn ships. Maybe they could buy the Haash'n some time and get some of the firepower directed at her out of the picture. Rosen spun its hull and arched itself into a spiral dive under one of the enemy frigates then banked port to move into a course that would bring it too inline to make a run on the massive ship locked onto the Haash'n. The corvettes fell into a line position, Hesmit in the lead, and moved across the forward fire arc of the massive Bryn vessels targeting the ship's main batteries. Rosen slowed to match the damaged corvette in its lead and the two charged into the fire of the much larger Bryn vessel.

As the two corvettes flew into the fire of the Bryn capital ships their hulls shaking from indirect hits from the stray weapons fire, the Haash'n could be seen in the distance moving towards the cannon. Fire erupted from Hash'n as the second Bryn formation focused fire on the vessel. The combined fire of the two enemy groups was too much for the cruiser and her shields failing. Power across the ship went dark as the creature clasped onto her hull drained the power from her systems. the massive reserve power system aiding in fighting off the attack but doing nothing to abate the creature's appetite. The ship's shields went down for the last time allowing the mass driver fire from both enemy formations to strike deep into her lightly armored hull.

from the perspective of the corvettes captains, all that could be made out was a bright flash as a Bryn mass driver slug punctured one of the Haash'n's reactors. The Haash'n flew apart as the battered hull could not hold together. The enemy onslaught continued on her hull as fire washed across the ship burning off its internal oxygen in seconds. The blast from the proton 8 reactors in turn pressed out from her insides buckling the frame and causing even more damage to the vessel. A blazing hulk of metal continued to move along the course it had once moved, burning its last source of fuel melting what little remained of the ship nothing more than a slab of quadrennium and all steel now, the ship continued on her course towards the cannon under what was left of her inertia.

Force Composition 2,000 meters
3rd fleet
38th Patrol Squadron
355th Patrol Command Line

MC57-class Light Cruiser - Haash'n - destroyed hulk of metal moving slowly towards the canon.
321st Pursuit Line
MC25-class Heavy Corvette - Salmakk - disabled floating broken hull
MC22-class Corvette - Kalith - shredded
MC22-class Corvette -Rosen - Hull 42% Shielding 21%
344th Pursuit Line
MC25-class Heavy Corvette - Thrash - shredded
MC22-class Corvette - Hesmit Hull 32% Shielding 08% Movement 75%
MC22-class Corvette - Onoma - disabled floating broken hull
327th Picket Line - RIP
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1029 - shredded
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1101 - shredded
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1045 - disabled floating dead
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1121 - shredded
Intersector-class Sloop - MCPV 1157 - shredded

Osam Badar Haash'n destroyed its remains still moving towards canon.
Osam remaining two corvettes moving to fire close range at Conquestors weapons
Reshmar on Silver City
Reshmar is sad

Location: The Hillside connecting the Upper and Lower City; close to the Bryn'adul Landing Craft
Objectives: Engaging the Silver Jedi; holding the Hillside
Allies: The Bryn'adul (Nominally)
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Concord (Nominally)
Equipment: Beskar'gam , Terentatek Body Glove, Longtooth, 'Kath Hound' Shotgun, Charging Rhyno, Assorted Grenades (Force Breakers, Sonic Disruptors, Fragmentation)

Naimes had thrown the ForceBreaker Grenade, lobbing it up over his head and into the vicinity of the Jedi he'd seen amongst the troops fighting against the onslaught brought by the Bryn'adul. That was all he saw though.

Unloading the 'Kath Hound' in an attempt to carve a path towards Kazsk Morno Kazsk Morno the Mandalorain was beset upon by another surge of soldiers as the forces of the Bryn'adul clashed with those of the Silver Jedi. It was becoming a grand melee, his HUD was alive as the Friend/Foe Designator transmitted such an obscene amount of data that it became difficult to concentrate. The 'Kath Hound' continued to fire, Naimes shot at anything that even remotely resembled an enemy.

Finally the 'Kath Hound' went dry and he'd raise it in both hands and bring it down across the face of the nearest soldier, knocking him prone before carrying on. It didn't matter if the man was dead or incapacitated, Naimes stepped over the man confident that even if he regained his footing he'd be fighting someone else.

By now they fought on the Hill connecting the Lower and Upper Cities of Tilrinn. The Bryn'adul were mixed with Antarian Rangers, Soldiers and Jedi in a chaotic melee. If the Bryn'adul weren't so easily identifiable Naimes thought that Friend and Foe might have gotten lost in translation but the opposing forces had the advantage of knowing exactly who they were fighting in most cases as this battle wore on.

Disconnecting the spent canister from the 'Kath Hound' Naimes reached for another on his person before loading it in place, the duster he'd concealed himself with originally now shredded from combat revealing his Beskar'gam to anyone who set eyes upon it. A stray blaster shot struck the Mandalorian and he fell backwards, the exact place he had no interest in being. He'd roll to avoid being stepped on by one of the Bryn'adul that were his supposed allies, charging past to engage the Jedi and their soldiers.

When he finally found himself Naimes saw a group of Antarian Rangers, massed together and preparing to make a push further up the hill to aid their comrades. The 'Kath Hound' lowered, gripped in Naimes left hand and he reached for one of the Frag Grenades on his person, arming it before tossing it high so that it came down amongst the assembled numbers of his foes. There was monetary panic amongst the Rangers, most didn't even notice it they were so focused on suppressing the Bryn'adul but when it detonated there was a loud -BOOM- alongside dismembered limbs sent flying and a crimson haze that filled the area where men had once stood.

Sethrak Sethrak Kiara Ayres D Din Skirata Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Kiara Ayres


Location: The Upper levels of the city

Among the chaos, her eyes scanned the outlines of those present, searching for the familiar face of who she had spent much of her time in captivity with. Now unleashed, she would prove to be a force to be reckoned with. His previous tactics would have no effect on her now. This time there would be no surrender. She would fight or die trying.

Through the Force, she could sense the danger and terror all around her but it was not overwhelming for the Jedi Master who was able to determine the immediate danger heading her way, giving her all the warning she needed to use a Force aided somersault over the Drael once he came into view.

The Jedi landed effortlessly on her feet behind him and drew the lightsaber hilt from her belt. The emerald blade ignited from the hilt, a replacement weapon for the one that her now-attacker had previously crushed.

Her motive was not one of vengeance but of justice. She did not want to cause him pain and suffering, as he had done to others and to her, but rather prevent him from ever hurting people again.

"Surrender, Sethrak. There is no dishonour in this should you do so." She mimicked the words that had been spoken to her by Thova on Nal Hutta, almost mocking them. She knew he wouldn't surrender but she would remind him that now the cards were no longer in their hands.


Sethrak Sethrak

Post: 4
Allies: The Bryn
Foes: Kiara Ayres Everyone else. Come get me.
Location: Upper City, not far from the financial center.

He had missed. The First Warlock slid to a halt, spinning around to face his opponent as he did so. It would have been an embarrassing moment for him had this been any other jedi, but no, this was the grandmaster. The Leader of the Jedi. Their champion. With a low growl, Sethrak took a more balanced posture, not defensive nor offensive, giving him options. Meanwhile he looked his opponent over. It was hard to believe that she was the leader of The Jedi. She looked so fact, she was fragile. When she was his prisoner he had crushed her shoulder with just one hand to make her talk. It had worked, she had revealed the second in command of The Jedi, but never did she reveal what he truly wanted. What he needed for his revenge. She would pay for that today.

The Grandmaster taunted him, telling him to surrender in the same way Thova had before her capture. Her remarks were met with silence as Sethrak's orange eyes met hers. He hoped she would remember the torment he had put her through before. Perhaps she would become afraid, or angry, and make a mistake as the duel went on...

Sethrak now looked around, checking his surroundings. The battle was ongoing, The Bryn had finally made progress, but the defenders were still holding on. His anger flared. He needed that building to fall, it would be collapsing on defenders below, and it would ensure that even if the Bryn were defeated here today, their enemy would feel the sting of this attack for months to come. But there was nothing he could do. The Lothal Guard had to take it on their own...

He waited, keeping his eyes on the Grandmaster, but observing the combatants nearest to him. After a few moments, finally, one got too close. The Warlord spung into action, grabbing the combatant -a human male with long black hair and a single, Green blade- by the back of his Tunic. Quickly Sethrak disarmed the man, shattering the lightsaber just as he had shattered The Grandmaster's, and looked at her. It was his turn to taunt.

"You know what happens next, Jedi. You surrender, or I kill this one..." With these words he provided a savage grin, putting his val-shae spear to the man's spine, but not impaling him. Instead he was waiting, watching The Grandmaster. It was her move........


Friendlies: Aien Mueller | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve | Jyoti Nooran | SJC & Allies
Enemies: Gordrak Gordrak | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Bryn

Thal had a ledger, in his life.

His father's sin was not abandoning him- it was being his father. The sins of the Father lead to the fall of the Son. But Thal had been redeemed, basked in the light that the Silver Jedi showed him. They showed him there was a different way, a different path. His rampage across the galaxy had ended in nothing but suffering. A Senator lay dead, a Senate in turmoil, and far-reaching consequences that he could not foresee. For Thirdas, for Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , for the Silver Jedi.

His sins had weighed him down greatly.

And for that, he sought redemption. And it was by Thirdas' hand that he was saved. And so it would be, only by righteousness, that Thal would do his utmost to ensure that Thirdas was successful in his mission.

Their mission.

Thirdas in his charge had lead himself and his men into the enemy's maw- some more literally than others. It was not a foolish tactic to take the enemy by violence. Surely the lesson on abrasive action came from Tulan. But Thirdas was being set upon by a great many of Bryn soldiers, a platoon even. And so it was that Thal ran.

Aided by the force, Thal was a lightning in the wind. Electricity in the air crackled around him- and Thirdas could see the enemy platoon coming for them, rifles and claws at the ready. And to their flank-



Two lightsaber blades, in the form of a lightsaber staff, burst to life above the Bryn forces. The landing of Thal from his elevated position caught the Bryn by surprise. The Bryn Juggernauts were formidable opponents- as the Bryn were as a whole, but surprise took even the most elite of troops. Thal spun his staff around his body, cutting down the Bryn forces. The fluid motion that he used his blades in was something to behold in of itself. His time at the Red Tower made him a killing machine in every aspect. He wasn't quite at peace with it all, but... he was getting there.

The Bryn broke off their attack, regrouping back into a defensive posture to meet Jaeger's Battalions aggressive nature. Thal made it a point to jog over to Thirdas, unable to quite make out a quick 'thank you' at the moment.

So instead, he made himself useful.

"Commander. Put me where you need me."

Thal was not a man who could avoid a fight- especially not one that had so many stakes. The Silver Jedi were good to him, and he sought to return the favor. But moreso- he sought to make sure that he repaid Thirdas for all that he did.

Objective 3

Post 4

Allies: Bryn'Adul, Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari

Enemies: SJC, Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield (Troops engaging) , Hayde Torve Hayde Torve (Fighting), Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar (Ultras engaging)


Gordrak snarled as he neared the end of a tunnel. If they were going to be anywhere then they had be in the room right around the approaching corner. As he turned the corner, Gordrak finally beheld the intruders. His hateful gaze fixed itself upon the two intruders for only a moment before he leveled his weapon and began to charge. The second human was knelt down and appeared to be setting charges. Gordrak had to stop them immediately lest things spiral even further out of his control. Despite his new armor and equipment weighing him down to a degree, Gordrak surged forward surprisingly fast. As he closed the gap further he began to fire upon the rats before him. The Crippler fired three times as its molten spike-like ammunition fractured and fragmented. The weapon was a shotgun of absolutely terrible power. Each of its now scattered fragments was more than enough to kill a man. An even worse fate would likely befall anyone hit by more than one fragment.

A familiar sight made itself known to Gordrak as he charged. The humans had released their bio-weapon once more in a bid to ensure the death of their enemy. He hated how craven they had proven to be. A society that required such methods to survive was unworthy of any special consideration. They were vermin fit only for culling. His suits rebreather and the Quilxyn shielding would ensure his safety from such desperate weapons. The same could not be said concerning the lesser of his kind. Some were likely to have protection but if the fighting had reached the structure, it might not last for long.

The explosion caused by Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar had taken their toll on those in the control room. Those that had not been killed outright found themselves knocked down and stunned at best. The Ultras had already begun recovering thanks to their advanced armor and mutagenic augmentation. Once the Xenophage started to come down, they held their fire. They waited like a hunter waits for its prey. As the enemy troopers finally breached, the Ultras opened fire immediately. Some utilized lancers whilst others switched to more close quarters weaponry like the crippler shotgun or mangler smg. Regardless of their weapon choice, the Ultras were of the mind to turn the control room into a kill box.

The time for strategy and maneuvering had come to end. Now the fight came down to the individuals and whatever skill they possessed. The weak on either would side would die and the strong would live to fight on. It was time to see who really wanted the victory.

Location: Tilrinn upper levels central chamber.

Objective: Bring down the Upper Tower.

Companions: 5 additional Zealots; Kru'kk, Xanlatt, Ort'nem, Valmerk and Var'Schmark.

Barad Disruptor Repeater.
Barad Glaive
Barad Special Operations Armour with crimson coating. (5 with no additional coating).
Barad Impact grenade (X6)
Barad cloaking Device
Barad Assault Carbine (X4)
Barad Kukri (X2)
Barad Kurigasami

Xanlatt stirred under the strain against the door but to no avail. In truth, he had expected some semblance of fear to take hold of him in his helplessness but, instead, there was only anger. He attempted once more to reach the impact grenade by his side. If he was to die, it would be on his terms. To be slain by a jedi outside of combat was an insult not worth giving thought to.

The Jedi's lightsaber was about to make contact with Xanlatt's Skin when a sudden bark of blaster fire soared towards them. Three separate bursts firing in a driven unison.

"Back away jedi filth, or we'll cut you where you stand. Matter of fact, I think we'll do that anyway". The Major stepped forward. He had already switched over his blaster for his Glaive. Behind him, Valmerk and Var'Schmark followed suit with their Kurigasami drawn.
Each blade, Xanlatt noticed, was caked down to the hilt in the all too familiar sight of human blood. If he had been asked then, Xanlatt would not have been ashamed to admit he was jealous of the culling his teammates had taken part in.

The Jedi's ever-present grin darkened significantly.

"Well then," the jedi commented, gazing out at his new opponents- all the while keeping his hand trained on Xanlatt and the door.
"I suppose it would be best to eliminate you all at once. While I still draw breath, I swear to you monsters the tower shall not fall!".

Kru'kk closed the gap between them. He made an arcing moment as though to rend the Jedi's head from his shoulders. The jedi appeared to push himself back from the engagement with what appeared to be a inverse force dash. All the while he bore a condescending smirk.

"You butchered our innocents, our CHILDREN, and you think US monsters?" Kru'kk's voice was pure rage. To face his foe and be mocked was such an unthinkable act of disrespect, and yet....

The Zealots closed in on the jedi. Not as a team, no. But instead, as a single unit. Driven, determined and consumed by vengance.

At that moment, off to the east-most side of the chamber. Gal'Zhoren and Ort'nem arrived. Their weapons already drawn. Gal'Zhoren lunged towards the opponent as the other Zealots charged. The jedi had no choice but to let go off Xanlatt as he attempted to match his attackers with his blade.

For a time it worked. For a time, Kalaren Neema met blow after blow from the Zealot Major and his forces. For a time, the jedi was almost sure he could defeat the attackers.

Until Xanlatt channelled his connection with the Force to send the jedi careening against a nearby wall. The act alone was enough to give Xanlatt an uncharacteristically large grin of his own. The dawning terror on the Jedi's face though, well, that was just a bonus. Xanlatt held the jedi in place using all the concentration he could manage. It wouldn't be enough to last long he knew. But, at least, it brought them time.

Gal'Zhoren approached the jedi and did not hesitate to begin stabbing him with both Kukri. It's green, poison coating swiftly replaced by the Jedi's seeping blood. Gal'Zhoren thought of himself almost begging the jedi to scream. To solidify their vengance. He'd settle, however, for watching the mobility drain from his opponent.

"Gal'Zhoren, back away, Xanlatt, release the jedi. I shall finish it". Kru'kk's voice seemed almost gentle when he spoke. Truly, it was a day of firsts for the stroke team. Both Zealots obliged and Xanlatt let out a long sigh. His nose was flooding with blood but he chose to ignore it for now. There were far more pressing matters at stake

Gal'Zhoren took in the corridor for perhaps the first time since he arrived. It had seemed more spacious than most of the other parts of the tower despite the claustrophobic fight that had just transpired. It felt ominous in a way he couldn't quite describe. Like the tower was alive and telling them they shouldn't be here. He didn't care for it. After all, it was a jedi tower. It could rot for all he cared.

Kru'kk reached the broken jedi master. He gargled and murmured something through paralysed speech. Kru'kk laughed at his opponent. Was he really all the jedi had to spare. He reasoned they could've taken a legion of jedi were they not in such a hurry.

He reached down to the still-activated lightsaber. "What we do now, we do for the podlings"
with that he brought the lightsaber across the jedi master's neck.


In the next post I'll be bringing down most of the Upper Tower. I don't know how to tag people in the thread so I apologise to those who may not see this part but I've put most just in case anyone still needs the Upper Tower for something .
Last edited:

Location: Tilrinn upper levels central chamber.

Objective: Bring down the Upper Tower.

Companions: 5 additional Zealots; Kru'kk, Xanlatt, Ort'nem, Valmerk and Var'Schmark.

Barad Disruptor Repeater.
Barad Glaive
Barad Special Operations Armour with crimson coating. (5 with no additional coating).
Barad Impact grenade (X6)
Barad cloaking Device
Barad Assault Carbine (X4)
Barad Kukri (X2)
Barad Kurigasami

There was a wet slap as Kru'kk lifted the severed head of Jedi master Kalaren Neema and attached it to his belt. The head seemed to Bob with lifeless yet mesmerising sway. Kru'kk headed into the central chamber where the other Zealots were busying themselves with setting the charges.

Kru'kk came to an ambling stop before Gal'Zhoren and held out a gauntleted hand. Inside, he held two rings he had prised from the Jedi's body.

"You did well back there, Minor here".

"Thank you Major," Gal'Zhoren said as he took the rings from him.
"They didn't appear to help him much I must admit".

"Of course not," Kru'kk remarked barking a single laugh as he did so.
"The jedi can hide behind as many trinkets as they wish, won't help them should they decide to go for us on their own". Then, with the conversation immediately forgotten he continued.
"How are the charges coming? we need to be gone before more filth arrive".

Var'Schmark cut in before Gal'Zhoren could make a response.
"Good to go, Major. Sorry for the delay but Ort'nem was slow- all that blood on his face made it hard to see. sir".


" No sir, patrol guard"

"Agreed". Gal'Zhoren added. He noticed the slightest flinch in Var'Schmark as though he was a child that had just spoken out of place.

"Alright Zealots," krukk called, seemingly ignoring the two he was just speaking to.

"prep the detonators and make ready to descend the tower" the Major's voice was loud but reserved through the helmet comms. There was an urgency to it of course but still an operational calm. Just because they had made it this far certainly didn't mean Kru'kk wanted any extra attention.

The Zealots regrouped by the same wall they had ascended and began the slow climb down. Kru'kk made careful during the descent not to damage the severed head. Initially, Gal'Zhoren had remarked it as unusual for the Major to be gentle with... well, anything really- let alone the head of an enemy. Realisation dawned on him however as they near the ground that it was intended as a gift. He spared a glance upwards at the tower and decided that, as far as souvenirs went, the head of a jedi master and his lightsaber were a far thing from the worst items to be brought back.

They reached the ground beside the tower, Ort'nem falling in behind. The fool should never have removed his helmet, they all must've thought, but it was done and by some miracle they had all made it out of that mess.
After a time, they reached an embankment overlooking the grim monument.

We're doing you a favour really, Gal'Zhoren thought and wondered what kind of carnage would be left inside. He hoped it would be enough. He hoped he'd get a chance to go through the rubble.
He hoped the jedi didn't all die instantly. That would be a waste.

The six Zealots stood across the embankment each with an arm outstretched save for Kru'kk who held out both his arms. They each prepared thumb thedetonators.

"One second delay between each detonation. We don't want them losing a couple of floors, they need to lose the whole damned thing!"
With that, Kru'kk pressed his detonators

Then Var'Schmark, then Valmerk, then Gal'Zhoren, followed by Xanlatt and, as usual, ended by Ort'nem.


They all watched as the roar of explosions engulfed the tower.

They watched it fall.

Kiara Ayres


Location: The Upper levels of the city

The Jedi showed no shift in her body language or expression, remaining as steadfast as before even when faced with the responsibility for the life of the man in front of her.

Would her words cause her to be responsible for this man's death? No. This was war. Every Jedi had come here to fight or die trying.

Before, she had surrendered her own life, expecting to die at the hands of the Bryn'adul in place of the civilians she had surrendered for but they had proved that there was no honour among them when they killed the civilians regardless. She was not foolish and she would not make the same mistake twice.

To the Jedi, hardened by war, the man in the gasp of the Bryn warrior was as good as dead even if his heart was still beating. Still, she wasn't about to passively watch him die. If she could make a vain effort to save his life then she would.

She held a responsibility to the Concord and her people but she had to contend with the fact that not everyone could be saved.

"You are cowards who exploit our honour." She told her enemy.

As parts of the tower behind him fell, she took the opportunity to pull a large piece of debris towards her, her arm outstretched as she used the Force and attempted to maintain the object at a height similar to Sethrak's head, hoping to at least distract him long enough to free the Jedi from his grasp if she didn't hit him.


Sethrak Sethrak


ALLIES: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk , Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Hayde Torve Hayde Torve , Aien Mueller
ENEMIES: Bryn'adul, Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari , Gordrak Gordrak , Udomek Seker Udomek Seker



The first of his platoon that entered descended into the command room with reckless fury. With the thickness of the noxious gases within, helmets imaging were swapped to thermal. Armed with vibroweapons of all makes, they were swift in their execution of the supposed 'Ultras' of the Bryn'adul. They were equipped for durability and speed, that was simply the nature of the New Imperial Shocktrooper. The men of the 5th Company had waylaid the firing of the monsters completed weapon, and it seemed, as the battle consumed both sides, the weapons readiness had been forgotten.

Voidwalker didn't need to see, he already knew that more stormtroopers would be descending into this mess of bodies.

Lifeform readings blinked out of existence in his helmet UI, just to be replaced by a new one.

Using the consoles for cover, Aemilio darted in and between the machines, dancing in and out of the thickets of gas before springing out to deliver a deathly blow with his Sohei. For while these Draelvasier seemed capable of withstanding the punch of maser and particle beam tech, they and their armour fared no better than any other species when coming into contact with the ultrasonic generated weapons.

On a raised platform stood one of the last of the living Ultras in the Command Room, and Voidwalker approached in the grayish, off-white colouring of his armour. Like a haunting spectre, with every step as he came closer. The towering beast's size made no difference to him. The clicking sound of its clunky weapon illustrated that it was out of rounds. When it came to that realization and the understanding that death incarnate stood before it, drenched in the blood of its brethren, it drew its battle axe.

Its reach was great, the weapon itself was larger than he himself was.

He stepped forwards, forced to dive into a somersault as the blade glided through the open space he had just occupied.

Sohei swinging through the air behind him as he came out of the roll past the beast, it whipped about to lance through the front of the Captain's knees, buckling it for a moment before it regained itself. Those few moments gave Aemilio the time he needed to rise up, or so he thought. As he spun about the head of the axe jammed him in the chest, knocking him backwards with a breathtaking gasp. The metal workings of the beskar reinforcement in his chest piece was the sole thing he was certain that protected his torso from not caving in from the pressure.

The Juggernaut Captain's axe came up, its flat end cracking his head back into the wall he was shoved against. Through blurry eyes, Aemilio saw its mammoth arms raise up above its head to deal its death blow to him. Time felt like it slowed in that moment. He felt innately aware of his surroundings as if he was blessed with a sudden clarity.

Clenching his hand around his vibrosword, it was only then that he realized his hand was empty. A short distance away was the blade, but still too far.

Both of his hands shot outwards, releasing an invisible blast point blank range that punched through flesh and armour alike. Throwing the creature back, almost to the other side of the platform.

With what strength he had left, Aemilio rose up to his feet, trudging to the fallen and inert warrior. A singular gaping wound was punched through the centre of the Drael's body, a black pool of blood quickly surrounding it. Hate filled eyes shot up at him as it slumped against a wall. Paralyzed in its armoured suit, Aemilio dropped his hands down on the creatures head, tugging off its helmet before dropping his gauntleted hands on its naked head this time.

"Ugly," he rasped out in his coarse voice. It was only now that the days work was taking its toll on him.

He encapsulated as much of the creatures head as he could between his hands, thumbs pressing into its defiant eye holes.

All it took was pressure. The Tenebrae was more befitting of a power armour than the standard distribution among the legions. Multiple strength enhancements were built in, exoskeletons, servos... They all played apart in it as he crushed. This specific venture though, his crushgaunts did most of the work, those other elements only added to its power.

There was a wet bursting sound, and a moment later, up to his elbows, his arms were drenched in the black blood of the enemy.

Lingering in his knelt position beside the corpse, he was finally drawn back from never ending darkness as a hand was planted on his shoulder. "Sir? The Command Room is secure," the vocoded voice said.

Helmet shaking from side to side, Voidwalker arose, turning about to face the trooper, and the rest of the room.

The last of the Draelvasier were felled with his killing of the Captain. He forced himself to walk to the sole console on the raised platform. He couldn't understand the alien technology, but shared information through the Bastion Protocols had been loaded into the Battlemind AI of his suit. From what information it could glean, Aemilio could understand that it was poised to fire into the ensuing battle in space and more.

He was given pause though, with his hand poised above the controls.

Why should I save them?

They’re afraid of us.

Always have been.

We can fight the same enemies on the same battlefields. Bleed and die, side by side, and they still think of us as the enemy. These Alliance, and Silver Jedi… They distrust us. No matter what happens on the field, it’s ingrained in them to hate us.

They’re hypocrites.

We saved them from the tyranny of the Sith Empire, and now we save them from the genocidal monsters of the Bryn’adul, and what do we get in return?

Ignored? Wary gazes?

It was always them that initiated conflict on the Imperial, these ‘Republics, Senators, and Jedi’ that supposedly fight for Good. For the Light.

But this time,

The Imperial will fire first.

This time, for them,

it will be justified.

The invaders had already calibrated the weapon systems for adjusting to the rotation of Circumtore's celestial body. All he had to do was fire.

Looking up from the console, he saw the dead. His men, led here to this point. They fought under the pretense of aiding and saving the Silvers didn't they? I'm betraying them if I fire this weapon.

They followed you from Ravelin to wherever the feth we are now. They'll still follow you after it all.

The voice was foreign, yet familiar. Comfortable, even.

Blinking his eyes back into focus, he saw that the thick blood was dripping onto the console. His hand slammed down, sure of purpose. The sensation in the air shifted. Even below his bodyglove in his enviro sealed suit, he could feel that his hairs were trying to lift.

There was silence.

With this, I can deal a blow to two threats before Total War can take root.

And then the superheated spike launched out from its tube into space.

The death toll will be great, on both sides, he was certain.

Civilian losses meant nothing to him here. There were no Imperials on the artificial ring. And so, there would be no casualties at all. Meaningful ones, anyway.

<<Move to the Evac point. We're done here.>>

He ascended the cable out of the command room a few moments later. Gaze tracking through space above, he eyed the receding form of the superheated metal spike deadset on its course to...

Aemilio Valaar...


Hero of the Empire.

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